The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 117 Five Empresses' Cooperation

Cao Xue's face showed excitement. Her ambition was no longer to be an ordinary person. After having endless wealth, she longed for strength. Without the physique of martial arts, she couldn't have Yuanli. Becoming a vampire would be her only choice.

Even she did not hesitate to give up everything she has now. The whole church is the believer of the leader in white, and it is his blood base. Those people have changed their beliefs. .

"I'm ready, shall we proceed now?" Cao Xue's complexion was flushed, her eyes were extremely bright, the leader in white smiled, nodded slightly, and then pulled Cao Xue to disappear without a trace.

After a whole night of carefulness, Chen Xiaolei and the others finally saw the entrance of the third floor from a distance. During this time, the further they walked, the deeper the concentration of the poisonous gas became, and no one could be seen even three meters away.

On the way, I also saw a skeleton that fell on the ground and turned into white bones, and I met Jiyin once, but the other party had long since recognized me. Except for people like Chen Xiaolei who are interested in poisons, they will stop from time to time. Desperate hurry.

Ziyue and the others are not interested in these, not only her, almost everyone who can come here is for the third floor, but this time something seems to happen, the difficulty has increased, and I have seen a lot of bones along the way, This is not a good place, even prefecture-level masters are not immune, if not for being able to restrain it, it may have ceased to exist.

Even though he is proficient in pharmacology, as time goes by, Chen Xiaolei also feels as if his whole body is heavy with countless lead water, and sometimes he will have hallucinations. Local materials need to be obtained, and mutual generation and mutual restraint can be maintained, but this will not last long, and the body has already developed drug resistance.

Surprisingly, Ziyue and Xiaoyu seemed to be okay. Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but ask questions along the way. The other party just smiled playfully and didn't speak. It seemed that the other party was not simple. Take out your lungs, just remember it deeply in your heart.

Mo Nuan has been in a coma several times, each time Chen Xiaolei endured great perseverance to walk on the opponent's body, saving the opponent's life.

Chuang Jiuzhou is physically strong and has a natural advantage in resisting toxins. Along the way, Ziyue always finds opportunities to trick his blood, but Chuang Kyushu is like a baby, and he can't be fooled at all. The four people and one beast gradually walk in the second place. end point of the layer.

Chen Xiaolei touched the bulging sachet, the corner of his mouth was smiling and his cheeks were already in a smile, many of the poisonous weeds in it were obtained through his painstaking efforts, and some hands could not be touched at all.

Just when a few people were about to rush through the second floor, the surroundings were spinning, and the scent of various flowers wafted through the misty changes. Chen Xiaolei's eyes changed, and he mistakenly thought that he had broken into some kind of illusion. stopped.

Why is this scene so familiar? Isn't this the flower that Empress Wuhua trapped him last time?Countless thoughts flashed through for a while, but in the end they still didn't show it, pretending not to know each other.

The faces of the other people also changed slightly, but they were not worried. Apart from trapping the enemy, this flower seemed to have no other means of attack. Chuang Kyushu was furious, and directly recovered its huge real body, trying to break it and make him big. What is surprising is that no matter how big he gets, the flower will get bigger.

"What should I do?" Chuang Kyushu patted a few times, as if hitting the empty space.

Chen Xiaolei shook his head, he escaped by chance last time, and now it must be impossible for someone to control him, then he looked at the mysterious Ziyue next to him.

"Don't look at me, I'm not omnipotent, this is the mustard space of Sumina, unless the space is broken." Ziyue rolled her eyes.

The space fell into silence, Chen Xiaolei was not in a hurry, this is the magic weapon of Empress Wuhua, and she will definitely carry it with her, why not do it, just show the appearance of constant thinking, so that the other party will not doubt, rushing to the east of Kyushu Touch it, look around, it can't calm down like a monkey.

After an unknown amount of time, a chuckle resounded throughout the space: "At first I wasn't sure, but now I'm sure, it turned out to be you."

Ripples appeared in the entire space, and an illusory shadow gradually took shape, which was Wuhua Empress.Chen Xiaolei's heart skipped a beat, but he still had a puzzled and curious look on his face.

"Don't pretend, I am very familiar with your soul, and you have the breath of my little baby on your body, this can't be wrong, I felt that there was something wrong with that body last time." Empress Wuhua looked at it with sharp eyes. Looking at Chen Xiaolei, a powerful momentum oppressed him, but now Chen Xiaolei is also an earth-level soul, so he doesn't feel anything.

Knowing that there is no point in pretending, Chen Xiaolei rubbed his nose and gave a wry smile: "Senior Wuhua has sharp eyes, I really can't hide anything from you, but at least we have known each other for a while."

"Yeah, I'm so acquainted, I stole all my treasures, so I can use those treasures easily." Empress Wuhua's slender and long eyes flashed playfully.

"Senior, I believe that you didn't come here to chat with me. Those babies of yours have already recognized me as the master, and they won't go back. They haven't done anything yet. They should have some advice, but it doesn't matter."

Empress Wuhua was stunned, and carefully sized up the newborn's face, if it wasn't for the familiar fluctuations from her soul, she wouldn't have recognized him, she rolled her eyes and said, "Hmph, I don't need your assignment to do things. But you can come here to see that there are still some tricks, and it won't be long before the competition on the third floor will be extremely tragic, I want you to help me win that pure lotus."

"Senior thinks highly of us. We are only Xiao Xiaoxuan class, how can we beat those prefecture class... Well, let me know what your plan is." Chen Xiaolei wanted to refuse, but felt the invisible killing intent in the air immediately. After changing her attitude, this woman is a bit abnormal, and she really can't stand it when she goes crazy.

"It's still sensible, otherwise you will be imprisoned here forever. You will stay in my flowers. When the time comes to fight, I will release you at the critical moment. You just need to grab the lotus."

Empress Wuhua paused, and then said: "Don't make such an expression, I will take you to the third floor for free, and help you avoid many dangers, don't be dissatisfied, don't tell me you don't want to go to the third floor." His face turned cold.

"What the seniors said is that we can do it, but I need a little Nine Suns Holy Water..."

"Whatever you want, I just want lotus." Said that the whole person disappeared in the world of flowers.

Chen Xiaolei took a look at them and waved his hands. It seems that this is the only way at present, otherwise it would be bad for everyone here. Mo Nuan looked at Chen Xiaolei strangely and said: "Say, what is your relationship, how do I feel... ..."

Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy for a while, looked at Ziyue with a look of interest, and coughed twice, the past was unbearable.

"Half Immortal, good news." Guo Dong came to Guo Dong's villa excitedly.

"Don't be kidding, I'm so worried that I'm going to grow old."

Seeing Banxian's distressed expression, Guo Dong patted him and said: "I inquired at Shengtian Group, their chairman has changed, and the whole company has returned to normal, and their ancestors didn't ask anything. It won't be long before the current chairman of Shengtian Group will come to you."

"Why are you looking for me? Is it possible to issue a death notice?"

"You are stupid. Of course I am looking for you to thank you. Without you, he would not be able to become the chairman. Of course, he might buy the shares in your hand. You are a blessing in disguise."

Half immortal, this hot potato finally has a place to sell, even if you don't buy it, you can give it away for nothing. After seeing the strength of the ancestor of the Sheng family, he no longer has any pride, and then his frowning brows relaxed : "Is this true?"

Guo Dong nodded heavily, and Banxian laughed. He was very worried these days. Next, the two discussed the details, and then Guo Dong left. Many things have been delayed in the past few days. There is stagnation.

"Sister, an expert hacker is here for you. What are you going to do with it?" Xiaozheng brought a college student dressed, and a young man in his 20s walked in. The young man's name was Dongzi, and he was a computer Xiaozheng met in a school competition. master.

"Dongzi, come and work here. I will give you one million annual salary, and if you perform well, it will increase." Lili looked at the information in her hand and nodded secretly.

Before Dongzi came, he had already heard from Xiaozheng, and he agreed immediately without hesitation. Lili took him to a new villa outside. This was his place of work. What article.

"Dongzi, help me monitor this list first. This is the access point. I will tell you how to do it later, especially this person's computer. I must know all the information in it in time. This is your Monthly salary and a non-disclosure agreement, if there is no problem, sign it." Lili arranged in an orderly manner, although Xiaozheng was looking for it, but Xiaoning's incident told her not to trust others easily.

After arranging Dongzi, Lili turned and left. After returning to the company, she held a meeting of all management levels.Xiao Ning recorded at the side, the meeting talked about the implementation of the new plan and ideas of the operation director, and at the same time rewarded some employees who made contributions, and of course also praised Xiao Ning. After the meeting, Lili called the operation director on the spot. When I got to the office, the door was unlocked.

"Director Huang, you have worked hard during this time. What do you think you need to add to the new plan? What we are going to do this time is unique. No other company can imitate it. The previous plan has failed. We..." Lili spoke loudly, and Xiao Ning outside the door recorded all her ideas and specific measures.

After Director Huang left, Lili smiled, an inexplicable color flashed in her eyes, and then sent a text message to Zhu Sihai, glanced at the direction of the door, and continued to work as if nothing had happened.

In a dark basement of Linjiang Church, there are countless red bats on the walls, and the leader in white leads Cao Xue to walk slowly.

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