Chen Xiaolei carefully sized up the other party, and the woman in purple felt furious.

"You're not kidding me. Since you can see my meridian problem, it should be a martial arts. Why can't I see your realm? Are you an old monster of Shenyin?" Chen Xiaolei took a breath, Shenyin The old monster can put on a face. Could it be that this woman is hundreds of years old?

"You are the old monster, you are the only one, are you interested in knowing why I can see your physical problems?" The woman in purple smiled, feeling like she had succeeded in a conspiracy, but froze quickly.

"Not interested in!"

The woman in purple was stunned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Since I can see what's wrong with your body, I can cure you." From the corner of her eye, Chen Xiaolei continued to seduce.

Chen Xiaolei's heart moved, whether this guy is reliable or not, why does he feel like a magic stick, he is more hateful than himself, and after investigating again, the other party does not have any power, and is "cleaner" than himself.

"Are you going or not? If you don't, I'll be rough." Chen Xiaolei threatened to roll up his sleeves.

"Do you really have the heart to leave a weak woman here?"

Seeing the evil intentions of the woman in purple everywhere, Chen Xiaolei had a headache. This girl is more clingy than Fairy Ji. Chen Xiaolei has a feeling that if he does anything to this girl, he will definitely be repelled, and the other party gives him a very dangerous feeling. What exactly is going on.I couldn't figure it out, and I was a little interested in the way she said, so I nodded in agreement.

Speechless all the way.

"Wow, you let me live in this pigsty."

Chen Xiaolei's head is full of black lines. What is a pig's nest is a villa anyway.

"I can't live with love, I still have something to do, I just stay and play by myself." After finishing speaking, he ran out.

The woman in purple smiled slightly, her eyes fluttering, she looked around, nodded secretly, then took out a small purple bag from her bosom, took a breath, took out several sets of clothes, obviously a storage sachet, and went straight to In the bathroom, as for the purple dress, they rubbed their hands together and turned it into ashes.

Chen Xiaolei went straight to Banxian's villa all the way, and arrived at a basement next to it. There were five corpses lying in it. Except for a willow leaf as thin as a cicada's wing on the neck, the rest of the body was intact, and it was fatal in one blow. I was shocked, what kind of strength is it that can kill a mysterious master with a single blow.

"They were playing with women last night, so you should be vigilant..." Banxian walked over with a sigh, his eyes still filled with fear, the opponent silently killed people in his villa, he felt a huge threat , even if the five of them were not vigilant, they were at the Xuan level after all.

"It was my negligence. They should have been killed by the organization. Judging from the assassination method, they are also top-notch killers, probably at the prefectural level."

After taking another look, Chen Xiaolei walked into the hall. Speaking of which, it was the lives of these five people. Those who came out to mess around always had to pay back. They assassinated so many people, and there would be such a day sooner or later. It was only because of themselves that they were late. It's only been a few days since they died, let Banxian deal with their funeral.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa chatting about what had happened in the past few days. Suddenly, there was a news offering a reward on the TV. It reported the ship accident the night before. There was a woman in purple missing and a photo was attached. The reward was [-] million Seeking and providing clues...

Chen Xiaolei's eyes froze, the woman in purple?The strange person I met today is also in purple clothes, but the appearance of the two people is very different. After a little attention, I lost interest. I told Banxian to be careful and then left. The killer also kills by looking at the target, and will not kill casually. .

In an old garbage dump in Linjiang, the haggard-looking Mai Shensuan laughed. After so long, he climbed several garbage mountains and passed through many slums, and finally found the third-level sacrifice method of the Three Flame Fan, " Hmph, the Xiao family hides it so deeply, do you think I can't figure it out? It's just why it's hidden in this place, is it lost? "

In fact, it was guessed right by Mai Yi's divine calculation. The reason why the ancestor of the Xiao family gave this fan to Xiao Xiaoen was because he didn't know where the method of sacrifice on the third floor was. He played in this area when he was a child. It was thrown here, and I searched for it later, but I couldn't find it. Over time, it finally became a tasteless piece of cake and passed it on to Xiao Xiaoen. Fortunately, the Maiyi magic calculation has the ability to calculate the latitude and longitude, so it finally got into his hands.

Mai Shen made a leap, and when he arrived at a nearby high mountain, he wanted to refine the whole fan and turn it into his magic weapon, "Hmph, Chen Xiaolei, save the Nine Suns Holy Water for me, and that pure lotus flower." Sneered After a cry, Mai Shensuan jumped with both hands and fiddled with a restraint around him. The white mist covered his figure, and he practiced silently cross-legged.

In a basement of the Jinhui Group, the lights were dim, and a young man full of evil spirits, with blood-red eyes from time to time, turned the wine glass in his hand. He drank the alluring red wine in one gulp, and made a sharp voice: "How about it, Mr. Jin, You are also the boss of a large group, and it is not a disadvantage to cooperate with our Zhu family."

Before Boss Jin could speak, Jin Binglin, who was beside him, seemed unable to bear the eunuch-like voice and said, "You didn't give us enough conditions. Our Jin family is also a respectable person in Jiangnan."

Looking at Lin Xiaoqian, who was tied up next to her, it was a meeting gift from the Zhu family, and then her tone softened: "Your family is the only one in Yuecheng, and there is no business from our Jin family..."

"Jin Binglin, don't overdo it. I know that you and Chen Xiaolei also have grievances. I'm looking for you because we have a common enemy. Our Zhu family has no shortage of masters." After speaking, he looked at an old man next to him. There was an instant eruption, and the entire basement trembled.

Jin Binglin's complexion changed, and President Jin's complexion also turned pale, and his thoughts kept turning. Sheng Xie, the head of the Sheng family, was nowhere to be found. The cooperation with the Sheng family failed for the first time, and I was a little worried about this matter. Afterwards, I found out that the real culprit was Chen Xiaolei, but the other party's whereabouts were uncertain. The last time he sent someone to assassinate him, he was not in Linjiang.

President Jin took a look at the prefecture-level Dzogchen, and frowned: "Since Mr. Zhu has such a powerful person by his side, why should we take action?"

"Hmph, don't get Uncle Jiang's idea, he is only responsible for protecting me, not my thug, so stop talking nonsense, as long as you can kill this kid this time, I will set aside a piece of land in Yuecheng for you." Zhu Liang said After finishing, President Jin's eyes lit up: "Is this really true?"

"Of course, the premise must be that I want to cut this kid every inch with my own hands. This woman must be useful to you. If you dare to go to my city, you really don't know what to do."

Zhu Liang stood up, turned his head and said: "Jin Binglin, I heard that you are interested in that Mo Nuan? I advise you not to think about her, and find a woman. This is a friendly reminder. Don't blame me for not destroying the Jin family." Remind." After speaking, he took the old man and left.

"Dad, is this eunuch alarmist?"

"I don't think so. The energy of the other party's family is huge, no less than that of the wealthy families in the capital. You should not provoke that girl recently. She always feels strange. As for the vice president who betrayed the Sheng family, you can do it yourself." After finishing speaking Without looking at Lin Xiaoqian's begging eyes, she took the elevator and left.

Lin Xiaoqian felt desperate. Some time ago, she took [-]% of the Jin family's funds and fled to Yuecheng. There was a little sister there. She wanted to start a career, but she accidentally talked about Linjiang. , but was betrayed by the other party, the other party fawned on Zhu's house and kicked him away, and then Zhu Liang coerced himself to come to this desperate place again.

"Smelly woman, do you think my family's money is so easy to get? A star sleeps for only [-] million a night, and you dare to take more than a hundred times. Who do you think you are? Since you took the money, you will serve me well tonight. Bar."

Jin Binglin's eyes gleamed lewdly, and his saliva was about to flow out. He didn't like voluntary women. He only liked this kind of woman with despair and resentment. The most important thing was the person he hated. He enjoyed the pleasure of torment.

Jin Binglin had already sealed the opponent's senses all over his body, and he couldn't even commit suicide, so he slowly stretched out his wolf claws towards him.

With a sound of "stab", the other party's floral dress was broken, revealing her white skin, and red clouds appeared from shame and anger.Jin Binglin approached her slowly, and said with a sinister smile in her ear:

"Let me tell you, I'm going to use you up, you struggle, I like your resistance in the early stage, and then I give you the kind of medicine that makes you want to die, and then you will be obedient, this huge contrast I like it best." The voice was full of pleasure and excitement, and the face became distorted with excitement.

The originally handsome face looked like a low-class hooligan. He tore his clothes very slowly. The feeling of constant tearing, combined with Lin Xiaoqian's shameful and desperate eyes, was simply a great enjoyment. Every cell in his body was trembling. .

Lin Xiaoqian bit her lips tightly and did not beg for mercy. She looked at the other party's hands that kept violating her body in humiliation, and watched him reach for the last piece of thin cloth, leaning against her side weakly.

Jin Binglin is excited, he just wants to torture the other party, he is not very interested in sleeping with women, this kind of woman who betrays the family should be treated with the most painful punishment in the world, this time has already stripped the other party naked, like a noob Like a rabbit, her whole body is as white as jade, with a little blush at the touch of water.

"Bitch, this is your last night of screaming. There may be no chance of being comfortable tomorrow, so hurry up and kneel down and crawl over." Jin Binglin was short of breath, and kept looking at each other, but Lin Xiaoqian's silent voice With sarcasm and helpless eyes, I feel like a big bad guy.

"Bastard, you are screaming."


Jin Binglin slapped her hard, so hard that a trace of blood dripped from the corner of Lin Xiaoqian's mouth, and she still looked at him stubbornly, as if she wanted to remember her in hell.

Jin Binglin hated this kind of look extremely, and his eyes flashed fiercely, becoming extremely cruel.

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