ancient myth

Chapter 347 Returning to Rising Dragon Peak

Rising Dragon Peak.

In the early morning, when the golden sun shines, the entire mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, turning into a piece of gold, the cold wind blows, and the clouds and mist roll, like a dream.

On the top of the mountain, in that huge square, there are crowds of people surging at the moment. 99 battle drums stand around the square, adding a touch of grandeur.

The Eastern Wilderness Grand Competition is about to start today, the arrogance of the spirit world gathers here, the scene is so lively!

"Have you heard? The passage in Sanchong Mountain has become bigger again. Now many people have entered the Eastern Wilderness!"

"If it wasn't for participating in the Eastern Wilderness Competition this time, maybe I would also like to go to the Eastern Wilderness to have a look!"

"I heard that there is a wild land over there. If I wait for the past, won't it be like a god descending?"

Groups of young people gathered together, talking one after another.Among them, the most talked about is nothing more than the matter on the side of Sanchong Mountain.

The triple mountain was shattered, the barrier was cracked, and a passage appeared.A brand new world is about to appear before our eyes. How can passionate young people not be excited and looking forward to it?

It's a pity that now that the Eastern Wilderness Grand Competition has started, these people can only look at the seniors around them, or the elders heading towards Sanchong Mountain, and they will inevitably feel a little disappointed in their hearts.

"However, it is said that there will be a great opportunity for this Eastern Wilderness Competition. I haven't seen the arrogance of the seven major forces, but whoever meets the regulations, will come here with all their strength?"

In that lost atmosphere, someone suddenly said.


These words made the crowd boil.

That's right!

A few days ago, there was news that this Eastern Wilderness Competition will open up a small world, and there will be great opportunities.It is said that the opportunity will be unprecedented.

This made the people who gathered here have endless expectations.

What kind of opportunity will be coming?

"Unfortunately, no matter how great the opportunity is, I'm afraid it is destined to have nothing to do with us. The disciples of the seven major forces are eyeing us, how can it be our turn?"

After the excitement, someone couldn't help but sigh.

In the spirit world, there are countless talents, but if you really want to say, who is the top talent?It also depends on the people of the Seven Great Influences.

Those geniuses are unparalleled in the world.

"There are also Emperor Family and Zhan Family!"

When it comes to the seven major forces, naturally, these two families that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the seven major forces cannot be missed.

"I heard that the family from Xishan is also here this time?"

Among the crowd, someone mentioned the Xishanguan family.The scene became a little cooler.

Subconsciously, someone looked towards the front of the square.

Over there, the figures standing there made people fearful.During this period of time, the matter of Sanchong Mountain caused a lot of trouble in the spirit world.Besides, the biggest news is that the Guan family of Xishan will make a strong comeback.

This family that has been passed down for thousands of years has always been extremely low-key.If it weren't for the incident that happened some time ago, many people would have forgotten them in the corner.

However, after that incident, who would dare to underestimate this family?

This is a family that even patrol angels dare to fight against, this is the family that beheaded a patrol angel!

Now, no one would be surprised to say that their status is comparable to that of the Ye family and the Di family today.

"There is also the East Holy Pavilion!"

In the slightly dull atmosphere, a faint voice came.


These words made the scene even more dead silent.

Dongsheng Pavilion, Wang Hao!

When thinking of Dongsheng Pavilion, people subconsciously think of Wang Hao.That is the man who has a marriage contract with Miss Ye's family.That is the man who controls the book of life and death.That is the man in the Tianxuan Cave, with endless scenery, who has won the inheritance of the saint!

Who dares to say that Wang Hao is not the top talent in the spiritual world?

After experiencing the experience of Tianxuandongtian, Wang Hao's name is not inferior to the top talents of the top forces.

"I heard that half a month the Profound Sky Mountain Range..."

I don't know how long it was quiet, someone glanced at the place in front of where the disciples of Tianxuan Sword Sect gathered, and said in a low voice.

During this period of time, the change of the Triple Mountain should be the biggest event in the spiritual world.Immediately after that was the comeback of the Xishanguan family!As for the great changes in the Profound Sky Mountain Range?Although it did not bring such a huge impact, it was enough to make countless people tremble with fear.

The Tianxuan Sword Sect, the leader of the seven great powers in the spiritual world, attacked the Dongsheng Pavilion.What shocking news is this?The name of the Tianxuan Sword Sect is that the Dongsheng Pavilion is too deceitful, stealing the Tianxuan Sword Sect's elixir and pills, and killing the Tianxuan Sword Sect's disciples.

In the face of this great change, how many people gloated at other people's misfortunes, waiting to see a good show, waiting for the destruction of the Dongsheng Pavilion.However, no one thought that Dongsheng Pavilion would hold on.

No one thought that Tianjian City would openly betray Tianxuan Jianzong and return to the camp of Dongsheng Pavilion.At this time, someone remembered what was the relationship between Tianjian City and Dongsheng Pavilion when it was not Tianjian City!Some people of the older generation even remembered what kind of relationship that woman from the Nangong family has with Jiu Wubai!

Not only the Nangong family led Tianjian City to stand in the camp of the East Sacred Pavilion, but also the Emperor's family and the Ye family helped each other, and then Baihuagu and the Temple of Gods and Demons appeared on the East Sacred Pavilion!

The gathering of forces from all sides abruptly shattered the plan of the Tianxuan Sword Sect and set off a violent storm.If it hadn't been for the start of the Eastern Wilderness Competition, no one knows how far this matter will develop.

Even today, it is said that the Tianxuan Mountain Range is still full of chilling atmosphere.

How many people hiding in the dark in the spirit world were stunned by this storm?

Now speaking of Dongsheng Pavilion, when it comes to this matter, how many people can calm down?


In addition to the seven major forces and the emperor family, Ye family and Guan family, how can Dongsheng Pavilion be underestimated now?

Unknowingly, Dongsheng Pavilion has an unparalleled status in the spiritual world.

Realizing this, the people present felt incredible!A sect that no one knew about half a year ago has reached such a height in a short period of time. This is really... unprecedented.

"If it's someone from Dongsheng Pavilion, they're really here. There's a good show to watch!"

After sighing, thinking of the current situation, many people showed a trace of expectation on their faces.This time, the Eastern Wilderness Competition seems destined to be extraordinary.

"Look! It's the emperor's warship coming!"

Just when everyone had different thoughts, suddenly the clouds and mist rolled in the distance, and in the golden light, a huge warship came by the wind.

On the first part of the warship, a logo of the emperor's family is particularly eye-catching.

People from Jincheng Emperor's family came in a war boat. Many people were surprised by the great skill.It should be noted that the emperor's warship has rarely appeared in history.Every time it appears, the Patriarch of the Di Family comes in person. Could it be that the Patriarch of the Di Family has come to Shenglong Peak this time?

In the gaze of those lines of sight, the warship stopped in the sky in front of Shenglongfeng Square.

brush brush...

The next moment, under the gaze of countless gazes, one after another figures jumped off the battle boat.

"Dihua, Dihuang, Tian, ​​and people from the Ye family! No wonder the emperor's warship was dispatched this time, and the emperor's family and Ye family's Tianjiao came together!"

After seeing a few figures clearly, someone whispered.

"Heaven! Not only the members of the Emperor's family and the Ye family, but also... that is... Wang Hao! Wang Hao of the East Sage Pavilion, besides him, there are other people in the East Sage Pavilion! Zhou Shan of the East Sage Pavilion... ..."

However, before people could calm down, the several figures that they saw clearly immediately made many people's eyes widen.

It's fine that the Emperor's family and Ye's family appeared together.After all, everyone knows that in the spirit world, the relationship between the Emperor's family and the Ye family is extraordinary!But now, the people from Dongsheng Pavilion came with them by boat, what does this mean?

The scene in front of him is enough to arouse the imagination of countless people!

At the front of the square, watching this scene, the expressions of everyone in Tianxuan Sword Sect changed greatly, and the pupils of Elder Zuo and Qu Yanhe, who led the team, shrank even more.

During this period of time, the relationship between Tianxuan Sword Sect and Dongsheng Pavilion was no secret.How many people ridiculed their Tianxuan Sword Sect for a small East Sacred Pavilion to make the Tianxuan Sword Sect return without success?How much has the luck of their sect been affected by this?

As for Dongsheng Pavilion, Elder Zuo and Qu Yanhe, who had already hated to the bone, were murderous.

Apart from the Hundred Flowers Valley and the Temple of Gods and Demons, the emperor's family and the Ye family were responsible for all these consequences!Now that members of the Di Family and Ye Family appear together with everyone from the Dongsheng Pavilion, is this a provocation to their Tianxuan Sword Sect?


Elder Zuo couldn't help but snorted lightly.

"Emperor's Family? Ye Family? Dongsheng Pavilion?"

Not far from Elder Zuo, an old man with a thin face squinted his eyes, a faint cold light flickered in his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the end, his eyes fixed on Wang Hao: "Is he Wang Hao?"

"Elder Guan, this person is Dongshengge Wang Hao."

Glancing at the thin old man, Qu Yanhe said hastily.

"It's an extraordinary temperament, what a pity!"

Elder Guan withdrew his gaze and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Elder Zuo, who was closest to Elder Guan, and Qu Yanhe looked at each other, and a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths!

They could sense the murderous intent faintly emanating from Elder Guan.


It's a pity that Wang Hao appeared here this time.

Because there is a way to heaven, he does not go, and there is no way to hell, but he will come!

Rising Dragon Peak?

very good!

At the beginning, Wang Hao started from here, formally stepped into the spirit world, and entered people's sight, and now let it all end here.

"Great mountains and rivers, but a good place to bury dead bones!"

Thinking of this, the smile on Qu Yanhe's face became intriguing.


The Emperor Family, Ye Family and Dongsheng Pavilion appeared at the same time, causing the scene to fall into a temporary turmoil.

In the midst of the gazing eyes and the whispering discussions, Wang Hao and his party walked directly towards the front of Shenglongfeng Square.

The Emperor family and the Ye family are qualified to stand at the forefront of the crowd.

As for Wang Hao?

Now, how could he be willing to fall behind?

What's more, the first time he came here, he noticed everyone in the Tianxuan Sword Sect.

Elder Zuo, Qu Yanhe!These are all old acquaintances.

When acquaintances meet, how can they not say hello?

Passing through the crowd, at this moment, Wang Hao went straight to where the Tianxuan Sword Sect was.

Soon, Wang Hao's actions were seen by those present.

For a while, the square suddenly fell silent, and the expressions of the people became more exciting.

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