Chen Xiaolei didn't know that these things happened outside. Since he entered the largest passage, he felt that the surrounding atmosphere gradually became a little strange.

This weird feeling made him take every step carefully, for fear of touching any mechanism.

Sure enough, just as Chen Xiaolei was walking, it seemed as if he stepped on something under his feet, and the floor tile was sunken downwards. Chen Xiaolei immediately reacted, and suddenly stepped back, and the walls on both sides suddenly moved towards the middle. combine.

"Bang..." With a loud noise, two walls collided right in front of Chen Xiaolei's eyes.

According to Chen Xiaolei's physical strength at this time, it shouldn't be a big problem to carry it forcibly. From this, it can be seen that this mechanism should guard against some people with relatively low cultivation bases.

In the next short distance, Chen Xiaolei triggered the mechanism several times one after another, and even once he deliberately did not dodge, and carried it by force.

The power of this mechanism is not great, each of them is like the previous ones, and it can be seen at a glance that it is to guard against some people with low cultivation.

According to the current situation of the Ding family, the people who can hit this place are definitely very strong, so who are these institutions to guard against?

Obviously, these organs are to prevent some Ding family disciples from accidentally intruding here. Chen Xiaolei suddenly became interested in the things inside.

This corridor has a distance of about four to five hundred meters. When Chen Xiaolei finally came to the end, a hall appeared in front of him again, and there were still several passages in the hall.

Chen Xiaolei is a little restless now, could it be that this place has been designed as a maze?

Just when Chen Xiaolei didn't know where to go, a burst of footsteps sounded from beside Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei immediately became vigilant, and saw an old man with a haggard face slowly walking towards Chen Xiaolei from a passage.

"Little friend, it doesn't seem very good to have nothing to do to destroy our Ding family's mechanism for fun?"

A ray of light burst out from the old man's eyes, and that kind of feeling is not at all like an old man who looks 80 or [-] years old.

Chen Xiaolei scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Oh, I didn't do it on purpose, since I've been discovered, then I'll leave first..."

The old man also nodded and said: "Okay, young people deserve to be forgiven for making mistakes, so let's go."

The moment Li Feng turned around, the old man suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiaolei: "Did you think I would say that? That guy Ding Shenxian actually brought people in without authorization. I don't think he wants to take the position of Patriarch."

However, Chen Xiaolei turned around in an instant, and punched the old man in the face, still laughing in his mouth: "Hehe, old man, you want to set an example for us young people, your words don't count, so how can you do it?"

As if the old man didn't hear Chen Xiaolei's words at all, he blocked Chen Xiaolei's fist, and then the attack came towards Chen Xiaolei like a torrential rain. , and started a fight with the old man.

As soon as they fought, Chen Xiaolei's heart trembled. The person he was fighting with was probably an ancestor of the Ding family, whose strength had at least reached the heavenly level. If he didn't deal with it seriously, he might fall on this old guy.

"Tai Chi Ancient Pushing Hands!" Facing the storm-like attack of the Ding Family Patriarch, Chen Xiaolei directly used the Tai Chi Ancient Pushing Hands, and all of a sudden, the shadows of his palms blasted towards the Ding Family Patriarch with majestic energy.

The patriarch of the Ding family didn't dare to take this move head-on, and retreated to the side in a flash. Xiao Lei immediately caught the patriarch's mistake of retreating for a while, and instantly came in front of the patriarch of the Ding family. The ancestral ape blood in his body was instantly activated by Xiao Lei, and a violent force rushed directly into his arm, and this punch fell on his head like lightning, so fast that the ancestor of the Ding family had no time to react at all.

The patriarch of the Ding family gritted his teeth and took the punch forcefully, but the violent force in it blasted the patriarch of the Ding family fiercely against the wall.

Chen Xiaolei was unreasonable, and directly opened the Ziji Demon Eye. After being hit one after another, the ancestor of the Ding family suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head, and a sharp voice sounded in his mind without warning.

When the owner of the Ding family was in a daze, a shadow of a whip came from the void and lashed at the patriarch of the Ding family. The patriarch of the Ding family didn't notice for a while, and was whipped on his body. The whip directly left a whip on the patriarch of the Ding family. Chen Xiaolei held a gleaming golden whip, the Ancestral Dragon Whip!

In these short moves, the ancestor of the Ding family was forced by Chen Xiaolei to have almost no chance to fight back. Chen Xiaolei played with it, and Zu Long came to the ancestor of the Ding family with a smile: "What? Is it just this little strength? In other words, you are too weak, you have cultivated for decades, and you are not as good as a new kid like me."

Chen Xiaolei's stimulation made the ancestor of the Ding family want to go crazy, although he didn't exert his full strength at the beginning, that's why he was pressed and rubbed by Chen Xiaolei on the ground.

The patriarch of the Ding family looked at Chen Xiaolei angrily, and Chen Xiaolei was prepared to take precautions. He was afraid that the patriarch of the Ding family would suddenly attack violently. At that time, as long as he hit him once, this guy would be able to turn his back.

Sure enough, the patriarch of the Ding family suddenly jumped up. His speed was several times faster than when he was attacking Chen Xiaolei before. In Chen Xiaolei's eyes, his figure was like a phantom.

When this phantom rushed in front of Chen Xiaolei, it disappeared in an instant, but beside Chen Xiaolei, three guys who looked exactly like the ancestors of the Ding family suddenly appeared.

"Clone?" Chen Xiaolei muttered softly.

These three elders of the Ding family formed a triangle and sandwiched Chen Xiaolei in the middle, and then the three of them whispered an incomprehensible spell with sharp beaks at the same time. The voice made people feel a little irritated.

However, just as Chen Xiaolei was about to attack, a huge pressure suddenly pressed Chen Xiaolei fiercely to the ground. It felt as if the gravity in the air had suddenly increased dozens of times.

A green light and shadow slowly appeared in the hands of the three Ding family ancestors. The moment this light and shadow appeared, the three Ding family ancestors threw the time in their hands at the same time, as if throwing a ball.

These three balls are in a triangular shape, splitting out from inside, and countless green lightning bolts connect the rest of the balls together.

Now these green lightning directly formed a triangular cage, trapping Chen Xiaolei inside.

"Haha, boy, the gravity in my Heavenly Tribulation Thunderfield will increase with time, you just wait to be crushed into meatloaf slowly inside!" the patriarch of the Ding family laughed, It seemed that Chen Xiaolei's death had been foreseen.

This triangular minefield is constantly being compressed, just as the ancestor of the Ding family said, with the continuous compression of space, the gravity inside the triangular minefield is also constantly increasing.

The three ancestors of the Ding family outside had merged into one person, and Chen Xiaolei was lying on the ground under the pressure of gravity, unable to even move.If this continues, I'm afraid Chen Xiaolei will really be crushed into meatloaf.

Chen Xiaolei sneered, looking outside at the ancestor of the Ding family who seemed to be winning, Chen Xiaolei immediately activated the blood of the ancestor ape in his body.

Chen Xiaolei's figure has more than doubled in size, and his figure has withstood the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Field like this!

As Chen Xiaolei's size continued to grow, there was a rattling sound in the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Field.

The patriarch of the Ding family looked at what happened inside in astonishment, who is this kid?Can you ignore the gravity in the thunderstorm?

All of a sudden, with a bang, the Heavenly Tribulation Thunderfield seemed to be unable to withstand the berserk force inside, and it was directly shattered into pieces, and then disappeared.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei had grown into a gigantic ape with a height of more than ten feet. He looked at the ancestor of the Ding family on the ground with contemptuous eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaolei's figure shrank sharply, and then returned to its previous appearance.

He walked slowly to the ancestor of the Ding family. Every time he took a step, the ancestor of the Ding family would take a step back. It was obvious that the ancestor of the Ding family had been shocked by the strength Chen Xiaolei had shown before.

His Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Field is a secret method given to him by the big sect above. Even a person who is one level higher than him cannot forcibly destroy the Thunder Field in this way. However, the young man in front of him, relying on It was easy to stimulate the blood in the body, and the figure of more than ten feet is definitely not the final form of this boy.

"Hehe, that's all..." The patriarch of the Ding family smiled wryly, as if he had already accepted his fate that he couldn't beat Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to admit defeat so easily.But soon he realized that he directly mentioned the ancestor of the Ding family. Chen Xiaolei practiced Tai Chi and put his palm on the ancestor of the Ding family's chest: "So if I want to know what I want to know, where should I go?"

The ancestor of the Ding family said: "Looking at your young age, why don't you like to use your brain so much? Where did I come from just now?"

Chen Xiaolei dubiously looked towards the direction where the ancestor of the Ding family came out, then let go of his hand, placed the ancestor of the Ding family on the ground, turned around and prepared to walk towards the passage.

The patriarch of the Ding family sneered: "Your name is Chen Xiaolei, right? I've also heard them mention your name many times. When I heard you, you were not afraid at all. I didn't expect to become so tyrannical now. But Don't be complacent, my brothers all know that you are coming, so you should be prepared to be ambushed by them."

Chen Xiaolei gradually disappeared from the sight of the patriarch of the Ding family, and his whole figure merged into the darkness. When the patriarch of the Ding family couldn't see Chen Xiaolei's figure at all, Chen Xiaolei's voice suddenly sounded in the passage: "Don't worry, the time will be the last Let them come together, saving me from solving them one by one, which is very troublesome!"

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