This is actually a very rare flower that blooms for thousands of years.

I heard from the second grandpa that the Bana flower is mysterious and has great effects, but its specific method of use has been lost, but it does not affect its value.

Many hermit families even regard the Bana flower as an heirloom, but the Bian flower in the little girl's hand has only one petal, and its value is greatly reduced.

"You, you really want to give me this flower?" Chen Xiaolei still felt a little unbelievable. Where did this little guy come from? Does the family care if he holds such a precious thing?

"I, I haven't eaten for several days, I'm hungry." The little girl looked at Chen Xiaolei nervously, thinking that this flower could not buy a meal, she was a little uneasy, and her poor eyes looked at Chen Xiaolei with distress.

"Let's go, brother will take you to eat." I picked up the little girl, regardless of whether she was dirty or not, and smelled the scent of flowers, yes, it was in line with what the second grandpa said, getting rich, Chen Xiaolei was excited for a while.

Followed Zhang Yinuo to a small tavern, the environment was dim and the light was soft.

After a few minutes of delicious food on the table, the little girl swallowed softly, but she didn't make a move, but looked at Chen Xiaolei eagerly with her big twinkling eyes.

"It's all yours, eat it." Chen Xiaolei felt distressed for a while, this little guy is so cute and pitiful.

The little girl smiled sweetly and thanked her before she ate voraciously.

"Daughter-in-law, look how delicious our daughter's food is." Chen Xiaolei turned his head to look at Zhang Yinuo, and saw that she was full of maternal brilliance, and she was constantly combing the little girl's hair.

"You can't stop your mouth with food. Your ability to recognize relatives is stronger than your ability to fight." Zhang Yinuo's coquettish appearance flashed youth in an instant, making the already dim lights suddenly Lost luster.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, the whole world was forgotten by him, only the eternal beauty in his eyes.

Zhang Yinuo's sly eyes flashed, his white folded face was a little blushing, and there was a strange brilliance in the dimples at the corners of his mouth.

The voice of the little girl smashing, smashing, aroused infinite ambiguity between Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yinuo.

"Ahem!" Chen Xiaolei seemed to realize that there was something wrong with this appearance, and the old man blushed and quickly diverted his attention.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes flashed purple, and he looked carefully at the little girl. After looking for a long time, he still found that the little girl was ordinary, just like an ordinary peasant girl.

Chen Xiaolei frowned, a little puzzled.

"Big brother, why are your eyes purple?" The little girl looked at Chen Xiaolei curiously, and her innocent voice sounded, even Zhang Yinuo was a little puzzled, originally wanted to ask, but it involved personal privacy, so I endured and didn't ask any more questions.

"This is a pupil technique my brother practiced, called Ziji Magic Pupil." Chen Xiaolei touched the little girl dotingly, and waited for her to finish eating, without explaining too much about the eyes.

"Big brother, I'm leaving. My name is Ruru. I wish you and your sister happiness." Originally, she wanted to take the little girl with her, but Ruru refused very strongly for some reason, so she had no choice but to let her go.

"Let's go, alas, we will be happy." Chen Xiaolei glanced at Zhang Yinuo.

"Hmph, let's go to the time-honored brand in Yunnan." Zhang Yinuo was almost used to being beaten by his rascals, and he tossed his slender hair, leaving a fragrance to Chen Xiaolei.

"Boss, bring me all your old ginseng." Chen Xiaolei shouted after entering the door.

This time-honored store in Yunnan retains the traditional Chinese medicine style, and there is no trace of western medicine inside. Chen Xiaolei smelled a strong fragrance of grass and trees as soon as he entered the door, and even some old medicinal materials, but it must be the treasure of the store.

"Who is this, why is it like a two hundred and five."

"Didn't you see it? It's from Chishuigou in the countryside."


Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was so ignorant of the rules, other customers murmured in low voices, but Zhang Yinuo didn't come in at the door, as if he had expected this situation.

"You go to line up!" At this moment, a guy with long black hair yelled at Chen Xiaolei, his desperate posture made people feel a little scary.

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback for a moment. Need to queue up to buy something?Who said that the rich is the uncle?Are all fairy tales deceitful?

"Where did you come from, the black bear spirit? Is it because the Bodhisattva ignored you and you sneaked out and went down the mountain?" Chen Xiaolei didn't care about so many things, especially such an ugly thing, and he was so rude to him, Uncle Chen. He has no strength at all, he is an ordinary person.

The black-haired man became angry all of a sudden, his eyes widened and he wanted to do something.

"Ahem, what are you arguing about!" An old voice came out with the support of a servant, tall and thin with a mustache and a pair of reading glasses.

"Doctor Yang, show me, my kidney hurts." The person who was first in line hurried over, his expression full of pain.

"Doctor Yang doesn't make a diagnosis today, so let's leave, come back tomorrow." The boy was full of impatience at this moment, pushed the man away, and was about to go back to the back room.

"Please, we've been waiting all morning."

"Doctor Yang, take pity on the old man."


Hearing the low-pitched begging of the people in line, Chen Xiaolei was a little puzzled. Since he didn't see a doctor, why did he make them wait all morning? Then why are these people willing to wait?

He glanced at the black bear next to him. Although he also looked annoyed, he was not angry.


"Hey, old man, don't go." As soon as Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, everyone was dumbfounded. Who would dare to be so rude to Doctor Yang here.

Chen Xiaolei's words seemed to be a thunderbolt on the ground, which stunned these people who saw the doctor. After all, most of the people who can see the doctor are sick and need to be resolved urgently. Who dares to disrespect the doctor.

Doctors are your parents, gods, and if you are unhappy, let alone not treating you, even if you give you the wrong medicine and make you die, you can't blame others.

That's why everyone feels unbelievable about the behavior of Chen Xiaolei, who looks like a silly countryman.

Is this person a two hundred and five?It is estimated that everyone's psychology will think so.

"What did you say? You, ahem, you are here to find fault." Doctor Yang paused as he was about to leave, and turned around to look at Chen Xiaolei angrily.

"I'm here to buy medicine, but I don't like seeing you. There are so many people waiting to see a doctor, why don't you let me see you? Don't think that you can get rid of face just because you are a doctor."

"Then do you know how many people come here every day? Do you know that I am alone? Do you know that I have an incurable disease and no one cares about me?" Doctor Yang said aggrievedly, with grief and indignation in his expression .

Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a while, this was something he hadn't expected, he had thought that this doctor thought he was noble, but now it was obviously not the case.

"Then you don't care about these patients, can't you do something good before you die?" Of course Chen Xiaolei would not admit that he was wrong.

"Ahem, you..." Doctor Yang's face flushed, and he was a little out of breath.

"Young man, let's go, don't irritate Doctor Yang, he will die soon." An old woman shook her head helplessly and regretfully.

"Yeah, can you stop irritating him before returning to the west? You can see that his face is ashen, and it is obvious that he will not survive."


The persuasion of some "well-meaning" people around made Chen Xiaolei stunned, a little blushing, and looked at the way Doctor Yang rolled his eyes quietly, and felt even more embarrassed.

"You guys, you all get out of here. I won't be able to see a doctor within a month, so let me say goodbye to the world quietly." Doctor Yang seemed to see through the world of mortals and fell in love with each other.

"Okay, since everyone is so enthusiastic, I decided to be merciful today. I will show you what illnesses you have, and I will guarantee that the medicine will cure you." Chen Xiaolei looked at the leaving figure of Doctor Yang, and felt a feeling of a hero's end , Thinking that I smashed other people's signboards, in order to make up for it, I decided to use ancient medical techniques to help these people take a look.

"You? You haven't grown all your hair yet, so you're going to slap your face like others to pretend to be fat." The young woman with the big steamed bun looked disbelieving and slapped Chen Xiaolei heavily from top to bottom, but there was still nothing unusual about it. Slightly disdainful.

"Hmph, you have irregular menstruation and endocrine disorders, so the monthly pain is unbearable." Chen Xiaolei sat in the doctor's consultation chair before, flicking his sleeves with a little demeanor.

The young woman with a big steamed bun looked at Chen Xiaolei in surprise, because what he said was indeed correct.

"Come on, sit down, I'll take your pulse." Chen Xiaolei had a serious face at this moment, even Zhang Yinuo was a little stunned by his serious look.

The young woman with a big steamed bun hesitated for a moment, but what Chen Xiaolei said just now was indeed true, and she was a little skeptical.

Chen Xiaolei took out a silver needle, pinched his thumb and middle finger, and gently placed it on the young woman's veins.

"Hey, little thing, can you look at it, you can't even feel the pulse." The black bear covered in black hair couldn't help cursing, Chen Xiaolei's way of feeling the pulse is too rare, if Doctor Yang was present, he would definitely know it , This is the silver-needle pulse setting that is emphasized in ancient medical techniques, and it is also the most accurate way to feel the pulse.

Chen Xiaolei didn't say a word, and kept feeling something with his eyes closed.

"If you want to get better quickly, it's better to take it slow." After a long time, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, and Zhang Yinuo was slightly taken aback when he saw the confident light.

"What do you mean?" The young woman was a little puzzled, and even asked the patient how he saw it?I couldn't help but doubted Chen's medical skills.

"Get well soon means that I can cure you once and for all now, but it will be very painful. Slow down, I will prescribe medicine for you and you will recover slowly when you go back." Chen Xiaolei's inscrutable look made the young woman feel uneasy, Some are in doubt.

"Then hurry up." In the end, the young woman decided to give it a try. After all, what the person in front of her said was so mysterious, and the doctor Yang couldn't make a diagnosis for a month, so she had to treat her like a dead horse.

"Okay, go and lie down on the hospital bed over there." Chen Xiaolei looked around and pointed in a direction.

The young woman with the big bun obediently lay down on the bed, the suspicion in her eyes didn't diminish at all.

"Others go out, Yinuo will guard the door for me." After Chen Xiaolei made arrangements, he closed the door with a "boom".

Turning around to look at the very cheerful young woman who was clamoring just now, some bad ideas can't help but come to mind.

"Take off your clothes." Chen Xiaolei still had a very formal expression, and the confidence in his eyes made the young woman really elusive.

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