The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 221 The Vicious Couple

In a dense forest on Shiwanda Mountain, a young man was wandering around, muttering incessantly: "It's rare to come out once, there's no rush for revenge, let's get some beasts first, the previous ones were all experimented by me." Dead, this time we must create an army of ferocious beasts."

The young man kept wandering around and saw a big white tiger, his eyes lit up and he rushed towards him with a loud shout. It's boring to control beasts, we have to find some monsters." After thinking about it, he rushed directly to the depths of the Shiwan Dashan.

At this moment, in a room of the Chu family, all the members of the Chu family were gathered here. In the room, the sound of Chu Ziyue's mournful crying could be heard continuously. Qin Xiang next to her was also in pain, and the faces of the people around her were all heavy.

"Ziyue, don't be so sad, my brother may be destined for this, otherwise he won't be able to sleep well." A middle-aged man next to him who looked very similar to the head of the Chu family said in a low voice.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, a young woman next to him also advised: "Ziyue, pay attention to your body, the Chu family still needs us to support it, can you see if the shareholding matter..."

"Nonsense, Xiuqin, my brother is still here. Why are you bringing this up at this time?" The middle-aged man scowled, but there was a lot of blame in his eyes, and instead, there was encouragement. It's really embarrassing, Chu Ziyue's teary eyes are hazy, but her heart is like a mirror, but now is not the time to think about this, everything will be easy to talk about when her father recovers.

On the one hand, Fang Qinxiang cried very loudly, even though she had no tears, she still looked at the people around her from time to time, Chu Ziyue secretly sighed, a big family has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages, but there are some things that she cannot decide.

Just when they were arguing about their family property, a taxi stopped at the gate of Chu's house, and a man and a woman came out. The girl with white pupils looked a little scary, and it was Chen Xiaolei and the two of them.

Without hesitation, Chen Xiaolei rushed in with a prophecy. Chu Ziyue was very anxious when he called before, so he didn't dare to delay. The last time he came here, he was very familiar with the surrounding terrain, and his mental power was swept away. Chen Xiaolei made sure of the location and directly pushed the door open.

"Who? Where did the security guard go?" At this moment, the middle-aged man looked displeased, why did outsiders disturb his family's affairs.

At this time, Chu Ziyue ran out with a happy face. I felt pity for the pear blossoms and rain, "Xiao Lei, you are here? Help me see my father." After finishing speaking, Chu Ziyue was about to pull Chen Xiaolei Dash inside.

"Stop, what's going on with Ziyue? Since when did our Chu family have such outsiders?" The young woman next to her scolded her and stood in front of her.

"He is my friend and a doctor." Chu Ziyue blurted out anxiously.But the young woman said with a look of disdain: "Doctor? So young? Let alone whether he is a doctor or not, I am afraid he is still an intern."

"That's right, show me your doctor's qualification certificate." The middle-aged man looked a little dignified, and stared at Chen Xiaolei with fierce eyes, and there was still a trace of uneasiness inside.

"What are you talking about? It's that he helped my Chu family this time. What's your attitude?" Chu Ziyue was furious, regardless of their status as elders, but Qin Xiang beside her didn't show any expression , still pretending there.

"Oh, yes, that's really disrespectful, I didn't expect there to be such a person who is not afraid of death, but what use is this to my brother, I will not allow my brother to be seen by outsiders casually, who will be responsible if something is wrong .” The middle-aged man was surprised for a moment but still insisted.

"I'm in charge." Chen Xiaolei said lightly.

"What? Are you in charge? Are you in charge? My elder brother is the chairman of Tianzi No. [-] Grain Company, just because you are a brat? Ziyue, he helped my Chu family for money, right? He'll be fine, why are you so serious?"

The young woman on the side said angrily that she didn't think that this ordinary man in ordinary clothes had any ability to help the Chu family, maybe it was just a coincidence.

"You." Chu Ziyue was furious, wiped away tears, looked at Chen Xiaolei apologetically, and then looked directly at stepmother Qin Xiang: "Stepmother, you were there at the time, do you think Chen Xiaolei saved our Chu?" Home?"

"Me? I'm not here, I'm out." Qin Xiang's tone was evasive, and she quickly denied it.

"Did you see that? Ziyue, I didn't expect that you would bring some dubious people to the house, and even mess with my elder brother's illness. Isn't this a nonsense? Then whoever, hurry up, or I'll call the security guard." The young woman Very vitriolic.

Chen Xiaolei smiled faintly and watched their performance the whole time.

At this time, the prophecy on one side came over lightly, pointed at the young woman and said, "You are greedy for the shares of the Chu family, and even want to force Chu Ziyue away, and then divide the Chu family fairly with your old man." Then he looked at the middle-aged man. The man said again: "You and your wife sang together, and secretly colluded with outside companies to start attacking the Chu family. The condition is that you want to be the chairman."

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they pointed at Qin Xiang without any prophecy and said: "You are a pawn arranged by the Ding family in the Chu family, and you leaked Lei Ge's whereabouts last time, and this time you are also plotting the property of the entire Chu family. "

"You fart." Qin Xiang was very aggressive, and glared at him viciously. If the eyes could kill, then the prophecy would have been killed countless times. Even the middle-aged men and young women on one side were full of viciousness, and they wanted to be violent. Killing people, he yelled directly: "Who the hell are you, how can our Chu family come in with nothing, security guard, where are you going?"

Even Chu Ziyue was a little puzzled and confused, Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly and said: "She can read minds, she knows what you think in your heart."

"Nonsense, how can you have such ability, don't lie, get out of here." The young woman yelled like crazy, regardless of her image.

Chen Xiaolei narrowed his eyes, and took a step directly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time exuded an imposing manner on his body, "What are you guys? Representing the will of the Patriarch of the Chu family?"

Although the voice was not loud, the coercion was extremely strong. Several people seemed to have been hit by a boulder on their hearts and their faces turned pale. Chen Xiaolei stepped on it again: "I saved your Chu family for Ziyue's sake. Why didn't you Take a shot?" The voice exploded in their ears like thunder, and several people stepped back a few steps, with horror on their faces.

"Now that the Patriarch has an accident, you don't think about how to rescue them. What are you doing now? Ziyue will find a doctor, how about you?" Chen Xiaolei stared, with a hint of murderous intent permeating the air. Several people were speechless, especially the middle-aged man. Already got wet.

"As his wife, are you crying for mourning? He's not dead yet? Betrayed the Chu family, damn it." Chen Xiaolei's voice was rolling, Qin Xiang was already sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of shock and fear.

Chen Xiaolei glanced at them coldly, disdainful of their current posture of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he just released a little momentum, what can they do?

With a cold snort, Chen Xiaolei walked directly to the Patriarch of the Chu family. None of them dared to stop him. Chen Xiaolei put his fingers on it and quietly felt it, saying: "It's poisoned, chronic, and now it's going to explode."

"What?" Chu Ziyue's face changed, she thought it was just some serious illness, but now... hurriedly asked: "What poison? How is it possible?"

"It's simple." Chen Xiaolei smiled sinisterly, and directly took out the only one-horned mantis, which was the only one left to resist the leader in white last time.

"Ah." Chu Ziyue was taken aback, even the others backed away one after another. Chen Xiaolei put a disdainful smile on the head of the Chu family. Chu Ziyue's face turned pale. He has already driven the other party out.

"Why do you..." The middle-aged man was still about to speak, but Chen Xiaolei rolled his eyes coldly, and the man was dripping with cold sweat and quickly shut up.

The one-horned mantis kept wandering around the body of the Patriarch of the Chu family, and a trace of black air was sucked out. Soon the Patriarch of the Chu family moved his fingers, and then his whole body was shaken. Chen Xiaolei stood up and put away the one-horned mantis. Standing quietly on the side, the Patriarch of the Chu family woke up not long after.

Chu Ziyue finally let go of her nervousness, and ran over happily, but the middle-aged couple was shocked and disappointed, and Qin Xiang next to her was full of fear.

"This is me? I seem to be in a coma." The Patriarch of the Chu family was slowly recalling, and Chu Ziyue beside him had already explained the situation.

"Little brother, I'm ashamed. I really don't know how to thank you. I really have a hard conscience for saving my Chu family twice." The Patriarch of the Chu family was ashamed, shaking his head on the side, but then his face changed. Yi Shen looked at the middle-aged couple and said, "You two actually competed for family property while I was poisoned? Did you expect me to die sooner?"

"No, no, what's the big brother talking about? I'm also thinking about the big brother. I have already found the most authoritative doctor in the country. It's just that he has something to do today. Don't listen to Ziyue's nonsense. Don't you know me?" The middle-aged man turned pale. Bian hurriedly explained.

"Hmph, bastard, if I don't believe what Ziyue said, will I believe you? From now on, the shares of the Chu family have nothing to do with you, and I will take back your part."

"Ah, don't, big brother, it's okay if I'm wrong, don't." The middle-aged man became anxious when he heard this, and begged regardless of his image, and the young woman next to him also had an ugly face.

"That's it." The head of the Chu family made a final decision.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, and hurriedly looked at Chen Xiaolei: "Genius doctor, genius doctor, please intercede, it's not what my elder brother thinks."

"Get out of here." Chen Xiaolei yelled at him directly, he looked disgusted at this kind of person, resentment flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and the young woman next to him also glared at him.

"Walk along the river without getting your shoes wet." The middle-aged man said harshly and walked out.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes turned cold, and he released the one-horned praying mantis from his heel without any trace, and followed the couple.

"Patriarch of the Chu family, since it's over, I'm leaving. You'd better deal with the family affairs. By the way, you, the second wife, are a little different. I'm afraid you've been poisoned this time... hehe." Chen Xiaolei didn't say anything. Why can't I guess it? Do you know it in your daily life?

Seeing Chen Xiaolei leaving, Chu Ziyue chased after him in a hurry.

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