The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 235 8th Floor Pagoda

Ding Xiang's mind was shocked and the whole person became uneasy, how could this sudden person be so powerful?It would take a certain amount of time for his own hypnotic restriction to be broken even by a celestial master, and to awaken the opponent's mind, could it be that he is... Lilac can't imagine that the whole person can't move.

As soon as the man pointed at the formation, he stood quietly on the spot. A burst of blood filled Gu Feng's body. A huge force surged under the stone bed below, and finally all his brains were input into Gu Feng's body. The trembling swelled up like a rubber ball, then shrunk back to the extreme and changed again and again until half an hour later, the standing man stretched out his two fingers and pointed at Gu Feng's eyebrows.

A suffocating breath emanated out, Ding Xiang's eyes widened and a burst of despair surged in his heart. This is definitely the hidden realm of the gods. What is the purpose of such a person detaining himself?It seems that there is no escape this time, and it is sad to think that my mother's revenge will not be avenged.

No matter what Lilac thinks here, it can't affect the changes on Gufeng's side at all. The cultivation base of that man's whole body is being transmitted to Gufeng in a special way. I don't know how long it will take for the man to turn into flying ash in an instant. A kind of divine substance floats towards Gufeng. The whole space became quiet.

A black light flashed on Gu Feng's body, the power of the world in the whole space slowly rushed into his body, and Chen Xiaolei, who was unconscious at the same time, also subconsciously emitted a bit of suction, otherwise the whole space became quiet, Ding Xiang stared blankly at that A person who looks powerful and unusual just disappears?He quickly reacted and began to tremble all over, looking for a way to escape.

After Sun Hong and his group entered the gate, they were instantly stunned by the scenery in front of them. The beautiful scenery was like singing birds and flowers. It was like another world. There are birds flying by.

"It's developed, it's developed, the little tortoise on the ground is actually a long-lived tortoise, and this wild mushroom is actually a sky mushroom..." At this time, Duan De still has the demeanor of a master, and his whole figure is like an executioner in a vegetable market. Looking around, I saw that all the good ones were put away in their sleeves.

The eyes of Zhang Yiyi and the others on the side were also shining. Any of the things here are medicinal herbs with hundreds of years of ingredients. A few people like robbers tore up the surrounding things. After thinking for a while, he ran straight ahead.

There is an eight-story pagoda in front of it. I don’t know what treasures are inside. The vast grassland can’t see the sky. Is it connected to a different space?Except for Duan De who was meditating on the spot, the others had already rushed out. At this time, Duan De took out the tortoise shell and started divination again. After a long time of calculation, his eyes turned to the north, which happened to be the opposite direction of the pagoda.

After hesitating for a while, Duan De rushed out towards the north, not intending to compete with them for the pagoda at all. Sun Hong and the others strode in front of the pagoda, smashed it to pieces with a "click", and several people filed in As far as I can see, several huge figures are paid tribute like giants.

"This is the senior of the ancient family?" Zhang Yiyi is a little uncertain, the clothes on these statues are very old, and each of them exudes majesty. One can imagine how powerful they were when they were alive.

"This is not the ancestral hall of the ancient family, is it?" Li Mimiao became a little uncertain.

Sun Hong pouted: "Go back if you don't dare to take it." After speaking, he jumped straight to the palm of the stone statue on the left, which was a simple box, Zhang Yiyi and the three of them did not move around until Sun Hong got the box, and nothing happened The accident started to act.

I just put it away when I saw it, and I didn't mean to check it at all. Soon the things around the stone statue were pried clean.

"Huh? Where did that Taoist priest go?" At this moment, Zhang Yiyi realized that there was one person missing.Ding Changsheng sneered a little and said, "It would be nice to have one less, so that no one will fight with us. What we will get this time is enough for our Ding family's income for a year."

Li Miyao didn't know what to think as he rolled his eyes, and suddenly Sun Hong on the side couldn't help but screamed: "It's actually ten thousand years of stone milk, haha, I didn't expect this kind of genius and earthly treasure to exist. God bless my Sun family."

The eyes of Ding Changsheng and the others were also shining. Wannian stone milk can increase the cultivation base without side effects, and the breathing of several people became short of breath. Ding Changsheng was the fastest to react and rushed out.

"How dare you, what are you?" Sun Hong was furious. Originally, they got a part of the relics, and he felt uncomfortable. But now that such a good thing is in front of him, how could they take it away? Zhang Yiyi also acted The Deadpool who got up and overwhelmed the sky rushed over.

"Looking for death." Ding Changsheng's eyes lit up and he threw the bomb of several hundred kilograms with his hands. The stern look made people feel chilling.

"You're crazy." Sun Hong was a little anxious. If the Wannian Stone Milk was destroyed, the gain would not be worth the loss. A group of Deadpool rushed forward, took all the bombs and retreated in an emergency, and exploded away from the Stone Milk, shaking the sky. The sound blew up the stone statues so that some cracks appeared.

"Damn it, come die with me." Sun Hong's eyes turned red, and he tried his best to put out all kinds of jade bottles and put the stone milk in together, and Li Mimiao on the other side also took action. Such rare things have a price no city.

How could Sun Hong be faster than the three of them alone?He glanced vaguely at the position behind him, the black-robed man shook his head indistinctly, and Sun Hong's eyes narrowed, absorbing it intently without making a sound, and soon the stone milk in the stone pool was divided up by them.

Ding Changsheng licked his tongue and looked at the stone bottles in everyone's hands, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and searched the surroundings inch by inch without any nonsense. They didn't notice that the cracks on the huge stone statues were getting bigger and bigger, and there was a slight click. sounded.

A few people went straight to the second floor without stopping to see some ancient books. Ding Changsheng flashed in front of a shelf and looked at it. There was a flash of disappointment. It was just that some ancient books did not practice exercises, so they went straight to them without stopping. Sun Hong on the third level followed closely behind, and Li Mimiao waved his sleeves hesitantly to put away these ancient books.

Going up to the third floor, Ding Changsheng was very disappointed and didn’t know if he was taken away by his predecessors. They were all useless things. His eyes lit up, and there were several magic weapons that seemed to be full of aura floating in the air, including knives, guns, sticks and swords.

"It's mine." Ding Changsheng rushed out with red eyes and swung a giant golden palm towards the front.

"Bastard." Sun Hong punched the giant palm with his eyelids cracked, and a huge impact was released. Zhang Yiyi, who had just rushed up, frowned, and a ray of light shone on his body to resist the shock wave. damage.

"Zhang Yiyi helps me, we will share these things equally." Ding Changsheng said eagerly and at the same time gave Li Miu the same message.

Sun Hong's complexion changed a little gloomy and he didn't speak. He used all kinds of moves to attack Ding Changsheng. Zhang Yiyi and Li Mimiao looked at each other and nodded slightly, and rushed directly to Sun Hong.

"Go to hell." The three beat Sun Hong, and Sun Hong suddenly felt the pressure increase, and felt as uncomfortable as holding a mouthful of old blood. He felt his body rolling and his throat was sweet when he slapped him hard. swallowed.

"You're looking for death." In a rage, Sun Hong took out three thunderbolts and threw them at them. Ding Changsheng's eyelids twitched and he hurriedly dodged.

"Boom." There was a burst of explosions, and Zhang Yiyi and the three hid aside until the smoke cleared. Where there was even a trace of Sun Hong, those magic weapons were gone.

Ding Changsheng's eyes turned red and he rushed downstairs. As soon as he reached the first floor, there were several explosions with a chain reaction, and the entire eighth floor exploded. The expressions of Li Mimiao who came behind changed. .

"Boom." There was a burst of smoke and dust, and the entire floor collapsed. Ding Changsheng jumped out of the window next to him desperately, and everything was reduced to rubble in the next second.

"Zhang Yiyi." Ding Changsheng roared a little darkly, if the two of them died here, it would be a little troublesome, and soon the two people rushing out of the dust below were Zhang Yiyi and the others, but they were in a bit of a panic.

At this time, Zhang Yiyi roared angrily, "Sun Hong, I'm going to kill you." But there was no trace of Sun Hong as far as he could see.

The faces of several people are not good-looking. Although they have obtained some geniuses and treasures, how can they compare with those treasures?

"Let's go, the things here are not the only ones in such a big space, there must be a lot of treasures." Li Miu calmed down and sighed, and the few people had no choice but to move forward.

Duan De led the girls to patrol the north continuously, and at the same time he was very annoyed by the calculations in his hands. He had been here for more than half an hour and couldn't find it. He stopped and thought for a while: "It won't be possible Need the blood of the Gu family, right? Impossible, impossible, and this is not the cemetery of the Gu family." Duan De shook his head like a rattle.

I suddenly slapped my forehead and thought of something: I am so stupid, this place is covered by a secret, how can the usual method work?But the floor here is not ordinary land, so I can’t get in. After thinking about it, Duan De directly took out a shuttle-shaped thing that he carried with him and sighed: “Tuxingzhou, I’ll leave it to you this time.” Drill me."

The earth-shaped boat turned into a yellow halo and went down. Duan De stepped on it, spiraled, and disappeared in place until Duan De's figure appeared at [-] feet away. Excited: "Haha, I still need this treasure at critical times, but unfortunately it can only be used once." Duan De was a little distressed that the earth-shaped boat in his hand suddenly cracked and then turned into flying ash.

Duan De sighed and looked around, his eyes lit up in an instant, he flicked his sleeves and the two girls appeared immediately.

The two girls who were in a daze looked at the cemetery and coffins around them and almost screamed. They pulled Duan De and whispered: "Are you sick? Why did you bring us to the cemetery?"

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