ancient myth

Chapter 45

The wind whistled in my ears, and the scenery around me quickly reversed!

woohoo hoo...

Wang Hao, who had been running wildly for a quarter of an hour, finally stopped.

At this moment, the herd of beasts behind them was finally completely shaken off!

With a long exhalation, Wang Hao sat on the ground paralyzed.At this moment, his legs seemed to be heavy.The strength in the body seems to be drained!He has reached his limit.

Look at Zhou Shan who is panting like a cow beside him.Even if this humanoid monster is so tired, it is conceivable how difficult the escape they have gone through.

If there is no dust-free sword to open the way, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Why did you save us?"

After a while, Wang Hao, who regained a bit of physical strength, looked towards Jing Fengfeng in front of him.

That's right!

On the way to escape just now, at the 36 fork in front of him, if it wasn't for the help of Jing Yufeng, Wang Hao might not be able to escape the pursuit of the monster so smoothly.

It can be said that Wang Hao and Zhou Shan owe Jing Fengyu a favor.

Looking at this young man who was making trouble for him on the Xuefu Square not long ago, Wang Hao's eyes were complicated.

"I just don't want you to be buried in the mouth of monsters. Hmph! One day, I will beat you to the ground myself!"

The boy said proudly.

"You don't seem to have a good relationship with those people?"

Thinking of the previous relationship between Jing Yufeng and Chu Chaoge and others, Wang Hao felt very interesting.

"none of your business!"

The boy said stubbornly.

"What a naive child!"

Wang Hao couldn't laugh or cry.The view of Jing Fengyu has changed a lot.

At least, at that time, Jing Yufeng didn't make trouble!Although even if he really fell into trouble, it would not have much impact.However, his decision made it impossible for Wang Hao to regard him as an enemy.

This is just a simple and proud child with a trace of innocence.

"We're the same age! Don't talk to me like that!"

Jing Yufeng was dissatisfied.

Then she curled her lips: "Hmph! Those people say my father is a reckless man. I don't want to stay with them. I don't like Chu Chaoge, and I don't like that sixth prince."

"However, you keep trying to blend in with them! It doesn't matter if you are used!"

Wang Hao said lightly.

This is a fun kid.

"My father is the governor! Chu Chaoge's father is King Yong. What if I don't go with them? This is what King Yong needs to see, and this is what I need to do for my father! Besides, Chu Chao Ge said, I don't listen to him. He will make it difficult for my father to move! However, I will get rid of them!"

The boy was silent for a moment, then said firmly.

This is a kind, sensible, and innocent child.His words surprised Wang Hao.There is also a touch of goodwill.

"you will!"

Wang Hao murmured, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Chu Tianrong, Chu Chaoge?This time, they set a big game for themselves!If it were someone else, he would have died eight times out of ten times, right?

It's a pity that he, Wang Hao, is destined to die!He is still alive.

Since he was still alive, how could Wang Hao make it easier for his opponent?No matter what their status is!

"Are you all right!"

After a moment of silence, looking at Wang Hao and Zhou Shan who were in a state of distress, Jing Yufeng asked in a low voice.

"Are you worried?"

Wang Hao laughed.

After the young man was humiliated and left, he hid not far away, watching the situation of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.At the most critical moment, I pulled a hand.His heart is really not bad!

"I'm afraid you will die! As I said, I will personally beat you. Although you seem very strong now! But, in the near future, I will do it!"

The boy said seriously.

"Wait until that day!"

Wang Hao smiled, not entangled in this topic.

"The injury is not serious. But the trouble now is coming again!"

Immediately afterwards, as if sensing something, Wang Hao's pupils shrank suddenly.

He looked forward blankly.

Sitting next to Wang Hao, Zhou Shan, who was panting, tensed his body like a beast for a moment, and made an attacking posture.

Under Jing Yufeng's surprised eyes, more than [-] figures in black walked out from the darkness ahead, and surrounded Wang Hao and others in a blink of an eye.

In the air, there was a trace of chill.

"A person from the sixth prince?"

Jing Yufeng's eyes flashed and he asked.

Those men in black didn't answer, but Wang Hao squinted his eyes and said: "Chu Tianrong is a conceited person. He has done enough. These people are from the Su family! No, maybe, we should also count The Wang family?"

Wang Hao's words changed the eyes of the man in black.

As Wang Hao said, Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge are conceited people!They are confident that the traps they set are enough to kill anyone who enters the place.Why bother!Moreover, with their identity and pride, there is no need to hide their heads and show their tails like this.Just like outside before, if they wanted to kill, they let the guards go first.

Since he is not a member of the sixth prince, there are two possibilities left.

In this world, there are only a few people who want Wang Hao to die.

Su family, Wang family!

The identities of these people are ready to be revealed.In particular, although the twenty or so men in black seem to be dressed the same, there are subtle differences. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess who is standing behind them!

Wang Hao's eyes became colder and colder, and the anger in his heart was burning.These people really pick their time!I'm afraid they have been waiting for a long time, right?

The Su family, if they don't die this time, they will die!

Wang family?Sure enough, as the Great Elder said, Wang Tianyang's structure is still too small!He wanted to commit suicide, so Wang Hao would accompany him to the end!

"The Su family in Pingchang City? The Wang family? Are you not from the Wang family?"

Jing Yufeng was stunned.

People in my own family want to kill me?This made Jing Yufeng unable to understand!

"You are still too young! There are some things, you will understand later!"

Wang Hao got up and arched his body like a cheetah ready to go.

"You are so young! Hmph!" Jing Yufeng curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and then looked at the men in black: "I don't care if you are from the Su family or the Wang family, or whoever sent you! My father is from Jingtian. If you dare to act presumptuously, my father will surely tear your corpses to pieces!"

Since he is not a member of the Sixth Prince, Jing Yufeng became stronger.

This set of deceitful and majestic style, the young man is full of style.In other words, the children of those big families are all too familiar with this set!

Jing Yufeng's words still caused the eyes of those men in black to change.

But, soon, they calmed down.


Cold light shines everywhere.

More than twenty men in black unsheathed their swords at the same time!

Under the bright shadow of swords and swords, the dim space became dense, even dazzling.

Now that they have appeared here, these dead men have no way out.

Wind and rain?is a trouble!

Just kill it!

In this gloomy world, who knows how Jing Yufeng died!

"come over!"

Wang Hao pulled Jing Yufeng to his side.


With the Wuchen sword out of its sheath in his hand, he looked warily at the men in black in front of him.


After a stalemate for only a moment, the leading man in black spoke.


Cold light burst out, and sword shadows filled the sky!

ah ah ah...

Screams all over!

What happened made Wang Hao and Jing Yufeng's eyes widen.

But seeing that the leading man in black hadn't rushed out, amidst the dull piercing sound, a sharp sword passed through his chest.

The man in black turned his head in disbelief, looking at his companion standing behind him, his eyes gradually became dull.

The battle kicked off.

But, this time, it wasn't the battle between the man in black and Wang Hao.

It's the civil war of the men in black!

Two groups of men in black wearing nuanced costumes turned into three groups and fought together.

"This is..." Jing Yufeng looked at Wang Hao with doubts on his face: "Are you sure they are here to kill you? Didn't they come to be funny?

"Perhaps, the situation is not as bad as imagined!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, and then his eyes turned cold, "Kill first, then talk!"

"Kill who?"

Jing Yufeng looked nervous.

"A person with no tattoos on his chest!"

After a short period of observation, Wang Hao saw the difference.

Just now, six men in black with inconspicuous flowers tattooed on their chests took the lead in attacking their companions.

Obviously, they were helping Wang Hao.

Now, these six people gradually fell into a disadvantage in the siege.If you don't help them, who will you help?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao let out a long roar, and joined the battle circle with Wuchen sword in his hand.


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Shan entered the battlefield.

"I'm coming too!"

A trace of excitement flashed in Jing Yufeng's eyes.

Perhaps this pampered young man has never experienced such a crazy and intense scene.His blood has burned.

As the three joined, the scene soon stabilized.The six men in black got a chance to breathe.

Gradually, as time went on, they gained the upper hand.

Even if they had just regained a bit of strength, the combat effectiveness of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan cannot be underestimated.

Especially Jing Fengfeng.

This young man's swordsmanship is exquisite.Even Wang Hao had to be amazed.Even without the support of vitality, the sky is still full of sword light and rain of swords!

brush brush...

Under the shadow of swords, lights and swords, men in black fell down one by one, and a smear of blood floated into the sky!

Until the last man in black who wanted to kill Wang Hao fell down, the field calmed down.

In the air, the smell of blood began to permeate.

The ground was already stained red with blood.

Nearly [-] corpses were lying there upright, which made people feel a little terrified.

After the excitement, Jing Fengyu looked a little pale.It seems that it is the first time to kill, the teenager has some discomfort!

"who are you?"

Until this time, Wang Hao, who retreated to the rear, looked at the remaining four men in black warily and asked.

These six people helped him just now, but now two are dead, and there are four left.However, Wang Hao couldn't fully trust them.

This world is very dangerous!Sometimes, the danger is beyond imagination.Wang Hao, who had been with the old Taoist for so many years, would not fail to understand this point.

"By the order of the old Patriarch, take good care of the young master!"

The four saluted at the same time.

"Old master?"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

This old Patriarch who has been forgotten for many years?It's surprising.

Wang Hao seemed to understand the old man's intentions.

"I see! I accept this kindness!"

Wang Hao said to the four of them.

"I'm waiting to retire!"

What should be conveyed was conveyed, and the desired answer was obtained. The four of them looked at each other and retreated swiftly.

In a blink of an eye, the space became quiet again, leaving only Wang Hao and the three of them gasping for breath.

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