ancient myth

Chapter 428 Suppression, Elder Bai's Strength

"Xing Gu, you are bold!"

"You guys, what do you want to do?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Don't forget what the Great Elder has done for our clan..."

In the frozen atmosphere, the Third Elder and others who recovered quickly drank it.

For a moment, murderous intent surged in the palace.

Obviously, the Yaozu is divided within.

At the very least, from the current situation, Wang Hao can see that the monster clan is divided into three energies.

The first group was naturally headed by the Great Elder. In addition to the Great Elder, seven of the sixteen elders present immediately stood up and scolded.

The second faction is naturally six people headed by Second Elder Xing Gu.

The other three were silent and did not make a sound.

This can't help but make people think deeply.

"You want me to abdicate?"

Finally, amidst the scolding of the third elder and others, seeing the smell of gunpowder getting stronger, the first elder spoke slowly.

"Yes! You are old! Your thoughts are too rotten! It would be better if I could lead the Yaozu away!"

After making a decision, Xing Gu held his head high.

"Your way is wrong!"

The elder sighed softly.

"This is the most correct way!"

Xing Gu snorted coldly.

"What if I don't give up?"

asked the great elder.

"Then I'll let you step aside!"

There was a flash of light in Xing Gu's eyes.


As his words fell, a powerful wave of air rose into the sky, as if it was about to overturn the entire palace.

"Half step Vientiane!"

"Damn it, this Xing Gu... how did he step into the half-step Vientiane realm?"

"The White Tiger family is naturally good at fighting, and a person who is half a step into the Vientiane is even enough to fight against a person in the Vientiane Realm?"

Exclamations came and went.

Even if it was Wang Hao, his expression couldn't help changing.

In the confrontation with his own move before, what Xing Gu showed was only the strength of the Shenfu Nine Heavens.Not even the top!Even so, the strength and speed displayed by Xing Gu had already surprised Wang Hao.

But now he has shown half-step Vientiane strength, and he is even stronger.

Half-step Vientiane, with Xing Gu's combat power, I am afraid that he is really invincible under the Vientiane Realm!Even if Wang Hao's firepower is fully fired, I'm afraid he won't be sure of victory!

At the very least, one thing can be confirmed, with this level of strength and fighting power, if Xing Gu wants to leave, Wang Hao can't do anything!

It turned out that this was Xing Gu's trump card!

Subconsciously, Wang Hao looked at Elder Bai!How will the Great Elder of the Yaozu react?He is really old, and his vitality is already very weak.Can he cope with Xing Gu's forced palace?

"Boy, do we want to make a move?"

Seeing that Xing Gu had already taken the last step, if Elder Bai refused again, Xing Gu would definitely make a move. Jin Shisan approached Wang Hao and asked in a low voice.

Now is the time to prepare.

"Not in a hurry!"

Wang Hao frowned.

It is not suitable for him to intervene in matters within the Yaozu!

For some reason, Wang Hao felt that even though Elder Bai was dying, he should be able to solve it.

"Elder Bai, if you step down now, you are still a hero of my monster clan. In the future, your status will still be supreme in my monster clan!"

As the aura climbed to the peak, Xing Gu looked at Elder Bai and said with a smile.

"As for these human races, I will kill them! Especially Wang Hao! Not only because he bullied my grandson Xing Tian, ​​but also because he will become a stumbling block to me when he is alive!"

Xing Gu added.

Wang Hao suddenly realized.

It turns out that Xing Tian is the grandson of Xing Gu?Is Xing Gu the southern tiger that Jun Wuhai talked about back then?

It is precisely because of this that the state of Chu fears Xing Tian?

No wonder Xing Gu was full of murderous intent towards him the moment he saw him?I'm afraid it has something to do with Xing Tian, ​​right?

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps, today, I really can't stay out of it?

"You turn around now, it's too late!"

Elder Bai looked at Xing Gu and sighed softly.

"I can't go back!"

Xing Gu snorted coldly.

His breath enveloped Elder Bai directly.

"Xing Tian, ​​you are presumptuous..."

Breath lock Elder Bai?What kind of presumptuous thing is this?Although the third elder and others were shocked by Xing Gu's strength, the anger in their hearts began to soar.

Xing Gu, do you really want to rebel?

If the Great Elder didn't reach out to stop him, the Third Elder wouldn't mind a fight with Xing Gu, even if he wasn't his opponent.

Elder Bai's majesty cannot be challenged!

"Okay! I'll give you a chance! Come and kill me! I'm dead, and the position of Great Elder belongs to you. I have a hundred thousand mountains and a million monster races, and I will be deployed by you from now on."

The great elder said quietly.

These words made Xing Gu's eyes flash with ecstasy.

"excuse me!"

The next moment, with a cold snort, Xing Gu's figure rose violently, and he rushed towards Elder Bai.


However, just when Xing Gu punched and was about to hit Elder Bai, Elder Bai suddenly shouted softly.


There was a wave of fluctuation in the air, and the entire time and space seemed to be frozen!The endless gust of wind swept over and turned into a cage.

"how is this possible……"

Three meters in front of Elder Bai, Xing Gusheng was restrained here, he gasped and panicked.

Xing Gu knew very well how powerful he was, and he knew very well that he had exhausted all his strength in one blow.

But now Elder Bai didn't even make a move, but only let out a cold snort to restrain himself, so that he couldn't move?What does this mean?How strong is this Elder Bai?

For hundreds of years, no one has seen Elder Bai make a move.But he wouldn't be so powerful, would he?


His eyes changed, and Xing Gu let out a roar.


His figure suddenly swelled, and in an instant he turned into a huge white tiger, roaring into the sky.The roar spread throughout the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Feeling the danger, Xing Gu changed his original shape.Only in this way can he unleash his greatest strength and strongest combat effectiveness!

"Get down!"

Elder Bai flicked his wrist.


As if the giant tiger had been severely injured, it fell to the ground fiercely, and the whole palace trembled.

"Do not……"

The giant tiger uttered words, roaring in despair.

how come!

I have transformed myself into my original form, yet...

"Come and help me!"

Xing Gu yelled at the five elders who followed him before.

He miscalculated!Only now did he know that Elder Bai's status has been as stable as Mount Tai for hundreds of years because he has absolute strength.He underestimated Elder Bai.

Today, he is still no match for Elder Bai.

"Who dares!"

Seeing Xing Tian asking for help, the third elder looked at the five people coldly.The six elders beside the third elder took a step across and blocked the way of these people.

They are all the most loyal followers of Elder Bai.

The strength displayed by Elder Bai now cheers them up.

Facing the strength displayed by Elder Bai and the obstruction of the third elder, the five elders who followed Xing Gu looked gloomy and panicked, but they never made a move in the end!

"Asshole! Asshole..."

Abandoned himself?Seeing this scene, Xing Gu was heartbroken.

"Xing Gu, are you convinced?"

Until this time, Elder Bai coughed a few more times, looked at Xing Gu who was bound on the ground and asked.

"I'm not convinced! I'm not convinced! You old guy, why aren't you dead? Why aren't you dead! I'm not reconciled! Only I can lead the Yaozu to prosperity!"

Knowing that his many years of planning had failed, Xing Gu roared in despair.

There was endless hatred in his eyes!

Convinced?How can it be!

Xing Gu didn't know what he would face next until he was convinced.


Elder Bai's eyes turned cold!


With one hand, it was as if a real palm print landed on Xing Gu's body.


Amidst the dull impact, Xing Gukuang, who had no power to resist, spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Betraying the Great Elder and breaking the rules of our ancestors, are you guilty?"

There was a hint of coldness in Elder Bai's voice.

Since Xing Gu took the wrong path, Elder Bai will cut off the path today!

"I plead not guilty!"

Xing Gu roared.

"Xing Gu, according to the rules of the Yaozu family, you will be granted cultivation and suppress the abyss cage for a hundred years!"

Elder Bai lost his patience and announced directly.

"No...don' can't do this!"

Xing Gu panicked!

With his cultivation base sealed, he is a useless person.No, he is a waste demon!

Abyss cage?what is that placeThat is the most terrifying purgatory for the monster race.It is located [-] meters underground, frozen all the year round, like the Nine Nether Hells!Every nine days, there will be an abyssal hurricane, and ordinary people will be smashed to pieces under the hurricane!Even if it's me, I'm afraid I'll be hit hard!A hundred years of torture, life is worse than death!This is the most terrifying punishment.

"Kill me! Old man, kill me if you have the ability!"

Xing Gu roared and resisted.

It's a pity that everything is useless.


With a flick of Elder Bai's wrist, a talisman blasted into Xing Gu's body, and Xing Gu passed out directly.His cultivation was completely sealed.

"Take it to the abyss cage!"

Elder Bai gave instructions to the third elder.


The third elder responded quickly, and dragged the fainted Xing Gu towards the outside of the palace.

The era belonging to Xing Gu is over.It is embarrassing that a generation of monster clan powers has come to such an end.

"Elder, I waited wrong!"

"Great Elder, have mercy!"

After Xing Gu was escorted away, the remaining five elders who followed Xing Gu turned pale and knelt on the ground.

"Go and guard the abyss for 30 years!"

Elder Bai sighed with a trace of fatigue.

Outside the abyss, there are elders from the monster clan guarding it all the year round.These people were dispatched there, which was regarded as a kind of punishment.


The faces of the five elders were ashen!

Guard the abyss?From now on, they have completely left the power core of the Yaozu!

Although he is still an elder, he is destined to be forgotten!

One wrong step, one wrong step, these elders are full of decadence and despair.

"Recall the patrolling elders, rectify the monster clan, and don't participate in external disputes!"

After the five people left, Elder Bai gave instructions to the remaining people.

After 30 years of retreat, the monster race has changed!It's time to put things in order.Clan rules still need to be established.


The crowd responded.

Yaozu, the sky is about to change!

Return to the sky under the control of the Great Elder.

Some people are happy and some are worried!

However, no one went back to resist.

Until everyone left, only Wang Hao, Zhou Shan, Jin Shisan and Elder Bai were left in the palace!

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down for a while.

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