ancient myth

Chapter 349 The Holy War Begins


Following Qu Yanhe's words, the square above Rising Dragon Peak completely exploded!

The Holy War is about to begin!And it's a jihad based on the luck of the sect!This really is the first time in the spiritual world for thousands of years.

How thrilling will that scene be?It's exciting just thinking about it.

People can't wait anymore.

"Hmph! See you on the ring then!"

Hearing the other party's promise, Wang Hao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Wang Hao was not surprised at all that Tianxuan Sword Sect would agree to his challenge!

Because, they have no reason to refuse!The Profound Sky Sword Sect cannot refuse!If they were rejected, how would the people of the world view them, and how much would the luck of the Tianxuan Sword Sect's sect change drastically?At this moment of turmoil in the world, the Tianxuan Sword Sect cannot afford such an accident!

Even if it wasn't at this juncture, Tianxuan Sword Sect had no reason to refuse!

After all, in their opinion, what is Dongsheng Pavilion?Isn't the thousand-year foundation of the Tianxuan Sword Sect not enough to crush the East Sacred Pavilion?

No matter how you look at it, this is a battle that the Tianxuan Sword Sect must win.

It's not just Wang Hao and Tianxuan Jianzong who are clearer, after the people present calm down, how can they not think of this?

Looking at Wang Hao, for a moment, someone showed sympathy.

Dongsheng Pavilion?Is it really going to be ruined this time?Wang Hao, the pride of heaven... What a pity!Still arrogant after all.

"Look, the patrol angels are here!"

The atmosphere of the scene was incomparable, and when one after another was staring at Wang Hao and the people in the Dongsheng Pavilion, there was a soft cry.

On the far horizon, a lone boat slowly approached.

On the lonely boat, there are three figures standing!

The patrol angel who presides over the Eastern Wilderness Competition is here!

This got everyone excited.

The arrival of the patrol angels not only means that the Eastern Wilderness Competition is about to start, but also means that the Holy War will begin first.

Under people's gaze, the lone boat quickly came to the sky above the square.

Who is the leader, if not Dong Chen, who was rumored to have been severely injured by the Guan family on the Western Mountain that day?Not only him, but also two other middle-aged men with extremely extraordinary bearing.Presumably these are the other two patrol angels!

Obviously, it is very clear that the members of the Guan family have also come here this time, and the patrol angels are not careless.

Faintly, standing on the lone boat in the sky, he glanced at the people in the arena. Dongchen's eyes seemed to be fixed on the Guan family, and his pupils shrank.

The old man headed by the Guan family who also felt this look showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth.

Patrol Angel?In the minds of countless people in the spiritual world, there is a high and invincible existence, but the people of the Guan family don't take it seriously.

"Anyone want a jihad?"

Seeing the sarcasm on the mouth of the old man of the Guan family, Dongchen's eyes flashed coldly, he took a deep breath, and asked with a blank expression.

"I, Tianxuan Sword Sect, accept the challenge of Dongsheng Pavilion, and carry out holy war in the name of the sect!"

Zuo Zhiqiu said loudly.

The atmosphere in the venue was suddenly solemn.

"East Sacred Pavilion and Tianxuan Sword Sect?"

Dong Chen frowned, looking at Wang Hao and the others in front of Elder Zuo, there was a hint of depth in his eyes.


Dong Chen still said with a blank expression.


The words fell, but seeing Dongchen's wrist shake, a black shadow shot out from his hand in an instant.


The two men behind Dongchen jumped down, came to the center of the square, and said loudly.

clap la la...

The jihad is imminent, the arena will be out, and the field will be cleared.

Using the range drawn by those two figures as the boundary, the crowd on the square receded towards the surroundings one after another.


That is to say, as the crowd receded in all directions, the black shadow Dongchen shot before began to enlarge, and finally turned into a terrifying arena, slowly descending towards the open space!

The roar shook, and the whole earth trembled faintly.

The huge arena is filled with a magnificent atmosphere.

This is the arena controlled by the patrolling angels. All the challenges of the Eastern Wilderness Competition have been launched on this arena.It is said that the arena itself is an extremely powerful magic weapon!

"On both sides of the jihad, each faction chooses five people to stand out! Donghuang Grand Competition, you all know the rules of previous challenges! You are not allowed to participate in the realm of the gods. Under the gods, the younger generation can show themselves! Five battles three Winning, the winner will be recognized by the Dao of Heaven! The party that loses the Holy War will lose the opportunity to enter the Eastern Wilderness Grand Competition. At the same time, in the next three years, the opportunity of the Dao of Heaven will be deprived, and the resources allocated by the sect will be lost by the winner receive!"

Glancing at the Dongsheng Pavilion and the people of the Tianxuan Sword Sect, Dongchen said slowly.


Everyone in Dongsheng Pavilion and Tianxuan Sword Sect responded quickly.

This is holy war!

Moreover, this time also joined the competition for luck.

Three victories out of five!Listening to Dong Chen's words, Wang Hao also let out a long breath.

It seems that what I expected was correct, the news about the ancestors of the Di family and the ancestors of the Ye family was correct.

To win three out of five battles, you only need to send five people to fight.

If you can win three games in a row, you don't even need to play the last two games!This is why the patriarchs of the Di family and the Ye family concluded that after seeing the strength of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan that day, the Dongsheng Pavilion had a lot to do in this Eastern Wilderness Competition.This is also the reason why Wang Hao dared to carry out the jihad.

Otherwise, if it is a battle of numbers, Dongsheng Pavilion Wanwan is not the opponent of Tianxuan Sword Sect.

"Zhou Shan, come to the first battle!"

After the rules were announced and the jihad began, Wang Hao withdrew his thoughts and said to Zhou Shan.

Following Wang Hao's words, Zhou Shan walked directly towards the ring.

"Hmph! Zhou Shan? Very good! Since that's the case, you will go up! The glory of the sect, there is no room for loss!"

Seeing Zhou Shan on the stage, Elder Zuo said directly to Yan Bushi.


Hearing Elder Zuo's words, the man known as the strict and unabashed man jumped up to the high platform.

"Strictly speaking, it turned out to be him!"

"The person who ranks second on the Tianxuan Sword Sect Hidden Dragon Ranking!"

"It is said that this strict talent is outstanding. I didn't expect Tianxuan Sword Sect to let him play as soon as he made a move. It seems that this is going to completely crush the East Sacred Pavilion!"

"Zhou Shan's talent is very strong, and his strength is also said to be very strong! It's a pity that when he meets strict..."

As Yan Tan took the stage, many people in the crowd let out soft breaths.

Tianxuan Sword Sect, Yi Qianfan, is strict and honest, this is definitely the most outstanding disciple in the past two or three years.

Occupying the No. [-] and No. [-] on the Qianlong list is enough to see that the two are extraordinary.

Zhou Shan, it's over!Even, many people secretly sighed for Zhou Shan.


In front of the crowd, looking at Yan Bushi on the ring, Wang Hao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

What a pride!Just, what a pity!

If it was two months ago, or even a month ago, if Zhou Shan met Yan Bushi, it would have been a disaster, and there was almost no chance of winning.

But now?

Zhou Shan must win!

Wang Hao, who was well aware of Zhou Shan's situation, was not worried at all.

The show is about to begin!Glancing at the confident Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe, Wang Hao showed a playful expression on his face.


"Zhou Shan, I know you are very talented! But, you shouldn't challenge the majesty of my Tianxuan Sword Sect! You will lose today!"

The arena was filled with awe-inspiring spirit.

Looking at Zhou Shan who was on the ring, his face was expressionless.

As a disciple of Tianxuan Sword Sect, this is Yan Bushi's greatest pride!Now, someone wants to humiliate his pride?This is not allowed!


Thinking of this, Yan Bushi flicked his wrist and drew his long sword out of its sheath.

The sword light is cold and flickering.

The aura around him soared faintly, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Bushi showed a terrifying aura.

"Sure enough, it's the Sea of ​​Qi Nine Heavens!"

At the same time as exclamations came from around him, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

And it's not the usual Sea of ​​Qi Nine Heavens.

I'm afraid that this strictness has reached the late stage of Qi Sea Nine Heavens, right?It is worthy of being the second person on the Qianlong list.


While Wang Hao was feeling emotional, Zhou Shan remained expressionless.

Holding the sky-breaking stick in his hand, Zhou Shan's breath became icy cold.

Even though he had never used the Killing Domain, Zhou Shan was still filled with terrifying murderous intent at this moment.

Comprehend the way of destruction, even if you have never used supernatural powers, so what?The aura of destruction had penetrated deep into Zhou Shan's bone marrow.

"This sword is called Xue Beng! Accept it!"

Sensing Zhou Shan's breath, Yan Bu frowned.

It's so murderous!

Sure enough, Zhou Shan is not a good person this week.

How many killings does it take to develop this terrifying murderous aura?

Today, let him be strict and upright to do justice for the heavens and eradicate evildoers!

brush brush...

Dancing the long sword in his hand, Yan Bushi's figure seemed to disappear in place, and a terrifying sword intent instantly rolled around the ring, as if it was about to soar to the sky!

The sword light is towering, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal!

The terrifying sword shadows became one piece after another. For a moment, the monstrous sword shadows swept towards Zhoushan like a snow mountain avalanche.

It has to be said that this is an extremely subtle move.

The people around the arena, seeing such a scene, couldn't help being amazed!This kind of sword intent, this kind of sword move... is worthy of being the proud son of the Tianxuan Sword Sect!

Zhou Shan?

Before that sword intent, it was like an ant.

He is done!

"Eight Gates Dunjia!"

However, amidst everyone's sighs, and when the monstrous sword shadow swept over, Zhou Shan also moved.

He never backed down.

With a soft hum, the door was opened, and Zhou Shan's aura rose steadily again!

This guy doesn't intend to fight a stalemate at all.

Because it is strict and unworthy!


The moment those sword shadows swept in front of him, Zhou Shan, who was rushing head-on, swept out with the Heaven-breaking Stick in his hand.

The moves are not fancy at all, simple and unadorned, but full of boundless power.

At this moment, Zhou Shan is like an overlord coming, overwhelming the mountains and rivers!

"how is this possible……"

The wind howled, feeling Zhou Shan's explosive momentum, everyone in the arena widened their eyes.

People who thought that Zhou Shan was going to die just now felt like a dream at this moment.

This imposing not inferior to the strictness at all...

That murderous aura... made everyone feel like the sea of ​​blood was rolling!

The sound of the whistling wind was like the roar of hell demons...

Zhou Shan's strength...

"Ninth Heaven of Qi Sea! Not good! Be strict, be careful!"

Qu Yanhe and Zuo Zhiqiu, who were calm and even sneered just now, changed their expressions at the same time.


Zhou Shan's unskilled move made the two feel cold, and a sense of crisis swept over them.

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