The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 103 Evolution Agent

Chen Xiaolei rushed to Xiaoya's hospital excitedly, and after telling her about the situation, she brought her to a strange manor. Looking at the cold-blooded animals in the surrounding glass tanks, Chen Xiaolei felt slightly at ease. A professor of poisonous insects that Ya met at the medical association has a lot of research in this area, as well as various evolutionary medicines.

"Professor Dou, excuse me, I'm Xiaoya. This time I'm here to greet you on behalf of the hospital, and I'll bring you a batch of medical equipment." Xiaoya spoke decently and brought a lot of things with a smile on her face.

"Let it go, you can go, thank Dean Qin for me." Professor Dou gave a cold look, and continued to play with the big spider in his hand.

Xiaoya looked at Chen Xiaolei helplessly. As I said before on the way here, this Professor Dou has a stubborn temper and is weird.

Chen Xiaolei chuckled, walked over on his own, and said under Xiaoya's surprised eyes: "You little bugs are really not pure, you don't have any wild aura, you don't have any ferocity, you are all useless."

"Boy, what did you say? Believe it or not, I let my baby bite you to death. It's not illegal for me to kill people here." Professor Dou immediately became excited. What he is most proud of in his life is the study of various poisonous insects and cold-blooded animals. He is an expert, even other professors are polite when they see him, but now he is despised by a brat, how can he not get angry, and just let the spider in his hand go.

Xiaoya backed away in fright, and the ferocious spider rushed over as if with spirituality, the spider silk in its mouth was ready to be released at any time, Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly, but did not see any movement, and gently took a purple spider in his pocket. It came out, and as soon as it appeared, it let out a fierce neighing, and rushed over at an even faster speed, killing the opponent's one and sucking it dry. After a while, only a shriveled piece of skin remained.

Professor Dou was stunned, stunned on the spot like a puppet, looking greedily at the purple spider, Chen Xiaolei stroked it, looked at Professor Dou and said, "Who do you think is a good breeder?"

"You're amazing, show me what kind of breed it is. I've studied it for 40 years, but I didn't recognize it." Professor Dou hurried over, admiring it like a work of art, and he was very anxious. I can't wait to hold it in my hand and play with it, but the dangerous scene just happened not long ago, and it's difficult to advance or retreat for a while.

"Xiaoya, let's go, they don't seem to welcome us." Chen Xiaolei walked towards Xiaoya who opened his mouth wide.

"Don't come, come, come in as a guest, I was the one who neglected you earlier, please come in." Professor Dou was ashamed.

Xiaoya was already numb from surprise, is this still the rumored cold noodle?He seemed to be very enthusiastic, but he still followed Chen Xiaolei into the room, looking at his back, he felt a strong sense of pride that he was her man.

"You haven't asked yet?"

"Chen Xiaolei."

"Mr. Chen, I offended you a lot before, please forgive me, what's the matter with that spider of yours, I've never seen it before, please ask me, I will promise you whatever you ask for." The next time I say nothing, I want to keep that spider, and losing face is nothing.

"I heard that Professor Dou has some research on the evolution of poisonous insects, so I want to buy your evolution potions." Chen Xiaolei smiled lightly.

"Where, where, it can't compare with yours. My favorite little baby was killed by your spider. I'm really ashamed. Can you tell me what kind it is?"

"Mutated species, but I still want to evolve further, you see..."

Professor Dou came into the mood for a while, and the whole person was very crazy. Chen Xiaolei was a little shocked by the various opinions he said, and he has a specialization in surgery.

After discussing for a long time, Chen Xiaolei left a spider to participate in the mating evolution under the pain of Chen Xiaolei. By the way, he took dozens of catties of evolution fluid. The feeling of paying.

"Lei, you are so powerful. Before I went, I was worried that I would not be able to convince the other party. His evolutionary agent is that the country is very precious, and there is no circulation in the market. You want so much from the other party at once." Xiaoya's face was flushed. , the whole person is very excited.

"Come on, I'll give you a pound for research, mainly because I also have what the other party needs." Chen Xiaolei didn't tell Xiaoya about the poison. After all, a girl knows that she carries so many cold-blooded animals with her, so she wonders if she will be afraid. I hate it.

Xiaoya refused several times, but Chen Xiaolei still couldn't hold back, so he accepted it directly. Don't be fooled anymore, smelling the fragrance of Xiaoya's departure, Chen Xiaolei looked at the talisman under his body, feeling very hungry and thirsty for a while.

Shaking off the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, he returned home very quickly, closed the bedroom door, Chen Xiaolei used up all the evolutionary agents, a bunch of colorful poisonous insects greedily sucked them, and after a while, he slumped around Standing aside, Chen Xiaolei felt that the vitality of their bodies was getting stronger and stronger. The specific situation would probably be tomorrow.

He took a long breath, is modern medical medicine still very effective? Looking at this group of combat babies, Chen Xiaolei was satisfied, and just about to go to sleep, Banxian suddenly called: "Hey, what? Okay, you put Brothers involved in the matter clean it up."

Chen Xiaolei hung up the phone, a little strange, Jin Ya died suddenly, and he was killed by one blow. According to Banxian's description, it was the hand of a professional killer.

If it was normal, it would not be a big deal, but now is an extraordinary period. As soon as the Shengtian Group's goods were cut off, Jin Ya died. At the beginning, he was referring to the Qinglong Gang, and Chen Xiaolei immediately realized that no matter who did it. , the other party must have found some clues.

Lock the bedroom tightly, let them evolve tonight, and drive to Jinya's company. The place is already full of policemen, and reporters have reported one after another. Mu Ruoxi is taking the traces of the deceased.

"Brother Lei, what should we do now? I've wiped all the people on the pier that day..." Banxian made a gesture of wiping his neck, and Chen Xiaolei kept scanning the crowd. Usually, after a killer kills a person, he will mix in the crowd to enjoy the pleasure after killing. Pleasure, looked around, but he was disappointed, found nothing.

"I suspect that someone is following this matter. Let me be safe recently, and send more people to protect Lili and Guo Dong. If you have anything to do, call me anytime, go."

Chen Xiaolei worriedly went to Guo Dong's place, and then contacted the arms dealer to buy another batch of bombs. After Liu Zhou won the championship, he was also very honest, eating and drinking all day without seeing anyone.

The next day, Chen Xiaolei returned home exhausted. He had been paying attention to the movement of the city all night. It was pitifully quiet, as if the killer had disappeared, but Chen Xiaolei did not relax his vigilance at all. It seemed that some people could not sit still. Living.

Back in the bedroom, Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up, those poisonous things were bigger and more ferocious, judging from their power, even a mysterious level master would not be able to bear a bite. I didn't expect this evolutionary agent to be so effective, this is a group of mysterious level Dajun, put them in your arms preciously and heavily. It is no exaggeration for them to be called monsters now, they are already very different from ordinary poisonous insects.

He fell asleep sleepily, and after an unknown amount of time, a lifeless murderous aura permeated the room, Chen Xiaolei woke up suddenly, his hairs stood on end, this was the first time he felt such a strong life-and-death crisis in the secular world, without hesitation , A donkey rolled and posted it directly.

A thin needle appeared at the position just now, with a gloomy and cold light, obviously smeared with a strong poison, only heard the other party lightly "Huh", apparently did not expect Chen Xiaolei to react so quickly, but then a series of thin needles shot over, Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly, playing with needles in front of him?

He closed his eyes and didn't look at it, just a row of silver needles was thrown at him, and he heard a "ding bell", and the multiple silver needles made a neat sound, and then fell to the ground, only then did Chen Xiaolei see clearly that there was a sudden appearance in the room The man was covered with a black cloth, and his face could not be seen clearly, but there was a scar on his eye, and his figure was thin.

"Humph, looking for death!" The other party snorted coldly, his body was erratic, and countless mirrors appeared for a while. With the strong light generated by the sun, Chen Xiaolei's eyes were swollen and painful, and he immediately closed his eyes, listening to the movement around him, without making a sound , Quietly, no, the murderous intent never diminished, Chen Xiaolei directly grabbed a handful of medicinal powder and sprinkled it into the air. This is a medicinal powder that absorbs odors, and can filter the body odor of any living thing.

Chen Xiaolei felt it for a while. On the left side, with both fingers together, the snake-shaped dart shot out with a muffled groan. Just as there was some movement, the other party had disappeared. This time, he really left. After a while, Chen Xiaolei's The eyes have returned to normal, and the short-term blindness just now is really dangerous.

Looking at the blood on the snake-shaped dart, Chen Xiaolei remained expressionless, took out a pangolin-like worm, let it gently lick the blood on the dart, looked at the poisonous needle on the ground, and suddenly remembered something, Rushed to Chuang Kyushu's room.

"Are you okay?" Seeing that his room was also extremely messy, Chen Xiaolei felt uncertain for a while.

"It's okay, I'm just a little upset. I was interrupted when I was practicing, but the other party's concealment is really powerful. I almost fell for it. Fortunately, I repelled it. It is not an ordinary killer. It is more organized. In the middle, you must retreat far away."

Chuang Kyushu curled his lips. It is really uncomfortable to be missed by others, and then said: "It's over, I must have exposed the design of the Shengtian Group before, what should we do now?"

"Underestimate them. These killers are not strong, so the stealth technique is okay. I left a little blood from the other party before, and I am sure I can find them. No, Lili and the others!" The strength is relative to the two of them, but for Xiaozheng and the others, they are still unmatched.

Someone hurried to the Chinese cuisine.

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