ancient myth

Chapter 37

"This is... a cultivation technique?"

Putting away the Wuchen sword and looking into the box again, Wang Hao saw a simple scroll of sheepskin.

"Sky-penetrating eyes!"

When the parchment was opened, Wang Hao gasped when he saw the three characters in front of him.

What a domineering name, what a powerful brushwork!The simple three words seem to reveal endless momentum, which makes people's hearts shake!

And the content is even more shocking.

Tongtianyan, to be precise, can be classified as a martial skill.But it is different from martial arts.To put it simply, this is a martial skill for cultivating eyesight.

Once cultivated to the limit, one can see through ten thousand dharmas and see through the sky with one glance.At a glance, everything crawls!

"What a mysterious ability! Huang rank? Xuan rank? Earth rank? No! This is definitely a heaven rank technique!"

After a long time, putting away the parchment, Wang Hao's complexion was blushing and he was agitated.

Wang Hao didn't know if there were any cultivation methods and martial arts that surpassed the heavenly level in this world.If there is, this sky-reaching eye has even surpassed the level of the sky!

After all, the way of heaven is strange, and all laws are mysterious.How terrifying is it to be able to see through the power of ten thousand laws?

Even if you haven't cultivated to the extreme, you can still see through many things!During the battle, if one can see through the opponent's moves, then in the case of equal strength, one is already invincible!

If such a skill is placed outside, it will definitely attract countless people to compete, making it crazy, right?

No wonder my father left such a seal!

Wuchen sword!Eyes all over the sky!No wonder it made Wang Tianyang and others feel shameless!

Unfortunately, they all belong to Wang Hao now!

This made Wang Hao feel extremely excited!

"Look again!"

Having obtained the second treasure, Wang Hao looked into the wooden box again.

"Storage space?"

Inside the wooden box, lay a simple and unsophisticated ring quietly.

As Wang Hao put this ring on, a feeling of flesh and blood was born spontaneously, and that ring actually blended into Wang Hao's skin.

With the blood as a guide, the storage space after recognizing the master reappeared in Wang Hao's thought.

Concentrating his thoughts on it, Wang Hao suddenly felt that he had come to a brand new world.

"Big space!"

Even if Wang Hao was prepared, he couldn't help but marvel.

In this world, magic weapons are extremely exquisite, and storage space is something that countless people want.

Ordinary storage space, but it can accommodate two to three hundred catties, is already worth a lot.It is said that those first-class storage spaces can only accommodate ten thousand catties, and they are priceless!And this storage space is enough to hold a million catties, how crazy is it?

"It's really a good thing! Originally, I wanted to buy such a treasure with Taiyou money. I didn't expect to have it now!"

Returning to his thoughts, Wang Hao looked at the storage space that disappeared without a trace, and a smile filled the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

The three treasures, up to now, can be said to have satisfied Wang Hao very much.This is all he needs!

"Huh? One more thing? What is this?"

However, when Wang Hao glanced over the wooden box and saw a pitch-black sign lying inside, he couldn't help being stunned!

It was cold to start with, it was half the size of a palm, the whole body was pitch black, and it was extremely heavy.It is engraved with exquisite and mysterious lines, and at first glance, there is a feeling of being trapped in it.

Quickly retracting his gaze, Wang Hao's eyes were serious.

"It should be a waist card, which seems to represent something. Could it be related to my father's death and my mother's identity?"

Wang Hao didn't know why his father died in the first place!No one knows who his mother is!Even Wang Hao didn't know who strangled his spiritual seed to death.

Among them, there are too many secrets hidden, and Wang Hao has endless doubts.

Now, this strange waist card appeared among the relics left by his father.Maybe it was what my father wanted to tell me?Intuition told Wang Hao that this waist card is very important.

But, who can help Wang Hao solve his doubts?

"How long has the familiar sword energy been?"

However, what Wang Hao didn't know was that when he opened the wooden box and refined the Wuchen Sword, not far from his room, in Uncle Zhou's room, the sound of snoring had already quietly fallen.

In the darkness, a pair of cloudy eyes flashed a gleam, and murmured softly.


"Perhaps Ty has the money to give me some answers?"

Want to ask Wang Tianyang?It is impossible!He doesn't necessarily know!In the Wang family, perhaps no one can give him the answer.

The only possibility is Tai Youqian, an extraordinary guy.

Given the size of the Wandan Pavilion, maybe they know a lot of news?

Putting away the token and temporarily suppressing his heavy heart, Wang Hao's eyes changed.

"Now, first refine the power of the dragon!"

After a while, temporarily suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Wang Hao put away the wooden box and murmured.

Since you can't get the answer you want, even if you get the answer, you can't do anything right now.In front of Wang Hao, there is only one way, which is to improve his strength!

It is said that the seal of the city lord is a spiritual treasure created thousands of years ago by Emperor Ye when he established the country with the bones of a dragon and a ray of power from a dragon.After that, Emperor Ye fell, and the world fell apart.However, the seal of the city lord has been passed down to this day.Those who beat the drums ten times can get the dragon soul keel activated in the seal of the city lord, and get the inheritance of the power of the dragon!Once refined, the harvest will be rich!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao sat cross-legged.

The Great Sun Yin Qi Jue was in operation, and the spiritual energy from the outside world poured into the body, and was refined into strands of pure vitality, which flowed in the tendons.

As the energy converges, when it reaches the limit, Wang Hao guides this energy towards the place where the Chaos Spirit Seed is located, and finally merges into the Spirit Seed.

In the deepest part of the spirit seed, that majestic energy suddenly vibrated under the excitation of vitality!


Suddenly, a sound of dragon chant exploded in Wang Hao's head, making him tremble, his internal organs vibrated, and the blood in his whole body rolled.

"Refining for me!"

Forcibly suppressing the urge to spurt blood, Wang Hao's expression froze, and he accelerated the operation of the exercises, and endless vitality swept away towards that ray of energy!

Two utterly different energies started to tug-of-war within Wang Hao's spiritual seed, scorching each other.

Time passed by minute by minute.

I don't know how long it has passed, but finally, Wang Hao has the upper hand!

After all, that was just a tiny ray of divine dragon power.Otherwise, wouldn't the empire's move kill Wu Wutianjiao?

Under the refinement of the Great Sun Yin Qi Art, that ray of energy gradually merged into Wang Hao's vitality!


With the refining of the last ray of energy, Wang Hao only felt a shock all over his body, and he seemed to lose consciousness.


early morning!

When Wang Hao opened his eyes again, what he saw was the bright sunshine from outside the house.

"I... have been in a coma all night?"

Thinking of the practice last night, Wang Hao had a strange expression.


And as Wang Hao ran his exercises to check, his eyes widened even more.

"I've already reached the peak of the first level of Qi Gathering Realm. I'm only a little short of stepping into the second level of Qi Gathering!"

After coma, what happened?Wang Hao doesn't know!The vitality in the body has become much stronger, and it is circulating in the tendons and veins, endlessly.Wang Hao clearly felt the improvement of his strength.

"What's going on? Everything that happened outside the house seems to have become clear. I can easily feel it!"

Although with the improvement of strength, the warrior's insight becomes more and more terrifying.Qi-gathering monks have already been able to see everything within ten steps.

But now, what Wang Hao sees is more than ten steps?

Within a hundred steps, he could feel a slight movement.

"The improvement of the soul is extremely terrifying! This is something that is difficult for warriors in the middle stage of Qi Gathering Realm, and even for late stage warriors!"

After calming down, Wang Hao's face was full of joy.

The road to martial arts is nothing more than strengthening the body, refining qi, and strengthening the soul!

If the Divine Power Realm is body tempering, then the Qi Gathering Realm, Four Seas Realm, and even the Divine Mansion Realm can be said to be the stages of concentrating on refining Qi.

And refining the soul?It is something that needs to wait until a higher level to come into contact with.

On the road of martial arts, refining the soul is the most difficult.

With a strong soul, this person is doomed to achieve extraordinary things!Why do many warriors encounter bottlenecks, or even be stuck in a certain realm for a lifetime, unable to advance an inch?The weakness of the soul is one of the important reasons!

Whether it's kung fu or martial arts, all of these need a strong soul as support in the later stage.

Because of this, the exercises and elixirs that strengthen the soul are priceless, and there is nowhere to find them!

The power of the divine dragon refined by Wang Hao actually strengthened his soul.Directly let Wang Hao, who has just entered the Qi Gathering Realm, have reached the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm with the power of his soul? !

Now within a hundred steps, Wang Hao has sharp eyes and ears.The benefits of this cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"It's really a good fortune!"

After clarifying his thoughts, Wang Hao showed a bright smile on his face.


"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as he walked out of the hut, Wang Hao heard dull crashing sounds from the courtyard.

Zhou Shan, who did not know when, had already started to practice.

"It's really a monster!"

Hearing the roar, it seemed like the Iron Man was howling, the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

I can't imagine what it's like for these two idiots to bump into people.

"The power of the dragon has been refined?"

When Zhou Shan stopped practicing, Wang Hao had already walked up to him and asked.


Zhou Shan still had a silly smile on his face.

"get something?"

Wang Hao asked curiously.


Zhou Shan's eyes lit up.


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, it seems that these two idiots are going to carry out their strength to the end, they are extraordinary and refined.

"Come and try!"

Wang Hao suddenly became interested.

Now, I am close to the strength of Qi Gathering Second Layer, I don't know if I have the ability to fight this monster.


Zhou Shan grinned.


The next moment, Wang Hao no longer hesitated.

With a long howl, his strength was directly raised to the extreme.


Opening the palm of the sky, vitality is poured between the arms.

The palm wind is like thunder, rolling up an endless gust of wind.

The palm prints passed by, like breaking the sky and breaking the earth.

Wang Hao swept across the sky and rushed towards Zhou Shan.

If he had such strength yesterday, Su Huang would definitely not be the enemy of Wang Hao in one move!With Wang Hao's current offensive, Su Huang can be disabled with one move.

However, looking at Wang Hao's offensive, Zhou Shan's face remained unchanged.


Suddenly there was a sharp sound.

It turned out that Zhoushan stepped across this step, and under the huge force, the soles of the shoes rubbed against the ground and made a sharp sound.


The ground seemed to tremble at this moment.


A loud roar came, and the whole body was shaken, resisting Wang Hao's endless palm with his body.

bang bang bang...

Dull roars exploded one after another.

The palm prints all over the sky were broken one after another.

This week, the mountain is as immovable as a mountain, standing there, it stands like a mountain.


Until Wang Hao hit Zhou Shan's body with his palm!

"how is this possible!"

The next moment, Wang Hao's eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming!

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