ancient myth

Chapter 473 The sage descends, favoring the world

Following Wang Hao's pointing out, the sky and the earth continued to collapse, and the thunderclouds continued to collapse.

After the deafening roar raged for an unknown amount of time, as the last thundercloud dispersed, the sun descended on this piece of heaven and earth again.

The breeze danced, and the divine light descended. Wang Hao, who was above the void, was swept by the colorful divine light.

The thundercloud dissipated, and the spirit of a saint descended on the earth.

Hundreds of millions of living beings in the Eastern Wasteland are all pilgrimage in this direction at this moment.

The saint is alive, and all things prostrate!

Rao Jiu Wubai and the others on the square subconsciously knelt on the ground at this moment, bowing down to the saints of heaven and earth.

Wang Hao at this moment is the god of this world!

"How could he be so powerful!"

On the square, Su Huang knelt down involuntarily, crying bitterly.

His tears and snot kept flowing, and his face was full of reconciliation!

He doesn't like to kneel down, but under the aura of a saint, his body can't help it.

This is the innate, the suppression born in the bone marrow!

Under a saint, everything is an ant, how can Su Huang resist?He can only cry!

Thinking of Wang Hao surviving the thunder disaster in such a domineering way, Su Huang really wanted to die.God is so unfair!Why is Wang Hao so powerful?

"Hey! Why are you kneeling down? Are you still crying bitterly? Is it repentance? It's too late!"

Not far from Su Huang, Jin Shisan looked at such a scene with a mocking expression on his face.

"You won't be complacent for long!"

Su Huang gritted his teeth.

"Then we'll see!"

Jin Shisan pouted.

What other means does Su Huang have?Or what else does his accomplice have?Just take it out!


On the top of the Dongsheng Pavilion, the light of the gods descended, and the Donghuang of this day was also shaken.

No matter where you are in the Eastern Wasteland, everyone will be able to see the divine light falling from the Dongsheng Pavilion on this day, and feel the power of the saint emanating from the heaven and the earth!

After countless people worshiped, they were ecstatic.

They knew that Wang Hao had succeeded.They knew that Donghuang was about to usher in a real new era!

On this day, countless people from the Eastern Desolation surged towards the Tianxuan Mountains to make a pilgrimage!

Banners spontaneously made by people fluttered towards the Tianxuan Mountains. It was very lively.

Tianxue Pavilion!

Su Muyu, who had been in seclusion for many years, also left the seclusion on this day.

When she saw the aura coming from the direction of Dongsheng Pavilion and the brilliance presented, her expression became extremely complicated.

Especially when Su Muyu learned that Su Huang had colluded with people from outside the region in an attempt to destroy Donghuang, and now life and death were in the hands of Dongsheng Pavilion, he was shocked.

"I'm going to Dongsheng Pavilion!"

Su Muyu came to her master, knelt down and said.

There was a trace of stubbornness on her face.

"I'll take you!"

Tianxuege, a strong man, looked at Su Muyu with a complicated look on his face.

This period of grievances has already spread all over the world, how much influence has it brought to Tianxue Pavilion?

Helpless, Su Muyu is from Tianxue Pavilion, and Tianxue Pavilion has no habit of throwing blame.

After sighing softly, the Tianxue Pavilion expert led Su Muyu towards the outside of the sect, blending into the ice and snow.

"Wang Hao, sanctified! I won't let you be so happy. Saint, so what? Immortal? No one can live forever! The holy way is gone, and the saint is just a vain name!"

At the same time, in a corner of Xishan, looking towards the direction of Dongsheng Pavilion, a figure showed a look of hatred on his face.

She knew it was time for her to act.

Revenge is now!

Soon, this figure walked into an underground secret room and activated the dark formation!

On this day, the entire Eastern Wilderness was in turmoil!


Seven days!

For a full seven days, the divine light shrouded in the East Sacred Pavilion began to gradually dissipate!

The moment the divine light disappeared, an ultimate saintly aura swept out towards the entire Eastern Wilderness, covering every corner.Wang Hao's figure gradually emerged from the divine light.

At the same time, above the Dongsheng Pavilion, breaths burst out.

Wang Kun stepped into the Vientiane Realm, Jing Fengyu stepped into the Vientiane Realm, Wang Lin stepped into the Vientiane Realm...

Even Di Gang and others, their strength has gone one step further, reaching the peak of the Vientiane Realm!

It was Wang Hao who was shrouded in divine light, and the benefits Wang Hao got were incomparable, and everyone who was above the Dongsheng Pavilion, didn't they get benefits?

The sage came to the world, benefiting the world!

Not only those who are present today can benefit, as long as the saint is not destroyed, the entire Eastern Wilderness will continue to receive gifts from heaven and earth for a long time to come!

This is the importance of a saint!

"Meet the saint!"

"The saint is immortal!"

At the same time, during the seven days, those figures who came from all directions, although they had never set foot on Tianzhu Peak, still bowed down in every corner of Tianxuan Mountain Range.

This is worship from the heart!

Everyone was ecstatic.

Because, just now, some people found that their strength had improved, and some even found that the realm that had imprisoned them for countless years was loosened!Some people found that they broke through directly...

The grace of the saint is really unimaginable!

From now on, Donghuang will live a good life.How can this gratitude not come from the heart?

"You, broke through to the sixth heaven of the Divine Mansion Realm?"

At the foot of Tianzhu Peak, looking at Su Muyu with a complicated face, the strong Tianxue Pavilion asked.


Su Muyu's expression became more and more complicated.

Seven days ago, when she left the customs, she learned about Su Huang and begged the master to let her go out of the mountain!In the end, with the help of the teleportation array, she followed her master and arrived in front of Tianzhu Peak two days ago!

Only when you really come here can you feel how vast Wang Hao's aura is like the sea!

Only by standing here can one feel the unforgettable majesty.

Su Muyu was suffering in his heart.

Especially just now, when he discovered that he had quietly stepped into the realm of the sixth heaven of the Divine Mansion, what kind of waves did this create in Su Muyu's heart?

Could it be that she has received a gift from a sage, and received the favor of Wang Hao?

A small person who I didn't pay attention to at the beginning, has now grown to such a height.

Su Muyu had mixed feelings in her heart.

"The saint came to the world, and the whole world celebrates! As long as he lives forever, Donghuang will continue to be blessed!"

As if feeling the entanglement in Su Muyu's heart, the strong man in Tianxue Pavilion sighed softly.

There are some things, missed is missed!Just face reality!

There are some people who are so bright!Once it rushes into the clouds, it is difficult to look up.

Did Su Muyu do something wrong back then?Maybe wrong.But, who can tell clearly?

"Let's go!"

As the saintly aura slowly subsided, the strong woman in Tianxue Pavilion said in a deep voice.

She took Su Muyu towards Tianzhu Peak.


"Hahaha... Boy, good! Very good!"

"Saint, after my Donghuang today, there will be another saint!"

"Now the only thing left is the holy way. Recast the holy way, and I, Donghuang, will completely get rid of the fate of sinners!"

For Wang Hao's stepping into the realm of a saint, the Eastern Wilderness celebrated together.What's more, it's above the Dongsheng Pavilion?

On the slightly messy square, everyone's faces are filled with excitement at this moment.

Over the years, Donghuang's hard work, generations of planning and struggle, now finally let them see hope, how can people not be happy?

"When do you plan to recast the Holy Way?"

Jiu Wubai's eyes were shining brightly, he looked at Wang Hao and asked.

Those words immediately made everyone's ears prick up.This concerns everyone's interests.


Wang Hao looked towards the void.


Wang Hao's words seemed like thunder had struck everyone's heart.

"Boy, aren't you ready?"

Jin Shisan's eyes widened.

"There is no need to rush!"

The ancestor of the Ye family also said hastily.

It is not easy to recast the holy way!A little carelessness, I'm afraid Wang Hao will be smashed to pieces!

Doesn't he need to plan carefully?

Donghuang has waited for thousands of years, not bad for these few days.

Even, even if it is a year or ten years, they can afford to wait.

"It's okay!"

Facing everyone's persuasion, Wang Hao looked confident.

Recast the holy way?

Is it really difficult for Wang Hao today?

Although he has just entered the Holy Realm, how can Wang Hao be comparable to ordinary people in the Holy Realm?

He controls the power of ten thousand ways, he has fused three seeds of the holy way, and has an unparalleled understanding of the holy way.

His fighting power is even more unmatched by ordinary saints!

In this world, is there really anything that can stop him?

"Seniors, you have now reached the peak of the Vientiane Realm. It is only half a step away from the Holy Realm. After I recast the Holy Way, within a few months, all of you seniors can become holy. Our Eastern Wilderness will usher in an incomparable Glorious times!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao said to Di Gang and the others.

Those words made people's blood boil!

"Okay! Boy, I'll top you!"

Di Gang blushed!

Holy Land.

The favor brought by Wang Hao's rush into the holy realm before allowed Di Gang to go one step further!

Now he really felt the threshold of the Holy Land.

Once the holy way is recast, he is likely to step into the holy realm.Such a temptation, how can people not be tempted?

"Beware of people outside the territory!"

Jiu Wubai has a serious expression on his face.

"People from outside the territory?"

Hearing Jiu Wubai's words, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looking at the sky, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Since you're here, why hide and hide! Come out!"

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Wang Hao's eyes, and he hummed coldly.


Following Wang Hao's angry shout, the entire sky shook.

The wind is raging and the wind is blowing.

"Not coming out yet?"

Before the words died down, Wang Hao's eyes became more indifferent when he saw that there was no response in the void.


But seeing him grabbing towards the sky with one hand!


With a dull tearing sound, the sky was torn apart at this moment.Under the hands of the saint, the sky has become extremely fragile.

Wang Hao's blow contained the power of law, breaking the sky was easy!

And from the shattered sky, everyone saw several figures standing in it.

Waves of powerful aura crushed down from the sky at this moment.

The breath of a saint!

That majestic breath is enough to crush hundreds of millions of living beings!


At that moment, everyone in the East Holy Pavilion, the people gathered in the Tianxuan Mountain Range, and the people who were paying attention to this place couldn't help but sucked in a breath of air.

The saint from outside the territory has come? !

And more than one?

These saints want to cut off the hope of Donghuang again?

Everyone's complexion became ugly.Everyone's hearts were suspended.


So what about Wang Hao's sanctification?

Saints from outside the territory descended. If they could not defeat these people, Donghuang would fall into darkness again.

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