ancient myth

Chapter 40

Martial law has already been imposed outside Qianfeng Ridge!Ten steps and one person, fully armed, each soldier has a solemn face and sharp eyes.

If there is no permission to rush into it, there is only one dead end.

Under the leadership of the academy, thousands of people marched through the martial law line and went deep into the depths of Qianfeng Mountain.

Here, another huge crowd has already gathered.

It is not just the academy students who entered the Qianfengling trial this time.These people are a team gathered from various forces in Yongzhou 36 City.There are no less than three thousand people!

All of a sudden, the forest was overcrowded!

There was a faint smell of blood in the air!

But seeing this basin hidden in the deepest part of Qianfengling, it was devastated and unsightly!The earth seemed to be stained red with blood.


This made everyone gasp.It is unimaginable that the situation here is still so dire after several days have passed.What kind of thrilling thing happened that day?

Subconsciously, everyone felt a little more heavy in their hearts.

"The Land of Sealing Demons is open, the demons here are full of resentment, remember to keep your mind tight! If you are in a life-or-death crisis, crush that magic talisman and bring you back to this place!"

At the front of the crowd, Zhao Tongxuan said to everyone with a serious face.

Before entering Qianfeng Ridge, everyone who participated in this trial had already obtained a magic talisman.

These talismans were carved by masters with extraordinary strength.It contains a powerful formation, once it is crushed, it will directly connect to the world within the main seal of Zhao Tongxuan City, and will be teleported to it.This is another powerful place of the city lord's seal.This is also the survival opportunity left by the empire for everyone.

After all, there are many dangers in this place. If there is no such guarantee, how many people will die in this trial?That is the loss of the empire!


Hearing Zhao Tongxuan's words, everyone responded quickly.

"Seal, open!"

Until this time, Zhao Tongxuan withdrew his eyes, looked at the basin in front, and shouted in a deep voice.

wow wow wow...

Zhao Tongxuan's hands condensed one by one sigils, and the world changed for a while.

It's hard to imagine how powerful this city lord of Pingchang City is!This is the strong?

In the crowd, looking at that figure, Wang Hao's eyes showed a trace of fire.

Perhaps in the near future, he will definitely be able to stand above this height, right?


As Zhao Tongxuan squeezed out the last talisman, a powerful aura shot up into the sky, shaking people's minds.

At that moment, the whole earth trembled.


Visible to the naked eye, a barrier in front of the basin appeared out of thin air, and a hole was opened.

This is the enchantment that suppresses the Demon Sealing Land!

Without Zhao Tongxuan's opening, no one here can break through the blockade and enter the interior of the Demon Sealing Land.

"Get in quickly!"

Zhao Tongxuan shouted.


The crowd boiled.

As Zhao Tongxuan's voice fell, one after another silhouettes scrambled to rush into the messy basin.


The cold wind howled, and the resentment was overwhelming.The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray fog.

Only by entering it, can Wang Hao truly feel the horror of this place.

The vitality of the whole body seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.Even, an invisible coercion shrouded from all directions, as if people were carrying a heavy shackle.

"This is the Demon Sealing World!"

Standing beside Wang Hao, Tai Youqian who met him just now narrowed his eyes.

"What to do now? Go straight to where you want to go?"

Watching the figures passing by, and rushing towards the cave in front of him impatiently, Wang Hao asked Tai Youqian who had just joined him.

"Don't worry! We always have to let some people explore the way. They are in a hurry to die, why should we care!"

Tai Youqian's smile made people feel uncomfortable.He was indeed a very sinister guy.


Wang Hao frowned.

"Let's go through this basin first! And...hehe...holding this mother-in-law stone, I can sense my existence. So as not to get lost and unable to reunite!"

With a flash in his eyes, Tai Youqian threw the three mother-in-law stones to Wang Hao, Zhou Shan and Wang Lin respectively.

"what ever!"

Wang Hao was expressionless.

I don't know if this guy is worried that he will get into trouble with him, or if he has other plans!All this is irrelevant.

Wang Hao and this guy are just a cooperative relationship.


After another moment, as there were fewer and fewer people around, the group of four walked forward.


Just when Wang Hao and others had walked less than tens of meters, there was a roar coming from the front.

But seeing a hundred meters away, a middle-aged man rushed to the front of the crowd, his eyes were pierced at this moment, he suddenly roared like crazy, and launched an offensive towards the people around him.

Caught off guard, many warriors suffered severe injuries in an instant!

"Ah ah ah..."

Immediately after this middle-aged man, whether it was the strong men sent by the major forces in 36 cities, or the students who entered the trial this time, one after another, some people fell into madness.

Boom boom boom...

The whole scene was chaotic in an instant.Crowds fighting together can be seen everywhere!

"This is?"

Wang Lin exclaimed.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with this world! Stay calm and don't be affected by resentment!"

Wang Hao looked serious.As Zhao Tongxuan said before, the resentment here is deep enough to affect the mind.Once affected by resentment, it will range from insanity to madness, and from trauma to mind and shock. From then on, it will be difficult to progress on the road of martial arts!

Those who freaked out, are now affected?

"The further you go, the heavier the resentment! This trial is not easy!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

While speaking, the huge basin has been reduced to a giant battlefield.

Wars broke out everywhere, and the world changed color.


Finally, some people couldn't stand such torture, and took the lead in crushing the talisman and fleeing from this place.

"Hell, this is hell!"

There are also some weak-minded people with pale faces and trance-like expressions.

In just a quarter of an hour, nearly a quarter of the personnel withdrew from this trial.

"Sell pure heart talisman, pass by, don't miss it. This is a must-have product to resist the invasion of resentment, everyone, come and have a look, [-] pure heart talismans. There are only [-] pure heart talismans! Buy it and you won't lose, buy it You are not fooled. First come, first served, the one with the highest price gets..."

When Wang Hao and others were silent in the shocking scene before them, thinking about how to get through this chaotic place safely, Tai Youqian suddenly spoke.


It has to be said that Tai Youqian's voice was particularly impactful in this messy scene.In just a split second, it attracted eyes from all directions.

Especially Wang Hao, who was standing beside Tai Youqian, his mouth twitched, and his face became weird.

Purity talisman?

This is a very elementary talisman.Once used, it can clear the mind and calm the mind.It is a kind of talisman most commonly used by warriors in cultivation.

Now it seems that it is the best choice for such a scene.

Unexpectedly, this fat man was already prepared?

Really treacherous!

Wang Hao had to admire it!

"Pure Heart Talisman! Damn it, I actually forgot such things!"

"Give me a dozen!"

"Fatty man, how much is the Pure Heart Talisman? I want it all!"

brush brush...

In the blink of an eye, several figures quickly flew in front of Wang Hao and the others.

Looking at Tai Youqian, these people looked fierce.

Immediately afterwards, there was a surge of people, and I don't know how many people approached this place...

"Just now you called me a fat man?"

Looking at the gathered crowd, Tai Youqian smiled, then stared at the unruly young man in front of him and asked.


Being appalled by Tai Youqian, an angry look flashed across the boy's face.

"Get out! Young Master, I won't sell you!"

Tai Youqian pouted.

"Okay! Now come to the first batch, one hundred talismans, one for 100 taels, sign up if you want!"

Immediately afterwards, Tai Youqian looked at the crowd and said.


"100 taels? Fatty, why don't you grab it!"

"This fat man, do you think we are fools?"

"A pure heart talisman outside is only five taels of silver! You sell it for 100 taels? Why don't you go grab it?"

If Tai had money, it immediately attracted waves of shouting and cursing.

"You are wrong! First of all, this is Qianfengling, not the outside world! If you want a pure heart talisman of five taels of silver, you can go out and buy it and come back! Second, you are not fools, buy it or not, feel free! Third, Hehe... This is not robbing, it is better to make money than robbing! Also, I hate people saying that I am fat! Those who scolded me just now will not sell it!"

Tai Youqian looked at the crowd with a look of embarrassment.

This is another heart-shattering speech.

Fatty was extremely domineering at this moment.

Go out and buy it and come back?Can you come back after you go out?Besides, even if you can come back after going out, is there still time?

Everyone's faces were suddenly ugly!

"100 taels is 100 taels! I want them all!"

In front of the crowd, an arrogant young man said with a gloomy expression.

"You scolded me just now! So, I won't sell you!"

Tai Youqian rolled his eyes.

Don't think that fat people have no temper.

"I want ten!"

"Give me ten!"

"And I want twenty pieces!"


Facing Tai Youqian's dominance, he was silent for a long time, and finally, someone spoke up, and they scrambled to be the first!

One hundred pure heart charms, 1 taels of silver, in hand.

"That fat...handsome guy! What else? Don't you have four hundred talismans? Hurry up and sell them!"

Those who hesitated a little, but watched as all [-] talismans were robbed, became anxious now!

"Okay! Now, the second batch of talismans, two hundred pieces! One piece costs 200 taels. Hurry up if you want it!"

With a flash in his eyes, Tai Youqian said with a smile.


"Are you really stealing money?"

"Damn it! 200 taels is 200 taels, I want five..."

Facing the fat man's sitting on the ground and raising prices, people are filled with righteous indignation.Many people who felt worthless for 100 taels before began to regret it.

But soon, the internal fortress was the first to show a flaw!

In this world, there are always many people who are not short of money.

Sure enough, the two hundred Qingxin Talismans were sold out quickly!

"There are two hundred more? Hurry up and take them out!"

Those who didn't buy the pure heart talisman and saw the people who got the pure heart talisman leave and approached the cave began to worry.

"Don't worry, don't worry! The third batch of talismans, 150 pieces, 500 taels per piece! Hurry up!"

Tai Youqian said calmly.


At this price, people took a breath of air.

The magic talisman of five taels of silver is now sold for 500 taels...a hundredfold increase!This is really more profitable than robbing!

If possible, many people would like to tear this fat man to pieces!

Unfortunately, they dare not be tough.

Who made this fat man stand at the entrance now?Not far behind is the place where Zhao Tongxuan and others are located.

Do it now and be seen every minute, isn't that a dead end?

If you want to do it, you have to wait until you go deeper!

"I want one!"

Someone gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"I also want!"

Even if it was 500 taels of silver, these people had no choice but to grit their teeth and buy it.

Especially those who missed two chances before!

They don't want to be slaughtered harder!

But after a while, all 150 talismans were sold out.

"This money is really good!"

Wang Hao, who was dumbfounded, couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

He began to admire the fat man's ability!Seeing the banknotes flying into the hands of the fat man, Wang Hao felt a little moved.

"Poverty limits your imagination!"

Tai Youqian glanced at Wang Hao contemptuously.

How much is this?As for what!

"Okay! The last fifty talismans, one for 1000 taels! Get it soon! The last fifty are here! Pass by, don't miss it! If you miss this village, you won't have this shop anymore!"

Tai Youqian turned his head, looked at the rest of the people with fiery eyes, and said with a smile.

He started the final robbery~ robbery!

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