The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 286 Ding Family Destroyed?

As if aware of Xiao Lei's doubts, Ding Changsheng directly explained to Xiao Lei: "Thanks to you, I can only eat all the food quickly, and then let them digest slowly in my stomach. It’s full of food, this feeling is really uncomfortable, it just so happens that you guys can exercise with you to digest the food in your stomach!”

"You bastard!" Before Chen Xiaolei could make a move, a figure suddenly emerged from the pile of corpses, and then the figure turned into an afterimage, holding a wooden stick in its hand, and pointed at Ding Changsheng. It is a stick.

But Ding Changsheng just sneered, stretched out a hand and attacked with the wooden stick.

"Grandpa, the three of you didn't do anything to me in the siege just now. Now that two brothers are dead, how can you alone do anything to me?" Ding Changsheng said disdainfully.

The conversation between these two people directly stunned Chen Xiaolei. It was one of the ancestors of the Ding family who rushed to Ding Changsheng, and he was also the first one to fight Chen Xiaolei at that time.

He just fell among the corpses of thousands of people, and Chen Xiaolei couldn't see him at a glance. Now that he heard Ding Changsheng's words, Chen Xiaolei turned his gaze to the pile of corpses below. The two dead ancestors of the Ding family.

Unlike the death of the people next to them, these two ancestors of the Ding family died when their internal organs were directly shattered with vitality.

Chen Xiaolei took a breath. He looked at Ding Changsheng in front of him as if he was looking at a demon. According to the conversation between the ancestor of the Ding family and Ding Changsheng just now, these three guys were all beaten up by Ding Changsheng, but he What is this for?

Ding Changsheng screamed, grabbed the stick of the ancestor of the Ding family, and pulled it forward suddenly. The ancestor of the Ding family was instantly pulled in front of him by Ding Changsheng, and then Ding Changsheng kicked the ancestor of the Ding family on the chest. In front of him, the patriarch of the Ding family flew backwards with a scream, and fell heavily on the stone wall behind him.

Ding Changsheng held the stick in his hand, and easily broke the stick into two pieces.

"Grandpa, your dragon stick seems to be nothing special. I thought it was a magic weapon since I was a child, but I didn't expect it to be broken into two pieces so easily."

Ding Changsheng seemed to be ignoring Chen Xiaolei's existence, and went straight to the ancestor of the Ding family. He raised his palm and was about to kill the ancestor of the Ding family, but Chen Xiaolei came to the ancestor of the Ding family one step ahead of him.

Tai Chi Ancient Pushing Hands and Ancestor Ape's blood were activated at the same time, and this palm hit Ding Changsheng firmly.

The berserk force directly knocked Ding Changsheng back into the middle of the cave, and after a strong black air burst out from Ding Changsheng's body, Ding Changsheng looked at Chen Xiaolei coldly: "I almost forgot about you..."

Before Ding Changsheng could finish his sentence, another bloody man got up from Ding Changsheng's side. This man was none other than Ding Shenxian.

Ding Shenxian looked at Ding Changsheng blankly with blank eyes. He grabbed Ding Changsheng's sleeve and murmured, "Changsheng, what's going on here? You have finally acquired a new physical body." , why do such a thing? Today is your rebirth day, not the death day of our Ding family!"

At this time, Ding Shenxian looked a little crazy, obviously unable to bear the blow in front of him for a while, the patriarch of the Ding family stomped on the ground suddenly.

"Bang..." A loud noise resounded in the cave, making Ding Shenxian a little more awake.

Immortal Ding looked at the patriarch of the Ding family in confusion, and the patriarch of the Ding family pointed at Ding Changsheng with his finger, and said in a trembling voice: "God, widen your eyes and take a good look, this monster is not Changsheng at all, Changsheng is already dead, he It’s just a demon who found us with a sliver of immortal soul and let us rebuild his physical body.”

Ding Shenxian stared blankly at Ding Changsheng: "Old Ancestor, what are you talking about? Look at his face, listen to his voice, every part of his body is telling me that he is Changsheng .”

Ding Changsheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you finally found out, yes, I am not Ding Changsheng at all, I have been so tired of pretending for a while, but you pigs can't even find this, You also obeyed my command and helped me so much. But even if you found out, you just turn a blind eye and close your eyes, and pretend that you don’t know. Why don’t you say it? ?”

"If you keep treating me as Ding Changsheng, I can save your dog's life and let you be a dog under my seat! Even if I am not Ding Changsheng, at least I have inherited all his memories. With some compassion, plus you all helped me so much, I still want to help you revive the Ding family after success, and then lead the Ding family to unify the world."

The patriarch of the Ding family pouted for a moment: "You said earlier that all the members of the Ding family were gathered together for the sake of safety, but what did you do? Eating the meat of the Ding family raw, drinking the blood of the Ding family, killing You sucked out all the anger left in your flesh and blood body, if I hadn't discovered the things in that corridor, would you have eaten up the entire Ding family?"

"Using only ordinary people, there is no way to recast my physical body. Although the cultivation base of your Ding family is too low, you are all cultivators after all. Naturally, the benefits to me are greater than those ordinary people. But you Three old men...hehe, the rough skin and meat are hard to eat, but don't worry that I will eat you up." Ding Changsheng said at the same time.

"You have inherited Changsheng's memory completely, right? You remember everything about Changsheng, right?" Ding Shenxian suddenly said inexplicably.

This question made Ding Changsheng a little confused, and he didn't know what Ding Shenxian wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, Ding Shenxian said suddenly: "Since you have the memory of Changsheng and his appearance, then you are Changsheng and my only son."

Ding Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that Ding Shenxian was unwilling to accept this cruel reality, and wanted to continue and trap himself in this emptiness.

Thinking of this, Ding Changsheng suddenly showed an evil smile. He pointed to the patriarch of the Ding family and said to Shenxian Ding: "Yes, dad, I am your son Ding Changsheng, but this patriarch doesn't believe me and wants to kill me." You have to protect me, father! I have only died once, and I don't want to die again! You don't know how painful it was when I died."

Ding Shenxian is like a walking dead now, he looks at the ancestor of the Ding family, and mutters something that no one can understand.

Seeing that Ding Shenxian basically had no mental resistance at this time, Ding Changsheng flicked his finger directly, and talked a wisp of black air into Ding Shenxian's mind.

The black air entered Ding Shenxian's mind, and without any resistance, it instantly occupied Ding Shenxian's brain.

At this time, Ding Shenxian's eyes had turned pure black, and he was completely controlled by Ding Changsheng.

"Changsheng is my son, my only son. If anyone wants to kill Changsheng, I will kill him. Even if you are the ancestor of the Ding family, you can't do anything to my son!"

Ding Shenxian kept muttering like this, and walked step by step towards the direction of the ancestor of the Ding family.

Chen Xiaolei was watching the tragedy of this family, with mixed emotions in his heart, and didn't know what to say.

It stands to reason that the Ding family would become what they are now. It was entirely their own fault. They kept a demon in captivity. As a result, they fed the lives of the entire clan to the demon's mouth.

Now these captives have also suffered retribution. Ding Changsheng killed two of the three Ding family ancestors, and Ding Shenxian will soon face a confrontation with the only Ding family ancestor.

According to this devil's bad taste, I'm afraid he will direct and act out an ending in which Immortal Ding and the ancestor of the Ding family both suffer and die together.

Without further ado, Chen Xiaolei immediately activated his ancient ape blood and rushed towards Ding Changsheng.

However, Ding Changsheng did not hesitate to point his fingers, and a force of confinement imprisoned Chen Xiaolei in mid-air.

Chen Xiaolei only felt that his limbs were numb, he couldn't move at all, and all the vitality in his body couldn't circulate, and naturally he couldn't use various moves to break free from the restraints. At this moment, he was trapped in a black field like an ordinary person.

And Ding Shenxian had already fought with the patriarch of the Ding family. On top of Chen Xiaolei's head, the halo flickered again, and four people walked in from the outside. Before these four people could figure out what was going on inside, they were caught by Ding Changsheng at random. With a wave, all were imprisoned in midair.

The five people were staring at each other in mid-air. Zhang Yinuo looked at Ding Changsheng below in horror, and Ding Shenxian who was fighting with the ancestor of the Ding family. Not knowing why, he hurriedly asked the same imprisoned Chen Xiaolei, what is going on?

Chen Xiaolei didn't hide anything, and told him everything he knew.

Zhang Yinuo stared blankly at Ding Changsheng who was controlling everything in front of him with a wave of his hands, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

I originally thought that the strongest combination of the few of them should be able to clean up the mess here, but I didn't expect to be forced to become a spectator just after they came down without doing anything.

At this time, Ding Shenxian was obviously strengthened by the black energy. His strength once reached the level of the elementary level of the heavens, and he defeated the already injured ancestor of the Ding family.

The patriarch of the Ding family also tried to use his mouth to awaken Shenxian Ding's rationality, but how could Immortal Ding, whose brain was completely controlled by the black energy, be able to hear any word from the patriarch of the Ding family?

One is the spiritual line that is fully focused on the battle, and the other is the ancestor of the Ding family who is seriously injured and distracted to persuade. There is almost no suspense in the battle between the two. Forced to stand in a corner and unable to move.

Accidentally, Ding Shenxian found a flaw, and the long sword in his hand drew an arc in mid-air, and the long sword directly crossed the patriarch of the Ding family's bozi, and Dou Da's head rose directly into the sky, rolling on the ground with a grunt .

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