ancient myth

Chapter 386 Deterring the Four Parties

"Wang Hao, don't even think about it!"

Being able to clearly feel the terrifying murderous intent and heaven-defying sword power contained in Wang Hao's sword, Elder Zuo hissed!

The anger has already made Elder Zuo go berserk.

It is unforgivable for a little junior to kill Elder Jiang!Does he still want to kill himself?

"The way of the sword, dominate!"

The natal long sword danced in Elder Zuo's hand, and the power of heaven was mobilized!

During the strike, Elder Zuo directly mobilized the most terrifying power of heaven.


The sky and the earth shook, and the sword light soared into the sky.

It seemed that Jian Guang wanted to tear apart the thunderclouds in the sky and shatter the sky.


There was a dull tearing sound, and the entire void seemed to be torn apart, the space was distorted, and the strong wind was messy.

Elder Zuo cultivated the sword and realized the way of the sword.His sword is on the road of overlord, invincible in the world!

Time and space, this moment seems to be frozen.

Time seems to stand still!

Everyone just felt that they had seen clearly the trajectory of Wang Hao and Elder Zuo's long sword.However, I don't know why everyone feels that they are extremely small in front of that trajectory.So what if you saw it?They seem to be trapped in the ocean, unable to extricate themselves.

Absolute strength imprisoned the world and blocked all directions!


After ten thousand years, the two long swords finally collided.


Waves of sharp whistling sounds came from above the blade, the flames erupted, the space collapsed, and waves of void storms gushed out, sweeping all directions.




At the same time, a sea of ​​thunder exploded in the sky, and endless thunderstorms swept towards Elder Zuo.


However, facing the thunderstorms, Elder Zuo's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted directly.Accompanied by that roar, a burst of sword energy soared into the sky as if it had life, and thunder shattered wherever it passed.

It has to be said that Elder Zuo is really powerful.

A strong man at the seventh level of the Shenfu Realm is really against the sky.

In normal times, in front of such a strong man, Wang Hao has already lost!

However, today is different.

The sect's luck poured into his body continuously, bringing endless support to Wang Hao.The majestic luck of the sect was even directly wrapped on Wang Hao's long sword, making the blade even more domineering.


After a stalemate for an unknown amount of time, finally when Wang Hao felt that he was at a disadvantage, he no longer hesitated, and with a long howl, the power of thunder exploded.


At that moment, under the blessing of the nameless flames, the power of thousands of thunders entwined on the Wuchen sword turned into dragons and devoured towards Elder Zuo.

"Don't think about it!"

Elder Zuo's expression remained unchanged.

With a flick of his wrist, Wang Hao's Wuchen Sword was forcibly knocked back, and the long sword in his hand swept away.

ding ding ding ding...

Where the sword marks passed, the dragons were completely shattered.

Within the sea of ​​thunder, Elder Zuo was invincible vertically and horizontally, as if an overlord had descended into the world.

Even though Wuming Lieyan was extremely terrifying, Elder Zuo actually blocked him from the edge of the sword, and the impact on him was not too great.

If it continues like this, Wang Hao will definitely lose in this tactic confrontation!

"Sect luck, come!"

However, how could Wang Hao give Elder Zuo such a chance to breathe?

My own strength is much weaker than Elder Zuo, so what?There is also sect luck!

This is Wang Hao's biggest method.


Under Wang Hao's guidance, the long dragon above the void swooped down and rushed into Wang Hao's body!


At that moment, Wang Hao only felt that the world exploded.

A suffocating breath shot up into the sky, and behind Wang Hao, a hundred-foot-long dragon hovered, majestic and majestic.


With a flick of Wang Hao's wrist, the human sword merged into one and shot forward, at the same time, the dragon let out a roar, wrapping Wang Hao in it.

Looking at it with the naked eye, it seems that at this moment it is a divine dragon swooping towards Elder Zuo, not Wang Hao.


Finally, in front of this divine dragon, Elder Zuo turned pale.

Such a majestic sect luck.It is a crime for Wang Hao to squander the luck of the sect like this!

But it has to be said that under the blessing of this sect's luck, this long dragon has brought death threats to Elder Zuo at this moment.

You know, what kind of terrifying sect luck is this.Wang Hao is willing to let the transformed sect luck join the battle, this guy is crazy!

In the blink of an eye, the only thing Elder Zuo can do is resist with power.

"Ah ah ah..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the power of thunder and the silence of the nameless flames that had not dissipated before swept Elder Zuo, and Elder Zuo suddenly felt that his soul had been torn apart.The power of Wang Hao's nameless flames erupted caused Elder Zuo to suffer a lot.

Before Elder Zuo could slow down, the dragon had already descended.


The majestic luck of the sect swallowed Elder Zuo in an instant.How far can Elder Zuo, who hastily resisted, resist?

"Ah ah ah..."

There were heart-piercing screams again, and amidst the extremely domineering energy, flesh and blood from Elder Zuo's whole body sprayed out towards the surroundings.

Finally, under the blessing of the Dragon of Luck, Wang Hao seriously injured Elder Zuo.


While you are sick, I will kill you!

With one move, he severely injured the left elder Wang Hao's remaining prestige sweeping the sect's luck, and then he slashed at the vital point of the left elder with a sword.

At this moment, facing the entanglement of the luck dragon, Elder Zuo could no longer withdraw to resist, he could only watch the sword fall.

"Wang Hao! How dare you!"

"Wang Hao, stop it!"

Such a scene made Elder Zhao and the others in the distance tear their eyes apart.

Elder Zhao felt like he was going crazy!

Elder Zuo actually... fell into such a situation?He could feel that death was enveloping Elder Zuo.

no!How could Elder Zhao just watch Elder Zuo die?

With a flash of his figure, Elder Zhao was about to go to help.

However, there was an extra figure in front of Elder Zhao, blocking his way! ~

"Dongchen! You!"

Seeing clearly the person blocking his way, Elder Zhao was furious.

It's Dong Chen, the patrol angel, and he wants to stop him?


Just in the blink of an eye when Elder Zhao was stopped, a dull penetrating sound came.

Wang Hao's long sword penetrated Elder Zuo's body.


Elder Zuo roared like a wild beast, filled with endless pain, unwillingness, and anger...

He stared at Wang Hao, but his body straightened and fell backwards.

In the late stage of Shenfu Realm, Zuo Zhiqiu, the elder Zuo of Tianxuan Sword Sect, disappeared instantly.

At that moment, the world seemed to have fallen into dead silence.

"Ahhh... Elder Zuo!"

After a while, bursts of heart-piercing roars came.

After Elder Jiang, Elder Zuo also died!

Wang Hao!It's Wang Hao again!

At this moment, everyone felt crazy.

Normally, within a year, how many strong people in the spirit world would be beheaded?almost none!

However, today, in just one day, two powerhouses in the Divine Palace Realm fell.Moreover, he is the elder of the Tianxuan Sword Sect who has stepped into the Divine Palace Realm for a long time and is extremely powerful.

Like Elder Zuo, who has reached the late stage of Shenfu Realm, even in the spirit world, he is a rare existence.

This made all the members of Tianxuan Sword Sect feel a chill in their hearts.

"Who else?"

However, in the midst of that roar, Wang Hao, who beheaded one person again, looked around coldly with the luck of his whole body.

Who else wants to fight?

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that he was extremely powerful.

The majestic luck of the sect... Wang Hao felt endless benefits.

Is this the heaven-defying part of the sect's luck?

Although the confrontation with Elder Zuo consumed a lot of sect luck, so what?For today's majestic Dongsheng Pavilion luck, what is consumed is just a drop in the bucket.

Since he had already killed two people in a row, Wang Hao didn't mind beheading more people.

Above the East Sacred Pavilion, there are very few people who can make Wang Hao fearful.

"Bastard! Wang Hao, today we will surely tear you to pieces!"

Qu Yanhe roared at Wang Hao with a ferocious expression.

Today's situation has developed to the point where it is out of control.Tianxuan Sword Sect will never back down.

"Xuntianmen, do you want to participate in secular disputes?"

Elder Zhao glared at Dong Chen fiercely and roared.

"Dongchen, don't forget the rules of your patrolling angels!"

An elder from Wanshou Mountain also roared with an ugly expression.

Dongchen's strength has been famous in the spirit world after the battle at Rising Dragon Peak.

This is a strong man in the Vientiane Realm. If he is on the side of the Dongsheng Pavilion, things will be troublesome.

Especially Dongchen's status is extraordinary.

Patrol Angel!No one knows how many patrol angels there are in this world, and everyone knows that every patrol angel is a top existence.

What kind of terrifying energy will these people join?

"The rules have changed! I used to not participate in disputes at Xuntianmen, but I will in the future!"

However, facing the questioning from Elder Zhao and others, Dongchen's face remained unchanged.

"Patrolling angel Dongchen, let the young master order!"

"The patrolling angels... let the young master order!"

"Patrolling Angel..."

After Dong Chen finished speaking, he turned around and bowed down to Wang Hao.And following Dongchen, in the Dongsheng Pavilion, there were figures kneeling down towards Wang Hao.

At that moment, the world seemed to be silent.

Patrol Angel!Patrol Angel!Still a Patrol Angel!

No one would have thought that besides Dong Chen, there would be so many patrol angels present!

Including Dongchen, there are nine patrol angels!Especially that Feng Yunqing, when did he become a patrol angel?


Faintly, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Not to mention Elder Zhao and the others, Ye Zhidao and the others from the Dongsheng Pavilion also stared wide-eyed.

Patrolling angels, call Wang Hao the young master!Could it be that Wang Hao controls the Patrol Angel?

The rules of patrolling angels have changed... Is this a declaration of war against Tianxuan Sword Sect?

For a while, everyone had different thoughts.

" could..."

Elder Zhao turned pale and gritted his teeth.

"From now on, patrolling angels will be part of my East Sacred Pavilion. The rules of patrolling angels have changed!"

Amid Elder Zhao's ugly face, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Glancing at the people present: "Today, who else wants to destroy my Dongsheng Pavilion? Just come!"

Now that things have happened, Wang Hao has no intention of backing down in the slightest!

After beheading two elders of Tianxuan Sword Sect one after another, what about the rest?Wang Hao's eyes were like blades, scanning every figure in front of him.

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