ancient myth

Chapter 403 Yuan Xiaotian's Unwillingness

As a monster, and a big monster, or a big monster who ruled the world thousands of years ago, he actually asked a humble human for help?

This is simply embarrassing.

Looking at Niu Daman, how disdainful is Yuan Xiaotian?

"Boss, suppress him! Use that tower to suppress this bastard!"

When death is imminent, how dare you despise yourself so much?Feeling the disdain from Yuan Xiaotian, Niu Daman was furious.

Who is the idiot?

Will find out soon!

Niu Daman wanted to let Yuan Xiaotian know how wise he was!See if he dares to mock himself then?

It should be known how much aggrieved Niu Daman endured thousands of years ago?

Now that everyone has been suppressed for thousands of years, and I have found a backer, how can I continue to make others despise me?

"go with!"

Just as Niu Daman roared, Wang Hao made a move.

Town Demon Tower!

Niu Daman's strength is not much different from Yuan Xiaotian's.Facing the great demon of the Ninth Heaven of the Divine Palace, Wang Hao knew very well what he should do.

Involved in the ring?

Perhaps with his current strength, he could suppress Yuan Xiaotian.But, too tiring and a waste of time!

For a battle that is doomed, Wang Hao will naturally choose the most direct and effective means.

The Demon Suppressing Tower was prepared for such a powerful monster as Yuan Xiaotian, but still within Wang Hao's control.


With the sacrifice of the Tiantian Pagoda, a red light bloomed for a moment, and the mountains and rivers were crimson.

"how come……"

Yuan Xiaotian, who was confronting Niu Daman, had just sent Niu Daman back with a punch, but when he was about to attack again, he found himself enveloped in red light.

The speed of the red light was so fast that Yuan Xiaotian had no chance to react.At that moment, Yuan Xiaotian only felt that he had fallen into a quagmire, unable to extricate himself.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Xiaotian's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Despicable human!"

Yuan Xiaotian struggled crazily and roared angrily.

The magic weapon - the town demon tower!Yuan Xiaotian remembered this treasure too much, but he didn't expect this treasure to be in Wang Hao's hands.

Yuan Xiaotian didn't know how other people were suppressed in the Demon Sealing Land thousands of years ago.However, he knows his own situation best.

In that year, Yuan Xiaotian was full of high spirits, and he was invincible all over the world!In that year, he was suppressed by this Demon Suppressing Tower, and then thrown into the Demon Sealing Land.

It can be said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Today, thousands of years later, Yuan Xiaotian had just escaped from the Demon Sealing Land, and unexpectedly came across the Demon Suppressing Tower again.

Suddenly, he recalled the fear of being dominated back then!

Could this be the treasure left by Emperor Ye?

Do not!

In panic and anger, Yuan Xiaotian quickly denied his guess.How could Emperor Ye leave such things behind?This is the magic weapon in the hands of the war commander Ning Shengtian back then.

What Ye Di left behind must be more precious treasures!

This damn Wang Hao.How could you use such things to suppress yourself?

At that moment, Yuan Xiaotian felt a huge crisis coming.

He struggled frantically but to no avail.It seemed that there were countless ropes contained in the red light, completely binding him here.

"Humans, let me go if you have the ability! Let's fight openly!"

With many thoughts in his heart, Yuan Xiaotian yelled at Wang Hao after knowing that the struggle was hopeless.


Listening to Yuan Xiaotian's words, Wang Hao looked contemptuous.

Open and aboveboard, playing a game in an upright manner?Wang Hao is full and has nothing to do?

Wang Hao made no secret of his contempt for Yuan Xiaotian.


I was actually despised by a guy who didn't take it seriously?

Yuan Xiaotian felt that the aggrieved and anger he suffered at this moment was no less than when he was suppressed thousands of years ago.

"Hey...don't you understand? Old monkey, let me tell you. We Wang Hao said, you are an idiot! You are still upright and are crazy! Do you still want to say that you and Wang Hao are a couple? One, let's have a contest between men? I think you have been suppressed for thousands of years, are you stupid to be suppressed?

No matter what era, it's still like this.You really are behind the times!I am ashamed of you! "

Seeing Yuan Xiaotian's frenzied appearance, Jin Shisan got worse.

Let this guy be arrogant just now, let this guy swell...

Still thinking about letting Master Long be his mount?Yuan Xiaotian?How can this guy not go to heaven.

"Hahaha... yes! Yuan Xiaotian, you are already out of date. I also feel ashamed! What is my status as the boss, you just beat me up? You don't even think about it, what are you? You don't look at it, what is it now? situation!"

Even Niu Daman looked at Yuan Xiaotian in the red light with contempt on his face.

How could he, Niu Daman, let go of this opportunity to flatter?Besides, he asked Wang Hao to help suppress Yuan Xiaotian, not just playing around with Yuan Xiaotian.

Wasn't this guy snarky just now?Isn't it arrogant?Didn't you still say you want to eat this and that?I don't even want to see if I have that appetite.

"Boss, this guy is not a good guy! I know he cannibalize countless people, but he doesn't spit out his bones. It's just too disgusting! Squeeze him to death for me, don't give me Lao Niu face. If you need it, just speak up, Lao Niu will rush!" Go over and give him two slaps!"

Immediately afterwards, Niu Daman greeted Wang Hao courteously.

"Bastard! Niu Daman, I will tear you to pieces!"

Niu Daman, when did this guy become such a villain?Faced with Niu Daman's undisguised words, Yuan Xiaotian was stunned for a moment.


He has seen shameless ones, but Yuan Xiaotian has never seen such shameless Niu Daman.Is this really Niu Daman?

Yuan Xiaotian wished he could tear this despicable little monster into pieces.


However, before Yuan Xiaotian could scold more, a burst of loud applause came.

It turned out that Niu Daman slapped Yuan Xiaotian hard...

In an instant, Yuan Xiaotian was dumbfounded.The burning pain on his face made him feel dizzy.

It wasn't because Niu Daman slapped him too hard, but because this slap made Yuan Xiaotian stupid.

Back then...thousands of years ago, the old cow that I bullied and ravaged at will, actually slapped me?Is there any reason for this?


Looking at Niu Daman, Yuan Xiaotian's eyes were red.

If he hadn't been suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Tower and was unable to fight back, Yuan Xiaotian would have had to fight Niu yelling.

"What me! I'll help my boss educate you, don't you know? You don't need to thank me! Remember, if you talk nonsense again, it won't be as simple as a slap next time!"

Relying on Wang Hao's suppression from the Monster Tower, Niu Daman looked at Yuan Xiaotian with disgust.


Yuan Xiaotian was really angry.

"Have you said enough? Hurry up! Kill him!"

Seeing that Jin Shisan and Niu Daman were addicted to their mouths, Wang Hao rolled his eyes and urged.

Do you really think that the Town Demon Tower is invincible?

If it wasn't for Wang Hao's strength when refining the Tianyin, reaching the seventh level of the Divine Palace Realm, and stepping into the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm, would he really be able to suppress Yuan Xiaotian now?

It should be noted that before this, Niu Daman, who was weaker than Yuan Xiaotian, and Wang Hao almost fell short in the suppression, let alone the stronger Yuan Xiaotian?

Even though his own strength has improved, such suppression now makes Wang Hao feel extremely difficult!

Wang Hao didn't want to waste any more time, and later things changed, so he had to deal with this guy first.

"Okay, boss, leave it to me!"

Niu Daman quickly echoed.

He knew that Wang Hao was getting impatient.

"Quack quack...Yuan Xiaotian, aren't you arrogant? You're awesome! Aren't you going to bully me? Let's see who will die today!"

Then, Niu Daman waved his casserole-sized fist, walked towards Yuan Xiaotian step by step at a pace that his relatives did not recognize.

It looked like Yuan Xiaotian was being suppressed by Niu Daman now.

" dare!"

Seeing Niu Daman approaching step by step, Yuan Xiaotian felt a chill in his heart.

Yuan Xiaotian regretted it!

If he had known that this human being was so terrifying, he wouldn't have caused trouble for Wang Hao, Niu Daman and others alone if he killed Yuan Xiaotian.This is really self-inflicted.If he had known this earlier, he, Yuan Xiao, didn't want Ye Di's inheritance!Does it matter?

it's good now……

Every step Niu Daman took seemed to step on Yuan Xiaotian's heart, making him palpitate.Yuan Xiaotian felt that death was approaching.

"No... don't kill me! Wang Hao! I am willing to recognize you as the master. You are my boss. I am better than Niu Daman, I..."

Eyeballs rolled, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, finally, Yuan Xiaotian gritted his teeth and begged Wang Hao loudly for mercy.

Why is Niu Daman so arrogant?

Isn't it because of Wang Hao!

If I also follow Wang Hao...

snort!Once you get rid of the danger, everything will be easy to solve.

"You... still want to follow my boss? Who told me that I lost face? You are shameless and I want shame! How shameless! My boss is so wise and mighty that he wants a follower like you? It's embarrassing to know No?"

What Yuan Xiaotian said made Niu Daman panic, and subconsciously looked towards Wang Hao.If Wang Hao really agrees to accept Yuan Xiaotian... how about it?Is there still a place for him, Master Niu, in the future?

Fortunately, Wang Hao seemed unmoved.He didn't intend to recruit Yuan Xiaotian.Otherwise, what a trouble and threat to Niu Daman.

As for now...

Since Wang Hao didn't respond, Niu Daman certainly wouldn't give Yuan Xiaotian another chance to speak.

What should I do if something happens?


Niu Daman punched into the red light.

This demon-suppressing tower is extremely mysterious, shrouded in red light, inside the red light seems to be a closed world, but outside the red light, the world is still bright.

The people inside can't break free from the shackles and become useless people, but the people outside are not affected by the red light.

Therefore, this punch is extremely overbearing.


Watching Niu Daman's punch come down helplessly, Yuan Xiaotian roared in despair.

This time he really felt the breath of death, which was more obvious than when he was suppressed thousands of years ago!

Unexpectedly, he, Yuan Xiaotian, escaped the catastrophe and the thousand years of suppression, and now he is about to die here...

Yuan Xiaotian was very unwilling!


It's just that all this unwillingness came to an abrupt end with a dull impact sound.

Suddenly, Yuan Xiaotian seemed to see his body explode and turn into a gorgeous flower...

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