ancient myth

Chapter 368 The Nine Heavens of the Divine Mansion


After a long time, the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain cursed angrily with an ugly face.

"Hey...what's the matter? Shemale, not convinced? Want to do something to my brother? Or let's fight?"

Seeing the distraught Shengzi of Wanshou Mountain, Qiu Wudi sneered.

"By the way, what else is there, guys from Donghuang Academy and Daqin Academy, how about you? Are you going to be an enemy of my brother?"

Before Wanshoushan Shengzi could refute, Qiu Wudi blinked his eyes, and asked seriously, looking at the frowning Shengzi of Donghuang Academy and Daqin Academy.

The scene suddenly fell silent.


If it is possible, the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain would like to beat Qiu Wudi to death!

However, he dared not.

If it is said that the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain had absolute confidence just now, then he has no confidence at all now.

Who is Zhou Shan?The Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain is not so idiotic as to look down on Zhou Shan!

This is a person with a perfect spiritual vein, and his talent is no less than his own.How long has he been in the spirit world?In just a few months, Qi Sea Realm rushed into the Divine Palace Realm, how easy would it be for such a person?What's more, who in the spirit world doesn't know now, the two great talents of Dongsheng Pavilion, Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.Zhou Shan's methods are known for their cruelty and violence!

Everyone is new to the Divine Mansion Realm, and the Son of the Thousand Beast Mountain is not sure of victory!

As for the remaining saint sons of Dongsheng Pavilion and Daqin Academy?Don't forget, Qiu Wudi is watching, this bastard will definitely help Wang Hao.In addition, Wang Hao may wake up at any time!

Under such circumstances, if there is a real fight, the Son of Thousand Beast Mountain will not have the slightest chance of winning!

There are also the Saintess of Baihua Valley and the Saintess of Tianxue Pavilion sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.If they show up at that time...wouldn't it be cheaper for these two?The Son of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain didn't want to do this loss-making business.

For a while, the situation was deadlocked.

"Okay! Very good! Dongsheng Pavilion, do you think you can keep the inheritance of Emperor Ye? If people in the world know that Emperor Ye's inheritance is in Dongsheng Pavilion, Dongsheng Pavilion will not be far from being destroyed. What do you think? If you defeated the Tianxuan Sword Sect in the jihad, you will be invincible? After the death of the Tianxuan Sword Sect, the new and old grudges will be counted together, and they will be the first to let you perish!"

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain gritted his teeth and smiled angrily.

Then, he turned his head to look at Qiu Wudi: "Qiu Wudi! You are very good! This time, I will remember. Hmph! Do you think you and them are really brothers? Even if you think so, so what? What do you think? Emperor Ye’s inheritance, the Temple of Gods and Demons will not let it go!"

Speaking of this, the smile on the face of the Son of Ten Thousand Beasts grew wider.


The Holy Son can represent the sect!However, a sect does not only have one holy son.More importantly, in the face of absolute interests, what is the Holy Son?

It has to be said that the words of the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain made Qiu Wudi frowned.

"Get out! How I respond is my business! If you don't get out now, I don't mind throwing you down!"

The complexion changed for a moment, Qiu Wudi looked at the Son of the Thousand Beast Mountain coldly.

Why does the more he looks at this ladyboy, the more unhappy he becomes?Sure enough, this guy is not a good bird!

"You guys, wait!"

Being humiliated by this, the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain hummed with an ugly expression.

After the words fell, he shook his hands fiercely and walked down the mountain.

Now is not a good time to fight.At the foot of the mountain is a good place to fight.

There are quite a few people who have stepped into the Shenfu Realm this time.Would these people have no ambition at all?

Looking at the Holy Son of Donghuang Academy and Daqin Academy, the three of them made eye contact and quickly reached a tacit understanding!



Two hours later, with the disappearance of the divine light in the sky, Wang Hao, who was practicing, opened his eyes alternately.

Exhaling a foul breath, Wang Hao's eyes flickered at this moment.

"Second Heaven of the Divine Palace!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

That's right!

This day's divine light bath not only allowed Wang Hao to stabilize the realm of the first layer of the Shenfu, but also not only allowed Wang Hao's body to complete a transformation, but also made Wang Hao's strength to a higher level!

With the help of Chaos Divine Palace, Wang Hao's strength has been improved in all aspects.

Refining the body, refining the qi, refining the soul, all three practitioners, improving at the same time!In the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, the energy contained in it is really amazing!Thinking of how he had refined those energies before, the smile on Wang Hao's face grew stronger.

"Brother, are you really human! You have just stepped into the Divine Palace, and you are going to the next level of heaven, this..."

Until Wang Hao withdrew from the practice, Qiu Wudi, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried forward and looked at Wang Hao with a trace of jealousy on his face!

People are more mad than people!

Thinking of him as Qiu Wudi, he has a very invincible grandfather, and he is still the Holy Son of the Gods and Devils Palace. Where can he go without being looked up to by others?However, in front of Wang Hao, Qiu Wudi felt a little powerless.

"This guy is not human at all!"

Jin Shisan pouted, no matter how he looked at Wang Hao, he didn't like it.

I'm afraid Wang Hao is not just as simple as stepping into the Second Heaven of Shenfu, right?

Just the Divine Palace Realm of the three practitioners is against the sky.What's more, this guy still has two Dao Seeds and two Holy Dao Seeds...

Who knows how many benefits Wang Hao has gained this time!

"You kid is happy, now it's my turn! Young master, I have suppressed my strength so badly. Now I have to attack the Divine Palace Realm. Otherwise, wouldn't I be bullied by you kid for the rest of my life?"

Jin Shisan yelled in dissatisfaction.

After the words fell, before Wang Hao could answer, Jin Shisan sank directly into his cultivation.

In the past few days, it was obvious that because of the Tianxuan Sword Sect's victory in the jihad, the luck of the East Sacred Pavilion had undergone earth-shaking changes. Under normal circumstances, Jin Shisan had already stepped into the Shenfu Realm.Wasn't he trying to suppress it just to meet the opportunities in this small world, or to protect Wang Hao?The suppressed one was about to vomit blood.

Now Jin Shisan doesn't want to suppress it anymore.Otherwise, he will be stimulated to death by Wang Hao!

Seeing Jin Shisan sinking into cultivation, the aura of heaven and earth surged again, Wang Hao shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Alright! Just wait another day on this mountain! Give those people some time!"

After a while, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and sneered.

Although he was cultivating before, he never noticed what happened outside.

With the arrival of the Son of Wanshou Mountain and others, a great battle is imminent.Even at that time Wang Hao was ready to give up the plan to attack the Second Heaven of Shenfu.

If a war really breaks out, he will definitely make those guys pay the price.

Fortunately, Qiu Wudi did not let himself down!Fortunately, Baihua Valley is not bad.Otherwise, Wang Hao's path to breakthrough might be cut off.

So far the results are fine.

However, Wang Hao knew very well that this was just the beginning!

Emperor Ye's inheritance, how could those people give up so easily?

Just in time, let's see how many monsters and monsters want to compete for the inheritance they have obtained!

With the improvement of strength, Wang Hao's state of mind seems to be changing.Now he has no fear anymore!

Even though it is only the strength of entering the second level of Shenfu, if Wang Hao is willing to disregard the cost, there are really not many people who can kill him.It may not be useful for people from the third heaven of the Shenfu to come!

"Hey, brother, I just like your character! That's right, don't accept it? Then do it! I've been annoyed with that monster for a long time. I can kill him directly! There is also the holy son of Donghuang Academy. Not a good bird!"

Quickly comprehending what Wang Hao meant, Qiu Wudi's eyes lit up.

"Hee hee... Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for stepping into the Divine Mansion Realm. The people at the bottom of the mountain, Fellow Daoist, may not be afraid now. But once you leave this small world, I'm afraid it will be the beginning of the real crisis!"

However, before Qiu Wudi could fully imagine the beautiful scene, the saintess of Baihua Valley, who was still here, couldn't help reminding.

These words made Wang Hao and the others frowned at the same time.

Leaving the small world of the Eastern Wilderness and returning to the spirit world...

At that time, the fact that I have obtained Emperor Ye's inheritance will definitely set off a huge wave!I don't know how much trouble it will cause if I am innocent and pregnant with crime.

The book of life and death at the beginning caused endless troubles, but now Emperor Ye's inheritance...

As the saint of Baihua Valley said, the crisis will only begin at that time!

"Afraid of a ball! If you don't accept it, do it! If you have the ability, let them come! There are many of them, and there are few people who bully us? My God and Demon Palace is there to watch? Don't think that I am just the Son of God! If I am willing, God The Demon Palace wiped out those bastards in minutes!"

Qiu Wudi stared and sneered.

He is confident.Maybe there will be some troubles in the process, but that's not a problem!Don't forget, I have an invincible grandfather and a not weak father, do you really think they are all dead?

"Yes! If those people are shameless, my Emperor family and Ye family are not just putting it on!"

As soon as Qiu Wudi finished speaking, another voice came.

Amidst that sound, several figures rushed to the top of the peak.

Who is it if it's not Dihua, Ye Wudao, or Ye Zhidao?

The three of them also completed their transformation and rushed to the top of the peak immediately.Originally, when they heard the arrival of the Son of the Thousand Beast Mountain and others, they were worried.It now appears that their worries were unnecessary.

Just in time to hear Qiu Wudi's words, the three of them who stepped into the Divine Mansion Realm changed their moods, and they looked disdainful at this moment.

The seven top forces in the spiritual world are very powerful, but are the Ye family and the Di family inferior to them?Who dares not to put the Ye family and the Di family in their eyes?

Now, what is the relationship between Wang Hao and the Ye family and the Di family?I'm afraid those guys don't know yet, right?It's time for the world to see something clearly.

"Okay! It's enough for the brothers from the Ye family and the Di family to express their opinions!"

Qiu Wudi laughed out loud as if he had been spat with chicken blood.

He wished he could rush down the mountain now, kill that transgressive, and then go out of the small world of the Eastern Wilderness to kill those old guys with ulterior motives!

It has to be said that Qiu Wudi's appearance of eagerness to try at this moment makes people really not know what to say.


Half a day later, Jin Shisan successfully stepped into the Shenfu Realm, and the thunder disaster descended.

One day, the divine light disappeared, and Wang Hao and his party gathered on the peak began to walk down the mountain!

In addition to Ye Wudao, Ye Zhidao, Dihua, Qiu Wudi, Jin Shisan and Zhou Shan, as well as the Saintess of Baihua Valley and the Saintess of Tianxue Pavilion who were watching the show, there were more Li Qiye in Wang Hao's team this day. The sky is peaceful and the wind is clear!These two people from the East Sacred Pavilion survived the thunder calamity without any danger, and successfully stepped into the Shenfu Realm. This team, even if placed in the spirit world, is terrifying enough!This is where Wang Hao's confidence lies!

Time to leave.

There was a sneer on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

He was looking forward to it. What kind of means did those guys at the foot of the mountain prepare for themselves?

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