The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 127 I'm So Thirsty, I Want to Drink Milk

"Mu Ruoxi? I ​​didn't expect you to look so beautiful without the police uniform. Hey, it wasn't this big before. Could it be stuffed?" Chen Xiaolei's eyes were full of fire. Today's Mu Ruoxi has her hair neatly standing on her back , a pair of crystal high-heeled shoes, her jade arms are exposed, and she looks simple and generous.

"You, drive, hurry up, otherwise..." Mu Ruoxi's eyes widened. What is stuffed? Is it obvious that there is something sticking out? She looked behind her again, and sat in the car and kept urging her.

Seeing the other party like this, Chen Xiaolei was not in a hurry, and turned off the engine directly, leaning on the chair with his hands on his head, squinting his eyes to admire the snow-white patch, probably because of the rapid running just now, the other party's cheeks were still a little flushed, and the front of him was also in front of him. After a big gasp, the perfect curve floated in a zigzag style, which made the mouth dry.

Chen Xiaolei unconsciously picked up the mineral water next to him and swallowed it, even though the mouth of the bottle was bitten and deformed.

"Bastard, if you don't cooperate with the police, I have the right to take you to jail. Get down, and I'll come." Mu Ruoxi turned sideways, her eyebrows stood coldly, and she bit her lip with her white teeth.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened immediately, what do you mean I'm down there, does the other party like to gallop on top?Still so direct and domineering, he swallowed his saliva, adjusted the chair directly to lie flat, and looked at the other party with some trepidation: "I'm a countryman, maybe I don't understand it well, is it this posture?" The voice was full of excitement and Trembling, this is the scariest thing I have encountered since I went down the mountain. Unexpectedly, the police will force people.

"You, you..." Mu Ruoxi raised her finger, was speechless angrily, stared at the rearview mirror, and slowly calmed down.

Before Chen Xiaolei could get confused, he poked his head in: "Ruoxi, I really like you, let's try to get along, you see, my family background is quite good."

"Hmph, ask my boyfriend if he agrees or not." Mu Ruoxi said coldly, and at the same time leaned lightly to Chen Xiaolei's side, the meaning was self-evident.

"What kind of boyfriend, eh, looks familiar, where did you meet him?" The man was about to get angry, and frowned at Chen Xiaolei who was wearing a suit in the driver's seat. The current Chen Xiaolei's temperament has changed drastically from before.

"Hua Youque, forget about the fact that I beat the shit out of you in the psychedelic capital, and snatched my girlfriend, we were engaged and slept together before."

Chen Xiaolei said teasingly, Mu Ruoxi's breath became short of breath, but it was hard to expose it now, so she gave him a hard look.

"It's you, ah, have you slept? You, I'll kill you." Hua Youque was furious all of a sudden, especially when he heard that the two of them had an adulterous relationship, he was even more furious, and was about to slap him.

"Bah!" Chen Xiaolei directly honked the horn, the speed soared to the extreme, and he ran ten meters away before blinking, and he disappeared immediately after accelerating. This modified engine is really powerful.

Behind Hua Youque's face was covered with dust, his hands in the air kept trembling, his eyes seemed to shoot fire, and he grinned non-stop, "What are you looking at, I haven't seen Shamat before." Hua Youque looked at Some curious people around scolded directly, shook their heads, leaving a cloud of dust and left, but he memorized the license plate number in his heart.

"Stop, hoo, vomit." In the car, Mu Ruoxi opened her mouth wide. This is the first time she has seen such a speed, like flying. At the same time, there is a thrill in her heart, that is, her legs are clamped.

"Brake!" As soon as Chen Xiaolei stepped on the brake, the car came to a sudden stop. The brake was also improved, but the inertia...

"Boom, you, it hurts..." Mu Ruoxi didn't react at once, and fainted halfway through her words. As for Chen Xiaolei, he sat there steadily and said depressedly: "You asked me to stop the car, you Don't touch porcelain, I don't have any money, hey." Chen Xiaolei shouted a few times, but he didn't see the other party move, his mental power was swept away, and he simply fell into a coma.

Looking at the black and blue on her head, she felt a little tangled, and said to herself: I am a real person, and I am most afraid of the police. If you say stop, I will stop immediately.

After thinking about it for a while, I still sent the other party to the hospital. I can't sleep in my own car. The impact is not good.

"The patient is fine, go and pay the registration fee, just drop a bottle." The doctor said lightly, Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief, just like his own diagnosis, he left directly after paying the fee according to the procedure, and will not leave now , wake up but it's not easy to go.

After delaying this for a while, Chen Xiaolei went directly to Lili's Chinese cuisine, and it was noon now.

"Brother Lei, what's the matter, you haven't officially visited my company yet, right? This is your home from now on." Lili is dressed in business attire, with black hips, black stockings, and a white shirt, but her chest is a little low , Chen Xiaolei is tall, and from his angle, he can just see the purple hood inside.

"Ahem, good, really good." Chen Xiaolei's eyes were burning, and he didn't know what was good.

"Lei, Brother Lei, look at the front, there is a piece of snow-white decoration. I plan to show Xiaozheng the whole painting. Now he is very interested in these things. I plan for the high platform over there..." Lili pulled Chen Xiaolei and kept talking. introduce.

"Well, it's a bit white, but also quite tall." Chen Xiaolei nodded from time to time, looking very serious, but he looked more carefully from the corner of his eye. It seemed that it was pink before. Could it be that his taste has changed now?

"Well, Lili, you can manage the company's affairs. I'm a little thirsty. Go and get me some pure milk to drink." Chen Xiaolei's mouth was dry, and he felt as if he hadn't seen Mu Ruoxi in the car for three days. Drink water, now that Lili's uniform is tempting, it's even more thirsty.

"Oh. What brand is it?"

"No matter what kind, it's fine if it's pure, it must be natural."

Lili said "Oh", turned around slightly, and walked away with twists and turns, but the corners of her mouth curled into a perfect arc. She is a wolf with the sharpest eyes. How could she not have noticed where Chen Xiaolei was looking just now?It's just that Chen Xiaolei helped her a lot, and he didn't dislike him, instead he was a little dependent on him, so he didn't care too much.

Chen Xiaolei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Ever since he completed the yin-yang combination with Xiaoya, he seemed to have become more eager, and he couldn't control it. Chen Xiaolei didn't know why. Could it be that Wei Shu had infected himself?

After a while, Chen Xiaolei drank the pure milk in his hand, very satisfied, it was really sweet, and the pure milk was delicious. Xiaozheng went to participate in painting training, but he was not in the company. He wandered around the company all afternoon. Those employees saw, Lili didn't explain, they misunderstood casually, and the women didn't care, but the men became sad and angry. Every time Chen Xiaolei passed by, they would stare at them fiercely.

Of course, Lili briefly talked about what happened during this period.

Chen Xiaolei sneered, Sheng family?It's really lingering, but the grievances between me and the Sheng family, in the final analysis, are just some conflicts with Sheng Xie's family. Now that they have been defeated, their thoughts have faded away. I didn't expect that Banxian had been promoted to Xuan level. After a pause, he said, "I know your grievances with the church and Longsheng. Don't worry, your matter is Lei Ge's matter. I will accompany you to fight them to the end."

"Thank you, Brother Lei, thank you, I can never repay your kindness in my life." Lili said half-jokingly, her eyes narrowed into a slit, the dimples at the corners of her mouth were filled with sweet taste, and at the same time her plump body turned towards The opponent's body moved closer.

Chen Xiaolei smiled and didn't say anything, but thought in his heart: It's good to repay him with a promise of body.However, he didn't say it clearly, and he did Lei Feng's good deeds without leaving a name.

It was getting dark, and when it was time to get off work, Lili managed the company very well, and those employees were very convinced, but Chen Xiaolei's arrival today made some guys lose their original admiration. When several employees passed by Chen Xiaolei , There is a thick warning in the eyes.

Chen Xiaolei was expressionless, this point of ordinary people is not enough for him to poke with a finger, and was about to take Lili to dinner, at this moment a young man in a suit and holding a notebook ran away in a hurry come over.

The man glanced at Chen Xiaolei, hesitant.

"It's okay, my own, let's talk." Lili said softly, the president's aura was fully revealed.

"Sister Lili, there is a situation, come and take a look." The man is the hacker Dongzi hired by Lili, and he directly opened the computer, which shows the business situation of Longsheng Yipintang. The bar graph on it shows the previous few days It is at a trough, and today is indeed an upward trend.

"What's going on, what is Manager Zhu doing over there?" Lili frowned, and drove them directly to the place where Dongzi worked. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaolei, a strange man, could come today. He speculated about the relationship between the two of them for a while, but he didn't show anything on his face.

When she came to the monitoring room, Lili frowned. The four screens around her were all pictures of every corner of Longsheng Yipin Hall, except for Cao Xue's office, where the firewall was too strong, and Dongzi couldn't get in for a short time.

"Manager Zhu hasn't been in the company since last night. When they had a meeting today, that Li Zixuan became the general manager." Dongzi glanced at the frowning Lili and said again: "There are no other departments. The obvious change is that they are not using our solution now."

"Could it be exposed?" Lili stared at the screen tightly, before spreading a set of loopholes in the plan through Xiao Ning's mouth, Zhu Sihai personally implemented it, and their company would collapse in a short time, but now?Taking a deep look at Li Zichuang, Lili also knew the other party's character, but she couldn't figure out what happened just because she knew it.

When Lili was feeling a little annoyed, her cell phone rang.Seeing that Zhu Sihai picked it up immediately.

"Manager Zhu, what's the matter with you? What's the situation with the company, where are you?" For a while, Lili asked questions that filled her mind, and at the same time she felt like her heart was jumping.

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