The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 114 Detoxification

The half-immortal was horrified, he didn't expect that the opponent's arm was actually a magic weapon, he felt countless tears all over his body, it was inevitable, there was murderous intent in any direction, what should we do?Banxian panicked, even the other five wolves raised their eyebrows and their faces were ugly, but the countless winged knives didn't give them extra time to think, they whizzed past in an instant, and Banxian could even see the deadly sneer at the corner of Death's mouth.

Could it be that today is the time for the burial of my half-immortal?I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled, I'm just at the Xuan level, I still have a future, I still have the potential to become a master, I... Banxian tried everything, and suddenly touched a hard thing on my body, like scratching Clinging to the last straw, I threw it out without thinking, and then I heard a crackling sound, like hitting on pig iron.

Banxian opened his desperate eyes, showing disbelief. Before Chen Xiaolei left, he gave him a kit, saying that it could save his life at a critical time. At that time, he didn't care. With his mysterious strength, The secular world is not going sideways, and it is not expected to be used today.

Looking at the dense black that turned into a huge shield in the air, Banxian opened his mouth wide. This is the poisonous insect that Chen Xiaolei showed him before. Unexpectedly, these poisonous insects can use their hard carapaces to form a shield to block the opponent's attack.

The five wolves reacted quickly, and hid directly at the side of the half-immortal, showing lingering fear, but they were finally rescued by a group of black insects, and countless winged knives were all blocked, some came in from tricky angles Scattered Yidao was also blocked by six people.

Grim Reaper's face was gloomy, he snorted coldly, and was about to do something, the black piece in the air flew over, then disbanded, and landed on Grim Reaper's body. The master's protective shield got into the body of the god of death in a short while.

"Ah, what, get out, ah!" After a while, the god of death let out a painful roar. These poisonous insects are still weak against the earth level, but they are basically no problem against the mysterious level. He closed his eyes, swallowed hard in his throat, and saw with his own eyes that within a few tens of seconds, the majestic god of death just now turned into a puddle, and after a while, no flesh and blood remained, only two iron arms remained.

I don't know how long it took, but the few people still didn't move as if they were petrified, until the bugs returned to the bag and automatically flew back into the pocket of the half fairy, the half fairy was shocked, trembling with gratitude and fear, unexpected Before, he had such a terrifying weapon on his body, so terrifying, what if he came out at night and ate himself as food... Thinking of this, Banxian was still in shock, and almost peed his pants.

As for the five wolves, they also breathed a sigh of relief. The few of them had seen the power of the bugs before, and they were even more in awe of Chen Xiaolei's methods for a while.

"The police are here, let's go." Before the explosion was so loud, the siren sounded in the distance, and the six people left in a hurry.

"Damn it, it hurts me to death. I didn't expect that guy to be so powerful. He needs to recuperate for a few days." Lang San clutched his chest. The injury he suffered before was still not healed, but now it's just another injury.

"Okay, stop complaining, think about who this is, how could he attack us?"

"I think it's the Sheng family's mess. The timing is so coincidental. I'll go check it out tomorrow." Banxian's face was gloomy. Thinking of Sheng Xie's willingness to agree during the day, he felt something was wrong. Looking at it now, there was indeed a problem. Several people discussed and went to the room to heal their injuries.

Huaxian Pond, the second floor space, Chen Xiaolei and others have been walking for some time. The space here is folded layer by layer, and it is easy to get lost. At first, it feels that the direction is facing, but after entering the space interlayer, it will deviate from the previous direction. And it deviates far away, and after coming out along the original road, it is not the previous direction.

In short, there is no rule, it's all about luck, of course, I also met some other prefectures, they are not like Mai Yi's fortune-telling, they will kill when they meet, most of them are sudden.

"It's not right, hold your breath, hurry up, don't smell the fragrance." Just after entering a space, Chen Xiaolei suddenly became dizzy, and he was horrified, what kind of poison is so violent, there is no time to react, but it is still too late to remind, Mo Nuan has already One was unsteady, and his body gradually fell downwards. Chen Xiaolei conditioned reflexively to help, er, it was so soft, it seemed to be on a high place, but he was really eager to save people, so he unconsciously exerted force lightly.

Chuang Kyushu's physical body is strong, and he is a little confused. As for Xiaoyu and Ziyue, there is nothing wrong, Chen Xiaolei is a little strange. After a little concentration, after suppressing the charm in his heart, he reluctantly presses Mo Nuan's forehead and massages in a certain direction Afterwards, the other party woke up faintly, but was hanging on Chen Xiaolei's body weakly.

"Don't move, I'll help you bleed." Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately the poisoning was not deep, the silver needle flashed and pierced Mo Nuan's chest, the huge rebounding force almost made the needle unsteady.

Mo Nuanjiao snorted and gave Chen Xiaolei a blank look, but he couldn't use his strength, otherwise he would have ejected the needle directly. After a while, a few drops of deep black blood were forced out. Xuebai is too attractive, and it is difficult to get the needle without great perseverance. Mo Nuan bounced, except for a little sloppy footsteps, but overall there is no serious problem. Ziyue pretended to look away, but the corner of her mouth twitched.

Chen Xiaolei looked around, and then he was overjoyed. With his keen perception, he finally found the poisonous flower - the spider virtuous demon flower.Only the fragrance of this kind of poisonous flower can be so poisonous. This flower is one of the main medicinal materials of Bone Bone Pill, so I didn't act rashly.

Chen Xiaolei took out a jade shovel from the storage sachet, carefully shoveled around it, even if the pollen was not wasted, then took out a pink branch and leaf, crushed it and blew it into the air, a strange fragrance lasted for a long time Not scattered.

Chen Xiaolei took out a jade box and gently put the spider sage demon flower in it, Mo Nuan said weakly: "Why are we standing?"

"Wait, I'll grab the antidote for you." Chen Xiaolei held Chuang Kyushu aside, and waited quietly until Mo Nuan got a little impatient waiting, a rustle gradually sounded, and then Mo Nuan's eyes widened , I saw a group of black spiders crawling over in front of me.

"This... is this the antidote you said?" Mo Nuan felt a chill, Chen Xiaolei smiled, and immediately fixed the five spiders with five silver needles, and waited for a while, the pink branches and leaves that were crushed before were gone. After any smell, those spiders gradually went away.

Chen Xiaolei quickly killed the five spiders, took their blood, and poured them into Chuang Kyushu. After eating a little, he looked at Mo Nuan and the others.

"Such a disgusting thing, let us girls eat it? Did you make a mistake?" Mo Nuan felt chilly all over, feeling nauseated.

"This space is full of poisonous gas, if you don't eat it, don't let me save you if you faint for a while, although it feels good." At the end, Chen Xiaolei blushed, his face full of intoxication.

"You!" Mo Nuan gritted her teeth, the strange feeling in her chest was still so clear, her eyes turned to Ziyue after a burst of blue and red: "little sister, how about you go first?" After finishing speaking, she was a little embarrassed.

"No, I'm not poisoned, this bit of poison can't hurt me." Ziyue smiled lightly, stroked her hair, this action was very feminine, Chen Xiaolei was startled, carefully looked at a person and a beast, as if he wanted to If there are too many, they are not poisoned at all.

Mo Nuan sighed softly, people are incomparable, endured the nausea and moved over, and finally swallowed it under Chuang Kyushu's forced smile.

"Uh uh, it doesn't look bad, it seems sweet, strange." Mo Nuan's frowning brows slowly stretched out, and then he felt a warm current in his body, the previous powerlessness no longer existed, and smiled: " It really works, it seems that it is right to bring you here."

Chen Xiaolei curled his lips, and the few people continued to walk away. A few hundred meters behind them, the three prefectures muttered: "Did you see the few people in front? They have heavy treasures on them. I observed them on the first floor before. I didn’t expect to be able to come here alive.”

"I just want those two girls, and I need the stove."

"Haha, I'm very interested in that kitten."

Several people quickly divided up the loot, and then quietly followed.

"Xiao Ning, what's the matter? Didn't many people from Longsheng want to come to our company before? Why is there no movement now?" Chinese cuisine, Lili sat behind the desk, with an unhappy face.

"Sister Li, I don't know either. Our Chinese restaurant has just opened, and I just told them that the salary is not that high, so they stopped coming."

Lili frowned tightly, looking at Xiao Ning's innocent face, she was suspicious, she shouldn't, but she recovered quickly, after sending Xiao Ning away, she tidied up her clothes. He has been improving the company's business day and night, and has not gone outside for several days.

What surprised her was that Guo Dong hadn't talked to her for a few days. When Chen Xiaolei left, he just sent a text message to Lili. Lili was very busy at the time, so she forgot it. A little ashamed.

"Xiaozheng, let's go see Guo Dong." After dressing up a bit, Lili took Xiaozheng out of the company's gate, Xiaozheng stared at their leaving backs and sneered, then ran to Lili's office , copied the company operations and some private documents inside, and then sent them to a mailbox.

In Cao Xue's office in Longsheng Yipin Hall, a bell rang suddenly. Cao Xue rubbed the center of her eyebrows. She has been haggard for the past few days, but the fire of ambition in her eyes has not been extinguished at all. After reading the message sent by email After that, he burst out laughing, and then directly held a board meeting. The meeting went on for two hours, and the smile on Cao Xue's face never stopped, and he was not dissatisfied until the end of the meeting:

"Why didn't the general manager come, didn't he take me as the chairman seriously?"

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