ancient myth

Chapter 66

The atmosphere of the royal family today is extremely dull.

Outside the hall, a group of soldiers dressed in military armor were full of murderous aura and surrounded the entire hall.

Several royal family servants standing outside the hall looked at these soldiers and trembled.

This made Wang Hao, who brought Zhou Shan and Wang Lin here, shrank his pupils.

Are these people the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion?

The person is not good!

Wang Hao's eyes became more serious.

Surrounded by those soldiers, Wang Hao walked slowly into the hall.

The atmosphere in the hall at this moment is even more dignified.Wang Zhengyi sat at the top, and the elders of the Wang family stood on both sides, their swords drawn.

This is not the most critical.The most important thing is that the several figures sitting on both sides below made Wang Hao's eyes cold.

"Wang Hao has met Grandpa, the Sixth Prince, the Little Prince, and all your lords!"

That's right, at the bottom of the hall, besides two officers in military armor, there were Chu Tianrong, the sixth prince of Chu, Chu Chaoge, the son of Prince Yong, and a lean middle-aged man.

Although reluctantly.But with Wang Hao's current status, he had to salute and say hello to these people...

Following Wang Hao's appearance, these people immediately set their eyes on him!

An undisguised murderous intent flashed in the eyes of one of the officers and the lean middle-aged man.

"You are Wang Hao?"

The lean middle-aged man asked with a blank expression.

"It's right here. I don't know, my lords, why come to my Wang's house today?"

Wang Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Hmph! Wang Hao, do you think you can hide what you did? Let me tell you, something happened to you."

Chu Chaoge sneered.

"Wang Hao, you are so brave. You dared to murder Xiao Youneng in the trial ground. This is an unforgivable crime!"

Chu Tianrong was expressionless, but he couldn't hide the teasing in his eyes.

Wang Hao?He wants to put the Su family to death?

How could Chu Tianrong make Wang Hao fulfill his wish!

Su Muyu was destined to be Chu Tianrong's woman, Wang Hao humiliated Su Muyu and himself several times.It was even in the place of trial that the chance and fortune that Chu Tianrong was determined to obtain was taken away.This filled Chu Tianrong's heart with murderous intent.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Tianrong set up this game!Not only can it save the Su family, but it can also completely step Wang Hao into the dust.

Chu Tianrong wants to see how Wang Hao can escape this time.

After the words of Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge fell, all members of the Wang family in the venue turned even more ugly.

"I do not have!"

Wang Hao glanced at everyone present, nodded towards the worried Wang family boss and Wang Zhengyi, and then hummed expressionlessly.

He, Wang Hao, thought that something serious had happened.

It turned out to be this matter!

Xiao Youneng, Wang Hao naturally knew.It was the unlucky ghost he met in the trial ground that day when he failed to chase and kill Chu Chaoge!That's right!He was killed by Wang Hao.However, Wang Hao handled it very cleanly.

I thought that there would be no accidents in this matter, but I didn't expect people from the Xiao family to come to the door so quickly?And looking at it like this, are you going to blame yourself?

What a Chu Tianrong, what a Chu Chaoge, what a Su family!

Is this planning to encircle Wei and save Zhao?Are you planning to use this matter to trample yourself to death?

Wang Hao sneered in his heart, but there was no panic on his face.He directly denied it!

"Hmph! Wang Hao, at this point, you still dare to argue!"

Chu Chaoge shouted loudly.

"This matter doesn't seem to have much to do with the little prince, does it? Why is the little prince so anxious to accuse me of the crime! What happened in the trial ground that day, the little prince is also clear. Xiao Youneng Who is it? I don't know! Why kill him!"

Wang Hao glanced at Chu Chaoge coldly and hummed.


Chu Chaoge's expression froze, and a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Whether this matter has anything to do with you or not, Wang Hao, come with us. This time, I, the city lord of Jinan, are here in person. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it in front of your lord. If this matter really has nothing to do with you , my Xiao family will naturally not frame a pro-Tianwei. If this matter is related to you, even if it is a pro-Tianwei under His Majesty, my Xiao family will definitely seek justice!"

The middle-aged man interrupted the conversation between Wang Hao and Chu Chaoge and others, and spoke slowly.Those cold eyes made Wang Hao feel as if he was being targeted by a dangerous poisonous snake!

"This is Pingchang City! Even if the city lord of Jinan is here in person, I'm afraid I, the lord of Pingchang City, Mr. Zhao, will decide whether this matter is right or wrong."

As the middle-aged man spoke, Wang Zhengyi said expressionlessly.

Older gingers are more spicy!When Wang Zhengyi said this, the expressions of Chu Chaoge and Chu Tianrong changed slightly.He directly grasped the key to this matter.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

It has to be said that his affection for Wang Zhengyi has improved a lot.

The two meetings with this grandfather who had never cared about him for many years changed Wang Hao's view of the Wang family greatly.

Look at Wang Zhengyi's statement at this moment, and look at the expressions of these clan elders.Wang Hao couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

This is the family?

At the most critical moment, someone stood by your side.

Even if you are facing the mighty city lord and prince...

The last trace of worry in Wang Hao's heart was completely let go.

"Hmph! Of course! When my lord sees you, I will naturally take you to Mr. Zhao's place and clarify this matter!"

The middle-aged man sneered.

"What if I don't go?"

Wang Hao took the topic.

"I can't help you!"

The middle-aged man let out a cold snort, and the two armored generals sitting next to him immediately stood up, releasing the aura around them, locking onto Wang Hao.

This made Zhou Shan, who had been standing silently beside Wang Hao, suddenly arch his body like a wild beast ready to go.

Zhou Shan didn't talk much, but he expressed his attitude with practical actions.

As for Wang Lin?His face was pale at the moment.

Wang Hao gently squeezed that soft little hand, signaling her to relax.

"Of course I can't help it! I will explain this matter clearly! But, instead of going to your Lord Xiao, I will go to see Lord Zhao!"

Wang Hao didn't panic.

"What if I insist on taking you away?"

The middle-aged man was expressionless.

"This is the Wang family, this is Pingchang City!"

Wang Zhengyi got up slowly.At the same time, although the elders of the Wang family standing on both sides looked ugly, their expressions gradually became firmer.

"Okay! What a Wang family, what a Wang Hao! It is as domineering as the rumors say! You mean that we have no right to govern this place, so we can't take Wang Hao away?"

The middle-aged man laughed angrily.

"Hmph! The Wang family, are you planning to rebel?"

Chu Chaoge stood up and snorted coldly.

Chu Tianrong looked at the scene in front of him with a happy face.

Wang family?Better to resist!

If so, not only would he step Wang Hao into the dust today, but he would also clean up the Wang family as well!

In the trial ground, Wang Kun stood by Wang Hao's side at the most critical moment, and Wang Lin... This made Chu Tianrong extremely dissatisfied with the Wang family.

"Rebellion? Don't dare! My royal family has always followed the rules of etiquette, and I dare not neglect in the slightest! It's just that you have crossed the line today!"

Wang Zhengyi looked solemn.

"Out of the border? My father is King Yong, who ruled the 36 cities of Yongzhou. How honorable is the status of the six princes, the Holy One rules the nine states in the world! Could it be the king's land in the whole world, and the shore of the land, could it be the king's minister! Could it be that I and the six Even if the prince wants to take Wang Hao away?"

Chu Chaoge scolded with murderous intent.

This is why they came to Wang's house today.

The words of Chu Chaoge and the sixth prince immediately made everyone in the Wang family sink in their hearts.

Even Wang Zhengyi had a flash of struggle and solemnity in his eyes!

Chu Chaoge and Chu Tianrong stood up, making the Wang family lose their reason to resist...

"Little prince, sixth prince, you don't have to use this righteousness to oppress my royal family. Rebellion? What a big crime! My royal family can't afford it!" Wang Hao sneered, and turned his head to look at Wang Zhengyi and the elders of the Wang family. : "Thank you grandpa and all the clan elders for your protection. Today's matter is Wang Hao's private matter! I, Wang Hao, sit upright and do not fear being framed by ghosts and snakes! Hmph! Today, I will handle this matter myself!"

Although the current Wang Hao, his soul does not belong to this world.However, he gradually integrated into this world.Although he doesn't have deep feelings for the Wang family.However, what the Wang family showed in the past few days made him feel unprecedented warmth.

That's enough!

At this moment, Wang Hao felt a sense of blood being thicker than water in his heart.

This is family.

He can't drag the Wang family to hell!

He will handle this matter by himself!

"What are you going to do about it?"

Chu Tianrong finally spoke, he looked at Wang Hao and sneered.

"You can do whatever you want!"

Wang Hao met Chu Tianrong's gaze without fear.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's go! Come!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, the thin middle-aged man standing beside Chu Chaoge and Chu Tianrong let out a soft sigh.


Outside the hall, hundreds of heavily armed soldiers responded loudly.

The roar shook the sky, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

"Take Wang Hao away. Blockers, kill!"

The middle-aged man sneered.


All the soldiers drew out the gleaming weapons on their bodies and looked at Wang Hao.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

At this moment, the pale Wang Lin pulled out the hand held by Wang Hao, and stood in front of Wang Hao with a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Shan held the sky-breaking stick in his hand, and his eyes were extremely dangerous.

At this moment, Wang Hao's expression was extremely ugly!

This is power, this is strength!In the face of absolute strength and power, how insignificant is he now?Wang Hao couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile.

"Go to see the Lord Xiao of Jinan City?"

Pulling back Wang Lin and Zhou Shan standing in front of him, Wang Hao sighed secretly.

"Oh, what a lively scene! What? What happened?"

However, just when Wang Hao was about to leave with these soldiers, a lazy voice came, breaking the dull atmosphere in front of him.

But I saw an unshaven old man with half-white hair, unshaven beard, wearing shabby clothes, and a pair of ripped straw sandals on his feet, digging his nostrils, walking unhurriedly towards the hall.

The hundreds of murderous soldiers around him were useless at this moment, and no one went to stop the old man's pace.

This made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly seem a little weird.

Looking at the old man who gradually walked into the hall, flicking off a ball of booger at will, with his nostrils sticking up to the sky, Wang Hao suddenly smiled.

Jiu Wubai, this unscrupulous priest from Tianwu Academy, this shameless old man, unexpectedly came.

Things seem to be different again!


ps: The official account said that there will be three updates today, and the third update will arrive!Well, for those who haven’t followed the official account yet, remember to follow it and search for the WeChat official account: Dark Night Youshang.Or search WeChat account: anyeyoushang.Welcome everyone to join the big family, Dark Night is waiting for you over there, and the matter about the book will be announced there as soon as possible.

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