ancient myth

Chapter 457 The parties gather

On this day, the atmosphere in the Great Wilderness reached its peak!

Dongsheng Pavilion is here, Emperor Family and Ye Family are here, Donghuang Academy and Daqin Academy are also here.Looking at the scene in front of them, the blood of these strong men who came to participate in this battle is boiling!

Since the truth was revealed, they all knew that this battle was just and would get everyone's support.But I did not expect such a welcome ceremony!

This is just outrageous.

All of a sudden, all the people who came here, especially the strong ones in Donghuang Academy and Daqin Academy, if there were any hesitation in their hearts before, all the hesitation disappeared in an instant.

They can't wait to fight now!Fight to the death!

What is dead?Even if they died, even if their bodies were smashed to pieces, even if they were hacked into pieces, they wouldn't even frown!

Everyone went crazy like chicken blood!

Justice will prevail, and we will prevail!These people couldn't even help but start roaring along with the crowd.


A day is fleeting!

In the early morning, a crazier scene than yesterday appeared in the Great Wilderness City.

The people standing on both sides of the street didn't even have a place to stand.

How many roofs of houses are crowded with people, making the houses look crumbling!

Too many people!The cheers were too shocking.

"We must win! We must win!"

Especially when Wang Hao and his party walked out of the restaurant, the crowd roared, and countless battle flags waved in the wind, making people dazzled.

It’s too shocking!

Although they experienced yesterday's shock, seeing such a scene today, people's blood is still burning uncontrollably.

"Wait, I'm going to kill ten people! No, a hundred!"

Niu Daman roared.

"I also want!"

A man from Daqin Academy got it.

"And I!"

Someone from Donghuang Academy shouted.

These people are all stimulated.This is not a good fight, and it is a sin not to kill a few more people.

"Hmph! This bad guy still knows how to play!"

Among the crowd, Dihuang's face was flushed, but he curled his lips stubbornly and snorted.

This time, Wang Hao's scenery is endless!

Just, why make people so comfortable!It felt more comfortable than being famous.

Di Gang, who saw what Di Huang was thinking, had an intriguing smile on his face.

"Why are you here?"

And just after the group of people walked forward for a certain distance, when they saw a few figures walking out of the crowd, a complex look flashed in Jiu Wubai's eyes.

At this moment, it was the Nangong family from Tianjian City who came, and who was the leader if it wasn't the Patriarch of Nangong?

The fiery red robe gave her an extraordinary temperament and was extremely eye-catching.

"You won't let me come, can't I come by myself?"

Patriarch Nangong rolled his eyes, and then directly joined the team.

Patriarch Nangong asked to come together that day, but Jiu Wubai refused.

Wang Hao didn't know what the relationship between Patriarch Nangong and Jiu Wubai was at the beginning, but it was obvious that the relationship between the two was not shallow.

It is a kind of protection for Jiao Wubai not to let Patriarch Nangong come.

Unfortunately, this woman is still here.Moreover, he did not give Jiu Wubai a chance to refuse again.

"Hehehe...Little brother, I haven't seen you for a while, do you miss my sister?"

Before Wang Hao came back to his senses, several figures walked out of the crowd.

"Su Mei?"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched when he saw the person coming.

That's right, it's Su Mei!In addition to Su Mei, there are several other women, all of whom seem to have extraordinary strength, detached temperament, and incomparably charming!

These people are all strong in Hundred Flowers Valley.

This time the battle with the Guan family, Baihua Valley never joined.But why did Su Mei appear here now?

"The Zongmen has its own concerns, and some people are still hesitant. The Zongmen can't also split. The few of us came here on our own, in our own name! Don't worry, sister will not let you down!"

She winked at Wang Hao, and Su Mei walked into the team!

Obviously, she came with Patriarch Nangong.It said there was no meaning of Hundred Flowers Valley, Wang Hao didn't believe it.

Obviously, although the thoughts of Baihuagu have not been completely unified, Su Mei and the others have taken the initiative.And he responded, which is the kindness released by Baihua Valley.


Before Su Mei's laughter fell, a cold snort came.

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared in Wang Hao's sight.

"Wang Lin!"

Looking at the person who came, Wang Hao showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Wang Lin!

That's right!Wasn't this Wang Lin who was taken away by a strong man to practice that day?How long has it been since Wang Lin left?Unexpectedly, she also came.

At this time, the woman next to Wang Lin, isn't it the strong man who took Wang Lin away?


Seeing Jiu Wubai, the woman snorted faintly.

Obviously, the two have a story.

"Why are you here?"

Correction Wubai's scalp tingles.


The woman said expressionlessly.

"Wang Lin wants to kill too! Don't kill, don't grow!"

the woman added.

"All right!"

Jiu Wubai rubbed his head with a headache.Sure enough, it's still the same as before.This guy……

"I have seen my ancestor!"

At the same time, Su Mei and the others hurriedly saluted.

Only now did Wang Hao know that this woman turned out to be the Patriarch of Baihua Valley...


Wang Hao gasped.

Wang Lin, this is really a great opportunity.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You have become an ancestor! Is there such a young ancestor in Baihua Valley?"

On the contrary, Jiu Wubai also revealed a look of surprise.

"Retired from the position of elder for more than [-] years, otherwise what should I do?"

The woman glared at Jiu Wubai angrily, then led Wang Lin into the team, and stared at Patriarch Nangong.

"Brother Wang Hao, come on!"

It was Wang Lin who stuck out her tongue at Wang Hao with an excited expression on her face.

Seeing Wang Hao again, Wang Lin was naturally full of joy.

", I'm here too!"

Walking forward for another distance, a burst of laughter came, forcing Wang Hao and the others to stop again.

"Chou Wudi?"

Seeing the person coming, the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched!

The holy son of the Temple of Gods and Demons, Qiu Wudi, is here, bringing with him a dozen strong men from the Temple of Gods and Demons!

Among them, the old man with steamed buns and silver hair next to Qiu Wudi was particularly eye-catching.

He is the very invincible grandfather that Qiu Wudi said, he is an ancestor of the Temple of Gods and Demons!Vientiane realm powerhouse!Moreover, the strength is super strong.

"The Temple of Gods and Demons, we are here with these few people, don't blame them!"

The old man nodded towards Wang Hao, and then said to Jiao Wubai.

"When the Guan family is settled, I'll beat you up!"

Jiu Wubai rolled his eyes.

Obviously, he is an acquaintance with this old man.

Hundred Flowers Valley, the Temple of Gods and Demons, finally came.This time, all the top forces in the spiritual world participated in this battle.

Hearing the cheers in his ears, Qiu Wudi blushed with excitement!

Sure enough, my brother is even better at playing!This scene is so cool.Qiu Wudi felt that when he got to know Wang Hao, it was really the most correct choice.

As the team moved forward, the crowd on both sides of the street subconsciously moved out of the way!

From time to time, several strong men with extraordinary strength join the team.This is the battle of the spirit world, this is the battle of the Eastern Desolation.This is the battle of good and evil.Everyone is responsible!

These strong people, of course, are not afraid of death.

In this way, the team keeps moving forward and growing.

When the group walked out of the Great Deserted City, the team had nearly doubled in size than before.

In the distance, there were no less than tens of thousands of people, holding battle flags and following them.The battle flag is fluttering, the momentum is magnificent!


Thirty miles, not too far!

The huge team came raging like a long dragon.

In the depths of the wilderness, that vast and boundless barren land, when Wang Hao and his party came here, the members of the Guan family had already been waiting here.

All dressed in black and long robes, the Guan family has an extraordinary aura.

Not many people came, nearly a thousand people, which should be all the strength of the Guan family.One of these people with a full face.

Seeing Wang Hao and others appear, they were angry at first, and boundless killing intent flashed in everyone's eyes.

Wang Hao!

If it wasn't for Wang Hao, how could their Guan family have come to this point?Their plan was shattered by Wang Hao, their limbs were cut off by Wang Hao, their reputation was completely stink, and everyone shouted and beat them.

They closed their homes and had to fight!

If there is no fight, what awaits the Guan family will be a slow death.

They can only fight!

If they win, the Guan family will regain control of the world from now on.

If it fails, it will be destroyed.

However, this anger and hatred were quickly annihilated by the shock.

They saw the following team behind Wang Hao and others!

Although the team stayed a thousand meters away, tens of thousands of people, even hundreds of thousands of people, kept coming together. How shocking was the scene?

Those battle flags are frightening.

Are these people here to watch a good show?


Everyone in the Guan family went crazy.

"Justice shall prevail!"

"Evil must be defeated!"

"Close the house, close the house, prepare to close the door!"

"Death to the evil!"

Before the members of the Guan family came back to their senses, hundreds of thousands of people roared in unison, which made everyone pale.

The roar of 10 people is like overturning the whole world.

How spectacular is this scene?

Their Guan family was so despised?

Especially listening to the constant abuse and roars from the crowd, everyone in the Guan family felt crazy.

They want to kill!

"Hmph! Wang Hao, is this your method?"

The elder of the Guan family asked with a serious expression.

"You know shit! Justice must prevail!"

Jin Shisan roared.

"Evil must be defeated!"

Wang Tiannu waved his fist!

"The Guan family will be destroyed!"

Qiu Wudi scratched his neck and roared.

The questioning voice of the chief elder of the Guan family was instantly drowned out in the roar of cursing.

Playing tricks with the bloody Wang Hao and others?What is this elder of the Guan family not looking for abuse?


The Elder Guan's face was as gloomy as water.

"Hey... what people want! There is no way!"

Until this time, Jiu Wubai sighed with a half-smile.Then he looked at the elders beside the elder of the Guan family.

Especially the old man standing in the middle of the crowd, looking at him, Jiu Wubai's pupils shrank slightly: "I can finally walk out of the West Mountain? Let me tell you, when did the Guan family have the courage to fight?"

"Hmph! You don't dare to come to my Guan family to fight, and I don't want to go to Dongsheng Pavilion to fight. Isn't the wild land the best battlefield?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.

He is the head of the Guan family.

He has a hot temper.

Now, he is going to kill!

"Stop talking nonsense, how to fight?"

the old man asked directly.

In a battle of life and death, should we fight together, or one by one?

In any case, the Guan family accepted it!

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