The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 250 The Grievance of the Great White Shark

Several people are more than enough to sit on the great white shark.

"Go to the left." Chen Xiaolei slapped the great white shark, and the great white shark galloped in Chen Xiaolei's direction under pain. The passing small fish and shrimps were directly swallowed by it, as if taking revenge on Chen Xiaolei.

In this way, the journey was much smoother, but the ferocious holy beasts in the surrounding sea area increased frequently. Of course, the great white sharks always took a detour if they didn’t dare to provoke them. Has something changed in the sea area?

Galloping all the way to approach Fa Xiangzong's position.

In the capital, Guo Dong defeated the Li family through economic means and acquired dozens of companies in just a few days. The profits of the Ding family's subsidiaries rose linearly. Ding Shenxian specially rewarded Guo Dong and promoted him to the head office Seafood Manager.

Guo Dong is the core member of the entire Ding family, if not for his unclear identity, he would have already become the direct line of the Ding family.During the period, I met Ding Shenxian a few times, and talked about some directions for the development of the family. Ding Shenxian was very satisfied with him and promised to reward him at the next annual meeting.

Guo Dong naturally grinned and responded with disdain in his heart: When he takes control of the Ding family's economy, it will be the time when the Ding family collapses. Don't look at the Ding family's calmness now. Their old guys have already fought several times, and of course they are all on a small scale. The friction may be due to the fact that they did not fight with great fanfare in consideration of the family background. During this period, the Zhang family was also unusually calm and did not do anything out of the ordinary. Only the Sun family harassed and competed with Zhang and Li with an aggressive nature. In full swing.

What's more, Sun Hong even intercepted and killed Zhang Yiyi in the middle of the night. If he hadn't prepared for it, he might have lost his fragrance. The Zhang family was furious about this and asked the Sun family for an explanation. Hitman was sent.

In the meeting hall of the Zhang family, a group of people, including the head of the Zhang family, were discussing something seriously.

"Patriarch, don't hesitate, unite with the Li family to destroy the Sun family first. Is the current situation in the capital still unclear? The things Yiyi obtained in the ruins of the ancient family before are enough for us." A middle-aged man said with dignity. .

An old man with a goatee on the other side said lightly: "This matter should not be reckless. The Sun family is not a small family. Once a war starts, it will affect the entire capital, and there will be complaints."

"How can you be so indecisive? The Sun family has already begun to retaliate against us. Are we indifferent?"


The people in the hall were arguing endlessly and some people remained neutral. The Patriarch of the Zhang Family frowned and pressed his hand to quiet the hall, then looked respectfully at the cold middle-aged man wearing a pirate hat and said, "Third Uncle, what do you think? "

The third uncle often lives overseas, so it is natural to ask his advice on these difficult matters when he comes home this time.

"Fight." Third Uncle's cold murderous aura swept over the surroundings, and the people below were all shocked, even those who opposed before were silent.

The head of the Zhang family hesitated for a moment, patted the table and made up his mind: "My Zhang family is not a soft persimmon. It just so happens that the third uncle came back to cooperate with my Zhang family. Take a look at the mouth at home, and play a big one if you want to play."

The old man with the goat beard below nodded secretly, while Zhang Yiyi on the other side didn't say anything but just listened quietly, thinking about something in his eyes, soon the Zhang family broke up and the group left here, Zhang Yiyi followed Father walked in the back garden.

"I see that you have any objections because you were absent-minded just now?" the Patriarch of the Zhang family asked suspiciously.

"The Mr. Zhuge that my father invited from the Sun family last time is still there. I am worried that there are some old antiques in their house, and they use the ancient style of the Gu family. We need to go to Linjiang to unite with the Gu family. After all, their relationship is not so good, so we can take advantage of it." .”

"Is it Gu Feng, the heir to the ruins of the Gu family you mentioned last time? The one with four heavenly puppets under him?" The Patriarch asked strangely, Zhang Yiyi nodded.

The patriarch hesitated for a moment and said directly: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you. After a week, no matter whether you have persuaded the Gu family to fight against the Sun family, you will not stop." The patriarch of the Zhang family gave Zhang Yiyi an encouraging look just left.

The entire city of Linjiang fell, and Gu Feng, who was carrying the Four Great Wars and drove Feng Chen back, saw the scene in front of him, his expression changed, and he waved his big hand and turned the Four Great Wars into a ray of light, and he put it away. Lasing towards Yuan Gu's house.

Along the way, seeing all kinds of demonized people, Gu Feng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, even the friends who used to eat, drink and mess together are not looking good now, they are all at a loss, doing some mechanical movements, their bodies have already been ripped out Cavitation is a tool that only knows how to create black fog.

Gu Feng turned into an afterimage at a faster speed and ran towards the direction of the Gu family. After a while, he saw that the place where he had lived since he was a child was already dilapidated and his face was extremely ugly. Around the gate of the Gu family, some people gathered around the gate of the Gu family. Some people don't know what they are wandering about.

"Go to hell." Gu Feng was furious, pointing forward, and when he went out, there was no change, and in the blink of an eye, he condensed into a thick finger, rushed forward with a strong wind, and gently wiped those black humanizations For the ashes, the remaining prestige continued to smash the entire land of the ancient family.

The sound of "rumbling" reverberated around, but unfortunately there was no vitality or change anymore, Gu Feng's eyes were red: "Father, Dad, Third Uncle, I am late, you..."

Gu Feng felt extremely bitter and resentful in his heart, looking at the black mist around him, his eyes filled with monstrous hatred: "Big monster, I will kill you one by one as your worshipers. My Gu family was a striker 20 years ago and I am still the same now. Ah. "Gu Feng's body emitted a light, and the surrounding black mist melted a lot like the white snow in spring.

It was at this time that the ancestral hall of the Gu family also emitted a ray of light that complemented Gu Feng's body. Gu Feng was stunned as if thinking of something and walked over, and put his hand around the Yintang of the ancestral hall of the Gu family. Gu Feng's figure disappeared.

Gu Feng was a little surprised and looked at everything in front of him. Cong Xiao grew up in the ancient parents and never imagined that the ancestral hall could still be entered. In front of him was a long corridor. A huge rain of needles shot out like a storm. ,

Gu Feng didn't make any moves. A mountain-like puppet stood in front of him and blocked them all. After a burst of crackling, hurried footsteps came out from the side, "Feng'er? Is it you? Are you still alive?" A joyful and trembling voice The voice sounded, and he quickly reacted and clapped his hands: "Turn off the mechanism and let the third uncle come out."

"Dad, are you... are you alright?" Gu Feng laughed, just now he almost thought he was the only one left in the entire Gu family.

Soon all the elites and elders of the Gu family arrived. Gu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and was taken aback. He turned to his father and asked, "Where is Papa Patriarch?"

"Old Ancestor... Old Ancestor is now the Demon Emperor's puppet." The Patriarch of the Gu family sighed deeply, and the people around him were not in high spirits. The appearance of , there is a fierce meaning that they can't help but take a few steps back.

"This is the precious wealth left by the ancestors of my ancient family, and there are many things I brought back. I strive to have a heaven-level town clan appear in a short time. I brought back all the magic formulas and martial arts that were lost before. Next, we The whole family is going to evolve, in the future..."

A scene appeared in Gu Feng's eyes, in which the world was dark and the terrifying monster seemed to overthrow the whole world. That kind of great leadership was not there before.

The Patriarch of the Gu family looked at his son with relief. He never thought that he would see Gu Feng one day. Not to mention whether Chen Xiaolei could rescue Gu Feng, but if he rescued the previously weak Gu Feng, he would be able to survive in this perilous Linjiang. what?But a miracle appeared before his eyes.

As night fell, Chen Xiaolei and his group walked forward in a low-key manner. They saw a lot of crazy sea beasts along the way. The originally docile beasts have recently become ferocious, which makes it a bit strange to travel to Kyushu.

"How long will it take for us to arrive? Your Faxiangzong is really good. Why do you cultivate your sect in such a place? You like the feeling of mystery?" Mo Nuan had already changed into a camouflage outfit to cover up the nosebleed. Her beautiful legs were constantly wet along the way, and she had never done it before. She, who loves beauty, regretted coming to this place.

"It's coming soon." Chuang Kyushu was speechless.

"You've said it countless times along the way, so it's not too late." Mo Nuanqi kicked the great white shark below, and the white shark rushed out in pain. Guy, if you have spiritual wisdom, it is estimated that he will cry. Originally carefree, it is often crazy to play in the sea. .

Chuang Kyushu looked into the distance and his eyes lit up: "It's really fast this time. Have you seen the black island in front? It's all made of black gold stones."

"Black gold stone?" Chen Xiaolei concentrated, and there was a record of this kind of stone in his mind. It seems that it was the food of the Xing clan in ancient times, and it seems to have a certain effect on the mountain giant ape. Chen Xiaolei thought about this kind of stone carefully. It can enhance body strength. Many years ago, this kind of stone was the most garbage auxiliary material for the extremely powerful mountain giant ape family, but it is undoubtedly the best thing for today's world where there are no natural materials and earth treasures. .

"Swim over." Chen Xiaolei patted the great white shark below, with excitement in his voice.

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