ancient myth

Chapter 470 Unstoppable

The whole world shook violently.

The dazzling light made it impossible for everyone to see the world in front of them clearly.Under the terrifying coercion, people even find it difficult to breathe.

This is quasi-sage!

Especially when the sixteen quasi-sages attack at the same time, how devastating it is.

"Not good! They want to destroy Tianzhu Peak!"

Li Meng's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

The sixteen rays of light shot rapidly, they were not able to resist them.If these moves were allowed to fall on the ground, Tianzhu Peak might be turned into dust in an instant.

When the time comes, their bodies will be gone, and Wang Hao, who is in the most critical period during the retreat, may also be reduced to ashes!

"Mountain Protection Array!"

Jiu Wubai drank in a deep voice.

"Big array, get up!"

Tai Youqian and Jin Shisan shouted at the same time.


Jin Shisan turned into a thousand-foot-long dragon and soared into the sky, merging into the luck of the sect.


At the same time, the long-prepared formation rose up, and a layer of physical barrier appeared.

This is the Great Formation of the Eastern Sacred Pavilion. Over the past few years, with the help of experts from all walks of life, it has been strengthened on the basis of the original Tianxuan Sword Sect's sword formation.

The big formation rose, streams of light overflowed, and a terrifying aura shot up into the sky.

clap la la...

At the same time, the arrival of the majestic sect luck injected endless energy into the formation.

Now, if they want to keep Tianzhu Peak, the only thing everyone can rely on is the big formation.


While the big formation was ascending, Jiu Wubai and the others shot at the same time to bless the big formation!

Dozens of Vientiane Realm powerhouses shot at the same time, and the burst of energy made the mountain protection formation soar to such a terrifying height?

That layer of enchantment seemed to isolate two real worlds.

The dazzling light, under such circumstances, finally began to dim.


At the same time that the formation was completely condensed, sixteen rays of light fell on the barrier.

The roar was deafening and spread throughout the nine heavens and ten places in an instant.

The strong wind swept across, the mountains and rivers were turbulent, and the universe was changing.

The end of the world, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that.

clack clack...

After a brief stalemate, the big array made crisp cracking sounds!

Rao is this extremely powerful formation, and it is difficult to support it under the means of the sixteen quasi-sages!

Countless spirit stones supporting the formation exploded in an instant.

At that moment, the tens of thousands of spirit stones supporting the formation were destroyed.

Seeing that the formation was about to collapse.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Lingshi, inject Lingshi!"

Tai Youqian roared crazily.

The personnel who have already been arranged are not stingy and continue to add spirit stones to the formation!

Ten thousand, twenty thousand...

Under the infusion of spirit stones, the light of the enchantment became bright again.

Just how long can this situation last?

Twenty thousand spirit stones, fifty thousand spirit stones, one hundred thousand spirit stones...

In just a few breaths, the spirit stones in the formation were changed again and again, and the endless spirit stones were reduced to ashes!

Hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, a wealth so terrifying that ordinary people can't imagine, were reduced to ashes in a blink of an eye.

That is to say, today's Dongsheng Pavilion is rich and powerful.

Otherwise, ordinary sects and forces simply cannot support such extravagance!

Even so, the formation is still trembling!

"Hmph! The ants in the Eastern Desolation, the little formation, also want to defy the sky?"

Seeing the continuous obstruction of the formation, above the void, a cold expression appeared on the face of the leading quasi-sage.

He is angry!

As quasi-sages, 16 of them have extraordinary status, but they were sent to this barren land.

In order to travel through the void, they paid a high price and took huge risks.There was a pang of breath in my heart.

If they came to Donghuang now, but were blocked by a small formation, how would they have any face?

"go with!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the leading quasi-sage shook his wrist, a tripod was sacrificed, and it fell towards the formation.


The Baoding was like a mountain, crashing down on the formation, barely supporting the formation of the pillar, violently turbulent again, in the strong wind, the light of the formation quickly dimmed.

clack clack...

Another crack spreads towards the surroundings.


Immediately afterwards, the second quasi-sage made a move!

A blood-red flag waved, attracting a hundred thousand demon spirits!

Crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, amidst the ear-piercing whistling sound, a hundred thousand demon spirits jumped onto the formation.

clap la la...

In an instant, the formation was torn into countless holes again.


At this time, finally, on the square, the ghost cloud flow maintaining the formation, Bai Xiaoyao, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was sent flying out.


Then, Xiong Li let out a muffled snort, and was also lifted up by this breath.


It's just that the quasi-sages didn't give everyone a chance to breathe!

The third treasure fell.

A long sword came from outside the void and fell on the sword array.

clap la la...

The mountain guard formation was torn apart and let out a huge tone.

Puff puff……

At this moment, in the square, several people vomited blood and flew out backwards.




The quasi-sages in the sky had mocking expressions on their faces.

A group of ants also want to use their arms as carts?

Simply overwhelmed!

They want to see how long this group of ants can last?

Every time a magic weapon falls, it consumes countless spirit stones to replenish the formation, causing the blood of the people who maintain the formation within the formation to vibrate, and one after another figures are blown out!

The scene was extremely crazy, and the powerhouses of the Eastern Desolation were extremely embarrassed!

"Damn it, we can't resist at all!"

"These people are stronger than Guan Shanyue back then!"

"If this continues, we will all be played to death!"

As more and more people were injured, the formation became weaker and weaker, and the expressions of the remaining people in the square became more and more ugly.

The arrival of the quasi-sages brought such a deterrent?

Could it be that today is the end of the Eastern Desolation?

A kind of despair could not help rising in the hearts of everyone.

"The game, it's time to end."

Just when the formation was dilapidated, when Jiu Wubai looked ugly, and when Di Gang and the others felt powerless, the smiles on the faces of those quasi-sages above the void faded away!

They don't want to play anymore!

If it was normal, they would play to death with these ants!

Today, however, they have more important things to do.

Someone in the Eastern Wilderness is trying to become a saint?

How could they tolerate such a situation.

That aura of a saint is getting stronger and stronger, that ignorant ant in the Eastern Desolation is about to succeed.

They want to prevent the last saint's spirit from coming.At this time, it is obviously not the time to waste time with such ants.


The 16 people looked at each other, shot at the same time, and once again slashed towards the formation.

"not good!"

A more domineering aura than before merged and descended, making people feel inexplicably suffocated.Correction Wubai exclaimed!

Puff puff……

It's a pity that this time, the breath came too fast, and they didn't give them any more chance to breathe!

The roar exploded.

Blood sprayed!

Except for Jiu Wubai, the patriarch of the Ye family, the patriarch of the Temple of Gods and Demons, and the strong man of Tianxue Pavilion, all the others were sent flying out.

Even Di Gang and the old masters of Xuntianmen are no exception!


Especially above the void, Jin Shisan, who controls the luck of the sect, couldn't help but spill blood, staining the world red.


The formation was broken at this moment.

"Hahaha... ants, go to hell!"

Seeing the formation break open, a murderous intent flashed across the face of a quasi-sage above the void.


Then, during the recovery, I saw this quasi-god, condensing a thousand-foot giant sword out of thin air, and slashing across the sky!

This attack was not only to kill the ants in the square, but also to destroy the entire East Holy Pavilion and the entire Tianzhu Peak.

"too strong!"

"We can't resist at all!"

Seeing the giant sword falling and feeling the murderous intent coming, the face of the ancestor of the Ye family was full of bitterness.

There was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and a trace of unwillingness flashed across his face.

In the past six years, although Jiu Wubai has overcome the pain of a broken arm, his strength has even faintly improved.However, after all, you can't touch the road to the holy land!

If he was a quasi-sage, he would still be able to contend against one or two without defeat.

but now……




Even Jiu Wubai's heart was icy cold.

Looking at the messy square and the scattered people, Jiu Wubai couldn't think of any way to deal with the immediate crisis.

"I can only look at that kid!"

Jiu Wubai took a deep breath and looked into the distance.

The holy radiance that fell that day has disappeared, and the aura of the saint is getting stronger.

Wang Hao, can he make it in time?

The only one who can cope with the current situation is Wang Hao!

If Wang Hao could not return in time, everyone would be finished today.

"Boy, you have to hurry up!"

The patriarch of the Ye family, who was very clear about Jiu Wubai's thoughts and the current situation, couldn't help sighing softly.

All eyes, in desperation and crisis, condensed towards Wang Hao's direction.

The situation at this moment is extremely critical, and it is almost time to make people unable to breathe.


However, when those quasi-sages above the void were sneering, when Jiu Wubai was in despair, and when everyone was expecting Wang Hao's return, a ray of light finally erupted from the direction of the secret room.

The light is not very bright, just like a filament!

However, it is such a thin thread that seems to tear the sky and divide the sky and the earth.


Unparalleled filament speed!

In a blink of an eye, it came to the sky above the square.

When the giant sword was about to fall on the square, destroying everything, beheading everyone, overturning the East Sacred Pavilion, and destroying Tianzhu Peak, the thin line appeared in front of the giant sword.


Then, a cold snort erupted from the direction of the secret room.


The thin thread seemed to have life in an instant, turning into a long snake, dancing in the air.

brush brush...

The light flickered, and the thin threads wove into a net that bound the giant sword forcefully.


The giant sword paused and let out a low roar.


However, before the giant sword had any more struggles, there was a sharp tearing sound.

In the net of heaven and earth, the giant sword was instantly shattered into endless pieces.

A move to overwhelm the world and destroy mountains and rivers was so easily shattered.

"how is this possible……"

This made the eyes of the sixteen quasi-sages above the void widen.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the secret room, with sharp and horrified eyes flashing in their eyes.

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