The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 266 Something Strange

After eating, Chen Xiaolei sat at home with his wives on the balcony basking in the sun, drank tea, chatted, and lived a very peaceful life.

But there are always some blind people coming to disturb her peaceful life, because she soon remembered the knock on the door.

When Chen Xiaolei heard the knock on the door, he really didn't want to move, but he was worried that something urgent would happen, so he had no choice but to stand up, then walked to the door, and opened it. Later, I found that the person standing at the door was Chuang Kyushu.

"Why did you come here suddenly? Did something happen? Or something happened to the people of Fa Xiangzong?" Generally, when you come to Kyushu, you don't come to find yourself suddenly, so something must have happened when he came here this time. .

"What's the matter? I'm fine, so I can't come here to look for you. Could it be that I disturbed your happy life with your three beautiful wives?" Chuang Kyushu looked at Chen Xiaolei's face and knew that he had been young for the past two days. The days are very nourishing, so I showed a smile that you understand.

"If you show that strange smile again, don't come in again, and go back wherever you came from! My family doesn't allow these weird people to come in." After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaolei was about to close the door closed.

Chuang Kyushu immediately put his hands against the door, and then said to him: "Okay, bro, I won't talk anymore, I won't talk anymore, I came here to look for you this time, and I have something to do, isn't it just a joke with you? Why are you still so careless now?"

Chen Xiaolei heard that he had something to come to him, so he didn't stop him from coming in, and then opened the door to let him in. Chen Xiaolei's three wives knew that her husband had something to discuss, so they also left consciously. I left the living room to do my own thing.

Chen Xiaolei bought Chuang Kyushu a cup of tea, and put it in front of him.

"I just left for a few days, what happened to you there, are those people trying to do something?"

Logically speaking, the situation I showed there that day was enough to make them understand that I am not easy to mess with, so there should be no one who would be so bold to do anything again. Are people not reconciled?

"Although I'm not reconciled without them now, I don't dare to do anything. After all, the situation you showed that day is already very surprising. I came here this time to tell you that I found a very strange thing. Place, that place should be where no one has been there before, so I checked a lot of information, and found no information about that place, so I want to take you to see it, maybe you can find some special things.”

Chuang Kyushu explained the purpose of coming here today. This matter still started a few days ago. After Chen Xiaolei left, he wandered around. After all, he will become the suzerain in the end, so he still wants to Find out all about the situation in the sect.

But then he accidentally discovered a relatively hidden place, no one had been to that place before, so he felt more curious, and then went in to have a look, what is in it?

That place was blocked by many dead trees, and it was surrounded by vines, and it took a lot of effort to get in, but it happened that he had nothing else to do that day, so he wanted to continue walking in. After he cleared all the obstacles on the road, and walked inside, he saw what kind of place he was in front of.

I didn't expect that there was a cave inside, and there was still spiritual power fluctuating around this cave, but it was indeed very slight, and it was intermittent. If I didn't feel it deliberately, I wouldn't feel it at all.

So he carefully checked the surrounding situation, and found that the surrounding area seemed to be illuminated by a particularly huge enchantment, and the spiritual power seemed to be sealed inside by this enchantment, so it couldn't be felt outside, but This can also explain why no one has discovered this place for such a long time.

He is bold. The spiritual power of this place is extremely pure. If it had been discovered by others earlier, then this place would definitely become very famous, and then many people would scramble to come here to practice, but now it is If there is no sign of being discovered by others, it means that other people do not understand these things.

Traveling to Kyushu, want to go in and see what's going on inside?But I didn't expect how he walked, it was like going around in circles in a maze, he couldn't get in, and the inside of the cave was very dark, obviously he felt that spiritual power was right next to him, but No matter how you go, you can't get close.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but he always feels that this place is repelling him, preventing himself from entering, because the longer he stays in it, the more uncomfortable he feels, so he There is no other way, so I can only come out first, and then go to the largest library in their place to check it out.

Is there any information about this place in it, but after searching for a long time, there is no book that mentions this place, which is rather strange, because the books here should cover the entire Fa Xiangzong All the information in it, but I can't find that place in such a complete information, so what is going on with that place?

So today he came here just to ask Chen Xiaolei to accompany him to that place to see what secrets there are, otherwise it wouldn't be so well hidden.

"It's a strange place, isn't there any relevant information? Did you check in advance?" Chen Xiaolei didn't expect to find a strange place in their place, and it was so well hidden.

"Of course I checked, but I didn't find any results, so I came to you to have a look. Your cultivation base is higher than mine, so you should be able to find some places that I can't see. That place should still be There is an enchantment, and there is still some spiritual power in it, and the woodland in that place is particularly pure."

"I wanted to go in and watch the TV. I walked into the cave and found that it was like a maze. I just couldn't find the correct entrance. I was thinking that you should be able to go in, so I came over directly. It's gone." Chuang Jiuzhou told Chen Xiaolei part of the situation he discovered.

"A place that has spiritual power and is locked up by an enchantment. In this way, that place is indeed quite strange. Could it be that someone from you has practiced in seclusion there, but he didn't tell you, so you Don't you know what's going on there?"

"It shouldn't be like that. After all, the recent Fa Xiangzong is not peaceful. If someone is really practicing in seclusion there, others will know in advance, but now they have not heard the relevant information at all. And I didn't find any information about that place there, so it should be a place that hasn't been discovered before."

When he entered Kyushu, he felt that the place was not easy, so he expressed his thoughts.

"Will there be some treasures in the place you mentioned, which were left by some ancestors, because they didn't want others to find out at that time, so they sealed that place with an enchantment, just in case One, so there is no information left, so no one will discover that place."

"But because time has passed for a long time now, the enchantment has loosened a little, so that the spiritual power inside will be exposed a little, and I discovered it."

Chen Xiaolei nodded after hearing his guess.

"Maybe it's really like what you said, do you want me to accompany you to see the situation there now?"

"Yes, while there is nothing else to worry about now, let's go and see what good things are there. If there are treasures, you can just pick from them. If there are no other things, anyway, there His spiritual power is so pure, you can also practice there for a while." Chuang Kyushu showed an excited expression.

"You really don't let me be idle, and you will find these things with me in a little bit, well, since you are so interested, then I will accompany you there, and wait for you to clear up all the things in your place. After you're done, just be your suzerain, and then we'll see if you'll come here so leisurely again."

Chuang Jiuzhou showed a very embarrassed expression, and then said to Chen Xiaolei: "Oh, let's talk about the future, while I can still make trouble for a while, let me make trouble for a while!"

"By the way, sisters-in-law, would you like to let you go with me? If they don't want to, what should we do?"

Chuang Jiuzhou thought of the three beauties he saw just now, and then he felt as if he had delayed their beautiful little days.

"Oh, it's really amazing now. It's not bad to think about these things. Don't worry, they are much more worry-free than you. This time I will take it as strength with you. I hope that after you finish these things, You can stand firmly there, and no one will dare to mess with you in the future."

Chen Xiaolei watched Kyushu step by step, from what he was before to where he is now, so he understands how difficult it is to go to Kyushu along the way, since he can help him now, then help him more Let's take a look, after all, he doesn't have any other close friends around him!

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