ancient myth

Chapter 331 The truth of the story?

The atmosphere of the scene seemed weird.

For some reason, Wang Hao felt that the sunlight suddenly became dazzling. He squinted his eyes subconsciously, and his face became serious.

"But listen to the seniors!"

After a while, taking a deep breath, Wang Hao said respectfully.

What is owed must always be repaid.This is true.The Emperor's family is also qualified to ask themselves to repay something.

Wang Hao didn't have any dissatisfaction.As he said before, he is willing to take it.

"Emperor Phoenix is ​​very good."

Taking a deep look at Wang Hao, the patriarch of the Di family grinned.

The simple words seemed to contain infinite information, which made Wang Hao's heart skip a beat.As if he had guessed something, his expression became exciting.

He looked at the old man in front of him strangely.If Dihua hadn't brought him here just now, if Dihuang and Ye Wanyun hadn't been here before, even Wang Hao would have suspected that the person standing in front of him was really the patriarch of the Di family?

"As I said just now, the Ye family's old man is not authentic. Jiu Wubai's shameless little one is also not sensible."

Glancing at Wang Hao, whose expression had changed, the patriarch of the Di family suppressed the anger welling up in his heart, and snorted.

If it wasn't for this kid's face, he could vaguely see a shadow that he was familiar with back then, how could he stand here and say nonsense: "Don't you think Dihuang is not good?"

"it is good!"

How dare Wang Hao say no?

What's more, if you really put aside the previous conflicts between yourself and Dihuang, this young lady of the Di family, no matter in terms of appearance, identity, or heart, can be regarded as a very good woman.

"That's fine. Wang Tian asked you to pay back what he owed. Back then, he abducted the jewel of my Emperor's family. Now it's fair to leave his 'son' to my Emperor's family!"

The emperor's patriarch sneered.

"I have a marriage contract with Wan Yun!"

Wang Hao smiled wryly.

The speculation in his heart became reality, and Wang Hao suddenly felt a little absurd.Even, he looked at the eyes of the ancestor of the emperor's family with a trace of suspicion.

Wang Hao never thought that he had the legendary domineering aura that could really make the world submit to him.What did the patriarch of the emperor's family see in him?

If we say what happened in the Ye family back then, it was because of the unknown bond between the Ye family and the Dongsheng Pavilion, and because the life and death book made Wang Hao and the Ye family bond, so the last paper Marriage words.Wang Hao didn't think he had anything that could really attract the attention of the ancestors of the emperor's family.

It was the first time we met today, and the patriarch of the Di family made such a request, which was really surprising.

Jiu Wubai's joking words on that day seem to be coming true at this moment.This also made Wang Hao couldn't help thinking more.

Maybe the patriarch of the emperor's family is still hiding something?

"The old Ye family is not a thing. I don't care what happens between you. This matter is settled like this." As if he hadn't noticed Wang Hao's changing face, the ancestor of the Di family waved his hand: "You can get out, this time I will arrange this matter. You have no reason to refuse. When will the debtors have room for negotiation? If the Ye family is not convinced, you let them come to talk to me.

In addition, bring this kid over to find me tomorrow.The radishes have just been harvested, and the vacant land always needs to be plowed again!Otherwise, Little Phoenix can let me have a good life? "

Speaking of this, the patriarch of the emperor family raised his hand, and suddenly, a domineering force exploded out of thin air.

There was no room for Wang Hao and Zhou Shan's reaction at all, they were thrown out of the courtyard directly, and then the courtyard door was closed tightly.

The slightly embarrassed Wang Hao and Zhou Shan looked at each other for a moment.

This patriarch of the emperor family is really...

"I didn't ask anyone to arrange another courtyard. Today, you will live in Xiaofenghuang's courtyard. The courtyard is quite big, and it's not bad!"

Before Wang Hao could open his mouth to say something, the voice of the ancestor of the Emperor's family came again from the courtyard.

"Master, the master asked me to come and take you to Miss's other courtyard!"

At the same time as the voice of the ancestor of the emperor's family came, there was another burst of respectful voices behind Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.

It turned out that at some point, there was already a figure in a green shirt waiting here.

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Hao's endless helplessness and doubts finally turned into a sigh, and followed the man in front of him to the distance.

Fortunately, meeting today is not the only opportunity.

Perhaps, in the next period of time, when I stay in the Emperor's family, I will have many opportunities to get in touch with this extremely distinguished ancestor of the Emperor's family?

With this thought in his mind, Wang Hao felt a little comforted.

There is no rush!It is not that there is no room for maneuver.


"The little guy back then has grown so big!"

At the same time as Wang Hao was leaving, in the small courtyard with the closed gate, the ancestor of the emperor's family seemed to think of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On Wang Hao's face, he seemed to see a gradually blurred shadow deep in his memory.

Time really flies by.

That kid didn't let that woman down, nor did he let these old guys down.

"A three-pronged approach! Body training, Qi training, and soul training? The ambition is not small!"

With the strength of the ancestor of the emperor's family, it seems that it is not difficult to see through Wang Hao's current situation at a glance.

What's more, he didn't just look at Wang Hao now.Before Wang Hao came to the emperor's house, how much news about Wang Hao had already reached the ears of this seemingly rude patriarch of the emperor's family?More or less, Wang Hao's double practice of refining Qi and refining soul is something that many people in the spirit world know.

It's body training... It's really surprising.

Perhaps only such a person is worthy to be that woman's son?

After the ancestor of the emperor's family was amazed, he did not feel too much surprise and shock.

It seems that all this makes sense.

"Damn~ he~ mother's Ye family is not dead!"

"Damn~he~mother's correcting Wubai! And that shitty Wang Tianwen!"

But, thinking about it, I don't know why the ancestor of the emperor's family couldn't help but yell.


Filling the air, the dissatisfied scolding sound had not yet fallen, and a cold snort came at the same time.

The closed door on the side of the small courtyard was opened, and two figures slowly walked into the courtyard.

The silver-haired old man at the head had a grim look on his face.

If Wang Hao was still here at this moment, he would definitely be surprised.

Because, who is the elder who is the leader, if not the ancestor of the Ye family?As for the other was the man who rescued Wang Hao and his party at the outskirts of the Tianxuan Mountain Range that day.

This is really a shocking thing.

In particular, who in the spirit world could believe that the old ancestor who had not left the Ye family for many years actually came to the emperor's house?Who would dare to believe that the patriarch of the Emperor's family knew that this person from the Ye family was here, but he still yelled blatantly?

"I said, you'd better not say that sentence to me! As for Jiu Wubai? You can scold me however you like, it doesn't matter to me! There is also that Wang Tianwen. What does he really owe your Di family?"

After snorting coldly, the ancestor of the Ye family spoke expressionlessly.

"I just said, you are not convinced? Hit me?"

The patriarch of the Di family glared at the patriarch of the Ye family arrogantly, showing no sign of weakness.

The two ancestors of the two families, whose combined age is unknown, were immediately in such an inconspicuous small courtyard, staring at each other like fighting cocks, their eyes rubbing sparks in the air.

So much so that behind the two of them, the middle-aged man seemed to be ignored.

"Hmph! I don't care about you. Hehe...You old bastard, it's smart to want to monopolize that kid! You gave him the little girl in your family and signed a marriage contract. Do you think you Can you succeed? The book of life and death should belong to the Dongsheng Pavilion, and you have paid so much favor for it.

Do you think you have the means?You have a little girl in your family, but mine doesn’t? "

I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, but the dull atmosphere was finally broken.

The patriarch of the emperor's family curled his lips, revealing a smug expression.

This made the ancestor of the Ye family look even more ugly.

How could the patriarch of the Ye family not have heard what the old guy said to Wang Hao before?

However, he seemed to think of something, and his expression changed, but he never refuted anything.It seems to have acquiesced in the decision of the emperor's ancestors.However, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "When it comes to being shameless, I can't compare to you. It really tells a good story! I don't know how that kid will feel when he knows the truth one day?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the face of the ancestor of the Ye family.

"Ahem... Is the story I told a lie? Didn't the jewel in the palm of my emperor's family die because of this incident? Some details, I am old, my memory is not good, and some mistakes are inevitable. This is harmless .At the very least, what I will know is almost the same. The last tail, I didn’t say it. That’s because if I say it now, it will only kill him! As for what my Emperor’s family needs to repay? We will naturally repay it!”

The patriarch of the emperor's family rolled his eyes, raised his head and said, with a righteous face.

This made the ancestor of the Ye family even more contemptuous.However, he seemed to have acquiesced in the last words of the emperor's ancestor.

Although the old Di's family is a bit shameless, but the final ending of the story, what they know, is really not suitable to say now.Unless one day, this piece of sky really changes.Or Wang Hao has enough energy to fight against Xishan Guan's family!At that time, they will naturally say.

Even Xishan Guan's family couldn't resist, so they told Wang Hao about it, if it wasn't for him to die, what else?This is what the woman meant back then.

"This time, my Emperor's family owes you a favor!"

Seeing that the old Ye family had nothing to say, the patriarch of the Di family withdrew his complacent eyes, looked at the middle-aged man beside him and nodded.

"Give him back the favor!"

The man looked at the sky in the distance and sighed.

The so-called him in the mouth, the ancestors of the Di family and the ancestors of the Ye family knew it well.But he never said any more polite words.

"The Guan family really has their eyes on this kid?"

The patriarch of the Di family frowned and looked towards the patriarch of the Ye family.

"You know the situation on Triple Mountain. The sky has started to change, and there are always some things that cannot be concealed. At the beginning, the Guan family had doubts. Over the years, has the Guan family really let go of this matter? Returning without defeat, the rebuilding of the Dongsheng Pavilion itself is a very suspicious thing! Although the passage in the Triple Mountain is very unstable, if you are willing to spend your life, you can always bring some news to people!"

There was a trace of worry between the eyebrows of the Ye family patriarch, and he said in a deep voice.

No one will know that this is the real reason why he appeared here this time.

Xishan Guan family, that family that has not made a sound for a long time, but the Ye family and the Di family dare not underestimate the family, perhaps, will soon begin to show their terror!

The spiritual world that was about to fall into turmoil, how big a wave will it be?

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