Officer Lin was taken aback for a moment, and carefully looked at the female version of Chen Xiaolei. The shock in his eyes could not be calmed down for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the so-called resurrection of the dead was really successful, and I couldn't help feeling a chill in my heart. I was even more afraid of Chen Xiaolei's methods, and made up my mind that I would never provoke him again this time. Your little life is valuable!

"Oh! Alright, let's go!" Officer Lin is also a mysterious master, after a short period of adaptation, he gradually returned to normal.

In this way, the female corpse was dragged to Jiangnan College by Police Officer Lin. After the initial shock, the other police officers showed no other expressions. After all, the female corpse had no other actions after getting into the car.

On the road, the female version of Chen Xiaolei has been thinking about how to become a blockbuster, making the murderer behind him restless.

Although the female version of Chen Xiaolei doesn't need to know which one is the murderer, after all those wealthy families seem to be his enemies.

Feeling the energy in his body, Chen Xiaolei wanted to laugh out loud.

I don't need such a good thing, I'm afraid I won't have a chance after I recover my real body.

The female Chen Xiaolei yelled in the direction of the campus after getting off the car:

"I died so badly, I was forced!"

It didn't have any effect at first, but after a few seconds, the sentence circulated eight times along the entire campus as if it had been amplified loudly.

If the people in the mountain gate are here, they will definitely recognize that this is the most difficult sonic earth-level martial art-Tianlong Bayin.

After the enhancement of Tianlong Bayin, the words that come out can not only shock all directions, but also captivate people's hearts, often killing people invisible, the most ruthless soul-like attack martial arts.

Of course, the current Tianlong Bayin is a simplified version of the female version of Chen Xiaolei, which can only spread the sound in all directions.There is no power to attack.

If the person who created this martial art knows that his proud martial art is being used as a grand master, I don't know if he will be so angry that his seven orifices will bleed.

The entire campus was quiet for a moment, and the atmosphere that had just calmed down was startled by such a ghostly voice.

"Damn, who is this, why is this voice so scary."

"Xinxin? Is Xinxin alive?" The people in the same dormitory as the girl immediately recognized the owner of the voice.


Soon the school seemed to be crazy, and they all ran out to see what was going on.

Under the protection of Police Officer Lin, the female companion, Chen Xiaolei, swaggered through the city, specially going to crowded places.

That pale face caused some people around to hide in horror, especially those who saw Xinxin's death with their own eyes that day, felt chills down their backs.

Finally, the stiff body reached the college square.

"I was killed by someone. You want to avenge me and Chen Xiaolei." The female version of Chen Xiaolei gathers her strength in her throat, uses the eight notes of the dragon, and spreads them again.

At the same time, the output of Yuanli was increased this time, and the voice was even more mournful and resonant. The feeling of being more wronged than Dou E infected everyone.

Among them, one of the people who ate at the small kiosk in the middle of the lake in the school's complexion changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

After a hasty checkout, I ran to the square of the college.

A lot of people had already gathered in the square, and this effect was what Chen Xiaolei wanted.

The Tianlong Bayin was spreading, and even some senior officials of the school were alarmed. After all, the death of an individual in the college is also a big event.

Forget about the dead, the problem is that the dead person seems to be alive now?

Principal Long came first, looking at "Xinxin" on the high platform with a somewhat ugly expression.

Scary ghost sounds spread throughout the academy.

The female version of Chen Xiaolei's whole body is a little erratic under the effect of the Great Teleportation, resembling something unclean. .

His body was stiff, his face was pale, even his sensitive eyes were hidden by Chen Xiaolei.

At this time, Xinxin's parents will think that this is their daughter when they come.

With such a realistic witness, the truth should come to light.The feeling of being wronged is not good.

"Xinxin, my Xinxin, my heart followed you after you died, have you really come back?" Just when Chen Xiaolei was complacent about his genius idea, a man rushed over, Holding Chen Xiaolei in his arms, he burst into tears.I really feel pity for that stern expression.

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback, looking at the teary, not bad-looking guy in front of him, he felt a little uneasy.

This makes Chen Xiaolei depressed, he is not gay.Does this female corpse have another object?

It's over, will my chastity, Chen Xiaolei, be lost today?

Chen Xiaolei sighed in his heart, but he still had a dull expression on his face.

Fortunately, this body is not his own, that is to say, he feels sick in his heart, no matter what happens to his body, Chen Xiaolei is unconscious.

Chen Xiaolei had no choice but to take any action, in case something was exposed, he had no choice but to pretend to be stupid, but the voice of unjust death was still echoing in the school.

Some people below are discussing, such a surprising thing has not been seen for many years.

Although they are practitioners, they only have a little more energy than ordinary people.Its essence is still a person.

"Where did the guy who is neither human nor ghost come from, don't scare people here." Ding Changsheng was the first to not believe in evil.

"Xinxin, is it really you?" The girl in the same dormitory asked weakly at this time.

It's just that the female version of Chen Xiaolei is also suffering and can't tell, so she can only pretend not to know.

"Ahem, let me clarify here. When our coroner was examining the body, this woman suddenly came back to life, and kept shouting that she died unjustly, and asked us to bring her to the school to seek justice." Officer Lin looked After counting the number of people, he started his performance as previously agreed.

"It's the first time for us police to encounter such a thing, but there is nothing more convincing than this witness. Maybe she died in peace." Speaking of this, Officer Lin still looked heartbroken.He didn't care about Principal Long winking at him.

"Damn it, this guy took money and is here to help her avenge?" Principal Long said to a high-ranking college next to him with an ugly expression.

"Who is it, who is the murderer, Xinxin, tell me, I will avenge you in my life." The guy holding the female version of Chen Xiaolei raised his head fiercely at this moment.

Chen Xiaolei raised his stiff hand and pointed in the direction of Principal Long. Chen Xiaolei was upset when he saw him flirting with Police Officer Lin before.

And there are so many wealthy families here who have had festivals, so they must take revenge.

After Chen Xiaolei pointed out, the area was dispersed very quickly, and soon Principal Long, Long Xiaotian, Tianxing and several school leaders were left.

Principal Long's face was ugly, his eyes flickered, and a strong wind blew around his whole body.

"Nonsense, do you believe the words of the dead? Is it dead? Is it fake? I've never heard that the dead can be resurrected." Long Xiaotian knew what to say when he saw his father's expression.

Several people with high gold content around him also echoed.

"I was thrown down from the upstairs by someone sealing Yuanli." Looking at the current situation, the female Chen Xiaolei knew that there were not many people to blame, so she had no choice but to bite Principal Long.

Chen Xiaolei almost believed that sad look.

"I took that letter. It's not my handwriting at all. Now I can compare it." The female Chen Xiaolei said quietly to Police Officer Lin.

Suddenly Principal Long's complexion changed.

"Haha, there's no need to compare, I believe you died unjustly, and I will definitely find out the truth for you, but please believe me, I am definitely not the murderer." Principal Long said righteously at this time.

Chen Xiaolei sneered, this letter must be the fault of Principal Long, but for the sake of face, he can't stay out of it at this time.

But Chen Xiaolei didn't care who the murderer was, as long as he was avenged, it was enough.

"Chen Xiaolei was wronged...the murderer is..." It would be a fool not to speak up for himself at this time, but he didn't know who the murderer was, so he just lied to him.

Chen Xiaolei intermittently seemed to say something, Principal Long's complexion changed, and he laughed.

"Okay, Xinxin, go at ease, I will definitely hold a grand funeral for you, I will investigate the murderer for you, since you said that Chen Xiaolei is not the murderer, please ask Police Officer Lin to let him go .”

Hearing Principal Long speaking extremely fast, the female version of Chen Xiaolei was overjoyed, the goal had already been achieved, so she didn't stop there.

After giving Police Officer Lin a wink, he fell straight down.

The man burst into tears, Chen Xiaolei really wanted to open his eyes to comfort him.

Only those wealthy families looked at it again as if they still didn't believe in evil, but they let Police Officer Lin take it away after confirming that the corpse was indeed dead.

Soon Police Officer Lin carried Chen Xiaolei away. Some people are destined to be restless tonight. Such a strange thing seems inconceivable to them, especially those ordinary people who have not cultivated Yuanli.

This is more mysterious than Lin Zhengying's zombie, at least the zombie can't speak.

After returning to the car, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, and the crying of the man in his ear was still wafting.

If Officer Lin hadn't forcibly expelled him, he might have followed him back to the police station.

But apart from Chen Xiaolei himself, no one knew that the soul had been replaced in this female corpse.

Chen Xiaolei didn't want to expose it either, so he just said nothing.

The car was moving slowly, and Officer Lin frowned. If he rejected Principal Long's hint today, he might not be able to make money in the future.

At this moment, the car braked suddenly.

A person wearing a black robe with no visible face blocked the way forward.

Those icy eyes and powerful Xuan-level Dzogchen aura made Chen Xiaolei feel that the person coming was not easy to mess with.well!It seems that today's actions have attracted some people. Do you have such a big hatred with yourself?

From Chen Xiaolei's point of view, it's just a small feud with those wealthy families, so why are they still holding on to it.Are you really going to kill them all?

Chen Xiaolei couldn't figure it out, but Police Officer Lin did.

"Run!" Officer Lin shouted, urging the driver.

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