ancient myth

Chapter 91

Turning into a gust of wind like a ghost, Wang Hao charged forward with his whole body!


The Soul-Splitting Curse was cast, the power of the soul erupted, and the soul-hooking claws of hell condensed.


Carrying unparalleled power and influence, the hell-hooking claw went straight to the man in black who was nearest to the Qi-gathering Sixth Layer Heaven.

"not good!"

The relegation came, but seeing the terrified face of the black-clothed man in the qi-gathering sixth heaven, he quickly held on to his soul.


But, what's the use of him clinging to his soul?

In a single thought, Wang Hao's Soul Hooking Claw smashed his mind.

Then the Wuchen Sword swept over.

Even without waiting for the spirit and soul of the Qi-gathering sixth-level person to be shattered, his life was directly harvested by the Wuchen sword.

"Come again!"

Carrying the remaining prestige of the soul-hunting claw, the soul swept towards another man in black.

Wang Hao followed closely behind, flattering his horse and killing him.

At this moment, the Soul-Splitting Curse is not Wang Hao's killer move, but just restraint.

He wanted to restrain the man in black with the Soul-Splitting Curse, and then behead him with the Wuchen Sword, so that the other party would be on guard against him!

Under the absolute strength, the man in black could not resist at all.

Puff puff……

Blood sprayed.

Amidst the dull penetrating sound, Wang Hao beheaded two men in black in one go, and assisted Mu Yang in killing the third man in black on the spot.

So far, the two Qi-gathering seventh heavens and the three Qi-gathering sixth heavens men in black were all beheaded by Wang Hao on the spot.

"Wang Hao, fight with me!"

Seeing that the five people he brought were all beheaded on the spot while breathing, Tian Buer was furious.

He felt extremely aggrieved!

He was actually beaten back by Wang Hao in one move, and then gave Wang Hao a chance to kill his companion.Even, I didn't have time to react at all.

Wang Hao!

It was him!

Unexpectedly, he came to this Yanluo Swamp!The person who has been the enemy of Qi Yao these days turned out to be him.

"Smash it, weakling!"

The energy in his body was mobilized to the extreme, Tian Buer swept towards Wang Hao with a terrifying coercion, holding a tiger head knife in his hand.

woohoo hoo...

The cold wind howled, the light of the knife filled the air, and the aura of the knife was vertical and horizontal.

Before the long knife arrived, the blade's edge passed by, and the grass and trees collapsed within a radius of tens of meters.


It seemed that suddenly, at this moment, the tiger-head knife in Tian Bu's second hand turned into an ancient giant tiger, and it tore at Wang Hao with its teeth and claws.

"God Thunder Nine Changes!"

Facing the terrifying blade and Tian Buer's majestic murderous intent, Wang Hao's eyes froze.


The Wuchen sword once again burst into bright light, and the power of the mysterious thunder of heaven and earth came together.


Amidst bursts of crisp thunder, the Wuchen sword in Wang Hao's hand, connecting heaven and earth, turned into a long sword of tens of feet.


With a flick of the wrist, the long sword was suppressed.

Tian Buer?

Qi Gathering Seventh Heaven?

Unexpectedly, in just over a month, this Tian Fuji has also been raised to such a height.I still remember the first time we met, he was nothing more than Qi Gathering Five Heavens.It seems that during this period of time he got a chance.

But what about this?

At the beginning, Tian Fuji said that he only broke out with seven points of strength in the battle with Zhou Shan?

Today, Wang Hao wants to see how powerful Tian Fuji, who is stronger than before, bursts out with all his strength!


Under the ultimate power, the long sword vibrated, and the sword light was like a tongue of fire, extremely ferocious.

The power of thunder shuttled back and forth, and wherever it passed, it seemed that the world was being torn apart.

"Burn, youth!"

Finally, when the sword light and the sword shadow collided fiercely, Tian Buer roared loudly at that moment.


The sky and the earth are split, the wind howls, and everything is destroyed.

That burst of roaring sound, as if a Hong bell exploded, spread for hundreds of thousands of miles!

clack clack...

The swords collided, sparks erupted, and the two weapons made harsh friction sounds. It seemed that one of them might collapse at any time.

"So powerful!"

A majestic energy rushed into the body, which made Wang Hao's blood tumbling and viscera shaking.

Tian Fuji's strength is so overbearing!

It is worthy of being called a humanoid monster like Zhou Shan.

As expected of him, he was someone that Jin Shisandu took a fancy to.

Qi Gathering Seventh Layer, the same level, Guan Wu was crushed by Wang Hao that day.And Tian Buer's strength is by no means comparable to Guan Wu's.

The terrifying power and strength he displayed at this moment, I'm afraid that even a person from the Qi Gathering Eighth Layer may not be able to get benefits, right?


Forcibly suppressing the tumbling blood, Wang Hao fixed his eyes and roared loudly.

clap la la...

At that moment, the power of Shenlei Nine Changes was the real explosion.

The power of mysterious thunder exploded one after another, blasting on the Tiger Head Saber.

roar roar...

The giant tiger that had been transformed into a tiger-head knife seemed to have been severely injured, and let out a series of deep roars, and began to twist and struggle.

"Bloom, radiance of youth!"

The figure gave a severe pause, feeling the sudden burst of energy between Wang Hao's sword moves, Tian Buer roared loudly.

At that moment, his momentum seemed to skyrocket again.


Finally, between the explosions of Wang Hao and Tian Fuji, another roar exploded.

Where the swords collided, a substantial wave of air swept out.

"not good!"

That wave of air even made Mu Yang, who wanted to come to help, look terrified, and quickly resisted.

With a muffled groan, Mu Yang retreated again and again under the impact of that wave of air.

The appearance of Qi Gathering Six Heavens, even at this moment, he couldn't resist the aftermath of the confrontation between Wang Hao and Tian Bu'er!

It is conceivable how amazing the fighting power of Wang Hao and Tian Buer is at this moment?

beep, beep...

The next moment, amidst the berserk air waves, Wang Hao and Tian Bu'er both retreated towards the rear.

In this confrontation, no one has ever taken advantage of it.


Even faintly, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

This Tian Buer is really powerful and domineering!

His strength is really not inferior to Zhou Shan.

This is the advantage of a body-refining powerhouse in a head-on collision?

Looking at Tian Buer, who was stabilizing his figure in the distance, Wang Hao's expression fluctuated.

"Okay! Weak, you are very good! You are qualified to fight with me. It's a pity that Zhou Shan is not here today! He is my opponent! And if you can get my approval, let me take a look at yours again." Strength!"

Taking a deep breath, holding a knife in both hands, looking at Wang Hao, Tian Buer's eyes burst into excitement.


Listening to Tian Buer's words, Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

I thought this guy was an idiot last time, but now it seems that he is so.

Also got his acknowledgment.Who does this guy really think he is?

It really makes people wonder where does this guy with a face full of pimples, a pot head, and a pigtail wrapped around his back get his confidence?

"Wang Hao, be careful! Let's join forces to deal with him! He is very strong!"

While Wang Hao snorted coldly, Mu Yang finally rushed to the battle circle.

Looking at Tian Buer in the distance, Mu Yang looked solemn.

Wang Hao may not understand Tian Fuji.However, he, Mu Yang, knew it very well.

This Tian Buer is extremely powerful, and there were few opponents in the Lower Court back then!Even though it is only one of the Qiyao Four King Kongs now, can Qiyao only be able to truly suppress him?Only Sundays!The rest may not be his opponents.

Especially thinking of the horror of Tian Buer's real outbreak of fighting power, Mu Yang looked serious.

He would rather fight against Huo Yao and Mu Yao than this single-minded humanoid monster.

Body-training fighters still have too many advantages in the Qi Gathering Realm!

Just look at the confrontation between Wang Hao and him.In the confrontation between the two moves, not only did Wang Hao not get any benefits, but he also suffered a faint loss!And Guan Wu, who also gathered energy from the Seventh Heavenly Layer back then?But he was crushed ruthlessly by Wang Hao.

This also illustrates Tian Fuji's horror.

"No! He, I'll deal with it!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and rejected Mu Yang's kindness.

Tian Buer?

Taking a deep breath to calm the blood in his body, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.


How long has it been since I met such an opponent?

At least, he couldn't find such an opponent in the House of Commons!

This is the real close fight.

"Soul Breaking Curse!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao cast the Soul Splitting Curse again.


The hell claws condensed by the power of the whole body's soul instantly tore towards Tian Buer.

"Your soul power is useless to me!"

Tian Buer was full of energy and blood.

Under Tong Tian's eyes, Wang Hao clearly saw that at this moment Tian Buer's whole body was burning like a raging flame, covered with a thick layer of red light.

Is this the power of blood?It is the same as what Zhou Shan showed in Taiyin Mountain back then.

The power of blood is the best way to fight against the power of the soul.Therefore, for soul cultivators, body refiners are extremely difficult to deal with.

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it!"

With his eyes fixed, Wang Hao roared not to be outdone.


Under Wang Hao's guidance, the hell claw slammed into the red light.

A dull bang exploded.

Wang Hao's soul was shaken.

This time, his hell claws cracked inch by inch in front of that burst of red light, as if being sucked into the boundless flames and burned to death.

My soul seemed to be baked on top of a raging fire, the pain was indescribable.

"Break it!"

However, how could Wang Hao admit defeat?

With the power of the soul, he forcibly tore towards the red light.


Amidst a dull tearing sound, the hell claws were completely shattered.And Tian Buer couldn't help but change his complexion, the red light all over his body was dim, and a huge hole was torn out.


After one blow, Wang Hao shot out.

The Wuchen sword swung out, and the light of the sword soared into the sky.

The power of the soul is not enough to kill Tian Fuji?Wang Hao is not disappointed!If Tian Buer was really killed like this, it would be disappointing.

In Wang Hao's view, the power of the soul is just a means of assisting the attack.

Take a two-pronged approach to suppress Tian Buer.




The speed exploded to the extreme, relying on the sky-penetrating eyes and the Wuchen sword in his hand, and the ghost with the wind and body skills, at this moment Wang Hao launched a crazy offensive.

Avoid the edge, go straight to the vital points and flaws...

Now that he has suffered, Wang Hao already knows that the power of his soul is not of much use now.It will even only become a flaw in oneself.Then Wang Hao gave up the idea of ​​using the Soul Splitting Curse to deal with Tian Buer.

The eyes of the sky and the powerful perception of the soul, coupled with his own experience and Tibetan wind body skills, are also enough to support this battle!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao forced Tian Buer to retreat after more than ten moves, and the danger was everywhere!


Finally, after dozens of moves, under Tong Tian's eyes, Wang Hao found a flaw, and a sweep of his sword brought a burst of dull tearing.


The sword light flashed, blood was splashed, and Tian Buer was directly thrown away by Wang Hao.

A hideous wound was left on his abdomen, and his expression turned pale instantly.

"Okay! Wang Hao, you are fine! You have been approved by me. You are worthy of being friends with Zhou Shan. You are qualified to fight with me!

However, it's no use for you to suppress me now.Wait for me to change into the combat uniform, and I will fight with you! "

Withdrew a full tens of meters, under a big tree, stabilized his figure, looked at Wang Hao, Tian Buer took a deep breath, and said proudly.

As for the abdominal wound?For a moment he didn't seem to care.

Only Wang Hao remained in his eyes.His eyes became more and more excited.

Seeing Tian Buer like this, the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched!

This is an extremely idiotic lunatic!

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