ancient myth

Chapter 85


The roar exploded, and the entire earth shook.

The wind is raging, and swords and swords are criss-crossing!But seeing the astonishingly powerful broadsword in Guan Wu's hand, he gave a severe blow, and was blocked by Mu Yang.

"Six Heavens of Qi Gathering? Hahaha...Mu Yang, do you think that this kind of strength can compete with me?"

The blade was blocked, but Guan Wu's face remained unchanged.

Looking at the appearance, there was a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth.

"Get out of here!"

With a roar, Guan Wu's whole body actually exploded.


The momentum in the air was soaring, and the long knife in his hand burst into a dazzling light.


The long knife vibrated, and with a soft groan, the light of the knife was like a scorching sun, covering the sky and covering the earth.


Another roar exploded.

"Qi Gathering Seventh Heaven! You..."

Mu Yang looked at Guan Wu in front of him with a hint of horror in his eyes.

You know, he only rushed to the height of the sixth heaven of gathering energy by using the power of the spiritual spring in this competition for the Qingyun list.

Originally thought that with such strength, he could fight against Guan Wu.

Who would have thought that... Guan Wu had stepped into the height of the Qi Gathering Seventh Layer?

As the majestic energy exploded, Mu Yang only felt that the long soldier in his hand was no longer controllable, and let out bursts of mourning.


The injury that has not yet healed seems to be involved again!

Viscera vibrated, a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth, Mu Yang was blasted out like a kite with a broken string.

"Hahaha...Mu Yang! Today is the day of your death! Do you think that if you climb up to Wang Hao, you will be able to compete with me Qiyao? I will send you to meet your little lover today!"

With one move, Mu Yang was sent flying, Guan Wu let out a grin.

beep, beep...

Holding a long knife, Guan Wu chased after Mu Yang without giving Mu Yang a chance to breathe.


The long knife mopped the ground, making a sharp collision sound as it passed along the way, and sparks shot out.

"The waves are monstrous!"

After taking a few steps, with a flick of his wrist, Guan Wu swept out the long knife in his hand.

The strength of Qi Gathering Seventh Layer was exploded to the extreme by him.

Today, Guan Wu is going to crush Mu Yang again with absolute strength, making him recall the fear of being dominated by him back then!


Under the terrifying blade, the entire space seemed to be cut off and divided into two.

The real air wave turned into a roaring stormy sea, covering the figure who had not stood still, like a demon with its mouth wide open, trying to swallow everything!

"not good!"

His pupils constricted, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

Barely standing still, he had no time to react, so he could only resist with all his strength again.


Another roar exploded.

The storm is raging!


With a scream, it looked like a flat boat, was caught in the strong wind and waves, and flew out fiercely again.


Flying upside down for more than ten meters, it landed on the edge of the bonfire, causing sparks to splash everywhere. Mu Yang spat out a few mouthfuls of blood again, and his complexion became as pale as paper!

The flesh and blood of the whole body seemed to be split, the internal organs seemed to be shattered, and the bones of the whole body seemed to have been shattered.

Mu Yang struggled, with endless pain showing on his face.

Seriously injured!

In front of Guan Wu, who was in the Qi Gathering Seventh Heavenly Layer, he was severely injured!

bang... bang...

Just when Mu Yang felt that his body was being torn apart, there were two more muffled crashing sounds.

Before coming to the high ground first, a man and a woman from the imperial court that day also fell on Mu Yang's side.

There were bloodstains on the corners of their mouths, and their faces were pale!Obviously, during the confrontation with the five men in black, the two were also seriously injured.

Seeing Guan Wu, who was walking unhurriedly after wounding himself, dragging a long knife, and seeing the five men in black surrounded by him, Mu Yang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The crisis of death is approaching step by step.

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Mu Yang's eyes.

As if, he went back to last year.Back to those unbearable years!

Mu Yang never forgot how Qi Yao dominated him back then, and never forgot how Guan Wu humiliated him.He never forgot that night that made him tear his heart apart.

That time, he was so desperate!

one Year!Originally thought that he was strong enough to wash away his shame and take revenge.

Unexpectedly, it is still...

Mu Yang clenched his fists and looked at Guan Wu who was approaching step by step, with deep hatred and unwillingness in his eyes.

"You are still so weak!"

Under Mu Yang's gaze, Guan Wu walked a few meters away from him and stopped, his face full of banter and disdain.

"Tell me, how should I deal with you today?"

Squinting his eyes, Guan Wu looked at Mu Yang with a smile that was not a smile, his eyes flicked back and forth between him and the two Tianzhao Academy students.

"That's good! It seems that you have forgotten your little lover? Now, let me help you recall! It just so happens that the little sister of Tianzhao Academy looks pretty good! Hahaha..."

Suddenly thought of something, Guan Wu laughed out loud.

"Bastard, how dare you!"

Guan Wu's words made Mu Yang feel as if he had received a huge blow. His eyes turned red, and amidst the roar, he suddenly bounced up from the ground with some strength.

"I kill you!"

Roaring, Mu Yang held a long soldier and charged towards Guan Wu!

"Beat the stone with an egg!"

Guan Wu narrowed his eyes when he saw the appearance of Killing.

"Lie down!"

With a soft hum, the long saber swirled and chopped out.


The impact sounded like a bell, and the sharp sound spread throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.


How can Mu Yang, who has been seriously injured, compete with Guan Wu?

Undoubtedly, amidst the muffled groans, Mu Yang slammed down next to the campfire again.

"Hmph! Overthinking your capabilities! Hehe...Mu Yang, I advise you not to struggle, and I will deal with you after I deal with these two guys! Of course, there is also Wang Hao!"

Looking at the appearance of being severely injured again, a sneer appeared on the corner of Guan Wu's mouth.

Looking at the girl from Tianzhao Academy, a lewd look flashed in his eyes, and his body felt hot and dry.

She is really a pretty little girl, he likes it.

As for Mu Yang?Wouldn't it be better to let him enjoy the old memories?

Of course, there is also Wang Hao.

Thinking of this, Guan Wu looked towards the place where Wang Hao practiced before.

"What about people!"

It doesn't matter if you don't look.

Seeing this, Guan Wu's pupils suddenly shrank.Where is Wang Hao?Wang Hao didn't know when he had disappeared without a trace.

"Are you looking for me?"

That is, when Guan Wu's expression changed drastically, a cold voice came.

The sudden sound made Guan Wu's heart skip a beat, and he subconsciously took two steps towards the side.

"Wang Hao!"

Turning his head to look, Guan Wu's pupils shrank when he saw Wang Hao walking behind him at some unknown time.

"You said just now that you want to kill them? And me?"

Looking at Guan Wu with a gloomy face, Wang Hao squinted his eyes and asked.

"If you stay in the academy obediently, you can live for half a month longer! However, it's a pity that you came to Yanluo Swamp! In this case, I have no choice but to send you to die early! Of course, there are them!"

After calming down, Guan Wu curled his lips.

"It seems that you have finished your cultivation? Very good! Don't worry, I won't kill you right away. Let's enjoy this good show together! Because, you will die soon! Then we won't see your little sister and us Good show."

There was a sinister smile on Guan Wu's face.Just now he thought Wang Hao took the opportunity to escape?

Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, this Wang Hao wanted to sneak attack him?


That being the case, how could Guan Wu be polite?

I heard that Wang Lin next to Wang Hao is extremely handsome and lovable.This made Guan Wu feel a little itchy.

He likes to make people die in pain and resentment with endless unwillingness.

Wang Hao is no exception.

"You are courting death!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Hao's eyes.

Guan Wu!

Wang Hao had heard his name before.Although he was immersed in cultivation just now, Wang Hao naturally listened to his conversation with Mu Yang.

One of Qiyao's Four King Kong?

Guan Wu wanted to kill Wang Hao, why didn't Wang Hao want to kill him?

He felt lucky to meet Wang Hao.Why doesn't Wang Hao think so?

Especially now!

Guan Wu's words made Wang Hao very angry.

Wang Lin?

If there is anything in this world that is Wang Hao's Ni Lin, then Zhou Shan and Wang Lin are undoubtedly Wang Hao's Ni Lin.

Qiyao's people hurt Zhou Shan first, and now Guan Wu wants to attack Wang Lin?

How could Wang Hao let him leave alive today!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao burst into murderous intent.

"Hahaha... I'm looking for death? That's right! I'm looking for death! But no one can kill me! You, no!"

Feeling Wang Hao's anger, Guan Wu laughed unscrupulously.

"Come on, let me beat you to the ground first. Then you can enjoy a big show to your heart's content. Because it will happen to Wang Lin soon in the future!"

Immediately afterwards, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Guan Wu flicked his wrist, and the long knife stood horizontally.

"It seems that you are really looking for death!"

Wang Hao's eyes were gloomy like water.

Looking at Guan Wu who was holding a long knife, Wu Chen's sword came out of its sheath with a flick of his wrist.


The momentum around him soared, and Wang Hao's killing intent was overwhelming at this moment.

It can even be said that Wang Hao's murderous intent at this moment is unprecedentedly terrifying.

Guan Wu made Wang Hao really angry.

He must die.

How could Wang Hao let him threaten Wang Lin at all?


Thinking of this, Wang Hao's momentum swept towards Guan Wu.

"Qi Gathering Six Heavens?" Feeling Wang Hao's momentum, Guan Wu's pupils shrank: "It seems that everyone really underestimated you! No wonder Zhao Tianchen and Shi Wanpeng fell into your hands! Wang Hao, you are not bad. "

Guan Wu was quite surprised by Wang Hao's strength.

A person who has only been in the Lower Court for more than two months, has stepped into the height of the Qi Gathering Sixth Heaven?

Tianjiao with ten drums?

Really extraordinary!

However, so what if he is a genius?Dead is not a speck of dust.

Guan Wu likes to watch those so-called Tianjiao struggle and despair in his hands.

"Wang Hao! Do you think such strength can compete with me? I will let you know today what an ant is!"

After the accident, Guan Wu laughed grimly.

He stared at Wang Hao with excitement in his eyes: "Kill!"

Hearing a long howl, Guan Wu shot out with a long knife in his hand.


At that moment, the sharp blade fell from the sky, shining brightly like a silver moon falling.

A great battle begins again!

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