ancient myth

Chapter 355

The people of Tianxuan Sword Sect are all crazy!

Three battles and three defeats, and two personal disciples fell.The holy war ended in defeat!

This made everyone feel like the sky was falling.Tianxuan Sword Sect fell into the abyss!

How can they be calm?

For a moment, the arena was filled with a chilling atmosphere.The war is imminent.

The whole square fell into chaos, how many people held their breath?


However, just as the war was about to break out, a figure flashed past and appeared in front of Elder Zuo and Qu Yanhe.

Patrol Angel Dongchen!

As the host of the Eastern Wilderness Conference, as the host of the Jihad, how could he let such a scene happen before his eyes?

"Dongchen, are you going to stop me?"

Elder Zuo looked at Dongchen and gritted his teeth.

"Don't forget the rules of the Eastern Wilderness Competition!"

Dong Chen looked indifferent.


While Dong Chen was speaking, the other two patrol angels flashed and stood with Dong Chen, blocking the progress of everyone in the Tianxuan Sword Sect!

Looking at the three figures in front of them, Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe's expressions changed for a while.

"If Tianxuan Sword Sect wants to fight, I will wait for the patrol angels to accompany me to the end!"

Dongchen added again.


With these words, the expressions of Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe changed drastically.

Patrol Angel!This existence made even the Tianxuan Sword Sect fear.

Although, some time ago, on the west mountain, a Patrol Angel was beheaded, and Dongchen was also severely injured, which pulled the Patrol Angel, who was originally high above, into the mortal world.Let the patrol angels no longer be so high above the sky.But, apart from the Guan family, who else would dare to fight so hard with the Patrol Angel?

Even if it was the Guan family, after that battle, the head of their family still hadn't stepped out of the West Mountain!

Why is this?

Because Patrol Angel is not just one or two people, it's a team, it's a mysterious organization!

Even if the Patriarch of the Guan family is powerful and unparalleled, he is not willing to tear face with the patrol angels immediately.

Not to mention the current Tianxuan Sword Sect?

Tianjian City betrayed, Emperor Family and Ye Family stared at each other, Dongsheng Pavilion grew rapidly... Baihua Valley and the Temple of Gods and Demons are about to move...

Unknowingly, Tianxuan Sword Sect fell into a situation surrounded by enemies.If it were to fight against the patrolling angels at this time, the Tianxuan Sword Sect would probably usher in a violent storm in an instant!Can Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe bear the consequences?


His expression was uncertain, and after a long time, Zuo Zhiqiu couldn't help cursing.

"Hmph! Today, I, the Profound Sky Sword Sect, admit defeat!"

Qu Yanhe took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said.

Now is not the time to tear faces with these patrolling angels.The world is about to change drastically, and becoming enemies with Patrolling Angel now will not do them the slightest benefit to the Tianxuan Sword Sect.

With a violent shake of their hands, Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe stopped the crazy disciples.

"Holy war, end. Dongsheng Pavilion wins! Tianxuan Sword Sect, leave Rising Dragon Peak. For the next three years, all resources will belong to Dongsheng Pavilion! Tianxuan Sword Sect's luck, please distribute it!"

Until everyone in Dongsheng Pavilion retreated, Dongchen exhaled softly, squeezed out a few talismans in his hands, and respectfully reported to the sky.


Following Dong Chen's voice, you landed, and at that moment, the wind and clouds surged on Shenglong Peak.

"This is……"

Wang Hao, Feng Yunqing, Wang Kun, Jing Fengyu, Zhou Shan, Li Tian, ​​Li Qingyu, all the people in the East Sacred Pavilion changed their expressions drastically at that moment.

Especially Wang Hao!

At this moment, Wang Hao only felt a surge of majestic energy pouring into his body.

How majestic is that energy?How terrible?

That's the luck of the sect!

"Wow... what a majestic sect's luck! Ah ha ha ha... this time we made a lot of money!"

Jin Shisan couldn't help laughing out loud.

As Dongchen reported to the heavens, and as the situation in Shenglong Peak surged, both Wang Hao and Jin Shisan could clearly feel that in the East Holy Pavilion, the luck of the sect had skyrocketed at this moment.

double, double...

It must be known that the Tianxuan Sword Sect has accumulated such a majestic luck for the sect for thousands of years?

In this battle, their luck was forcibly divided into the Dongsheng Pavilion.How much benefit will Dongsheng Pavilion get from this!

Even, at this moment, Wang Hao, Zhou Shan, and Jin Shisan all had to control their strength!

Especially Wang Hao and Jin Shisan, Wang Hao is the actual controller of the sect's luck, and Jin Shisan is the beast of the sect, the growth of the sect's luck has brought the greatest benefits to the two.

If it weren't for the suppression of strength, Wang Hao and Jin Shisan might have the urge to break through!

If so, Wang Hao could feel that his body-refining Bawangjue was running, and the eighth-level body-refinement heaven was rushing towards the ninth-level body-refinement heaven.

Unable to remember the excitement of Wang Hao and others, as members of Tianxuan Sword Sect, Zuo Zhiqiu and Qu Yanhe were ashamed at this moment.

While the luck of the East Sage Pavilion skyrocketed, the luck of the Tianxuan Sword Sect plummeted!

The two of them only felt the qi and blood in their bodies tumbling.


Finally, unable to bear such a scene anymore, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Zuo Zhiqiu's face turned pale.

"let's go!"

The jihad failed, and the opportunity to participate in the Eastern Wilderness Competition was lost. Would the Tianxuan Sword Sect continue to be ashamed by staying here?

All Zuo Zhiqiu could do was to leave this place with everyone.


Within the Profound Sky Mountain Range.

"God... what's going on..."

"The luck of the sect, how could it plummet!"

"Oh my god... our sea of ​​luck is shrinking rapidly..."

Above the Tianxuan Sword Sect, all the disciples were stunned and flustered that day.

Although as disciples, the luck of the sect had very little influence on them.However, at this moment, everyone can clearly feel the plummeting luck of the sect.

In the void, the originally boundless sea of ​​luck is constantly shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, it degenerated from the ocean to the sea, and from the sea to a lake...

In the end, less than three or four out of ten of the luck left by the Tianxuan Sword Sect...

If there were no Zongmen treasures and Zongmen beasts forcibly suppressing it, I am afraid that the condensed form of Zongmen's luck today would collapse in an instant.

Rao finally stabilized his form, but he was much weaker than before!The foundation of Tianxuan Sword Sect suffered turmoil.


On this day, how many disciples who were preparing to break through the retreat were greatly affected by this, and they spurted blood one after another!Their breakthroughs all ended in failure!

The impact of the sect's weakened fortune was fully revealed.

Even during the retreat, the Sect Master of Tianxuan Sword Sect, who had reached the final juncture, fell short this day.Years of hard work paid off!

The disciples were stunned, and the elders were all alarmed.Even the ancestors of the few sects who were hidden from the world were alarmed on this day and returned to the sect.

"Ahh... Dongsheng Pavilion, I, Tianxuan Sword Sect, will never die with them!"

"I want to tear Wang Hao's body into thousands of pieces!"

Inside the main hall of the East Sacred Pavilion, the gathered elders were hysterical.

These elders are aware of the jihad concerning the luck of the sect.In the current situation, do they still know what happened?

The Holy War has failed!

The weakening of the sect's luck is only the first step, and there are more disasters waiting for them.

The foundation of the sect is in turmoil, and the strength of the Tianxuan Sword Sect will decline in the next few years.Even the influence will extend to an infinitely long time in the future.

Unless the luck of the sect is restored!However, how long will it take for the sect's luck to return to its previous state?

It took them thousands of years for the Tianxuan Sword Sect to come to where they are now, and now they have returned to before liberation.

Without hundreds of years of accumulation...I'm's impossible to return to the peak.

Fortunately, the world is about to change.Perhaps this is their only chance.

After the madness, the elders in the hall quickly reached a consensus!

They just had to give it a go.

At the same time, everyone's hatred for Dongsheng Pavilion climbed to the peak.Dongsheng Pavilion, this time it has brought the Tianxuan Sword Sect a terrible blow!

to the opposite.

Inside the Dongsheng Pavilion, this day was full of joy.

Above the sky, the luck of the sect was tumbling, and the dragon roared.

The dragon, which was originally tens of feet long, suddenly grew to a length of nearly a thousand feet, covering the sky and covering the earth, majestic and majestic.

In the entire sect, spiritual energy surged, and all things worshiped.It really turned into a piece of blessed land on earth.I'm afraid that in the spiritual world, there are not many places of cultivation that can be compared with the current Dongsheng Pavilion.

Even within the small area of ​​Dongsheng Pavilion, there is such a terrifying sect luck, enough to make them the number one blessed place!

Dongsheng Pavilion takes off, just around the corner!

The people from the Nangong family who helped Wang Hao and others guard the East Sacred Pavilion looked at each other with the people from the Emperor's family and the Ye family!

"Hehehe... It seems that my little brother has done another amazing thing! Plundering the luck of the Tianxuan Sword Sect. Hehe... Interesting! I'm so envious!"

Su Mei from Baihua Valley, with a charming face, looked at the sect's luck surging in the sky, smiling all over her face.

"Now, just wait for them to return and thoroughly refine the sect's luck, the East Sacred Pavilion will become a real holy place!"

Patriarch Nangong said softly.There was a complicated look in his eyes.

How many juniors actually developed a sect to such an extent in a short period of time?Even Patriarch Nangong has to admire it.

At that time, that old guy should be back, right?

A gleam flashed in Nangong Patriarch's eyes.


Within the Profound Sky Mountain Range, there is hell on one side and heaven on the other.On the Rising Dragon Peak, at this moment, it fell into a dead silence.

The jihad failed, and the members of the Tianxuan Sword Sect left.

This is the first time in thousands of years that the Eastern Wilderness Grand Competition did not have all the seven major forces present!

This is the first time in thousands of years that Tianxuan Sword Sect is absent from the Eastern Wilderness Competition, right?

Especially this competition, it is said that it contains a great opportunity!

This... Dongsheng Pavilion is really against the sky.

God, it's about to change.

Could it be that from now on, Dongsheng Pavilion will really replace Tianxuan Sword Sect?

Countless people's hearts set off turbulent waves.

Looking at Wang Hao again, people's eyes became different.

There is admiration, awe, amazement, and of course unwillingness!

It is admirable that a small junior has led the sect to such a level!

The East Sacred Pavilion actually made the Tianxuan Sword Sect powerless to fight back during the holy war, which is frightening.

When did Dongsheng Pavilion become so powerful?

On this day, the names of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan once again shocked people's hearts.On this day, Li Qingyu, this fledgling name, was deeply engraved in everyone's hearts!

I believe that soon, the entire spiritual world will know that there is an extra genius girl in the Profound Sky Sword Sect!

With the power of the first level of Qi Sea, holding the book of life and death, he beheaded the direct disciple of the ninth level of Qi Sea of ​​the Profound Sky Sword Sect!This is destined to be a legend!

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