ancient myth

Chapter 395 The Secret Realm of Dongfu

The fourth heaven of the Divine Mansion Realm!

For ordinary people, this is already a strength against the sky.Even if they are placed among the top forces, people of this level of strength are already qualified to become elders!In the middle stage of the Shenfu Realm, it is the strength that the elders of the top forces should have.

And how old is Wang Hao now?How long has it been since you entered the Divine Palace Realm?

It can be said that this cultivation speed is already against the sky.

However, in the eyes of the old door owner, this is not enough!

Wang Hao is not an ordinary person.He carried far more than ordinary people on his shoulders.

The stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility, and conversely, the greater the responsibility, the stronger the ability.Wang Hao is like this.

He was burdened too much, and his current strength was not enough for him to bear those burdens.

If it was a month ago, maybe the old sect master wouldn't be so anxious.But not now!

His time is running out.

"Old door master, this is..."

When the old sect master was full of emotions, Wang Hao took the token and the small box and asked.

The token Wang Hao knew that this should be what opened that secret room.Inside the secret room is a small world, which hides the heavenly book, and can comprehend the profound meaning of heaven and earth?This is amazing!No wonder Wei Tianren is so powerful.

However, in this small wooden box?

For some reason, looking at the small wooden box in his hand, Wang Hao felt a trace of longing and awe in his body!

It seems that there are two energies in the dantian resonating with the things in the wooden box.

Is that the seed of the holy way?It is the inheritance left by the two saints. Could it be that in the wooden box...

The huge speculation in his heart made Wang Hao take a deep breath.

"The holy way in the world has been cut off. There are two ways for ordinary people to seek the holy way. One is to break through this world and seek the way of the holy way to the outside world. After stepping into the holy way, come back! Like Emperor Ye and others. The other way is It is to refine the seeds of the holy way, pursue the path of the holy way that thousands of people have walked, and seek the opportunity to find your own holy way! It’s just that this road is much simpler. The seeds of the holy way only provide a hope, and may not really make people People step into the holy land.

However, even so, the inheritance of the Holy Path still makes people crazy.Throughout the ages, in order to seek the holy way, how many people have struggled to find the inheritance of the holy way..."

Sensing Wang Hao's change, a smile appeared on the corner of the old sect master's mouth.

"This is the inheritance of the holy way that Wei Tianren obtained! When he was beheaded, I forcibly condensed the seeds of the holy way. I think it will be helpful to you!"

The old doorkeeper continued.


Hearing the words of the old sect master, Rao Dongchen couldn't help but gasped, looking at the box in Wang Hao's hands, there was a little more fire in his eyes.

Inheritance of the holy way... this... this is against the sky.

Wei Tianren never expected such a chance.

"Old sect master, I can't take this thing! Now the old sect master is seriously injured and his life is dying. However, if he can step into the holy realm, it will be enough for the old sect master to regain endless vitality..."

After recovering, Wang Hao said quickly.

"Yes! Sect Master..."

Dongchen's eyes lit up, and he cast a grateful look at Wang Hao and said quickly.

The inheritance of the holy way is right in front of you, and Wang Hao can refuse it. What kind of courage is this?I have to say, Dongchen was convinced!One must know that just now he was unavoidably moved.

However, after Wang Hao said these words, Dongchen suddenly came to his senses.

If the old sect master can step into the holy realm...

"Useless! Although it is the inheritance of the holy way, it has already been refined by Wei Tianren. How much of the holy way is left? To me, this help is probably negligible, why waste it? But you, you already have two Inheritance of the holy way! Even if the energy of this holy way seed is weak, it can form a resonance and exert the greatest effect, allowing you to improve your strength as soon as possible! It will even help you when you hit the holy land in the future! "

The old door owner rejected Wang Hao's kindness.

He looked at Wang Hao with complicated eyes: "If you really want to help me, then recast the holy way! In this way, I may break into the holy realm!"


It has to be said that Wang Hao and the others stared wide-eyed at the words of the old sect master.

Even if Wang Hao's talent is outstanding, if he wants to rush from the Divine Mansion Realm to the Holy Realm within three years... this is definitely a dream!

Throughout the ages, there has never been such a monster!

What's more, even if you break into the holy realm, you have to recast the holy way.

How many saintly powerhouses fell because of this road?Wang Hao he...

"No need to say more! Let's go!"

Seeing that Wang Hao seemed to want to say something, the old sect master waved his hand.

"Dongchen, take Wang Hao there!"

Immediately afterwards, the old sect master gave orders to Dongchen.

This can be regarded as breaking Wang Hao's way of persuasion.


Hearing the old sect master's order, Dongchen hesitated for a moment, finally took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

Perhaps the old sect master was right.This holy path seed didn't help him much.And it can be of great help to Wang Hao.

Dongchen had no choice.


The first branch of Tianxuan Sword Sect!

Stepping into this place again, Wang Hao had a complicated expression.

This place has long since lost the prosperity of the day, and after experiencing the destruction of the foundation of the sect and the raging thunder, the first branch has almost been reduced to ruins.Even the aura of heaven and earth, how much has it been weakened because of the collapse of the luck of the Tianxuan Sword Sect?Today's first branch of Tianxuan Sword Sect is simply not comparable to Tianzhu Peak where the East Sacred Pavilion is located!

However, once the integration of the seven meridians is completed, after offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, protecting this place with the luck of the East Sacred Pavilion will bring new vitality to this place, right?

Passing through the ruins, led by Tai Youqian, Wang Hao and Dong Chen came to the back mountain of Tianxuan Sword Sect.

In the depths of the mountain forest, a quaint cave mansion is standing quietly in front of Wang Hao and the others.

The ravages of thunder did not destroy this cave that existed for an unknown number of years.

The spiritual energy in the mountains and forests collapsed, and it seemed that it had never affected this quaint cave.

It stood there quietly, casting a majestic aura faintly.

clack clack...

As Wang Hao inserted the token in his hand into an inconspicuous groove next to the cave, the closed stone door slowly opened, and bursts of low and piercing voices came to everyone's ears.

As if it had been as long as a century, the dull sound finally disappeared, and the stone door was completely opened, and what appeared in front of Wang Hao was a layer of colored glaze light curtain that seemed to be substantial!

This light curtain completely sealed off the scene in the cave.


Even Wang Hao, with all his strength, could hardly pass through this light curtain, and was shocked to get out.

"I come!"

Dongchen frowned and said in a deep voice.

This is the purpose of his coming here with Wang Hao.

This layer of light curtain is obviously the enchantment left by the past lords of the Tianxuan Sword Sect.This is also the last barrier of this cave.


Taking a step forward, with a soft drink, Dong Chen moved his palm towards the light curtain.

The breath was hidden but not released, and as the palm hit the light curtain, the energy exploded.


The entire mountain seemed to shake at this moment.

As Dongchen's face became more serious, the energy burst out more violently, and finally ripples rippled on the light curtain.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and under Dongchen's full strength, it took a full quarter of an hour before the light curtain was torn faintly.

"Go in!"

Another quarter of an hour later, when the light curtain spread out a crack enough for one person to pass through, Dong Chen shouted at Wang Hao.

"it is good!"

Wang Hao nodded solemnly.

"The sect is handed over to you!"

Wang Hao didn't know how much time this retreat would take, and he didn't know if anything would happen during this period of time.

Everything can only be handed over to Tai Youqian and others.

Fortunately, with the return of the old sect master, together with Dongchen and others, as well as the involvement of the Ye family, the emperor's family, Tianjian City, the Temple of Gods and Demons, and even Baihua Valley, nothing uncontrollable should happen.

The voice fell, but seeing Wang Hao's figure flicker, he directly merged into the crack of that layer of light curtain.


Gentle breeze.

After passing through that layer of light curtain, the scene in front of him made Wang Hao speechless.

This place is indeed a small world, where is it a cultivation cave?It is simply a paradise on earth.The aura is extremely full, and there is a strong power of the great way between the heaven and the earth.This is simply the paradise dreamed by countless practitioners, right?

Unexpectedly, in the depths of Tianxuan Sword Sect, there is such a paradise hidden.

Going forward along the grass in front, crossing the stream, Wang Hao came to a building similar to an altar.

On the building, there are fine and complex lines engraved, which seem to have turned into a formation.


Stepping onto the high platform, Wang Hao instantly felt as if he had ascended to the nine heavens, and the whole world was under his feet. How mysterious is that feeling?

Faintly, Wang Hao felt that the energy in his body was restless and jumping.

The state of seeing all the small mountains at a glance made Wang Hao's mind seem to be rising.

Time passed by every minute and every second!

I don't know how many years have passed, it seems to have gone through Sang Hai Sang Tian, ​​until the moment Wang Hao came back to his senses, his eyes widened.

It turned out that the moment Wang Hao stepped on this high platform, he actually entered a wonderful state, comprehending the world.

His state of mind has unknowingly improved by an unknown amount.

The benefit brought by this is to directly obliterate some hidden dangers brought about by Wang Hao's continuous rise in realm in the past period of time.

"It is indeed the most mysterious place of the Tianxuan Sword Sect, and it is indeed the place where only those suzerains can practice! The benefits brought by this place to the state of mind alone are unimaginable for ordinary people!"

Withdrawing his thoughts and feeling his current state, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

I don't know which suzerain of Tianxuan Sword Sect set up this high platform, it really has great powers, I'm afraid it took a lot of thought?

But now it's cheaper for me!

I don't know how those people of Tianxuan Sword Sect would feel if they were still alive?

"Then... is the Heavenly Book?"

Then, when Wang Hao looked at the black boulder engraved with runes in the center of the platform, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

Although I don't know what each rune is describing, just by looking at it, Wang Hao felt his mind shake, as if the energy in his body began to run wild!

Rao is Wang Hao, his soul was almost absorbed into these runes.

The runes carved on this black stone are extremely mysterious!Wang Hao knew that this should be the heavenly book he wanted to comprehend this time, right?I don't know what opportunities this can bring me?

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