As soon as Chen Xiaolei got up, he wanted to rush to the stage.

"Xiao Lei, I'll go, don't be provoked by him." Wang Sheng pulled Chen Xiaolei aside, his whole body shone with golden light.

"No, all of them are targeting me. You take care of Chuang Jiuzhou. I'll solve it myself. I haven't exercised for a long time." Chen Xiaolei is very calm, and this state is a bit scary.

Seeing Chen Xiaolei's decisive look, Wang Sheng sighed lightly, and slowly let go of his hand, but the momentum on his body was still surging.

I believe that as long as Chen Xiaolei makes a slight mistake, he can rush up in an instant.Jiang Xiaorou and the others also turned slowly with all their vitality.

"Pig head, I guarantee that your mother won't even recognize you." Chen Xiaolei was obviously really angry, and even put away his playful smile. Although he couldn't absorb Yuanli, the Yuanli around him was fluttering regularly.

Ye Wuyao's eyes froze, and the feeling of doubt became more intense.

"Haha!" Zhutou laughed. Just when he was about to say something, Chen Xiaolei moved. He used the great teleportation of the universe to the extreme that he can reach now, and his whole body turned into an afterimage. He flicked out a pill, which just landed in the pig's head's mouth, and then tapped his Adam's apple with two fingers, and the medicine had dissipated before the pig's head could react.

"You, what did you eat for me?" Zhutou coughed twice, clutching his neck in disbelief, the instant speed made him unable to react.

Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly and said to the people below: "Next!"

He put the pig's head aside directly.This action obviously angered Zhu Tou, it was a slap in the face, just as Zhu Tou was about to make a move, his face flushed, he clutched his stomach and ran away, he turned quickly and looked down, stunned.

"It's a bluff, you have no strength, how can you defeat us." Some people in the audience fanned the flames.

"I'm coming!" Soon some people were eager to try it. The charm of the prefecture-level martial arts is like a drug. Knowing the consequences, they still want to try it.

Chen Xiaolei still downplayed it, he put all kinds of anesthetic powder prepared last night in his pocket, laxatives, undead arsenic, chaotic Yuanli, and even aphrodisiacs.

Their low-grade yellow-level strength definitely couldn't resist it.After a while, hundreds of people covered their faces and left.

Chen Xiaolei took out an old ginseng and bit it with big mouthfuls, his face was a little flushed, he had no energy after all, it was his physical strength that was consumed by the great movement of the universe, of course the effect was obvious, the failure of those hundreds of people was also Let most people realize Chen Xiaolei's methods.

Although there are nearly [-] people in the first and second grades, more than half are in the yellow grade.

Under Chen Xiaolei's iron-blooded means, he is the only one in the entire arena now, no matter how much he encourages, those yellow-level demon-sweeping brigades dare not join.

"Haha, you guys are nothing more than that, so why don't you compare? If you don't compare, you lose. I don't have time to accompany you here." Chen Xiaolei said loudly.

Zhang Yiyi hated her teeth, how could she not see Chen Xiaolei's despicable methods.

Ye Wuyao smelled the faint smell of medicine in the air, a little dumbfounded, then looked at the shouting Chen Xiaolei on the stage, and nodded secretly while pinching his beard.It's just that Teacher Ouyang who is on the side is not so calm, she is also a medical student, how can she not distinguish those things, she can't help but hate Chen Xiaolei even more, good medical skills do not cure diseases and save people, but are used in her hands as a whole man's tool.

Jin Binglin was a little gloomy, and after looking at Tianxing, the two of them walked out. The Huang-level ones can't be counted on, but if they, the Xuan-level ones, don't make a move, the entire academy will lose face.

Star power loomed on Tianxing's body, and suddenly the stars flashed eight steps away, and his whole body rushed towards Chen Xiaolei as fast as lightning, and at the same time, his whole body faintly echoed the stars in the sky.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes flashed, this Tianxing's skills have been greatly improved recently, and the coercion on his body has increased, but he is not afraid, the universe has moved, and the two of them are confusing.

"Big Dipper!" Tianxing roared, the seven light spots on the palm connected to the corresponding seven stars in the sky, and the entire palm shone brightly.

"Hehe, Director Tian's young master is really talented. He is already very skilled at such a young age." The old man said casually.

"Where, it's still far away." Although he said so, Chairman Tian's eyebrows were already laughing non-stop.

Tianxing yelled, and a star that was as large as two feet had already shot out one, and it went straight to Chen Xiaolei. Chen Xiaolei felt a crisis, and the hairs on his body stood on end. Didn't expect this Tianxing to be an embroidered pillow, it seems that people in the world cannot be underestimated.

Although Chen Xiaolei was constantly moving, he was triggering the half volume of martial arts in his sleeve Qiankun all the time. Just now he tried it unintentionally. Although he had no energy and could not move the space, his sleeves could produce weak trajectory fluctuations. I didn't think of it until the star, Tianxing.

The stars are powerful, and they cannot be confronted head-on, but they cannot be taken away, and can only affect its trajectory.

Chen Xiaolei silently calculated the distance, and the half-roll of Qiankun in his sleeve also grasped a little bit of fur, but he didn't know if he could do it.

Never mind, Chen Xiaolei gritted his teeth, and flicked the shooting star slightly, the weak trajectory slightly changed direction, but a strong rebound came over, Chen Xiaolei's throat sweetened, his footsteps were a little unsteady, and the stars rubbed against each other. He passed by.

It's so dangerous, although I dodged one, but the strength is not acceptable to me.

Chen Xiaolei was very uncomfortable, before he calmed down, he heard Tian Xing say "Seven stars in a row".The seven two-foot-long stars in Tianxing's palm formed a line and shot towards them.

At the same time, a small thorn in Jin Binglin's hand shot out, almost without a trace.

"Xiao Lei!" Jiang Xiaorou wanted to get up as soon as her complexion changed, Zhang Yinuo opened her beautiful eyes wide, unable to bear it.

The faces of the people in the other dormitories also changed drastically, but it was too late.

Ding Changsheng sneered and waved his arms slightly, the rest of the school held their breath.

At this moment, Chen Xiaolei's whole body became foggy, to be precise, countless white powders spilled from his whole body.

A huge explosion shattered everything in the white mist like a storm.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated, and the entire arena was clear. The deep pit at the explosion site still showed the tragedy there, but Chen Xiaolei's figure had disappeared without a trace.

Tian Xing sat slumped on the ground as if he had lost all his strength. He was also a little stressed by the martial arts just now, and almost exhausted all his energy.

"Haha! Finally solved this kid." Jin Binglin laughed heartily, his eyes couldn't help being proud, even he had to admire himself just now, the timing was just right.

Zhang Yiyi looked around carefully, could it be that Chen Xiaolei was really blown to pieces?Although I hate this guy so much, I don't know why I can't be happy at this time.Thinking that her body was so big and only seen and touched by this person, Zhang Yiyi felt quite uncomfortable.

The students kept whispering, some were shocked, some regretted, some were happy, and some were sad. After all, the whole school would have constant news because of him.

Several people in the dormitory were also stunned, a little unbelievable, could it be that a person just disappeared like this?

Principal Long looked at it in confusion, closed his eyes and sensed it around, especially the place where the explosion occurred.

It wasn't until he was sure that there was no breath of life that he breathed a sigh of relief, sneered, and muttered that he deserved it.

Only Ye Wuyao and Lei Ming, some prefecture-level masters, looked strange, and they couldn't help laughing faintly.

Especially Lei Ming laughed out loud:

"Haha, Brother Chen hasn't shown up yet."

One sentence stirred up thousands of waves.

Some people in Jin Binglin looked ugly, and the joy just now disappeared. They looked around several times with gloomy faces, but still found nothing, so they couldn't help but look at Lei Ming strangely.

Is this thunder seeking everyone's happiness?

Lei Ming didn't pierce, and waited silently, the thunder in his eyes flickered, and he could see through Chen Xiaolei's position at a glance.

"Hehe, I still can't hide from you prefecture-level existences." A familiar voice made Jiang Xiaorou smile, even Zhang Yinuo's nervous heart was relieved, as if thinking that he was worried about Chen Xiaolei just now, for a while She blushed, but all eyes were on Chen Xiaolei, otherwise she would have amazed countless people.

Following the sound, a figure gradually appeared in the sky above the explosion.

Chen Xiaolei's figure gradually appeared in the sky, and the illusion of space made people's eyes a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiaorou suddenly felt something, she quickly approached Chen Xiaolei, and at the same time put her hands on his shoulders, Chen Xiaolei showed gratitude, and the two of them went to the place where the few people in the dormitory were.

Tianxing's face was full of astonishment, he knew how powerful the martial arts just now was, even he himself could not have survived such an explosion.

But the living facts at the moment made it a little difficult for him to accept.

Other people with malicious intentions also had ugly faces, wondering why this Chen Xiaolei's life was so serious.

"Hurry up, take advantage of the deterrence created now, and get on stage." Chen Xiaolei said, enduring the pain in his body, pressing his chest.

Several people around also reacted one after another, and Li Piaomiao stayed to stabilize their injuries.

With a flash of Jiang Xiaorou's figure, patches of black mist and a chilly atmosphere enveloped the entire arena, and Wei Shuo followed closely with his back against Jiang Xiaorou, and the pink energy on his body was poured into it.

Wang Honghuo and Li Bufan stood on the left and right, and Wang Sheng stood on the ring with a soaring sword light and shouted:

"Come on, today we will fight against you, and your despicableness will be written into history."

The shouting on the stage quickly angered some people below.

Zhang Yiyi sneered, looking at Chen Xiaolei's direction with some disdain, the remaining six seemed to her to be defeated sooner or later.

Those Huang-level students, who have mastered their studies this time, are not superior, even though the two prefecture-level martial arts are so attractive.

It's just that those mysterious people rely on their own strength and still have a fluke mentality.

Soon, more than a dozen people rushed up, even some female classmates, and some other candidates were also in place, preparing for crowd tactics.

The current situation is very clear, as long as the remaining six people are abolished, not only can the reputation of the academy be restored, but they can also be expelled from the school.

After a while, some people from before rushed out in a panic, especially the female classmate who was still disheveled, her face was flushed, and her eyes were full of fear. Everyone didn't understand what happened, and they were a little dumbfounded. Could it be that there was something inside? Strange things don't work.

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