ancient myth

Chapter 80

"How do you feel when you just came out of the Discipline Academy? In ten years, or even 20 years to be precise, you are the first student to return from the Discipline Academy intact! Shouldn't you feel proud?"

Looking at the vigilant Wang Hao, a smile appeared on the corner of the old dean's mouth.

"Year 20?"

The words of the old dean really surprised Wang Hao.

"In this way, I am very lucky!" Wang Hao glanced at the old dean with a complicated expression: "Do you believe the reason I said?"

This is what Wang Hao was very curious about.

He didn't know why the old dean appeared in the Discipline Hall.He also didn't know why the old dean helped him in the end.

Although Wang Hao could see that there were some unknown contradictions between the old dean, the deputy dean and Hong Yandao's priest, he might be just a pawn.

However, this is probably not the reason for the old dean to take action!Helping himself would do him no good.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter if it's true or not!"

The old dean put down his teacup, let out a breath, and looked at Wang Hao.

Those eyes seemed to be able to see through Wang Hao.

The important thing is that he believes that what Wang Hao said is the truth!

"You should probably be wondering who the lucky guy was 20 years ago!"

The old dean looked at Wang Hao and said slowly.


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Wang Tian asked!"

The old dean's eyes were a little wandering, as if he had thought of something.


This sudden answer made Wang Hao gasp.He leaned forward suddenly: "My father?"

"That's right!"

The old dean withdrew his thoughts and said in a deep voice.

"20 years ago? Shouldn't he have left the academy?"

If Wang Hao remembered correctly, 20 years ago, his father should have been in his early thirties!Calculated according to age, how can you not count as a member of the academy?

How did he enter the Discipline Hall of the academy?

"Don't forget, my Tianwu Academy also has a Tianwu Pavilion. That is the core of my Tianwu Academy."

The old dean glanced at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao suddenly realized: "What did he do back then?"

For his own father, Wang Hao is too unfamiliar, too ignorant.

"Back then... killed a Tianjiao! Hong Yandao's nephew!"

The old dean looked at Wang Hao with a half-smile.

At that moment, Wang Hao was struck by lightning.

"I see!"

No wonder Hong Yandao suppressed himself so much today.Maybe he already knew his identity?Perhaps this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Twenty years ago, his father beheaded Hong Yandao's nephew, and Hong Yandao had no chance to seek revenge from his father.Now count the hatred on yourself?

Is this the father's debt?

"You and my father were..."

Wang Hao looked at the old dean curiously.

"He is my disciple! Of course, not many people know about this relationship."

The old dean didn't hide anything.In the past 20 years, Wang Tianwen was his only disciple.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and finally Wang Tianwen had an accident!The old dean did not let him realize his revenge.

"So, you already knew me the day I came to Tianwu Academy?"

Wang Hao's voice sank.

My father's master?

Didn't expect the old dean to have such a relationship with him?

"To be precise, I have always known of your existence. 15 years ago, no, it should be 16 years ago. The last time your father returned to the academy, I met him! His condition was very bad. At that time, He took you with him. Your situation is also very bad. That time, your father came to apologize, and it was only then that he quit Tianwu Pavilion!

Over the years, I have paid attention to you several times, but it is a pity that something is wrong with your spiritual seed.

What I didn't expect is that you have created a miracle.At the beginning, I was sure that your spirit seed was dead, what happened afterwards?What opportunity did you get?To be honest, it's very curious.

What surprised me even more was that you chose me, Tianwu Academy.That pro-Tianwei, I personally went to the Imperial Capital to take it down for you!Do you think that things would go so smoothly if I didn't go there personally?At the very least, they won't get that identity so quickly! "

The old dean took a deep breath.

Maybe it was thinking of Wang Tianwen back then, or maybe seeing Wang Hao's achievements now, there was a trace of embarrassment and complexity on his face.

"What happened to my father? Why did he die?"

Wang Hao stared at the old dean firmly.

This is the most puzzling thing he has ever been.

Asked the old head of the Wang family, he didn't get an answer.I asked Uncle Zhou, but I didn't get an answer.Even if Jiu Wubai said he knew something, the only time he came to the academy to meet Zhou Shan was when Zhou Shan was injured.Until Jiu Wubai took Zhou Shan away, Wang Hao had no chance to ask about this matter.

Now, seeing the old dean, Wang Hao sees hope.

With his strength, his identity and status, and his relationship with his father, maybe he knows the reason?

"I don't know!" When he said this, a stern look flashed in the old dean's eyes: "The last time I saw Tianwen, he was seriously injured and he was dying. I tried to heal his injuries, but I couldn't return. God, he chose to leave in the end! I also investigated after that, but unfortunately, I couldn't find any clues!"

The old dean's words were like a huge wave, crushing the only hope in Wang Hao's heart.

"Where is Jun Wuhai?"

Wang Hao asked in a deep voice.

"He is younger than your father, and the drums are beating ten times! He was considered a man of the day! He has a good relationship with your father. He doesn't want to tell me the answer. Maybe you can ask!"

The old dean looked at Wang Hao meaningfully.

"I'll be there!"

Wang Hao looked into the distance.

Imperial City?

The upcoming Dragon and Tiger Feast is an opportunity.

Since everyone doesn't know, or is unwilling to say.Wang Hao could only go to Jun Wuhai.

He must know something!

"The vice president and Hong Gongfeng seem to be..."

Although he didn't get any clues about his father's death, Wang Hao's trip was not without gains.At the very least, he knew his father, and he had a master back then.

This is something that even members of the Wang family don't know about, right?

Subconsciously, Wang Hao raised a lot of affection for the old dean.

Thinking of what he saw in the Discipline Hall before, he showed a trace of worry.

Hearing Wang Hao's words, the old dean frowned: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are fights and desires..."

"So? If you make a move today, you won't give them a handle?"

Wang Hao asked.

"I'm still the dean, what's the handle? What's the handle? I have the final say on one-third of an acre of land in Tianwu Academy!" A sneer appeared on the corner of the old dean's mouth.At this moment, his temperament seemed to undergo an earth-shaking change.His body seemed to grow taller, and his every move seemed to lead to changes in the world: "As long as I am still alive, what I don't want to give, they can't take it away! All the handles are just clouds!"

The old dean's words were so domineering that Wang Hao's mind was shaken.

This is the aura that a strong man should have after he has been tempered for a long time!

Looking at the old dean in front of him, Wang Hao was a little lost.

"Get stronger early, and you will see more."

Noticing Wang Hao's reaction, the old dean sighed softly: "You must know that I am not the only one looking at you. Your father's original glory needs you to inherit. In this world, many things are sometimes invisible. It’s up to you. If you’re not strong enough, you’ll just become a pawn.”

These words made Wang Hao's heart beat even more suddenly.

The glory of his father?

The old dean's words made people daydream.

There are a lot of people staring at me, do you mean those people I don't know yet?

This made Wang Hao frowned.

It seems that my situation is far from being as simple as I thought.

"The tea is cold, if you don't drink it, it will be wasted!"

After finishing what should be said, looking at Wang Hao who sat back to his original position and fell into silence, the old dean murmured softly, and took a sip from his teacup.

After a while, Wang Hao, who came back to his senses, picked up the cup of warm tea that was no longer emitting heat, and took a sip.

In an instant, a scent of tea spread in his mouth.

The tea is warm and moist, like nectar flowing down the mouth and sliding into the stomach.

At that moment, Wang Hao only felt refreshed, and a wave of energy spread out in his abdomen.

"Royal tribute? This tea..."

Wang Hao's eyes widened.

"Don't waste it!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the old dean's mouth.

Hearing his words, Wang Hao didn't dare to hesitate, and didn't care about etiquette, he just sat cross-legged and sank into cultivation.

The energy spreading out from the belly is extremely majestic and pure, if it is wasted just like that, it would be a waste of money.


After a long time, when Wang Hao completely refined that energy, he let out a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

"What a pure energy, it actually made my strength faintly improved, and my exhaustion disappeared without a trace. The dark wounds left in my body before seem to disappear without a trace!"

After getting up and exercising his muscles and bones, he seemed to have been reborn, Wang Hao secretly marveled.

"Huh? Where's the dean?"

When Wang Hao withdrew his thoughts and looked forward, the old dean had already disappeared.This made him look surprised.

Standing in front of Wang Hao at this moment is only an old man with a haggard face and an aging appearance.

"My lord said, when you wake up and give this thing to you, you can leave on your own."

Under Wang Hao's puzzled eyes, the old man hunched over, walked up to Wang Hao, and handed Wang Hao a roll of parchment.

"This is?"

Wang Hao looked at the old man in doubt.

"The two-stroke swordsmanship created by your father back then. Now it is considered to be returned to the original owner."

The old man looked at Wang Hao with a kind smile.

"The sword technique left by my father!"

Wang Hao's eyes were fixed, and he subconsciously clenched the parchment in his hand, as if he wanted to feel the aura left by that man back then.

"Thank you, Dean, for me. Please tell the dean, Dragon and Tiger Banquet, I will not let me down!"

The key to the Dragon and Tiger Banquet is not just for Tianwu Academy. After knowing the conflict between the old dean and the deputy dean, Wang Hao naturally knows what the Dragon and Tiger Banquet means.

Whether it was because of his father back then, or because of the old dean's help today, Wang Hao needs to repay.

After saluting to the old man, Wang Hao turned around with the parchment and walked out of the small courtyard.


"People are gone?"

In the depths of the small courtyard, in an antique hut, looking at the returning old man, the old dean looked at the old man calmly and asked.

"Go! He is very good!"

The old man smiled, and a gleam flashed in his cloudy eyes.

"It can be said that he has lived up to Tianwen's hard work! It's just that he is still too weak now. He doesn't know what is waiting for him ahead of him. If it wasn't for this sudden incident, he wouldn't be qualified to see me."

The old dean sighed.

Wang Hao is too weak, and being weak is the greatest original sin.Especially when many people are staring at you, if you are too weak, you are like Mianyang being stared at by wolves and beasts.If you are not careful, you will die in Huangquan.

This is not a good thing for Wang Hao.

"Young man, Chuang Chuang is always right. Jiu Wubai has a good relationship with him!"

The old man came to the dean, poured him a pot of tea, and stepped aside respectfully.

"Quie Wubai? Hmph! What kind of calculations does that old guy think I don't know? However, it's not a bad thing to have him watching!

Just right, I can also do some things that should be done.

Go ahead and help me get ready.

Oh my god, it's about to change.Some people held back for too long and began to move around.

The group of demons danced, and the storm was about to come.

I should go for a walk too!We can't let this three-acre land always be missed. "

After a moment of silence, the old dean took a deep breath, turned to look at the old man and said softly.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly became dripping, and there was a trace of worry hidden in his eyes.

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