The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 208 Huo Huo Core Area

"Really?" Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up. He had long longed for the mountain giant ape to be so powerful. If he could restore the strength of that time, wouldn't the earth just let himself run amok?But it's impossible to think about it, this requires a huge chance, not just encountering it.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaolei looked at Yuanshan and said, "Give me a few hundred catties of that monkey wine."

Yuan Shan's eyes were wide open, and he almost didn't come up to carry it. He gasped and said with a red monkey face: "To tell you the truth, this monkey wine has been brewed for five years and can only be drunk in ten years. The brewing is hard-won. My mountain ape There are a hundred or so in the family, and they only drink a small sip each time, so there are only about fifty catties left."

"Fifty catties, give it to me, it's barely enough." Chen Xiaolei said directly.

Yuan Shan blushed, as if he had eaten a dead mosquito, but he couldn't refuse the emperor's order, so he was in a dilemma. If he handed over all of them, the members of his clan would not be able to increase their strength in the next few years. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and yelled at some monkeys behind. Chen Xiaolei understood, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the other party's sullen look, Chen Xiaolei approached him, and the other party's face changed. The coercion of the emperor is naturally suppressing the monkey tribe. Although the other party's temper has been clearly understood in the past two days, some rules are If you can't change it, any dissatisfaction in your heart will disappear, and you will respectfully wait aside.

Chen Xiaolei smiled and put his arms around Yuanshan's shoulders and said with a smile: "Tell me about the recipe of this monkey wine. Why is the brewing so slow? Can it be speeded up with today's advanced technology?"

"To tell you the truth, this monkey wine has been improved over the years, and the formula after replacing some things is still more suitable for the current environment, but there is only one thing we can't customer service, that is, the fermentation environment, which can only come naturally according to the weather, and cannot be accelerated. And so I slowed down, if I can get the human machine over, I guarantee that monkey wine will be brewed within a year." The more Aruyama said, the more excited he became.

"Haha, it's easy to handle." Chen Xiaolei smiled immediately, only the formula is a little more difficult, after all, it is the treasure of the town, but the technology and equipment are much simpler.

"What?" Yuanshan thought he heard it wrong. Humans and beasts are like fire and water. It can be said that it is an ancient hatred. The strong will suck their cramps and skin all over their bodies.Of course, the current [-] mountains and human beings are also in a state of balance.

Chen Xiaolei rubbed his head and almost revealed his secrets. It is better not to let these apes know about some things. They are simple-minded, but they are not fools. If they find out that they are fakes, they will not know whether they will maintain this relationship.

"It's okay, leave this matter to me, don't worry, you will definitely get the machine, give me a taste of monkey wine first." Chen Xiaolei said lightly.

Even if Aruyama had doubts, he didn't dare to ask more.After a while, a few adult monkeys carried a large jar of stones filled with wine-red monkey wine, and they felt refreshed when they smelled it.

Chen Xiaolei directly stretched out his mouth and took a sip in surprise. Old Ape Mountain felt distressed for a while, but of course he didn't dare to refuse at all. The other apes were curious to see how their king drank like this. Normally, they would take a sip under strict supervision. .

"It's delicious, it's much better than drinks." Chen Xiaolei wiped his mouth with his furry paws, and directly picked up the big tank with both arms and drank it all. Now that he has a strong body, his stomach is no longer restricted.Gulu Gulu swallowed it after a few mouthfuls, and Yuanshan walked away weakly. The stone in his hand had already been turned into powder, and his heart ached.

Chen Xiaolei's face was flushed, and he felt a little drunk because of his strong body. The most important thing was that his body seemed to explode.

"Roar." Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but let out an angry roar, full of majesty and savagery like the sound of the opening up of the world, the ancient aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and his whole body couldn't help but grow bigger, it was the face of Yuanshan It's all green, usually they don't feel anything after taking a sip, but they have more strength, why does the emperor look like this after drinking a tank?Don't dare to hold on to death, Yuanshan regrets dying now, if the emperor dies, their glory will be gone.

A huge wave spread from Chen Xiaolei's surroundings, and all the broken stones burst into powder, and the ground was blown layer by layer, like a twelfth-level gale.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't bear it any longer and jumped up directly. His whole body turned into a black spot. He used to be able to jump 1000 meters with explosive strides. Now he doesn't know how high he is. As the cold wind blew past, Chen Xiaolei was filled with the urge to let go, although he found a place to land.

"Boom." Like a meteorite falling to the ground, the strong impact directly smashed a big hole in the ground, and Chen Xiaolei, who was eighty feet tall, smashed everything in front of him with a punch and appeared on the ground.

"Roar." After letting out an uncontrollable beast roar, he looked around, and now he couldn't help it.

Not far away, a rhinoceros-shaped monster was drinking water, Chen Xiaolei rushed over without saying a word, and punched it directly.

"Mou." The rhinoceros is also a monster and is at the earth level. When it saw a monkey rushing towards it, it immediately became bigger. Almost all monsters have the ability to transform, which is also the ability given to them by ancient times.

"Boom." With a sound of collision, the rhinoceros was thrown out directly, and its huge body rolled down like a ball.

Just one blow to the opponent, this is the ground level. It is conceivable how strong Chen Xiaolei has reached, but the feeling of swelling in the body has not only disappeared, but is still increasing. Run to the core of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

There was a rumbling sound of stomping on the ground, each jump was tens of feet, faster than a moving car, some stones and trees on the road directly hit Chen Xiaolei, his current body was unbelievably strong, and the monkey wine melted slowly into his body. Slowing down is for power, but taking too much at one time is a bit difficult to control, and it needs to be released continuously to continuously integrate.

"Roar." This time Chen Xiaolei went directly to the depths of Shiwan Dashan, which is also a place where humans avoid snakes and scorpions. The environment inside presents a more solid color, and the overall gray color looks extremely stable. The most important thing is the density and gravity inside. big.Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up, he needs pressure now.

Quickly rushing inside, this is a lion's territory of seventy to eighty feet, with a body about the size of Chen Xiaolei, without any moves, it is the most primitive collision, which makes people's blood boil, "Boom."

Only tearing, bumping, hitting, and rolling all kinds of small hills were razed to the ground, the original trees were reduced to debris, the majestic ripples in the air continued to spread, and the whole ground was in a mess. Chen Xiaolei had wounds on his body, but he didn't care. The lion was even worse than him, and all the hair on his body was going to be stripped off.

In the end, the lion couldn't compare to Chen Xiaolei's fierceness, even if he lost his territory, he ran away.But Chen Xiaolei was not satisfied. He slowly went deeper and found powerful beasts to release. During the release process, his strength continued to increase, and traces of the power of the mountain giant ape began to radiate. Some old beasts The strength is also extremely powerful, but their blood is not as noble as Chen Xiaolei.

In this way, Chen Xiaolei's forward speed slowed down until he encountered a mountain turtle. He didn't know how long the other party had lived. He just blew Chen Xiaolei hundreds of feet away in one breath. If the other party didn't have the mentality of killing monkeys, Chen Xiaolei might have died Mourning Huangquan.

At this time, the restlessness in Chen Xiaolei's body gradually calmed down, and he glanced at the core area of ​​the Shiwan Dashan with lingering fear, no wonder no human beings dared to come here, such a powerful beast would be killed before it passed Alright, I slowly recovered and walked back, but I was a little surprised why the strong inside didn't blame me for offending them?

Not long after Chen Xiaolei left, the old tortoise slowly appeared and looked at Chen Xiaolei's back with some doubts and murmured: "The mountain giant ape?"

"Old Gui, since the mountain giant apes have appeared, it seems that the days when our monster race can be proud are not far away." At this time, several figures that made many fierce beasts tremble came out. demon saint.It is also the current patron saint of the entire Yaozu.

"Don't be too idealistic. Only our Seven Sages can get by in the entire hundred clans. That little monkey is far behind. Even the blood of the ancestors is too thin and not much different from ours."

"Hey, let's talk about it later. We can't stand the trouble now, and human beings are not vegetarians. I feel that the world will change. Hurry up and accumulate strength, and then the world will be turned upside down." Another female voice has nine heads. The demon saint had a fierce and hatred expression on his face.

Several people watched silently for a long time, then slowly disappeared.

Chen Xiaolei slowly jumped away from the core area, came to the center area, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He was almost frightened by several powerful forces inside before, but that was the core area. He beat it by himself. Now Thinking about it, I was really afraid of death.

Feeling the body, now the whole body is full of power, and it is explosive power, even blowing a breath can blow a tree into foam. Although there is no actual combat, Chen Xiaolei feels that he is not much weaker than the sky level. Can blow up with one punch.

After getting smaller again, Chen Xiaolei gave a wry smile. He was in a bad mood all the way. After returning to the monkey tribe, he felt even more embarrassed. All the buildings on the other side seemed to be frosted, and the old man blushed and walked over. : "Ape Mountain, I think it's too simple for our mountain ape family to live here. I'll take you to fight the territory and go to the core."

Originally, the mountain ape was still depressed and was planning to rebuild its old nest, but he became excited when he heard the other party say this. Who doesn't want a good territory, as long as he can grab it, but he must have strength.

Although I am the leader of the clan, the peak of the earth level is about to break through the strength of the sky level, but I have to think about the entire race.

Without hesitation, he agreed directly. There are many resources in the core area, and it has been coveting for a long time. He couldn't help saying: "My lord, I know that the territory of a nest of demon wolves is the last-tier strength in the core area. The medicinal materials inside can brew monkey wine." As he spoke excitedly, his voice changed in pitch.

"Then why are you still standing there, take the weapon for me and go kill me." Chen Xiaolei slapped his chest and made a dull sound.

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