The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 261 The fog is heavy

Isn't Ding Changsheng already dead?Fairy Ji and Lili looked at each other, they really didn't understand, what could this man who had given up resistance have to do with the dead Ding Changsheng?

But looking at Xiao Lei's serious face, it didn't look like he was joking.

"Ding Changsheng? Who is he? I don't know him... Hero, if it wasn't because of the pressure of life, I would never do such a thing. Please be merciful and spare my life."

The man's face showed a look of extreme panic, no matter from his expression or his eyes, it didn't look like he was lying.

Chen Xiaolei was also taken aback when he saw the man's expression. After grabbing his collar, Chen Xiaolei immediately probed his whole body with his vitality.

However, the result of the detection was that this guy was just a real ordinary person, and if an ordinary person lied in front of Chen Xiaolei, Chen Xiaolei would definitely expose him in an instant.

This guy didn't lie, he really didn't know Ding Changsheng, but Chen Xiaolei clearly noticed Ding Changsheng's aura in him, and this aura was extremely strong, so strong that Chen Xiaolei just glanced at him, and immediately noticed it .

"Husband, Ding Changsheng is already dead. Didn't you watch him die at that time? His body is already in that state, no matter what happens, it is impossible to survive." Ji Yaojing said.

Thinking of the scenes that happened in front of his eyes at that time, and seeing the harmless expression of the big man in front of him, even Chen Xiaolei felt that he must have made a mistake.

But just when Chen Xiaolei was about to let go, his heart suddenly moved, and he turned his head to look at the big man again, only to see a malicious smile on the corner of Chen Xiaolei's mouth: "Even if you don't know Ding Changsheng, but you He blocked my way and robbed me of my money and wanted to have sex with my wife, we have to settle this account carefully."

When Chen Xiaolei let go of his hand, the big man originally thought that this matter should be over like this, but what the big man didn't expect was that Chen Xiaolei's conversation changed to his robbery.

Moreover, Chen Xiaolei's undisguised killing intent made the big man feel terrified. If Chen Xiaolei hadn't lifted his collar now, he might have knelt down to Chen Xiaolei and begged for mercy on the spot.

The three women behind him looked at Chen Xiaolei's actions at this time, and they were all a little puzzled. For things like this, Chen Xiaolei usually gave this guy a lesson and it was over. After all, the other party was an ordinary person. There was no threat at all, the worst thing was that Chen Xiaolei was in a bad mood and broke his arms and legs. Why did Chen Xiaolei directly kill this guy this time?

Since it was Chen Xiaolei's decision, the three girls didn't have much to say, they just needed to stand behind and watch the development of the matter.

A ray of white light shone in Chen Xiaolei's palm. As long as this palm is pressed down, this big man will definitely die.

In the terrified eyes of the big man, Chen Xiaolei's palm mercilessly slapped the big man's Tianling Gai.

Just when all the girls thought that the next scene must be a scene of brains bursting and blood spilling on the spot.Chen Xiaolei's palm was blocked by a mysterious force.

"Hmph, you finally showed me your feet." Chen Xiaolei kicked the big man directly, but the big man protected Xiao Lei's kick with both arms.

Although the big man protected the foot, Chen Xiaolei still heard a click.

The big man's arms were hanging straight down, and he couldn't lift them up. Chen Xiaolei's kick just now broke the big man's arms.

The big man looked down at his arm, and couldn't help sneering: "Chen Xiaolei, you are really good at kicking, this is just an ordinary person, if I didn't help him block this blow, I'm afraid your kick will be taken directly!" his life."

As soon as the voice came out, not only Chen Xiaolei, but even the three girls standing behind him all changed their expressions drastically. The voice from this big man turned out to be Ding Changsheng's voice.

Chen Xiaolei looked at the big man coldly: "Ding Changsheng? It really is you, aren't you already dead?"

I saw Ding Changsheng laugh twice: "Hahaha, yes, I am dead, Chen Xiaolei, thanks to you, my death is very miserable... Last time was your big victory, but you can't jump up It's been two days, and when I recover my physical body after a while, I will definitely go over and chop your bones, and these beauties behind you, one counts as one, and I will not let any of them go. I will take you Tie it up and throw it aside, let you watch me and them happy every day, and watch them beg me for mercy under my crotch."

Chen Xiaolei was extremely angry, and he walked up to the big man in a blink of an eye, and slapped the big man's Tianling Gai. At this time, the big man could no longer lift his hands, and the big man took a step back. This ghostly step actually directly avoided Chen Xiaolei's attack .

However, Chen Xiaolei's palm suddenly released a very strong suction force, which directly attracted the big man into Chen Xiaolei's palm.

The big man sneered, and a burst of black air suddenly burst out from his body, and this burst of black air hit Chen Xiaolei's body, Chen Xiaolei's expression changed, and he took a step back.

Immediately afterwards, the black air formed a strange pattern in mid-air, attacking Chen Xiaolei again.

"Bang..." There was a muffled sound, and the black air hit Chen Xiaolei's body, and the big man burst into laughter: "My demonic energy is extremely corrosive, and if you are hit by my demonic energy, as long as your strength If you haven't reached the heaven level, within seven days, your whole body will fester and die. Chen Xiaolei, I didn't expect that I would be able to kill you now that I have not yet completed my physical body..."

"Really..." Before the big man finished speaking, Chen Xiaolei's indifferent voice rang in his ears. The big man looked forward in astonishment, and saw that Chen Xiaolei who was hit was slowly dissipating. Is it fake?

Chen Xiaolei turned the knife in his palm, and the wind blade in his hand directly slashed across the big man's head.

The big man also felt the threat from behind, but Chen Xiaolei's speed was so fast that the big man had no choice but to see that Chen Xiaolei's hands were as long as cutting tofu, separating the big man's head from his body.

For a moment, blood spattered, and Dou Da's head spun in the sky and fell to the ground.

Although the head was cut off, the big man's body seemed to have not reacted. He took two steps forward, but soon lost consciousness and fell to the ground on his knees.

Looking at the motionless corpse under his feet, Chen Xiaolei did not completely let go of his vigilance. This body was just a puppet of Ding Changsheng, and what he killed was just a puppet, not Ding Changsheng.

Sure enough, a cloud of black air slowly rose from the big man's body, and Ding Changsheng's appearance condensed in midair: "Hahaha, Chen Xiaolei, I came here today to say hello to you. The water flows forever, and there will be a period later!"

The black shadow condensed by the black air grinned at Chen Xiaolei, as if mocking him. When Chen Xiaolei stepped forward again, the black air dissipated in mid-air with a bang, turning into a wisp of black smoke and fleeing into the distance.

Chen Xiaolei watched the black smoke in the distance getting farther and farther away from him, thinking about what she said just now, he couldn't help feeling annoyed in his heart. His two hands were fisted, his knuckles were pinched, and his teeth were crumpled. Crackled by his bite.

What the hell is this?Chen Xiaolei didn't know, the sudden appearance of Ding Changsheng's black energy simply refreshed Chen Xiaolei's cognition.

Seeing that Chen Xiaolei had finished the matter, the three women hurried forward. Chen Xiaolei didn't care about the three women at this time, he was still thinking about Ding Changsheng.

From the conversation just now, Ding Changsheng revealed that he is indeed in a state of death now, and he has no physical body, but he has such strength in the early growth stage with the help of an ordinary person's body, which Chen Xiaolei could never have imagined .

Ding Changsheng's inexplicable self-confidence also made Chen Xiaolei feel a burst of pressure.

"Honey, what happened just now?" Lili asked.

The faces of the three women were all puzzled, and Chen Xiaolei shook his head: "I don't know... I've never seen this kind of thing before, but what is certain is that the Ding family has absolutely no such A secret technique that brings people back from the dead and greatly increases their strength."

"You mean that there are strong people helping the Ding family behind the scenes? Let them be our enemies? But what kind of power will this kind of heaven-defying secret technique be able to display? Can we really deal with him?" Fairy Ji said worriedly.

Chen Xiaolei smiled evilly: "It doesn't matter what kind of power he is, soldiers come to cover up water and earth, your husband is not the kind of small fish and shrimp who are bullied. Right, three ladies, I think Ding Changsheng is more powerful than Ding Changsheng." , let's think about how to be happy tonight, presumably my Miss Chu will be able to bear more today after experiencing the storm last night, right?"

While saying this, Chen Xiaolei put one arm around the two ladies and kissed them twice. After listening, he turned his head to Chu Ziyue, pretending to be asking for a kiss.

These hooligan remarks made the faces of the three girls flush with shame, especially Chu Ziyue. The tense atmosphere just now was instantly broken by Chen Xiaolei's two words.

"Hey, well, it's no fun to make trouble here, let's go to Kyoto as soon as possible, and we'll be happy if we make trouble there."

After Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, he directly grabbed the waist of the three girls and rushed forward.

Although Chen Xiaolei said so, he was not at ease at all. He was naturally worried about what Ji Fairy said, but he didn't want his appearance of worry to affect the third daughter.

After going back, we have to investigate this matter carefully, especially the Ding family.

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