ancient myth

Chapter 82 Seven-step soul-breaking python


The sudden change caused Wang Hao and Mu Yang's expressions to change drastically at the same time.

Seeing the two figures rushing out of the thick fog, the two became alert.

"Ah... no... don't kill me... ah... die, I want you to die!"

However, just as the expressions of Mu Yang and Wang Hao changed, the two figures suddenly became mad when they were about to rush out of the thick fog.

puff puff...

Amidst the screams, a cold light flashed and blood flowed.

The sound stopped abruptly!

When these two people were about to escape, they actually chose to commit suicide?As their bodies collapsed, the entire Yanluo Swamp fell into deathly silence again.

"It should be the poisonous fog that affected their sanity!"

Mu Yang looked ugly.

"The dense fog of Yanluo Swamp!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Why is this place called Yanluo Swamp?That's because it is said that flying swallows are difficult to cross here!

In the fog-shrouded swamp, no other animals can survive except poisonous snakes and insects.The dense fog in the sky contains huge toxicity, and if you are not careful, it will disrupt people's minds and cause people to die.

This is a barrier that even birds can hardly cross!

Unexpectedly, Wang Hao saw such a terrifying scene when he came to Yanluo Swamp just now.

"Shall we go in now?"

Mu Yang frowned and asked Wang Hao.

"Go in!" Wang Hao's expression froze: "This anti-poison pill should help us a lot!"

Now that I have come here, I definitely have not given up the reason to go deep into it.

Fortunately, Tai Youqian was well-prepared. Among the things he prepared for himself, there was a bottle of anti-poison pill, which was the best thing to fight against the poisonous fog here.

Otherwise, with their strength, they would go deep into the Yanluo Swamp rashly, and they might never return.

After taking a Pidu Pill, Wang Hao could feel a warm current of anger in his body, as if his body had shielded all energy from the outside world.


Until this moment, Wang Hao yelled at Mu Yang, and then slowly entered into the poisonous mist.


The mist was lingering, the cold wind was blowing, and the sun was out of sight.

This Yanluo Swamp seems to be another world.

Going deep into it, the only thing that can be felt is the breath of death.

"It's from our Tianwu Academy!"

After advancing for an hour, two corpses suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him, causing Mu Yang's expression to change slightly.

The badges exposed at the waists of the two corpses showed their identities.

"It should be Qi Yao's person!"

Stepping forward to observe, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

Except for the people from Qiyao, the people from Tianshu Academy who can appear here, Wang Hao can't think of anyone else.

After all, the news about the mutation in Yanluo Swamp has not spread yet.Even if Tai is rich, he noticed Qiyao and Yanluo Swamp before he realized that there was something abnormal here!

How could ordinary people know?

"It seems that we are going in the right direction. If we continue along this place, we should be able to find the trace of Qi Yao!"

A gleam flashed in Mu Yang's eyes.

"I think you should be more careful! Didn't you see how these two people died? It was extremely poisonous! If I read correctly, this should be the work of the seven-step soul-destroying python in the Yanluo Swamp!"

Seeing Wang Hao and Mu Yang eager to try, Jin Shisan, who was lying on Wang Hao's shoulder, reminded.

Along the way, the existence of Jin Shisan was no secret to Mu Yang.

Regarding Jin Shisan, Mu Yang didn't ask, but what was he thinking in his heart?It doesn't matter anymore.

At least, in front of him, he and Wang Hao are definitely the most solid allies.

Therefore, at this moment, Jin Shisan did not hide his ability to speak.

"Seven-step broken soul python?"

What Jin Shisan said changed Mu Yang's expression drastically.

This is an extremely powerful monster.It is said that the adult seven-step broken soul python is more than three feet long, with infinite strength and amazing defense.The strength is comparable to the strong in the late Qi Gathering stage.The more important thing is that this kind of monster is highly poisonous.Once injured by it, the poison enters the body and instantly erodes the soul.Within seven steps, if the poison cannot be suppressed, the soul will be completely corroded and die in hell!

This is definitely one of the most dangerous monsters in Yanluo Swamp.

did not expect……

"Proceed carefully!"

Wang Hao was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

Don't give up because of fear.Otherwise, how to climb to the top of martial arts?Why come here?

The power of the soul of the whole body was released, and Wang Hao and Mu Yang moved forward cautiously.

"There should be a big battle here!"

It was evening, and the sky was starting to get dark.

In the depths of Yanluo Swamp, beside a pool, Wang Hao and Mu Yang stopped in their tracks as they watched the messy scene.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and there were seven or eight broken corpses lying here and there on the ground. The scene was extremely horrifying.

"Walking along the way, I have found traces left by many people. It seems that although what happened in the Yanluo Swamp has not spread, it has still attracted the attention of many interested people. Now many people are rushing there. go!"

In a place that was sparsely populated in the past, traces left by others appeared one after another. In one day, more than ten corpses were seen one after another. This in itself is abnormal.

Wang Hao felt a bit more solemn in his heart.

"Could it be that the so-called mutation really came from that place?"

Jin Shisan said.


Wang Hao and Mu Yang asked at the same time.

"I told you that there was a strong man cultivating in the Yanluo Swamp back then. If I'm not mistaken about the direction we're going now, we should be heading in that direction."

Jin Shisan glanced at Wang Hao.

"It's not impossible!"

Wang Hao frowned.

Coincidence often comes from necessity.

During this period of time, strange things seemed to be happening throughout the Eastern Wilderness.

From the sudden change in the Demon Sealing Land a few months ago, to Su Huang's practice of magic, to the underground palace in Taiyin Mountain...

All kinds of signs seem to indicate that Donghuang is likely to undergo a great change soon.

This made Wang Hao and Mu Yang look at each other, and they both saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

If what Jin Shisan said is true, what happened in Yanluo Swamp this time will definitely not be simple.And there are probably far more people coming than they imagined.

Poisonous snakes, poisonous insects, and poisonous mist threaten everyone all the time, and we must also beware of strong people entering this place, as well as accidents that may occur at any time!


When Wang Hao and Mu Yang fell into silence, several crisp voices suddenly came from the pool not far ahead.

wow wow wow...

The next moment, the sleep that was originally dead and silent suddenly turned into agitation.


This sudden change made Wang Hao feel alert, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, his body tensed up.

Staring at the pool in front of him, Wang Hao's eyes became sharp.


In fact, Wang Hao and Mu Yang were not made to wait too long.

While the two watched, the surface of the water suddenly exploded.


Amidst the deep roar, a pitch-black figure rose into the sky.

It is more than ten meters long, as thick as a bucket, and has a foul smell all over its body.

"Damn it, it's the seven-step soul-breaking python!"

Seeing clearly the huge body rushing out of the water, Mu Yang's expression instantly turned ugly.

Not long ago, Jin Shisan reminded them to be careful of this kind of monster when he saw two people from Tianwu Academy who died.

Unexpectedly, in the past two hours, this monster appeared in front of them.

Thinking of the horror of the seven-step broken soul python, Mu Yang felt a little suffocated.


There was a low whistling sound.

Amidst Mu Yang's exclamation, he saw that huge body sweeping towards Wang Hao like a long whip.

The cold wind howled, and the low voice seemed to come from the netherworld.

The powerful air wave made people feel as if they were going to be blown away directly.

"Tianlei Fingers!"

Facing the huge body that swept across in front of him in the blink of an eye, the unavoidable Wang Hao mobilized his whole body, and quickly pointed it out!

Thunder finger!

This is almost Wang Hao's most powerful unarmed martial skill today.

One point out, the momentum is like rushing thunder!


In the blink of an eye, Tianlei pointed fiercely at the jet-black body.

Like a mysterious thunder explosion, a loud noise shook people's brains.

"not good!"

However, under Wang Hao's full-strength blow, the huge body only paused slightly, and it was suppressed again.

A huge force came back from the shock, Wang Hao could only feel the qi and blood in his body tumbling, and his body was thrown out uncontrollably.

The pupils dilated, and a trace of shock appeared on Wang Hao's face.

The black shadow carried shocking power and continued to crush it.It seems to cover the world and cover all directions, making it difficult for Wang Hao to find a direction to avoid.

What a powerful force.

One power down ten sessions!

Under absolute power, Wang Hao was directly crushed in this stance confrontation.The crisis swept Wang Hao completely.

"Naughty beast, get out of here!"

Fortunately, Mu Yang, who reacted at this time, killed him in time.


The long soldier in his hand slammed fiercely on the black body, and the flames shot out instantly, and sparks filled the sky.


In the midst of the storm, the black figure was finally resisted.

beep, beep...

In contrast, the late striker took the absolute initiative, and even faced Mu Yang, who was only fighting with the remaining strength of the shadow, and retreated again and again.

With this attack, not only did he fail to break through the defense of the seven-step soul-breaking python, he even suffered a big loss for himself.


His own attack was resisted by two tiny ants, and he faintly felt the pain coming from his body. The seven-step soul-destroying python spit out a pitch-black snake core, and its eyes gleamed fiercely.

Amidst the hoarse, deep and hasty roars, the body of the Seven-step Broken Soul Python circled into a ball, standing more than ten meters away from Wang Hao and the others like a hill, and its cold eyes were like two lamps from hell. The lantern emitted a lifeless cold light, completely locking Wang Hao and Mu Yang.

At that moment, both Wang Hao and Mu Yang felt terrified.

Being targeted by such a powerful behemoth is like being targeted by the god of death. The huge crisis completely enveloped Wang Hao and Mu Yang.

A seven-step soul-breaking python?

He could strike again at any moment.

If they can't handle it well this time, Wang Hao and Mu Yang may be in danger!

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