ancient myth

Chapter 42 Betrayal?

"Poor ghosts! They are all a bunch of poor ghosts! Poverty is not your fault. But it is your fault that you came out to hate the rich! I have money, so you can bite me?"

Until the last student of the small academy, after being stripped naked by Tai Youqian with a face full of humiliation, Tai Youqian hummed in displeasure when he saw what he had gained.

A total of 170 three people who attempted to besiege and rob him.As a result, 83 people chose to give up the trial and escape.The remaining 90 people were confiscated by Taiyouqian for less than 1 taels of silver...

This makes Tai rich money very disappointed.

"And you! Why don't you try it! I'm rich and easy to grab! If you grab it, it's yours, and I won't retaliate! Haha... come on! How about it? Are you very excited? Action is worse than action! "

After being depressed, Tai Youqian said excitedly when he noticed the crowds gathered around him.

This made countless people look at each other in blank dismay.

Too bad!

This guy with a face like a pig is too much to beat.

But, unfortunately, people can't.Looking at his fluffy cloak, everyone felt dazzling!

This drove countless people crazy.

"Have enough of your rants? Enough of your rants, it's time to go!"

Wang Hao couldn't help interrupting Tai Youqian's arrogance.

This guy really deserves a beating.

Wang Hao can't guarantee that, let him continue talking, will he be able to bear it!

"'s almost there! I'm just a little disappointed! The cloak made of 6 taels of silver, sold for at least 10 taels. However, half of it is scrapped after only getting 1 taels. I'm so disappointed!"

Tai Youqian curled his lips with a look of disappointment.

"Wealthy and willful! What are you afraid of!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

Considering that each of them is wearing a cape worth 10 taels of silver now... This is simply a mobile treasure trove!Only Thailand has the money to make it.

Thinking about selling 20 taels of a pill, and being excited for a while, Wang Hao suddenly felt ashamed.

He couldn't help but have the urge to strangle the fat man to death.


After glaring at Tai Youqian angrily, Wang Hao walked straight ahead.

This time, no one dared to stop it!

This time, looking at Wang Hao and his party, everyone chose to remain silent unwillingly and resentfully.

woohoo hoo...

Through layers of fog, relying on the protection of the cloak, Wang Hao and his party walked forward without being affected in the slightest.


Until reaching the center of the basin, a flame suddenly burned.

Under the sweeping gray mist, a Fuqing Heart Talisman was completely burned.

There was roaring and chaos all around.I don't know how many warriors have been affected by resentment at this moment and started going crazy!

One after another halos flashed, each warrior had to give up the cultivation here.

There are more people who are persisting, looking at Wang Hao and others who are walking along the way, with resentment and endless greed.

It's a pity that these people dare not act recklessly under the circumstances of resentment.Coupled with the deterrence of Taiyouqian before... this made people calm down.

Otherwise, how many troubles will arise?

"Look, there are some people who need a lesson. Otherwise, they don't know what it means to be honest!"

Tai Youqian continued to chatter.

If it wasn't for shocking countless young people just now, I don't know how many troubles I have now!


At the same time that Tai Youqian was screaming, bursts of flames burned, and silver powder was scattered all over the sky.

One by one, the Heart Purification Talismans began to burn and shatter. ,

The resentment here has grown to the extreme!Even the specially made Heart Purification Talisman could not help them for too long.

"Quick! Rush into the cave!"

Not far ahead is the entrance to the cave.

Wang Hao rolled his eyes at Tai Youqian who was still chattering, and said in a deep voice.

A group of people quickened their pace, passed through layers of gray fog, and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.


Finally, at the moment when the last Qingxin Talisman on the cloak was burned out, several people stepped into the cave.

Although they set off later than many people, Wang Hao and others were the first to enter the cave by relying on the talismans made of money.

It was dim, and there was a faint green light flickering all around.

The gray fog outside seems to be isolated.

There was a hint of coldness in the air, which pierced into the bone marrow, making people subconsciously feel that the blood had stopped flowing.

"Who, come out!"

Suddenly, Wang Hao's expression changed, and he shouted loudly.

Now, after Wang Hao has been blessed with the power of the dragon, his soul power is far beyond what ordinary warriors can match.

It can even be said that within the Qi Gathering Realm, Wang Hao's spirit is also first class.With a radius of a hundred steps, Wang Hao could clearly sense the wind and grass.

The moment he entered this cave, he already felt several murderous intentions and locked him.

In the darkness, someone was already watching them and the group.

As Wang Hao finished speaking, the atmosphere in the arena changed, Zhou Shan tensed up, Wang Lin subconsciously approached Wang Hao, even if Tai was rich, she narrowed her eyes.

None of the people who can come here are simple people.Not comparable to the struggling crap out there.

And, since I'm waiting here, I think I'm ready.Tai has money and dare not neglect in the slightest.

"Clap clap clap..."

After a while, there was a burst of clear applause.

A few figures came out from the darkness in the distance.

"Chu Tianrong!"

Looking at the leading figure, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Isn't this the sixth prince of Chu State, Chu Tianrong?Behind Chu Tianrong, followed more than a dozen middle-aged men with sturdy stature and sharp eyes.

One can tell at a glance that these people are extraordinary, and each of them contains a strong murderous intent.They came from the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and judging from their temperament, they were probably born in the army!

"Wang Hao! I've been waiting for you for a long time! You didn't let me down by being able to come here!"

Ten meters away from Wang Hao, Chu Tianrong stopped and said with a smile.

"And then? Are you going to kill me?"

Wang Hao asked.

Chu Tianrong appeared here and Wang Hao could guess his purpose.

In other words, the moment he offended him during the academy selection that day, Wang Hao guessed that this guy would take revenge!

Unexpectedly, it came so early.

"Of course! No one who has humiliated me can live a good life! You are no exception! And Su Muyu, she is destined to be mine. You? Can't afford it! Since you want to get something that doesn't belong to you, since If you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, you should pay the price."

Chu Tianrong said seriously.

"My life is very valuable!"

Wang Hao was expressionless.

"Wait, it's worthless!"

Chu Tianrong said proudly.

"What about them? You want to kill them too?"

Wang Hao glanced at Wang Lin and Tai Youqian.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, right? Haha... Chu Tianrong, we have no hatred!"

Tai Youqian suddenly said with a smile.

These words changed the expressions of Zhou Shan and Wang Lin greatly.Looking at Tai Youqian, the eyes of the two became ugly.

Was Tai rich, or did he choose to betray at the most critical moment?

"Of course, we have no enmity! Even, your father and my father are best friends! We should also be friends! Come here now, we are still friends!"

Chu Tianrong glanced at Tai Youqian and said calmly.

"In the past! Although you are my friend. But Wang Hao is also my friend! What should I do?"

Tai Youqian looked perplexed.

"Let's do it! How about I quit?"

Tai Youqian's eyes lit up and he asked.


Chu Tianrong said coldly.

At least, at this stage, he doesn't want to turn against Tai Youqian.Or he didn't want to turn against the people behind Tai Youqian.

"And her! I want to take it away! You have no grudge against her!"

Tai Youqian pointed to Wang Lin.


Chu Tianrong frowned, and said in silence.

If Tai Youqian hadn't spoken, Wang Lin wouldn't be able to leave today!

But now, Chu Tianrong doesn't mind giving Tai Youqian a face and letting go of an unimportant person.

Their Tai family has the qualifications!

"I do not go!"

Wang Lin said quickly.

"Follow him!"

Wang Hao said without a doubt!

Ty's rich betrayal?No!Not to mention betrayal!

Wang Hao has never regarded Tai Youqian as his reliable friend!They are at best a cooperative relationship.

It's normal for Thailand to choose rich money now.

On the contrary, he was able to take the initiative to take Wang Lin away, which surprised and benefited Wang Hao.

Wang Lin's strength is weak, if she stays here, there will be more than good luck.It is a good thing for Wang Hao to be able to follow Tai Youqian!

"Brother Wang Hao..."

Wang Lin's eyes were slightly red, with a trace of anxiety.

"Follow him! I'm fine! I'll meet you later!"

Wang Hao looked at Wang Lin and said in a deep voice.

His eyes were extremely firm.

"it is good!"

Finally, after looking at Wang Hao for a long time, Wang Lin nodded.

In the darkness, Xiao Nizi's eye sockets were already covered with mist, she turned her head and took a deep look at Chu Tianrong.It was as if he wanted to engrave this figure into his mind.

What if something happened to brother Wang Hao?In this life, all she has left is to avenge Wang Hao!


Under Tai Youqian's repeated urging, Wang Lin followed Tai Youqian across the crowd, heading into the darkness in the distance.

"Now, it's time to get down to business. Are you still thinking about reuniting with that little girl? No! You have no chance! You will die! In the near future, I will let you reunite underground as you wish!"

Until Wang Lin and Tai Youqian disappeared from sight, Chu Tianrong sneered.

"I really want to kill you right now!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"You can try!"

Chu Tianrong sneered.

"Let all your people come out! Why continue hiding in the dark!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Since it's all exposed, come out!"

Chu Tianrong said towards the back.

The voice fell, and several figures walked out of the darkness.

"It's you!"

This time, seeing clearly the several figures that appeared, Wang Hao's pupils shrank.

Wang Hao knew these people.In other words, familiar!

Because, they are not students of Tianwu Academy, who are they?

Among them, Wang Hao saw Jing Fengyu who was making trouble for him in Pingchang Academy.

Seeing the boy who framed himself in front of the teacher...

"Are you sure you want to help him?"

Wang Hao squinted his eyes, looked at these teenagers, and asked coldly.

People from Tianwu Academy stood by Chu Tianrong's side and wanted to kill him!This is something that surprised Wang Hao!

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