ancient myth

Chapter 462

Who is it that is not Jiu Wubai that is falling from the sky at this moment?

That severed arm fell from Jiu Wubai's body.

He had one arm chopped off.In the battle with Guan Shanyue, Jiu Wubai was defeated!


He smashed hard to the ground, Jiao Wubai spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale.

"Damn, are you alright?"

Seeing such a scene, Fairy Ning was undoubtedly the most worried.She hurriedly came to Jiu Wubai's side with a worried look on her face.

"Old guy, can you hold on?"

The patriarchs of the Di family and the Ye family also showed concern.

Jiao Wubai lost so miserably?

This made everyone take a deep breath.

Perhaps Wang Hao is not clear, but the ancestors of the Di family and others are too clear.

Jiu Wubai, with outstanding talent, studied under the Dongsheng Pavilion, and was the first-class arrogance in the world back then.Decades ago, Jiu Wubai was already a top expert in the spirit world.After the destruction of Dongsheng Pavilion, this guy's talent still hasn't been lost.He's still super talented.

Decades have passed, although no one knows how powerful Jiu Wubai has become, but it can be said that the current Jiu Wubai is the strongest among them.

It can also be said that Jiu Wubai is almost the strongest in the spirit world.

At the peak of the late stage of the Vientiane Realm, such a person suffered a disastrous defeat?Just how strong is Guan Shanyue?


At the same time, another figure came from above the void.

If this is not Guan Shanyue, who is it?

But seeing Guan Shanyue at this moment, his face was cold, and there was nothing abnormal on his body except for a wound that had little effect!

This battle can be said to be Guan Shanyue's complete victory.

Among the horrified eyes, Guan Shanyue glanced around coldly.

The next moment his pupils shrank.

The battle is over, no one in the spirit world has fallen, but there is no one left in the Guan family except himself!

This shows what?

The Guan family is defeated!fiasco!

how so!

This time the Guan family dared to accept this letter of challenge, which shows that the Guan family has the determination and ability to win!

Needless to say about her own strength, Guan Shanyue knows the strength of the rest of the Guan family.

Logically speaking, even if the Guan family has not yet won the victory, they should still have the upper hand and take control of the situation.But why is this happening now?

For a moment, Guan Shanyue's complexion was as gloomy as water.

"You guys, very good!"

Taking a deep breath, Guan Shanyue smiled angrily.

He is slow!

If Jiu Wubai can be resolved quickly, he will be in control of this battle.

He will sweep across the battlefield, behead everyone, and lead the Guan family back to the top with a destructive momentum.

but now……

anger!anger!Endless anger burned in Guan Shanyue's heart.

He hates that the people from the Guan family are useless, and he hates that people from the spirit world attack too quickly.

"Hmph! Guan Shanyue, the Guan family is defeated! You still haven't surrendered quickly! Now, it's not the era of the past, do you still want to be the lackey of those people?"

Facing Guan Shanyue's anger, Di Gang hummed expressionlessly.


Guan Shanyue laughed out loud as if she heard some big joke.

"Surrender is never in my dictionary! Want me to surrender! You don't deserve it!

Has the Guan family failed?Who told you that?If I'm still here, the Guan family hasn't failed!I am still alive, victory will belong to the Guan family! "

With a flick of his sleeves, Guan Shanyue said coldly.

At that moment, he was unparalleled.

I have to say, this Guan Shanyue is really a character!

Absolute confidence in one's own strength is the only way to say such a thing?

"Do you think you can fight against so many of us?"

The ancestor of the Ye family asked in a deep voice.

Although Jiu Wubai's defeat was shocking.However, if Guan Shanyue is under siege, is he really sure of winning?

"You can try!"

Guan Shanyue still looked disdainful!


As the words fell, Guan Shanyue's momentum rose sharply.

"how is this possible……"

"This is……"

At that moment, whether it was the ancestor of the Gods and Demons Palace, the ancestor of the Ye family, or the ancestor of the Di family and the old head of Xuntianmen, everyone's eyes widened.

This breath made them even feel great pressure!

This is not the aura that warriors in the late stage of the Vientiane Realm should have.

Is it...

"He has half-step sanctified!"

At this time, after a sigh of relief, Jiu Wubai said in a deep voice.

Half sanctified!

The result that Jiu Wubai said made everyone stunned, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

Half sanctified!How can it be!

Even Wang Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes.Is this a quasi-saint?This is almost beyond the Vientiane Realm.

In the era when the holy way is broken, this strength is the pinnacle and invincible.

For thousands of years, no one in the entire Eastern Wilderness has even been able to step into this realm.Guan Shanyue did it?Is he human?

Wang Hao's complexion turned ugly.

No wonder Jiu Wubai failed miserably.

"You still have the confidence to kill me now?"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Guan Shanyue sneered.

The Guan family failed?Those family elders and elders have fallen?fine!He, Guan Shanyue, is still there.

He will solve this battle alone.

The Guan family is destined to sweep the entire Eastern Wilderness, this world is still their Guan family.

Thinking of this, Guan Shanyue's eyes were full of murderous intent.


Di Gang, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but cursed.

"I just said why the Guan family didn't act like a turtle this time. It turns out that you took this step! No wonder, no wonder!" Di Gang stared at Guan Shanyue: "But, are you really strong? I Want to try it!"


Speaking of this, with a long howl, Di Gang rushed towards Guan Shanyue!

"Kill him!"

The patriarch of the Ye family and the patriarch of the Temple of Gods and Demons roared at the same time!


For a while, following the ancestors of the Emperor's family, the ancestors of the Ye family, the ancestors of the Temple of Gods and Demons, and the ancestors of Xuntianmen rushed out at the same time.

For a moment, four extremely powerful people from the late stage of Vientiane Realm launched an impact on Guan Shanyue.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!"

However, facing the siege of these four people, Guan Shanyue looked disdainful.


With a flick of the wrist, several rays of light shot out.

"Destroy me!"

Afterwards, Guan Shanyue squeezed out several talismans one after another and drank them.

brush brush...

The four sigils merged into the light and swept towards the four people.

Within this talisman, there is endless power of heaven!

bang bang bang...

In the blink of an eye, bursts of dull impact exploded.

ah ah ah...

The screams came one after another.

Di Gang and the others were directly thrown out!

Especially Di Gang, who was rushing to the front, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

He was hit hard.

With one against four, Guan Shanyue won a complete victory.In just a few breaths, Guan Shanyue almost defeated several top experts in the spirit world with her own strength!


This scene made Wang Hao gasp again.

Is this the strength of the quasi-sage?

Not only Wang Hao, everyone was stunned at this moment.

The people from the spiritual world who were watching in the distance looked pale.

"Quasi-sage! How could this happen!"

"Are we about to fail?"

"I can't compete at all!"

"The Guan family is so scary! Is our world going to be dark again?"

People can't see any possibility of victory, they can't see hope.

The previous shouts disappeared, and the waving battle flag stopped dancing at this moment.

On the battlefield in the distance, the suppressed members of the Guan Family Divine Palace began to fight back.They are like chicken blood.

The Guan family has not yet failed, the head of the Guan family is still there, and the head of the family has boundless mana, unstoppable!

The Guan family blew the horn of counterattack!

"Okay, you are too weak! Now, are you ready? You can all die!"

Frowning impatiently, looking at Wang Hao and the others, Guan Shanyue sneered.

Time to end.

Just a farce.

Although this farce brought huge losses to the Guan family, it was beyond his expectations.But, harmless!

As long as he is still there, the Guan family will recover sooner or later.

Guan Shanyue doesn't want to continue the game.


But when he raised one hand, a dazzling black light burst out from his fingers.

For a time, the sky and the earth were gloomy.

"Can you delay him for a moment! I need a little time to prepare!"

In the face of death, in the silence of everyone, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

He doesn't shy away from it.

"you can?"

Jiao Wubai was taken aback by Wang Hao's words, with a complicated expression on his face.

It has to be said that even Jiu Wubai is desperate at this moment.He is very unwilling!He was ready for the last fight, and it was better to die standing up than waiting to die.

What Wang Hao said made Jiu Wubai full of surprise.

What else does this kid have.

"I want to try it!"

Wang Hao said directly.


Jiu Wubai nodded directly.

"I, together with the four old guys, desalinated three moves, up to three moves!"

Correction without defeat said in a deep voice.


Wang Hao nodded.

"Hmph! How dare you struggle when you are about to die!"

After clearly hearing the conversation between Wang Hao and the others, Guan Shanyue looked disdainful.

He couldn't even think of a way to kill himself in the current spirit world!The quasi-sage is a god in this world!

Wang Hao wants to kill God?He's crazy!

"Then you die first!"

Thinking of this, Guan Shanyue pointed at Wang Hao.


In an instant, Wang Hao only felt a wave of heavenly power enveloped him.

"Don't think about it!"

There is nothing wrong with correcting.

Since he agreed to Wang Hao, he would naturally not let Wang Hao encounter a crisis.


With a flash of figure, dragging his broken body, Jiu Wubai went towards the finger that fell from the sky!


The roar exploded, the earth shook, the wind swept through, and the air waves rolled.

At this moment, many of the onlookers thousands of meters away were caught in the air wave and turned into ashes.There were screams one after another!

Puff puff……

Jiu Wubai spurted blood wildly, and flew out backwards.


One move seriously injured Jiu Wubai, Guan Shanyue pointed at Wang Hao again.

The second trick!

"Don't think about it!"

Di Gang, Ye Family Patriarch and others rushed out!

They are all buying time for Wang Hao!

ah ah ah...

In the blink of an eye, amidst screams again and again, figures flew out with flesh and blood flying backwards.

Even at this moment of Digang, one arm exploded.

He is useless too!

"Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Seeing such a scene, Wang Hao was secretly worried.

He constantly mobilized the sect's luck, and constantly communicated with the energy that was suppressed in the spiritual veins.

This is Wang Hao's last resort.

This was Wang Hao's condensed method with his majestic sect luck when he knew that there was no hope of stepping into the middle stage of Vientiane.Now Wang Hao wants to use it.

If it is said that they still have a chance to suppress Guan Shanye, it may be in that energy!

Wang Hao has already communicated that energy, but to mobilize it, he still needs to accumulate it.

too difficult!That energy is too overbearing.Wang Hao's time is too hasty now!

The atmosphere was so tense that Wang Hao couldn't breathe!

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