However, he didn't finish talking about breaking into Kyushu, and there was no sound, because he saw the environment around him, and he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Are we directly dropped into the universe?"

It's no wonder that Chuang Kyushu was surprised. It is true that the changes, speed and degree of their surrounding environment are difficult for people to accept so easily.

Now their surroundings were full of bright lights, and many small bright objects were floating in his seat, and the range was so vast that there was no end in sight.

This kind of bright light is different from the light of a lamp. The brightness of each bright light here is very dim, as if you can only illuminate yourself, which is similar to the galaxy pattern we usually see in the universe.

Chen Xiaolei wanted to grab one of these things and see what it was?But these things also seemed to know what Chen Xiaolei wanted to do, and they had already floated away before Chen Xiaolei made a move.

"What kind of things are these things? Where did we come from? I just looked around and found that there was not even a gap in the surrounding area. Could it be that we were just turning around in the washing machine, and then suddenly appeared Are you here?"

Chuang Jiuzhou also tried to grab this thing, but he found that, like Chen Xiaolei, he couldn't touch these little things at all.

"The person in that agency must be a very powerful person. He should have established a formation in two places at the same time. If one of the formations is affected, then we will be teleported to another Formation here."

After Chen Xiaolei woke up, he began to study the surrounding environment, and found that there were no gaps around him, so Chen Xiaolei already knew that the connection between these two places must be connected by a formation, otherwise it would be impossible will have this effect.

Chen Xiaolei walked forward and carefully observed these shining objects in two steps. He felt that the arrangement of these objects had a certain pattern, and then enlarged his own realization until it was very far away. The arrangement of these objects is a Yin Yang Bagua diagram.

The light on one side is bright, and the light on the other side is dark, which represents one yin and one yang, and the object is always moving. Even if the two sides are relative to the moving one, they are relatively still.

Chen Xiaolei was just about to tell him about these things when he discovered these things, but he didn't expect that when he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.

"Break into Kyushu, run into Kyushu!" Chen Xiaolei shouted loudly.

No matter how loud his voice was, there was no answering voice around him, not even an echo.

Suddenly Chen Xiaolei dodged to the side, flexibly dodging the attack behind him, he did not expect that there would be a third person in this place, Chen Xiaolei just felt a breath appearing behind him, but after feeling it carefully, It was found that the aura that was not suitable for entering Kyushu, Chen Xiaolei knew that there was a third person here, but he did not expect that the third person had just appeared and started to attack. Fortunately, he was always on guard against his back, so he did not let this person people succeed.

The person in front of him was wearing a red dress, the red color seemed to be dyed with blood, it was very bright, especially against the monotonous background around him, it was even more conspicuous, his hair was casual It was placed on the shoulders without any restraint.

"Your Excellency, Chen Xiaolei, I don't know what your name is? I seem to have just met you for the first time today. I don't know why your Excellency attacked me so suddenly. Could it be that you want me to disappear right here?"

Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, Chen Xiaolei still said this very politely. After all, he stretched out his hand without smiling.

"I'm not interested in who you are, and I don't have any intention to make friends with you, so I don't need to say my name. I didn't want to do anything to you just now, I just wanted to test your ability What is it like, after all, I have been guarding here for hundreds of years, so far you are the only one who has come here, and of course I am more interested in seeing me."

The man in red on the opposite side easily explained his reasons, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his sneak attack from behind.

"Since the senior has been here for hundreds of years, the senior already knows what kind of place this is. I wonder if the senior would like to tell me about the situation here?"

"Why should I talk so much nonsense to you? I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, and don't take responsibility for things that are not your own." The man in red obviously didn't want to continue chatting with Chen Xiaolei anymore. .

"I know that seniors, your time is precious, but I came here with my friends this time, mainly to guide what kind of place this place is, and I have been here for a long time, and I found out that it involves this The local people are really geniuses, so I am more curious about this place, and hope that the seniors can give me some pointers."

For Chen Xiaolei, if he can know the design of some formations in this place, it will be a great improvement for him. A formation can not be discovered by others for hundreds of years. It is conceivable that this formation degree of power.

"Your friend? Is that the person just now? The kind that looks purer, and then I advise you to stay away, don't bring down your IQ. On the way, he messed with you A lot of trouble, right?" When it came to Chuang Kyushu, the man in red obviously had a mocking smile on his face, as if he looked down on Chuang Kyushu at all.

"Although my friend's ability is not strong now, he has been relying on his own efforts to get to where he is today step by step, and I don't feel how much trouble he has caused me along the way. ?”

"It's impossible for me to be weak to this point. Since he is no longer here, it means that it is impossible for him to stay here alone."

The man in red said this sentence very confidently, and he has a very certain judgment on the man in red's ability to enter Kyushu.

"But he has also gone from being a little apprentice who is not liked by others to becoming the next suzerain. I think it is very difficult for him to get to where he is today. After all, everyone must have the ability to grow up. Experience, how can it be achieved overnight?" Chen Xiaolei was still talking about breaking into Kyushu.

"I never look at what kind of achievements he has reached in the past. I only look at his future potential. Anyway, I don't see much potential in him."

"Whether you agree with my friend or not, he is a very important person to me. Where is my friend now?"

Now that this place is so big, if Chen Xiaolei was asked to look for it by himself, he would definitely not be able to find it. The only way to do this is to ask the man in red to help him.

"That depends on your ability. If you can defeat me today, then I can promise you three requests today. If you don't want to, then you should go out now and I can give you a living." Opportunity, otherwise, I feel that you can't get out alone?" The man in red looked at Chen Xiaolei provocatively.

"Senior, it's not good to fight and kill like this when we just met. Let's use other methods, and you have been practicing for hundreds of years. How can I compare to you?"

"You are really worthless. You have already become like this before you fight. What big things can you do in the future? Stop talking nonsense and take the move!" After speaking, the man in red carried a spell in his hand, and then hit Chen Xiaolei come over.

Although Chen Xiaolei didn't want to take the move, it was too late now, so he could only avoid it to the side, tried to use the spiritual power in his hand, and found that his spiritual power had recovered.

The two fought a few times in this wide place. Since the place is large enough, the two people's teaching was very hearty. However, Chen Xiaolei clearly realized the gap between himself and the other party. He found that he was fighting here. During the process, he was always under the pressure of the opponent. If the opponent did not deliberately cover up his own strength, then he would not be able to compete with him for such a long time.

Originally, this competition was as if the man in red was playing with Chen Xiaolei, but the man in red became serious after making trouble, and stopped his moves and stood back.

"Your surname is Chen, so what is your relationship with that person? Why is your blood so special? Are you unable to gather spiritual power?" The man in red suddenly became very interested in Chen Xiaolei, and then asked Chen Xiaolei a few times question.

Chen Xiaolei also looked at the man in red in bewilderment, never expecting that the man in red would suddenly ask these questions.

"How do you know that my body has this strange phenomenon?"

"My hundreds of years of practice are not useless. I have already figured out all your body routines in the competition with you just now, so I feel that your body is special from other people. I didn't expect you to be helpless, Hui Jili, you can still use such a powerful move, it seems that you are really a martial arts genius." The man in red said it very appreciatively.

"Okay, since your status is so special, then I won't embarrass you. Your friend has been sent to another place. I can take you to another place now. You go to find him, but these things here You still need to find it yourself, I can’t explain all these things to you.”

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