The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 232 Naihe Bridge

Guo Dong smiled apologetically and went out to answer: "Hey, Ang will go right away." After hanging up the phone, Guo Dong pondered for a while, went directly to the office, spoke to Manager Dou, and left.

Half an hour later, we arrived at a very ordinary Japanese restaurant. Guo Dong walked in slowly, went straight to a private room, and laughed loudly: "Your boy has been very moist lately, your skin is even more ruddy than a baby's. It’s quite exciting.” Guo Dong casually sat on the side and ate, and the person opposite him was a luxuriously dressed half-immortal.

Banxian smiled and didn't refute that this high-end outfit really showed the meaning of showing off wealth. The golden yellow pearl powder chain on the high felt hat was as colorful as a parrot, except for famous brands.

Guo Dong ate for a while and said calmly: "What do you want from me?"

"It's nothing but to see what's going on with you. My little brother here is ready to attack at any time. When the time comes, do you need any help?" Banxian swallowed heavily and his expression was extremely relaxed.

Guo Dong thought for a while and said in a low voice: "There is no problem with my promotion. At that time, I will directly be the senior leader of the Ding family subsidiary, but if I go up, I have to kill the direct person in charge of the subsidiary. Then I will be promoted I will be contacting you later, what about you now? What actions have you taken recently?"

"Me, I'm going to give a fireworks feast to the various departments of the Ding family. Haha, it's so spectacular." Banxian's eyes showed a hint of a smile, and he couldn't help laughing.

Guo Dong shrugged. The two of them are developing smoothly now. They quickly changed the topic and talked about other things. The time passed quickly and the afternoon passed quickly. The night in the capital city is so charming. When it's time for the young people to be released, they release themselves in a self-indulgent way, and there are their shadows in various entertainment venues.

Lili, Ji Goblin, Chu Ziyue, and Song Hui are playing disco in a nightclub of a big rich family. The company has been developing very smoothly in the past few days. The foundation of the building has been built. for an easy release.

"Lili, when will Brother Lei come back?" Ji Yaojing's eyes were filled with longing. Ever since she became Chen Xiaolei's woman, she had become a little emotional, and the figure of that bad guy appeared in her mind uncontrollably.

Lili was also stunned and replied with uncertainty: "I don't know either. The place he went to this time has a lot of background and I hope it's safe."

"Where is it? Why didn't I know he disappeared these days?" Song Hui on the side was a little curious, but she still captured some information despite the noisy dynamic music.

Chu Ziyue lost interest on the side, and no one noticed the slight ripples in her eyes, and her heart was so complicated that she didn't know what kind of feelings she should have for Chen Xiaolei.

Fairy Ji hesitated for a while and told Song Hui about Chen Xiaolei's recent situation. After all, this woman helped them a lot when they first came to the capital.

Song Hui thoughtfully saw them getting depressed because of a man, and became a little jealous for a while, but she quickly adjusted her mood and talked to them about other things to divert her attention.

At a table not far from them, a young man with an evil appearance had a slight smile on his mouth, and he glanced at Song Hui and the others without any trace, then stopped paying attention, asked for a glass of red wine, and began to taste slowly up.

Soon Song Hui and the others were completely released and walked aside to rest and chat and drink. The atmosphere gradually became stronger. followed in the other direction.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei had been sitting cross-legged in the sand for a long time in the white mist world, his body was buried in a thick layer of yellow sand, and he was afraid that Chen Xiaolei would be completely buried in half a day.

Suddenly Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes with a flash of enlightenment. It turns out that the so-called hurricane is only formed by these bugs using the characteristics of their wings to drive the laws of heaven and earth to cooperate with this place. I wonder if I can turn this ability into own use.

Chen Xiaolei thought for a while, jumped up and took the dust from the animation sky, and the universe shifted rapidly. Every time he came to a hurricane, he directly used the tripod to collect it. His tripod was as big as a house. Collecting these things couldn't be easier.

After a while, they collected seven or eight shares. They floated in their tripod world. There was no yellow sand, and the whole hurricane was white. Chen Xiaolei observed silently for a while and felt relieved. Fortunately, he was able to survive. It seems that they are not products of this space. ah.Thinking of this, Chen Xiaolei moved faster, and the hurricanes were picked up by him.

Half an hour later, the whole yellow sand world was shaken, those hurricanes dispersed into countless flying insects, they combined with each other to form a bigger hurricane, Chen Xiaolei stared at him, and then fled, those hurricanes kept chasing him, look That violent posture must tear himself apart.

The yellow sand world shook and dust flew up, the yellow sand on the ground was sucked in by the huge hurricane, like a yellow dragon hitting Chen Xiaolei.

"Damn it." Chen Xiaolei was extremely depressed. Didn't he just collect some of your descendants?He ran away desperately without hesitation. If he was hit by this hurricane, his physical body didn't even know if he could hold it.

But how could Chen Xiaolei's speed compare to the wind? Soon as the hurricane approached, Chen Xiaolei could feel a wave of anger from inside, wasn't he really conscious?Chen Xiaolei punched the ground and the whole body went down, ten feet, twenty feet, until fifty feet, Chen Xiaolei stopped. The hurricane seemed to be hovering above but would not come down.Chen Xiaolei relaxed slightly in his heart. They probably dare not go to the ground, otherwise the strong resistance would make them unable to move through the hurricane.

But it’s not a problem to stay underground all the time, Chen Xiaolei hesitated for a moment and sank into the cauldron, ignoring the hurricane flying insects flying in the cauldron world, Chen Xiaolei’s grasping dragon hand turned into a giant palm of origin force and grabbed them. Now they are not affected. There's no use in messing around with the controls.

Soon, he grabbed a powerful mental force and rushed directly to the opponent's body to imprint it. Soon, the bug stopped moving and stayed there like a fool. Chen Xiaolei waved his hand again when he saw the play After a while, they all suppressed their aura, and now he thought that these hurricane bugs would explode and die.

"Combined." Chen Xiaolei made a talisman against them, and the huge force of his fingertips controlled them to spin, and after a while, a snow-white hurricane formed.

It's done, Chen Xiaolei jumped into the hurricane group with joy and flickering in his heart, his body was really light and was carried around by these hurricanes, haha ​​I can finally fly, Chen Xiaolei was a little too excited, seeing these little ones before I had a guess when I was a guy, how can I not be excited now that my dream has come true?

Although this kind of flight has its limitations and cannot fly too high or continuously, it made Chen Xiaolei, who had never experienced flying before, play happily for half an hour. After the excitement passed, Chen Xiaolei broke out of the ground directly. There was a hurricane around him and it was so densely packed that it was impossible to see Chen Xiaolei inside.

Chen Xiaolei spread a thought, and the hurricane carried yellow sand all over the sky and flew out towards the distance. As for the huge hurricane, it was still patrolling without knowing that the culprit had fled. It seems that its spirituality is not so high. Well, Chen Xiaolei secretly thought.

Sun Hong's face was full of gloomyness. After he blew himself up and ignored Deadpool, he finally broke everything in the world of gold elements and rushed out with an intact ancient style. Diffuse.

"Naihe Bridge?" Sun Hong murmured a few times, a little worried, but this place was a bit eerie.

"Shall we walk across the bridge?" Ding Xiang asked softly on the side.

Sun Hong didn't answer, he kept thinking on the spot, until there was a faint sound from behind, Sun Hong led the crowd to the front.

Three steps to the left and seven steps to the left, left and right... Sun Hong kept repeating in a low voice. After a while, he arrived at the middle of the Naihe Bridge. A fierce Zha jumped into the magma below with many deadpools. Ding Xiang frowned. Hesitantly, he jumped in without splashing a single spark, and the entire surface of the magma returned to calm as if nothing had happened.

After a while, three embarrassed people appeared in the wood element space, their clothes were disheveled and torn, and there was a trace of shame on their faces.

"You bastard brought us to this kind of place, you can see that our clothes are all torn." Ling Qing was annoyed when he saw the snow-white spots on his body with a murderous look, and Mu Ruoxi next to him showed a large area.

Duan De clasped his hands together and was very devout like a monk, but a gleam of fire flashed in the depths of his eyes. These two girls kept advancing with him along the way. He ate up all the tofu. Of course, under his good cover-up, most people can't see it. Yes, he will only feel that all four elements are empty.

"Both of you, go and change your clothes first. The next step may be more difficult. I calculated that this place will be more difficult to go." Duan De is an invincible guy, and although the two girls are annoyed, they have to agree with this opinion for a burst of glory A burst of light emerged from Dazzling Ling Qing's body, blocking Duan De's sight.

Duan De regretted for a while how wonderful it would be if he could see the scene inside. He quickly calmed down and began to calculate. Duan De took out a tortoise shell and kept rubbing around it, then pinched his fingers endlessly. After a while, he revealed The color of enlightenment at this time, the two girls have already changed their clothes.

"Master, are we going to pass this bridge?" Mu Ruoxi was a little scared, especially the words "Naihe Bridge" made her a little uneasy.

"Don't you just follow the old way." Duan De laughed and pushed the two girls into his sleeves.

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