ancient myth

Chapter 375

"How can he be so powerful?"

The atmosphere in the arena became extremely strange.The people who were shouting at Wang Hao before subconsciously backed away, as if Wang Hao was the plague.

Even Qiu Wudi, who was closest to Wang Hao, couldn't help swallowing, with a strange expression on his face.

He is convinced!

Qiu Wudi has never served anyone in his life.Even his grandfather who claims to be invincible, Qiu Wudi doesn't care, in this life, Qiu Wudi has nothing to worry about!That is to say, in Tianxuan Dongtian, seeing Wang Hao, hit it off right away, this is the first real friend.No!This is brother.

However, Wang Hao is too powerful now, isn't it?

A person in the third level of the Divine Palace Realm was directly suppressed by Wang Hao with a snap of his fingers?Is it wiped out?Or was it caught?

Looking at the pagoda in Wang Hao's hand, the corner of Qiu Wudi's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Wow Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

After being surprised, Qiu Wudi laughed out loud.

"Who else! I'll just ask, who else is not convinced! Stand up for me! See if my brother doesn't suppress you to death!"

Chou Wudi, who came back to his senses, came to Wang Hao's side in a flash, looked at everyone present with his toes proudly, and shouted loudly.

That appearance, as if he was the biggest contributor to this matter, made people really have the urge to beat him up.Even Wang Hao and the others felt that they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

This invincible hatred...could it be any more embarrassing?

"What, the old man of Donghuang Academy, are you convinced? If you are not convinced, come on! Let's see if the pagoda in my brother's hand can accept you!"

I could clearly feel the anger of everyone present, but no one dared to come out to refute it. It's so cool to be invincible!This is more enjoyable than beating these guys himself.

Turning his eyes, Qiu Wudi looked at the old man of Donghuang Academy whose expression changed.


The old man of Donghuang Academy almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

Didn't you see that you didn't talk?Does Qiu Wudi have any vision?

The old man of Donghuang Academy is very wronged!

If we say, before that, he wished he could fight Wang Hao and suppress this arrogant kid.

However, after seeing the fate of the old man in Wanshou Mountain, would he still dare?

I am nothing more than the strength of the second heaven of the Shenfu!He didn't want to be suppressed.

"Fellow Daoist's strength is extraordinary, I'm ashamed of myself!" Taking a deep breath, the old man of Donghuang Academy looked at Wang Hao with a complex expression: "However, the death of the saint son of my academy is extraordinary. My Donghuang Academy will definitely not let this happen Put it down. In the future, my academy will find fellow daoists to discuss it!"


The old man of Donghuang Academy held his breath, and after saying these words, he took a few people from Donghuang Academy around him and walked towards the outside of Shenglong Peak.

This opportunity, they gave up.

Haven't you seen how powerful Wang Hao is?

Want to force Wang Hao to hand over Emperor Ye's legacy today?What a joke!Everything can only be decided after returning to the academy.

"Hey... Donghuang Academy?"

Looking at the old man from Donghuang Academy who left, Qiu Wudi curled his lips and showed a sneer.

And how surprised are the people present at this moment?

Donghuang Academy, just left... this...

"Who else?"

Until the old man of Donghuang Academy walked away, Qiu Wudi held his head high and continued to roar.

No one answered!

"Brother, you are indeed my brother! His skills are unrivaled, and his methods are extraordinary! It seems that no one dares to challenge you! Let's go now?"

Seeing such a scene, Qiu Wudi's eyes flashed, and he asked Wang Hao with a smile.

He Qiu Wudi is not a fool!

Now there are many people gathered on the Rising Dragon Peak, but the real top powerhouse?Not many!This does not mean that Wang Hao is really invincible.

Who knows how many strong people are on the way!If you continue to stay on Shenglong Peak, you may get into huge trouble.

If you don't go now, when will you wait?

"let's go!"

How could Wang Hao not understand Qiu Wudi's thoughts, turned around and said to Wang Kun and others behind him, intending to leave this place of right and wrong.


However, just when Wang Hao and the others were about to leave, a sudden sound interrupted the footsteps of Wang Hao and the others.

"Close the house!"

"The Guan family has made a move! Hahaha... Wang Hao and the others can't leave today!"

"I just said, is there really no strong man in this world? Hmph! A little Wang Hao, can he really turn the world upside down?"

Seeing clearly the figure that appeared at this moment, the eyes of many people present brightened.

Close the house!

That's right, who is the old man who is not the leader of the Guan family who is standing up at this moment?

This seemingly skinny old man, standing in front of the crowd at this time, faintly brought a trace of coercion to everyone.

"Little friend, I'm afraid you can't leave now!"

Amidst the bursts of exclamations, the old man of the Guan family said to Wang Hao with a smile.

In an instant, Wang Hao's pupils shrank suddenly: "Senior, are you going to stop me?"

"In the spirit world, it has been a long time since there has been such an outstanding junior like you." The old man looked at Wang Hao with a gloomy look in his eyes: "Emperor Ye's inheritance is not a small matter after all. Today I can only bully the younger if I don't know it!"

While speaking, the old man reached out and grabbed Wang Hao.


At that moment, the air wave exploded.

But the old man seemed to be standing there without moving at all, but his figure turned into a series of phantoms, approaching Wang Hao at a terrifying speed, the situation was strange and extraordinary.

What made Wang Hao even more astonished was that the old man turned his hands into claws and ran straight towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao only felt that the aura around him was locked instantly, and his way out in all directions seemed to be blocked.

This is magical powers!

What a strange method, what a powerful strength.

The opponent's aura was not considered strong by ordinary people, but it completely suppressed Wang Hao's aura.

Obviously, the strength of the old man has far surpassed Wang Hao.

"Don't think about it!"

At that moment, Wang Hao's face was full of awe.

With a long howl, he quickly resisted with both hands.

"Soul Breaking Curse!"

At the same time, the Soul Splitting Curse was cast.


Above the soul, the power of the six divine lines exploded, and the energy of the heavens and the earth gathered wildly.

The claws of hell descended from the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, as if they wanted to tear the old man's soul apart.Even, at this moment, above the claws of hell, there is still a layer of pale flames.

The power of the Dao seed, the power of the soul, the power of the god pattern, the vitality of the whole body...

In just one thought, Wang Hao almost raised his fighting power to the peak.

"Seven kills!"

At the same time, Wang Hao stepped on the seven kills and went to meet the old man of the Guan family.

Since there is no way to avoid it, we can only fight!

beep, beep...

Taking seven steps, Wang Hao's strength has more than doubled?

At this moment, even a person of the third level of the Divine Palace Realm, in front of Wang Hao, I'm afraid it's not enough to look at!Even if it is a person of the fourth heaven of the Divine Palace Realm?Wang Hao can also fight.

"Hehe... Sure enough, there are only one or two young people left who can compete with you. If that's the case, I can't let you go today!"

Faced with Wang Hao's sudden burst of combat power, the old man of the Guan family's eyes flashed.


With a cold snort, but seeing the old man's wrist shake, a magic weapon was sacrificed.The stream of light overflowed, and that layer of colorful divine light seemed to turn into a real barrier, completely enveloping the old man.


The next moment, the claws of hell slammed heavily on that layer of streamer.

For a time, the air waves rolled and the wind swept through.

That layer of seven-colored divine light burst out suddenly, soaring straight into the sky, unexpectedly forcibly blocking Wang Hao's hell claws!

"how so!"

Wang Hao's expression changed drastically.

This should be the worst defeat he has suffered since casting the claws of hell.

Such a powerful hell claw was easily resisted. What is the magic weapon in the hands of the old man of the Guan family?

Even though it was burned with nameless flames, the seven-colored divine light only started to vibrate, and never completely collapsed.It takes a certain amount of time to penetrate the protection of this barrier.

Obviously, the other party will not leave such time for Wang Hao.

"not good!"

Seeing the old man withstood the attack of his hell claws, and continued to sweep forward like a broken bamboo, Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat.


In a blink of an eye, there was only a violent roar and it exploded.


Wang Haoru was severely injured, and his whole body was blown out.

Even with the seven kills, even if his strength was raised to the extreme, Wang Hao still lost miserably!

The qi and blood in the body were churning, the viscera were shaking, and his arms seemed to be broken, so Wang Hao couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Wang Hao!"


The confrontation between lightning and flint is to determine the winner. Seeing Wang Hao suffer heavy injuries, no matter whether it is Qiu Wudi, the people of Dongsheng Pavilion, or the people of Ye Family and Di Family, their expressions will inevitably change drastically.

"Come to me!"

Before Qiu Wudi and the others could react, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the old man of the Guan family, and amidst a roar, he grabbed it out of thin air with his other hand.


Above the void, a huge paw print covered Wang Hao who flew upside down.

The old man of the Guan family didn't give Wang Hao any chance to breathe, and planned to completely suppress Wang Hao with the force of thunder.

The huge claws are like mountains, they want to crush Wang Hao into ashes.

At the same time, the powerful aura emanating from the claw directly forced the people who wanted to rescue Wang Hao to fly upside down.

"Late stage of the Divine Palace!"

Ye Zhidao and the others took a deep breath.

That's right!

At this moment, they saw clearly the strength of the old man!

This old man from the Guan family turned out to be a strong man in the late stage of the Shenfu Realm.Such a strong person is also a top existence in the spirit world.He actually appeared on the Rising Dragon Peak.And at this moment, they are attacking Wang Hao?

Watching the claws crushing down, at that moment, the hearts of Ye Zhidao and others sank to the bottom of the valley.

People from the Ye family and the Di family have not yet arrived.

Even the old man in the Temple of Gods and Demons is only the strength of the third heaven of the Shenfu, how can he resist the killing move of the old man of the Guan family?Even, in the midst of the substantive coercion erupted by the powerhouse in the late stage of Shenfu, Wang Hao couldn't get close to him at all, so how could he rescue him?

At this moment, everyone seemed to see the end of Wang Hao's tragic death.

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