ancient myth

Chapter 448 Suppression

"We can prove that what Wang Hao said is true! My Emperor's family and Ye's family are willing to follow Emperor Ye's will, and return the Eastern Wasteland to a bright future!"

At the same time, people from the Emperor's family and Ye family in the distance came to Wang Hao and saluted respectfully.

The Di family and the Ye family, these two have been in the past for thousands of years, and their will has never been shaken!

What they have to do now is to rectify Wang Hao's name!


The confirmation from the Ye family and the Di family is undoubtedly very convincing!What's more, the dean has made it very clear that there is information about this in the forbidden area of ​​the academy.

Is everything true?

The Guan family actually...

Some people who had doubts before turned pale at this moment.

"Now, those who want to leave can leave! I, Donghuang Academy, never force anyone to stay in the academy forcibly! Thousands of years ago, Emperor Ye created the academy just to give everyone a place to practice and a road to practice. .Donghuang Academy will never force anyone!"

In the silence of the crowd, Dean Ning turned around and looked at the people present, and said in a deep voice.

Before the Guan family and Wanshoushan asked Dean Ning to let go, why did he refuse?That's because he never believed in the Guan family and Wanshou Mountain!He saw through their methods.

Now he is willing to let go because the academy never pushes others to make things difficult.After seeing the truth clearly, everyone has the right to choose!

"We are willing to follow Emperor Ye's will and defend Donghuang!"

"I am willing to follow the young master and conquer the world!"

After Dean Ning's words fell, the Chu people showed excitement on their faces, and knelt down towards Wang Hao first.

It's no secret that Chu State has followed Wang Hao!

The children of Chu State will naturally follow in Wang Hao's footsteps.

Next came Sky Sea City and Black Water City.

Then one after another, more and more people knew the truth, and they let go.

The news they learned today shocked them incomparably!Anyone with a brain knows how to choose now.

What happened is irreversible.

That being the case, what about following Wang Hao to make a career?

Are you really going to follow the Guan family?Be their lackey, be their beast?

One after another……

Looking at the kneeling figures, a smile appeared on the corner of Dean Ning's mouth.

In the end, there were tens of thousands of people in the academy, but as for the number of people who were less than a thousand, they still stood stubbornly in place.

"Hate is hard to forget, but I won't come to seek revenge again, let alone join forces with the Guan family!"

Among the standing crowd, several young people looked at Wang Hao with complicated expressions.

They still chose to leave.

Since they couldn't let go of their hatred and take revenge, they had no choice but to leave.

"We will also stay away from disputes, and hope that Donghuang will get better and better!"

Then someone left.

Then the largest group of people, about hundreds of people: "We are people of Qi State, and we will return to Qi State this time, and see you on the battlefield in the future! If we die and die, we will never blame anyone. I hope Emperor Ye's will Live forever!"

This group of people is either from the Qi State, or from the country that is now joining forces with the Qi State.

Qi Guo is still unwilling to submit to Wang Hao's subordinates.They want to fight for a piece of their own world.

These disciples are of course unwilling to follow Wang Hao.But he will never follow the Guan family.

Winning and losing on the battlefield.If Qi is defeated, there is nothing to say.If Qi State can turn the situation around, they will inherit Emperor Ye's will and become the masters of the world!

For these people, Wang Hao respected them in his heart, but he never had the slightest embarrassment.

In the end, there were no more than a hundred people who did not express their attitude and chose to leave.Perhaps these people would rather be lackeys than beasts.But harmless.

Are these hundreds of people really interested in the Guan family?Today's plan was shattered, how much loss did the Guan family suffer?

This is already Wang Hao's victory, and Donghuang Academy's victory.

"Hahaha... It seems that we came at the right time! My Daqin Academy announces that it will return to Donghuang Academy today!"

Just after those disciples left one after another, a burst of laughter came from the sky above Donghuang Academy.

The next moment, several figures appeared in the square.

"Daqin Academy?"

Looking at the people coming, seeing their clothes, and recognizing their identities at a glance, many people from Donghuang Academy exclaimed.

Everyone knows that Wang Hao has an extraordinary relationship with Qin.Even Qin Guo followed Wang Hao.

However, who would have thought that Daqin Academy would be so decisive?

After all, it is one of the seven great powers in the spiritual world, how much Qin has paid for this status!How many children of Daqin Academy died for this?

But now, they gave up their status and returned to Donghuang Academy?What a shocking news this is.

I believe that with this news, the world will definitely shake, right?

Of the seven major forces, from now on, only the six major forces remain.

Donghuang Academy did not become weak because of this split, and even because of Qin's joining, its strength skyrocketed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the strength has doubled!

"Okay! Hahaha... Daqin Academy returns to Donghuang Academy, this is the great joy of the world!"

Dean Ning's face was flushed.When Daqin Academy left, the strength of Donghuang Academy was greatly reduced, so how much humiliation it endured.

For many years, Donghuang Academy has dreamed of bringing Daqin Academy back.

Now Daqin Academy is recovered in his own hands.Dean Ning felt extremely honored.

"After today, Tianxia Academy is one family!"

Dean Ning arrived with a red face.

The academies are unified, and Hecai is the Donghuang Academy that truly inherited the will of Emperor Ye.

"I have seen the young master! My Daqin Academy has been waiting for the young master for many years. Now that the young master returns, my Daqin Academy is willing to be the vanguard. As the young master pointed out, our Daqin Academy will surely reach the front!"

The old man of Daqin Academy headed by him respectfully saluted Wang Hao.

Emperor Qin recognized Wang Hao, and Daqin Academy had no reason not to.

"it is good!"

At this moment, Wang Hao's blood is boiling!

The attitude of Daqin Academy surprised Wang Hao.

This is really the biggest gain from returning to the spirit world this time.

The attachment of Daqin Academy is not just as simple as it seems on the surface.Its impact.It will definitely be extremely profound.This decision is enough to change the spirit world and re-divide the structure again!

"Young master, what's your plan for the next step?"

At this time, members of the Ye family and the Di family couldn't help asking.

This question also attracted the ideas of people from Daqin Academy and Donghuang Academy.For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Wang Hao.

Undoubtedly, Wang Hao is their leader now.

Wang Hao's decision will determine their fate and mission.

"Myriad Beast Mountain!"

Amidst the gazing eyes, Wang Hao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Wan Beast Mountain!

This is Wang Hao's choice.

Isn't Wanshou Mountain going to go the same way as the Guan family?

That being the case, let's start from Wanshou Mountain.

Wang Hao knew that no matter it was Jiu Wubai, the Di family, or the Ye family, they were all staring at the Guan family, but it would be easier said than done to move the Guan family?

Within the West Mountain, there are countless strong people, the mysterious Patriarch, and those old and immortal elders that Jiu Wubai said are extremely terrifying.

Now is not the time.

Wanshou Mountain is different.

If Wanshou Mountain, the biggest arm of the Guan family, could be cut off, what kind of blow would the Guan family suffer?

"When will the young master plan to do it?"

Dean Ning fixed his eyes and asked directly.

Wanshou Mountain, as the sect of the monster clan, was granted by Emperor Ye back then.The Yaozu are not allowed to participate in the disputes in the world, this is also determined by Emperor Ye.

Since Yaozu violated the promise to Emperor Ye back then.

Then there is no need for them to exist.

At least, this is the case in Myriad Beast Mountain!

"Seven days later!"

Wang Hao said directly.

Seven days should be enough for them to prepare.

"No need to block messages!"

Wang Hao added.

This time, Wang Hao wants to let the whole news fly in the spirit world for a while.

He wanted to let Wanshoushan know the news in advance, and let Wanshoushan summon all the arms that could be summoned.

This time, Wang Hao wanted to cut off the cancer of Wanshou Mountain in one go.

"it is good!"

Wang Hao's words made everyone's eyes shine.

How could they fail to guess what Wang Hao was thinking?

This seems to be the most convenient way!

If this battle can be won, it will be done once and for all.

Moreover, with the energy that Wang Hao can condense now, it really doesn't seem to be a problem to deal with Wanshou Mountain!

"In Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, the voices are not uniform now! Maybe we can use it!"

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the old man of Daqin Academy.

"Yes! I will also let Tai Youqian contact me as much as possible!"

Wang Hao has never forgotten that when he first arrived in the spirit world, Wanshou Mountain gave him support!

Obviously, the group of people at that time had a good relationship with themselves.

The voices of Wanshou Mountain are not uniform, and Wang Hao is naturally aware of this.

If so, why not take advantage of it?

After discussing some things again, Wang Hao went straight to the East Holy Pavilion under the leadership of Jin Shisan.

People from Daqin Academy, Ye Family and Emperor Family left one after another, and Donghuang Academy began intense preparations.


The split in Donghuang Academy has been suppressed!

When this news came out, many people in the spiritual world who were paying attention to this matter were stunned.

Who would have thought that things would end in this way.

You know, before this, everyone thought that Donghuang Academy would be torn apart this time, and there would be no Donghuang Academy from now on.

What is even more unexpected is that it was Wang Hao who suppressed this matter!

It is said that Wang Hao also killed three Vientiane Realm experts on the spot.

The fall of the strong in the Myriad Phrases Realm, even if it is a cloud of strong in the spirit world, such things have only happened a few times in the past century.

And in the past year, in the hands of Wang Hao, in front of the Dongsheng Pavilion, how many powerful people in the Vientiane Realm have fallen?I'm afraid it is much more than the sum of all the powerful people in the Vientiane Realm who have fallen in the past hundred years, right?

Wang Hao is really a lunatic!

And his strength left countless people stunned.

How old is Wang Hao, how long has he been practicing, and he has become a person of the Vientiane Realm?It made everyone feel unbelievable.

For a while, how high was Wang Hao's reputation in the spiritual world, and even in the entire Eastern Wilderness?

And before people could recover from this shocking news, another news came that shocked everyone again.

Six days later, Wang Hao will attack Wanshou Mountain!

This time, Wang Hao will gather extremely powerful forces to destroy Wanshou Mountain, a sacred place of the monster clan that has been passed down for countless years!

This news exploded in the spirit world like a thunderbolt, causing countless uproars.

All eyes were turned to Wanshou Mountain in an instant.

The news is true?

How would Wanshou Mountain react?

What will be the outcome of the battle between Wang Hao and Wanshou Mountain...

All of these make the entire spiritual world turbulent and dark.

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