"Hey, you're blaming me, right? It's not that I don't let you do these things. It's just that there are so many strange things happening outside now. Aren't I worried that you will be in danger?"

"If you are in danger and I don't have time to help you, what do you say? If something happens to you, then who is the happy person? You are already such an adult. Have you grown up for so many years? Out of your mind?"

Chen Xiaolei doesn't know what is the cause of these things happening outside now, so he is not sure about the safety of Chuang Kyushu outside. In addition, Chuang Kyushu has been living in Faxiangzong since he was a child, so he is not familiar with the outside world. Knowing very little, if any sudden accident happened, there was no way to deal with it.

"Brother, I was really wrong. I will never do this again next time. I know that you are doing this to me because you care about me, so I will definitely control myself and do these nonsense things again."

In fact, after hearing this passage from Chen Xiaolei, Chuang Kyushu was very moved, and even wanted to cry, because he had never been cared by others since he was a child, and he has always been bullied That one, no one has ever worried about whether he will encounter any danger when he goes out?

Maybe they all feel that they are going to die outside forever, and it is a better thing for them not to go back, but now someone will scold themselves for their nonsense, it feels like there is finally someone in this world. Individuals can notice that they are not a transparent person.

Seeing Chuang Jiuzhou's current expression, Chen Xiaolei knew that Chuang Jiuzhou had already understood his mistake, so he didn't have the heart to say anything about him.

"Okay, let's go quickly, don't wait until it's dark after that." Chen Xiaolei stood up, and then walked outside.

Chuang Jiuzhou followed immediately, and then saw Chen Xiaolei walking towards the garage of his home, and then drove out a very luxurious sports car from the garage. This sports car had never been seen before Chuang Jiuzhou, it should be new Bought it!

Chen Xiaolei drove the car to Chuang Kyushu's side, and then stopped, Chuang Kyushu immediately went up, that speed was faster than using spiritual power.

"Brother, your car is really beautiful. Look at the color and shape. It matches you perfectly. It especially fits your temperament. It's so cold and handsome." Chuang Kyushu continued to praise Chen Xiaolei said a few words.

"Come here, you don't have to be so obvious when you flatter me. I know I have so many good things, so you don't have to tell me these things anymore."

Chen Xiaolei knew the purpose of Chuang Jiuzhou saying these words, so he didn't need to let him say so many words anymore, anyway, he had forgiven him now.

After Chuang Kyushu heard what Chen Xiaolei said, he knew that Chen Xiaolei could joke with him now, and he had already explained that he had forgiven him, so he didn't need to say those words anymore. He sat on the seat very happily, and then watched The road ahead is getting closer.

Traveling to Kyushu, I found that Chen Xiaolei's driving style was the same as hers. He was so chic and unrestrained. If an ordinary person sat in his car for less than 3 minutes, he would definitely not be able to stand it. Even though he is different from ordinary people, but Having endured such a long time in this car, he also felt particularly uncomfortable, so when he got out of the car, he ran to the side and vomited it out.

"You are just so promising, you can do this in a car, what big things can you do in the future!" Chen Xiaolei stood beside the car and watched the series of actions of entering Kyushu with a mocking look.

"I, an ordinary person, of course can't bear your driving skills, so please forgive me for being so cowardly, but please be more considerate and considerate in the future, let's not drive the car so hard, your car has four wheels , It’s different from using your spiritual power, no matter how fast you drive the car, it’s impossible for it to fly!”

Chuang Kyushu resisted the nausea in his heart, and still struggled to say these words. He didn't want to let himself encounter this kind of situation in his car in the future. It was too terrible. He would rather walk back than go back bear it again.

"Don't make excuses for your cowardice. It seems that your body still needs more exercise. I will make a complete training plan for you in the future. You can't even bear such a simple thing as riding in a car. Throw it up quickly, after vomiting, We're leaving."

Chen Xiaolei took out the key, locked the car, and then walked in the direction of Fa Xiangzong. Now there is no one around, so they can use their spiritual power to go there.

Chuang Kyushu saw that Chen Xiaolei had already walked in the distance, so he stood up quickly, and then wiped his mouth, just like Chen Xiaolei ran over and shouted: "Brother, you are considerate and considerate of me!" , go slower."

Chen Xiaolei only cared about walking in front, and ignored what the person behind him said. Chuang Kyushu behind was also very helpless, so he could only run over by himself, but found that no matter how hard he ran, he couldn't catch up with him, and then he knew Chen Xiao had already started to use his spiritual power, so he could only use his own spiritual power, and then continued to chase forward. After chasing for a long time, he finally reached shoulder to shoulder with Chen Xiaolei.

"Where is the place you mentioned? Where did you go?" Because the two of them used spiritual power, they quickly came to the front of Fa Xiangzong, but after arriving here, Chen Xiaolei stopped because he didn't want to go from here. Going past the main entrance, everyone in Faxiangzong looked so unpleasant to him, so if there was another way to go, Chen Xiaolei was willing to take a detour.

"Oh, there is no need to go to that place. We can go to the side. It's relatively close. Because the place is relatively remote, we won't be discovered by others if we go there. If those bastards find out about this, they will definitely make a fuss." Chuang Jiuzhou didn't want to go directly through the main entrance, which coincided with Chen Xiaolei.

"Okay, then you lead the way, do you want to bring some other things? If not, let's go directly."

"It's okay, you don't need to bring anything, let's go straight there, wait there, you first go to see the situation there, what it looks like, and then according to your judgment, let's come out to get something!"

The main reason is that he didn't know what to bring when he went to Kyushu. When he looked there that day, he didn't find anything special there. The strangest thing was the enchantment and spiritual power there. There was no sense of danger there either.

It was just a slight sense of repulsion, so he had to take Chen Xiaolei there first, to have a look at the situation there, and then let Chen Xiaolei feel what kind of place it was, and then based on his judgment, and then do the next thing Decide.

"Okay, let's do this for now, let's go and see what kind of place it is!"

Chen Xiaolei doesn't know which place or what it looks like, so he doesn't know what kind of preparations to make. It's better to go there first to see what the situation is like, and then decide what to do next!

When I went to Kyushu, I took Chen Xiaolei around here and there. It took a long time to go around, and I went around a lot of turns. that place.

Looking at the road, Chen Xiaolei understood why this place would not be discovered by others, because this place is too difficult to come by. Looking at it from the front, I can't see any strange places, just like ordinary mountains. From the outside, I can't even see the shadow of a cave.

"Are you sure this place is the place you mentioned? It's not because you got lost again, and then took me to another place!" Chen Xiaolei confirmed to Chuang Kyushu.

"I know, I just lost my way on the way here. It's a shame, but don't worry, this place is really the one I found before, although this place looks very ordinary from the outside."

"But this is where he is strange, otherwise it wouldn't have been undetected by other people for such a long time. Don't worry, when you get close, you can feel that it is different from other places. "

"The last time I came here, I felt a little bit of spiritual power, so I realized the difference between this place and other places. It may be because the spiritual power was sealed so well this time, so I didn't feel it when I came here. arrive."

"Maybe we can feel it after a while. Let's take a look first. What kind of place is it inside? I really can't find the entrance in that cave, so please help me a little bit today."

If the last time I went to Kyushu here, the mountain looked the same as it does now, then I would definitely not find any strange things in this mountain when I went to Kyushu. Now the two of them have come to the top of this mountain. Outside.

It's been such a long time, but I haven't felt any spiritual power, so the spiritual power here must be sealed up. If this is the case, then you can only feel it when you walk in.

"Okay, then I'll go in with you to have a look, you go ahead, I don't know the way."

Chen Xiaolei really didn't feel spiritual power after being outside for such a long time, so he also decided to walk inside, and then take a look at the situation inside. If it is really like what Chuang Kyushu said, then all this is quite interesting.

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