During this period of great changes in Linjiang, all of Guo Dong's properties were destroyed, and even the Banxian's Axe Gang was torn apart. The strength of those monsters is too terrifying.

"Half Immortal, let's go to the capital to find Brother Lei. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep Linjiang." Guo Dong's face was pale and there were several wounds on his body. Sighing, watching Linjiang become pitch-black and still spreading heartache and pity.

"Hurry up, they're chasing after us." Guo Dong's expression flashed with fear, and some monsters appeared, pulled Banxian and threw a bundle of sackcloth into the sea.

With a loud "boom", Mai Shensu exploded, and those monsters were all turned into powder. If Mai Shensu was sober, he would vomit blood depressedly.

Soon night fell and the whole world was covered with a layer of silver gray. Chen Xiaolei and his group stood there hesitantly beside the white mist world in the capital.

"We'll leave after they go in." Ding Changsheng was a little impatient, while Li Mimiao said lightly, "It's extremely dangerous inside. The last time we went there, we were close to death. It's really unexpected that the ruins of this ancient family will be here. Unbelievable."

"The Sun's family has already entered, so if you are in danger of wealth, don't go if you are afraid of death." Ding Changsheng sarcastically said.

"Why are you so fucked up, little brat? You know how to spray dung all day long? If you like to die, no one will stop you." Chen Xiaolei slapped him unceremoniously, and Ding Changsheng's eyes widened. The other three major families will also show some affection for each other.

"You." Ding Changsheng's face was full of resentment, and the energy in his body couldn't help but radiate. If eyes could kill, Chen Xiaolei would have been instantly killed by him thousands of times.

"What are you, stuttering? Didn't expect you to have a congenital disability since childhood?"

Ding Changsheng's energy surged and a big battle was about to start, Zhang Yiyi stood between the two of them at this moment and said with a headache: "Can we stop the civil war, let's go to the ruins first, it would be a bit unreasonable to lose troops now , Did Chen Xiaolei forget to promise me something?" Zhang Yiyi's face was slightly dark, and Ding Changsheng's eyes sent a signal behind his back.

"Well, I don't care about him." Chen Xiaolei waved his hand generously, then went to Li Miumiao and whispered something.

What did they say before Ding Changsheng was about to explode?What did you promise Zhang Yiyi?Could it be that they were still in private... Ding Changsheng suddenly lost his composure, the thick murderous intent continued to pile up, and the other party's swatting like a fly made him very unhappy.

"Let's go in and be careful next time. The skin of the human shadow tree should not be so reckless." Li Mimiao said lightly and walked in first, followed by Zhang Yiyi and Chen Xiaolei. At this moment, Ding Changsheng narrowed his eyes. A venomous smell emerged from the corner of his mouth, he took out a signal device and fired it out, looked at it without any trace, and walked straight in.

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, and even Chen Xiaolei's Purple Demon Eyes can only see a distance of ten feet around. The spiritual power only covers about five feet. Several people are shocked and dare not neglect this place. It is indeed a bit strange. It is expected to move forward slowly.

"Is your induction device still useful?" Chen Xiaolei walked up to Li Miu and asked, looking at the compass in his hand.

"It's a little blurry and there's a lot of interference here. Let's be careful. This time the route is different from last time."

"Roar." Just after Li Yaomiao finished speaking, a roar that did not sound like a human voice came, and several people all looked around vigilantly, the quietness just now seemed to be an illusion.

"Let's follow up quickly or we will lose it." Li Miu took a big stride, and the Deadpool followed in groups.

Half an hour later, Li Yaomiao looked a little ugly, and the most worrying thing happened, they lost the compass and Sun Hong's position was no longer displayed on it.

"Is there a mistake? If we can't find anyone, why should we go? If we knew that you are so unreliable, we would leave it to our Ding family to do it." Ding Changsheng muttered dissatisfiedly.

"What do you know, your family is not as good as mine. Go ahead and change your position and you may be able to sense it." Li Mimiao said coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

At this time, Sun Hong was extremely depressed. He accidentally stepped on a formation pattern before, and the group of them were teleported to nowhere. The surroundings were already white and there were mostly beast roars.

"Ding Xiang let Gu Feng sense where the ruins are." Sun Hong ordered gloomyly.

Ding Xiang directly manipulated Gu Feng without hesitation and pointed in one direction after a while and said: "There, according to his induction, we seem to be closer to that location this time."

Sun Hong froze for a moment, followed by ecstasy. Is this God helping the Sun family? He hurried up with Gu Feng, no one noticed that Ding Xiang's eyes and pupils were constantly turning, and a kind of blood fluctuation spread out.

At this time, Ding Changsheng, who was far away from where the other three families gathered, looked in one direction with doubts in his heart, and then said lightly: "I know where you are, just follow me if you believe me." Those dead servants followed one after another, Zhang Yiyi frowned and stood there not knowing how to make a choice.

"Follow up, as far as I know, there is an insider of the Ding family in the Sun family this time." Li Yaomiao said calmly.

Zhang Yiyi followed without hesitation, and Chen Xiaolei who was behind sighed that the power of this big family is really unfathomable, at least this information is really well-informed and walked forward.

"Chen Xiaolei, why did you follow here? Do you still have the face? Aren't you very capable? Then what can you do with me?" Ding Changsheng's face was filled with sarcasm and disdain. Chen Xiaolei glanced at him like an idiot and ignored him directly. If you don't leave everyone, if everyone doesn't leave, what can you do to me.

Ding Changsheng hated his teeth itching and kept reassuring himself not to pay attention to this kind of unqualified mountain villager, and it took him a while to calm down and move forward.

But in the next second, the whole white mist rolled over, and the ground, like earthworms, kept rolling over and over in the blink of an eye. They broke through the ground, their bodies were long and swaying in the air, and the faces of the three changed. What the hell?Didn't give them time to think about how quickly the worm-like things cross-folded.The three of them seemed to be trapped in a cage.

"Not good, I can't be trapped." Zhang Yiyi's sharp voice sounded, and just as he was about to say something more, streams of mucus began to emerge from the bodies of those earthworm-like things, dripping on the ground and bursting into thick black smoke and steaming. The corrosive power gave them a burst of heart sutras.

Chen Xiaolei's big shift in the universe keeps dodging, but the space range is getting smaller and smaller, no matter how fast the speed is, there will be a chance of being stopped in the end.

"Three hundred dead waiters, blow yourself up." Ding Changsheng's teeth gritted, and soon a shocking sound spread around, and the three hundred dead waiters exploded into a big hole. Miu Miao followed closely behind, and just as Chen Xiaolei also rushed out, Ding Changsheng punched him through the gap.

"Boom." This delay filled the gap again, Ding Changsheng was extremely fast and the other two people had completed the entire attack before they could react. Only then did the earthworm feel the pain and shrink into a ball in an instant with a shrill sound.

"Xiao Lei." Li Miumiao looked at Ding Changsheng angrily and shouted, "What are you doing? Are you going to start a war now?" Zhang Yiyi on the other side also had a dark face, and he lost everything before entering the ruins. member?It's still on my side.

"Don't be angry, the fusion of our three families can't beat the Sun family. Why let him take a share of the pie?" Ding Changsheng wanted to persuade him earnestly, but at this time there was a loud noise on the ground and a bigger earthworm came out thick The pressure swept over them.

"It's not good, let's go." After Ding Changsheng finished speaking, he led the dead waiters away in a flash. Li Miyao was unwilling to call Chen Xiaolei a few times, but he didn't have time. The big earthworm came here with a whip. Withdrew followed Zhang Yiyi and left here.

After running for tens of miles, he could vaguely hear the roar of the earthworm monster. Li Mimiao directly hit Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng sneered and retreated with all his strength, saying: "With one less competitor, our family's interests can be better. Many, don’t you want to get more for the family? Don’t forget that we all have family missions.”

Li Mimiao stopped, her face was very gloomy, and her personal feelings could not affect the family's plans now, and she felt a little sad: "Xiao Lei, I hope you don't have anything to do, otherwise I will ask the Ding family for an explanation afterwards, but that big earthworm is not even me. I hope you can't beat it." ...

Li Mimiao sighed and looked at Zhang Yiyi with a hint of other meaning in his eyes, Zhang Yiyi also felt extremely unhappy and nodded secretly to Li Mimiao, then the three of them rested for a while and continued on the road, but the relationship between them became a little delicate stand up.

At this moment, Chen Xiaolei's side was squeezed to the point of suffocation, and without hesitation, he unleashed the huge power of the giant ape's real body to push open the restraint of the small earthworm, but received a blow from the big earthworm.

"Boom." Chen Xiaolei stomped back a few steps, the eighty-foot ape body trampled to death a lot of weaklings, turned around and ran away without hesitation. He heard that Chuang Kyushu said that every monster here has its own territory, as long as you run out by yourself The scope of his territory is fine.

It's just that Chen Xiaolei took it for granted that these guys seem to be naturally suitable for burrowing into the ground, and the speed below him is not inferior to him at all. Is it only flying?But I don't know how, Chen Xiaolei can only run hard and when he is overtaken by each other, it can't hurt Chen Xiaolei, so he finally ran out of this place.

Chen Xiaolei regained his human body and took a breath, why is this thing so clingy?Seeing the mucus all over his body, a nauseating feeling came to his heart, reminding him of some scenes of those tentacle monsters in Japanese manga, he took out some water from the storage sachet to wash his body, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

It seems that I don't know enough about this place, it's better to be careful, Chen Xiaolei looked at the white surroundings and said with a sneer, "Ding Changsheng, you forced me to kill you in the capital, this time you will die if you don't die." After speaking, he took out a flower and laughed wickedly.

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