ancient myth

Chapter 382 Shameless

A full 25 days have passed since the end of the small world trial in the Eastern Wilderness of Shenglong Peak.

During this period of time, the spirit world has been turbulent!

The first to bear the brunt is Wang Hao's name, once again spread throughout the spirit world.This time, no one really knows.

Even a three-year-old child on the street would yell angrily when he heard this name: "Wang Hao, wait, you are my goal. In the future, I will surpass you!"

And those old people who are more than seventy years old will usually say after talking about this name: "Wang Hao? I know! Isn't it the kid from Dongsheng Pavilion! At the beginning, I thought this Wang Hao was not simple! It's a joke, ask me why? Knowing him is not easy? Old man, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, how can I not see it? Besides, where is the East Holy Pavilion? That was the place that was able to compete with the seven major forces in the first place. Will it be easy to stand up again now?"

Wang Hao's limelight reached an incomparably heyday.What kind of terrifying sect luck did this indirectly bring to Dongsheng Pavilion?

Now, if we simply talk about the luck of the sect, in the spiritual world, no one can compare with Dongsheng Pavilion!The behemoth Tianxuan Sword Sect back then?It has already been thrown away by thousands of miles!Their sect's luck has been so weak that it is even smaller than the original Dongsheng Pavilion, and it may shatter under the influence of Dongsheng Pavilion's luck at any time.

It is precisely because of this that Dongsheng Pavilion became anxious!

Three days ago, the members of the Guan family arrived at the Tianxuan Mountain Range!Two days ago, the people from Wanshou Mountain also came to the Tianxuan Sword Sect.This made Tianxuan Jianzong finally let out a long breath, and started their plan.

Tianzhu Peak in the Profound Sky Mountain Range.

It was clearly noon, but dark clouds shrouded Tianzhu Peak, and the air was filled with a chilling aura.

"Hmph! Ye family, Di family, do you really want to be enemies of my Tianxuan Sword Sect, Wanshou Mountain and Guan family?"

"There is also Baihua Valley, the Temple of Gods and Demons! If you want to start a war, we will accompany you to the end! But, I don't know if your sect is willing to do this!"

At the top of Tianzhu Peak, a roar seemed to spread throughout the entire Tianxuan Mountain Range.

How many experts from the Tianxuan Sword Sect and the Guan family are gathered outside the mountain gate of the East Sacred Pavilion right now?And within the mountain gate, how many powerful people from all sides gathered?

Swords are on the verge of breaking out, and a suffocating breath is pervading.

On this day, how many eyes in the spirit world were placed in the Tianxuan Mountain Range?

A big battle is about to break out, which is likely to lead to changes in the spiritual world and concern the hearts of countless people.

"Hmph! The old man of the Tianxuan Sword Sect, stop talking nonsense. I was scared when I was Qiu Wudi? Don't bluff people! Don't dare to say anything else. In the Temple of Gods and Demons, I can still mobilize part of the energy Yes, these people can still be obedient. How about you try and wipe us all out?"

In that tense atmosphere, looking at the aggressive elder of Tianxuan Sword Sect, Qiu Wudi twitched his lips with disdain.

"Hehehe... The slave family is a little scared! But if you leave like this, where will you put the face of the slave family? Let alone you, the sisters of Baihua Valley will not spare me by then! It seems that the slave family cannot leave ?”

On the other side, Su Mei from Baihua Valley looked at everyone present with a charming face.That appearance really stunned many people!

"good very good!"

Everyone knows the relationship between the Ye family, the Di family and Wang Hao.The two families did not speak, they made it clear that they were on the side of the Dongsheng Pavilion and walked all the way to the end.

The Temple of Gods and Demons and the Valley of Hundred Flowers?I didn't expect them to be so powerful!

very good!

As the great elder of Tianxuan Sword Sect, Elder Zhao laughed back in anger.

"Do you think you can resist our pace today? Hmph! Do you think that I, the Tianxuan Sword Sect, Wanshou Mountain, and the Guan family really can't win this Tianzhu Peak?"

Taking a deep breath, Elder Zhao narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of danger.

"Oh! How is Elder Zhao planning to win my East Sage Pavilion?"

However, the moment Elder Zhao's voice fell, before Qiu Wudi and others could speak, a cold snort came from the void.

This voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

But seeing the horizon in the distance, a lone boat was rapidly approaching the Dongsheng Pavilion.

Who is it that is not Dongchen standing before the lonely boat?

Seeing clearly the figures standing behind Dongchen, the atmosphere of the scene changed even more.

"Wang Hao! It turned out to be him!"

"Wang Hao is back!"

"This guy finally appeared!"

All of a sudden, the scene became frantic.

Wang Hao is back!This creates a huge stimulus for all.

The eyes of everyone in Dongsheng Pavilion lit up, revealing a hint of excitement.

Especially Ye Wanyun, Dihuang, and Li Qingyu!

As for the Tianxuan Sword Sect camp, the murderous intent was even more overwhelming at that moment, one after another murderous intent soared into the sky, as if to crush Wang Hao into pieces!

How surprised are the people hiding in the sky and paying attention to this place at this moment?

Now Wang Hao is back!Is he here to seek death?

Don't look at the current Dongsheng Pavilion's seeming strength, but the Tianxuan Sword Sect is even better.

Their goal is very clear, which is to get Dongsheng Pavilion to hand over Wang Hao.

If Wang Hao was not there, the rock wool might not be completely torn between the two parties, but now it is...

In such an atmosphere, under the guidance of Gu Zhou, Wang Hao and his party quickly came to the top of the crowd!


Then, in a flash, several figures on the lone boat appeared in the Dongsheng Pavilion.

Although the sword array has been opened, but Wang Hao is the master of this place, how can these sword arrays stop his pace?

"Just now, you said that today I will destroy the East Sacred Pavilion?"

He nodded towards everyone present, knowing that they had a lot to say, but now is not the time.Wang Hao walked directly to the front of the crowd, looked at Elder Zhao and asked.

At this moment, Wang Hao looked at Elder Zhao and those people in front of the mountain gate with cold eyes.

Tianxuan Sword Sect, Myriad Beast Mountain, Guan Family?

What a great formation!

It seems that these people are united?

it is good!very good!

It has to be said that this energy is huge, if the Dongsheng Pavilion is alone, it will be completely destroyed by these people in an instant.

But now?

Wang Hao has no fear anymore!

also good!It's time to come back today.That being the case, there are a few things that should be sorted out.

"Humph! So what?"

Facing Wang Hao's eyes, Elder Zhao's pupils shrank, his face was full of coldness.

"Wang Hao! Tianzhu Peak is the place of my Tianxuan Sword Sect, the Dongsheng Pavilion, and it is no longer suitable to stay here. Today, there will be no Dongsheng Pavilion on Tianzhu Peak!"

Qu Yanhe sneered with gleam in his eyes.

First destroy the foundation of the Dongsheng Pavilion, and destroy the luck of the sect of the Dongsheng Pavilion!Among other things, if this is the case, it is hard to say how much benefit the dissipated sect's luck of the Dongsheng Pavilion's sect will bring to the Tianxuan Sword Sect.What's more, once this happens and becomes a rootless duckweed, won't Wang Hao and others be at their mercy?

" are the shameless Tianxuan Sword Sect!"

Listening to Qu Yanhe's words, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing.

"Back then, this Tianzhu Peak was the site of my East Sage Pavilion. When did it become the site of the Tianxuan Sword Sect? Today, there is no room for two tigers on Tianzhu Peak. From then on, Tianzhu Peak only belongs to the East Sage Pavilion, there is no place for the Tianxuan Sword Sect to stand here!"

After laughing, Wang Hao suddenly said with a cold face.

"Wang Hao, you..."

Faced with Wang Hao's arrogant words, the elders of Tianxuan Sword Sect gritted their teeth.

"Am I wrong? In the spiritual world, who doesn't know the situation of Tianzhu Peak? The Tianxuan Sword Sect has the face to want to occupy the magpie's nest, which is really impressive!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

"Haha... Exactly! Brother, what you said is absolutely true! I have seen a lot of shameless people, and this is the first time I have seen a shameless person like Tianxuan Sword Sect!"

Qiu Wudi hurriedly made up his sword.

"The tree doesn't need its bark, it will definitely die! People are shameless, they are invincible! No wonder the Tianxuan Sword Sect has been so powerful all these years!"

Tian Buer was full of contempt.

That's right!

Tian Buer is back, not only him, but also Tai Youqian, and Mu Yang!

On the way back from the Fengzu Holy Land this time, Wang Hao happened to meet this group of people.With the help of Dongchen's lone boat, the speed of returning to this place is naturally much faster.

"Hmph! So what? Don't forget, it was Dongsheng Pavilion who mortgaged Tianzhu Peak to my Tianxuan Sword Sect! Isn't this Tianzhu Peak supposed to belong to our Tianxuan Sword Sect?"

Qu Yanhe said with an ugly expression!

"It's right to mortgage it to you, but how come the mortgaged mountains become yours? This should be a robber's method, right?"

Dihuang mocked.

"Since it's a mortgage, today, my Dongsheng Pavilion will take back Tianzhu Peak!"

Wang Hao waved his hand directly and said.

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

Qu Yanhe sneered.

"Is it about the million spirit stones?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Back then, Jiu Wubai mortgaged this place with a price of one million spirit stones, Wang Hao already knew about it.


Qu Yanhe looked confident.

If you want Tianzhu Peak, bring the money!

Otherwise, the mountain will be cleared today!

With the joint efforts of the housekeeper, Tianxuan Sword Sect and Wanshou Mountain, the Nangong family in Tianjian City can't afford money, let alone the Nangong family really doesn't have much money!The Temple of Gods and Demons and the Valley of Hundred Flowers?There are different voices within their true sect, and after checks and balances, it is impossible for them to help!

The Emperor's family and the Ye's family were watched by the three parties together, and it was difficult to transfer the money for a while.

There is mental arithmetic but no intention.Just like when Wang Hao and others cheated Tianxuan Sword Sect.

Now why does Wang Hao take back Tianzhu Peak?

"Also, I forgot to tell you guys at the beginning! It is clearly stated in the agreement that if my Tianxuan Sword Sect insists on asking for the spirit stone, and the East Sacred Pavilion is unable to return it, the pawn contract will automatically be converted into a sales contract!"

Qu Yanhe was clearly prepared, and smiled confidently at Wang Hao and the others.

Wang Hao is back?very good!This is just the beginning!

Today, he wants to make Wang Hao completely desperate!

Qu Yanhe has not forgotten how he was cheated in the first place.

Now he wants to pay back ten times and a hundred times to Wang Hao and others!

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