ancient myth

Chapter 416


The electric dragon roared, across the sky and earth, tearing apart the sky.

That incomparable breath made everyone feel like the god of death had come, unable to breathe.

"This is impossible!"

Pavilion Master Duan shrank his pupils and exclaimed.

Such a powerful sword, such a domineering move, how could it come from Wang Hao's hands?

Before this, Pavilion Master Duan knew that Wang Hao was very powerful, and knew that he had stepped into the Divine Palace Realm.

However, how long has it been since Wang Hao stepped into the Shenfu Realm?How could it be possible to possess such formidable strength?

Under this move, the aura that erupted was no less than his own.


More importantly, as the electric dragon roared, the rolling dark clouds above the sky seemed to echo it from afar.

In just a split second, there was an earth-shattering roar in the dark clouds.


Then, countless electric lights shot out from the thundercloud.

The aura of heaven and earth suddenly became chaotic.

That dark cloud, like a black hole, crazily devoured energy and transformed it into a thunderbolt.

In the blink of an eye, thunderbolts smashed down densely, gathering into a terrifying giant beast.

The giant beast resonated with the dragon, and at the same time rushed towards Pavilion Master Duan and the destructive sword light.

The terrifying aura crushed down, even with the strength of Pavilion Master Duan's Shenfu Jiuchongtian, even at this moment, he felt a little terrified.

Especially the white flame erupting from Dianlong's body at this moment made him feel endlessly cold.

That's right!

In the seven transformations of Shenlei, Wang Hao incorporated the supernatural power of the unknown flame.


Even, when Dianlong was about to collide with Jianmang, with a roar of anger, two other forces of heaven descended!

Three Dao fellow practitioners, gather three Dao seeds, and control the power of the three Heavenly Dao!As time went by in the Shenfu Realm, Wang Hao became more and more proficient in controlling these powers of heaven.

Especially with the Chaos Dao Seed as the core, it can contain everything, and it combines the energies of the Wind Dao Seed and the Pure Yang Dao Seed to form a perfect fusion.

The three forces of heaven descended, making Shenlong's figure swell again in a blink of an eye.

"Do not……"

If the previous electric dragon and thunder beast only made Pavilion Master Duan feel a little threat, then the current electric dragon and thunder beast made Pavilion Master Duan feel hopeless.

His face was pale and he let out a growl.

How can it be!

At the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Divine Mansion Realm, he is one of the strongest even in the spirit world.

He is where Pavilion Master Duan's confidence lies without being afraid of Wang Hao.

And now...

Wang Hao, whom Pavilion Master Duan didn't care about, unexpectedly erupted with such a sword move...

At that moment, Pavilion Master Duan only felt that he had sunk into the Nine Nether Hell.

Death is at hand.

The death threat made his hair stand on end, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

"Don't even think about it..."

Pavilion Master Duan's expression turned ferocious.

He frantically swung the huge sword in his hand, leading the sword light towards Thunder Dragon to slay it.

No choice!

The aura of heaven and earth locked him completely, and this matter was unavoidable.Pavilion Master Duan clearly felt that if he dared to back down, he would be annihilated in an instant.All he can do is fight.


Finally, amidst the roar, Jianmang and Thunder Dragon collided.

A dull roar exploded.

A wave of terrifying air swept across the surroundings.

ah ah ah...

In the dim world, the next moment, there were screams one after another.

Even after retreating hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters, many people were still caught in the terrifying waves of air.

Those people in Spirit Sword City who wanted to watch the battle between Wang Hao and Pavilion Master Duan were like a fallen leaf in the strong wind, vulnerable to a single blow.

I don't know how many people, between the lightning and flint, the sword energy and energy overflowing directly tore into pieces.

The first to bear the brunt are the Jiange disciples behind Pavilion Master Duan.

All the foundations under the realm of the Shenfu suffered.The disciples under the mid-stage Qi Sea Realm were killed on the spot.

"Ah... bastard..."

Difficultly resisting the ravages of Thunder Beast and Thunder Dragon, the long sword in his hand let out waves of mournful sounds, and the light of the sword kept dimming.Hearing the screams coming from behind, Pavilion Master Duan's eyes were tearing apart.

One move confrontation!

Originally, he wanted to crush Wang Hao with one move.

But now...

Wang Hao was never crushed, but Jiange was hit hard.

How many disciples died in Huangquan.

It should be noted that the disciples of the Jiange who can be brought to the square today are all the elite of the Jiange.They are the mainstay of Jiange and the hope of Jiange's future.

Now, those hopes are mostly dashed.

This made Pavilion Master Duan so painful that it was difficult to breathe.

More importantly, he felt that he had fallen into a huge vortex, and he couldn't extricate himself!

No matter how extreme his strength was, he was still losing ground.

Death was getting closer and closer to Pavilion Master Duan.


I don't know how long it took to fight, it seemed like a century, and it seemed that it was only in the blink of an eye. In the midst of Pavilion Master Duan's roar, Wang Hao's icy voice came again.


As Wang Hao's voice fell, at that moment, thunder beasts raged, and the electric dragon let out a loud roar, and the endless flames and blue light turned into a sea of ​​flames, sweeping the entire world.


There was a crackling sound.

"Do not……"

Pavilion Master Duan looked desperately at the long soldier in his hand, which shattered inch by inch.

You know, this long sword is a magical weapon that Pavilion Master Duan sacrificed all the way up after he became a sword master.It can be said that the fate of the long sword and Pavilion Master Duan has been closely linked.

The sword is in the man, the sword is broken and the man perishes!

This is not just talk.

Puff puff……

Because of this, at the moment when the long sword broke, Pavilion Master Duan spurted blood from his mouth, and his figure flew out like a kite with a broken string.

In a confrontation with one move, Pavilion Master Duan was defeated miserably.

What made him even more desperate was that Wang Hao's moves swept over Yu Wei, and the electric dragon continued to devour him.


At the moment of death, even Pavilion Master Duan felt fear in his heart.

"Wang Hao, how dare you!"

"Wang Hao, show mercy!"

Seeing that the pavilion master fell into a desperate situation, those Jiange elders and survivors who were forced back by the blast roared in despair.

A group of figures wanted to rush towards Pavilion Master Duan to help him solve the immediate crisis.

However, distant water cannot save near fire!


Before those people rushed into the battle circle to resist Wang Hao's moves, Yu Wei's dull tearing sound came first.

Blood spilled, flesh and blood flew everywhere!

Pavilion Master Duan's roar came to an abrupt end.

How fast is the sword move of the person carrying the power of wind, even if it is as powerful as it is?

"Do not……"

"My lord..."

The next moment, heart-piercing howls and screams came.

The elders and disciples of the Jiange collapsed as they watched the pavilion master being chopped off by Wang Hao's sword and torn apart.This is the most powerful person in their Jiange, the most talented and powerful owner of the Jiange in thousands of years.

And now...

Fear, anger... Endless emotions filled the hearts of every person in the Jiange.

"Heaven...the Lord of the Jiange Pavilion was...killed seconds?"

"Wang Hao, it's so terrifying!"

In the midst of the storm, the onlookers who survived in the distance were stunned at the scene in front of them.

one move!

In the confrontation between Wang Hao and Pavilion Master Duan, there was only one move.

People expected that Wang Hao's death and Daoxiao never appeared, but Pavilion Master Duan, who was at the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Divine Mansion, was smashed to pieces!

The shock brought by this is unimaginable and makes people unable to breathe.

Wang Hao, just how strong is he?

Looking at the figure with a cold face in the distance, subconsciously, these people held their breath.At the same time, a thought came to their hearts that made them all feel desperate: Jiange, it's over!Spirit Sword City, it's over.The holy land of thousands of years will be destroyed today.

Even Pavilion Master Duan was beheaded, who else could stop Wang Hao?

Wang Hao is indeed the one who destroyed the Tianxuan Sword Sect.

Is this the strength of a strong man in the spirit world?

"Bastard! Wang Hao, we will make you pay in blood!"

"Wang Hao, today, you must die!"

"Wang Hao, I want you to be buried with the pavilion master!"

After a brief silence and shock, what followed was endless anger.

The Jiange man who came back to his senses went crazy.

The pavilion master is right in front of them, on their territory, being tortured and killed like this, what is the face of Jiange?

If Wang Hao cannot be resolved today, the Jiange will be destroyed, and will be reduced to the dust of history from then on!

Everyone in Jiange, who knew this very well, twisted their faces.

"Old Ancestor, come and help me get the sword!"

"Please ask the ancestor to kill the demon!"

At that moment, a dozen elders of Jiange directly knelt on the ground amidst the roar, and shouted loudly in the direction of Lingshan.

Obviously, although these elders are angry and crazy, they are not idiots!

Even the pavilion master was beheaded by Wang Hao, so how could the Yamen be Wang Hao's opponent?

However, this does not mean that Jiange has no means!

They also have ancestors!

An ancestor who guards the mountain gate is the last resort of Jiange.


Following the pleadings of the elders, a terrifying aura exploded above the Lingshan Mountain.

The pinnacle of the Nine Heavens of the Divine Palace!

Wang Hao felt the strength of that breath immediately.On par with the Jiange Pavilion Master.

"Wang Hao, I will not keep you in Jiange today!"

Without waiting for Wang Hao to think more, the figure that rushed over from the Lingshan Mountain shouted loudly.

In a blink of an eye, that figure has come to the sky above the square.

Standing with hands clasped behind his back, he has a childlike face with white hair and a fluttering long beard, looking beyond the ordinary.

This Jiange patriarch has the demeanor of a worldly expert.

This is the ancestor of Jiange?

The people watching from afar were stunned. Looking at that figure, their minds were in turmoil.

"Shenfu Ninth Heaven, can you kill me?"

Compared with those shocked people, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw that figure, and sneered.

The master of the Jiange pavilion has fallen, so what is the use of this ancestor?If you don't enter Vientiane, why should Wang Hao be afraid!

"Wang Hao, dare to be rampant!"

Murderous intent surged in Jiange Patriarch's eyes.

"Sword come!"

The next moment, he only heard a long howl, and the breath in his body swept away towards the surroundings.

"Sword come!"

At the same time, the dozen or so Jiange elders who were kneeling on the ground roared loudly at the same time.

Puff puff……

The voice fell, but I saw that these people were all spurting out a mouthful of blood, and using the blood as a guide, they rolled up a monstrous momentum!

Under that breath, even Wang Hao couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

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