Zhang Yinuo deliberately said it as if the matter was serious, and the matter was very serious, hoping to scare Chen Xiaolei.

"Hey, I have a pity on my famous name in my life. Even if I die, I can't make my daughter-in-law cheap for others. It's better for us to have a bridal chamber tonight than for you to be a widow."

Zhang Yinuo's eyes widened. Why is this guy so reckless and reckless? He had discovered enough before, but now that he's out of the academy, it seems to be getting worse.

"It's time for you to take your medicine. Do you know the word on the sachet?" Zhang Yinuo wanted to break the topic of bridal chamber making, otherwise it would definitely become more and more outrageous.

"I've already taken the Great Tonic Pill. Tonight I will be able to continue my glory and give birth to the power of tigers and leopards. It's not like you don't know that I don't know how to read."

Zhang Yinuo found out that he was defeated by this guy, why his mind was full of scenes of animal mating, but thinking that this guy was illiterate, he couldn't help feeling depressed for a while. Could it be that the legendary newborn calf is not afraid of tigers?

In order not to continue talking to this guy, Zhang Yinuo took Chen Xiaolei to an empty corner, and looked around before turning serious:

"Did you do something to the Zhu family?"

Chen Xiaolei raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but thinking that the other party became like this after seeing the sachet, he somewhat understood.

"It's okay, it's just a robbery." Chen Xiaolei lowered his head as he said that, feeling very hopeless. He didn't kill him, but it doesn't mean that Chen Ruyi, who woke up in three hours, didn't kill him.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Yinuo knew something was wrong.

"The Zhu family is the largest family in Yuecheng. There is only one son named Zhu Liang. His family is extremely defensive, and his father is a prefecture-level Dzogchen. You have to be careful." Zhang Yinuo looked at Chen Xiaolei's face. The appearance, I guessed a little bit, and there was a threatening taste in the voice.

"Ah! Isn't that Zhu Liang, who is mediocre and has abusive conduct?" Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy for a while. No matter how he looked at last night, he looked like a prodigal son. Why is his father so powerful.

"It can't be wrong. He was not talented since he was a child. He was promoted by his father with a panacea. It is enough to deal with ordinary people, but it can be seen how much his father loves him." Zhang Yinuo looked at him like this , I knew that they had already played against each other, and I couldn't help feeling a little gloating.

"It's over, it's over, I, Chen Xiaolei, are doomed, daughter-in-law, tell me, are you planning to do something that both people and gods will hate with me before I die." Although Chen Xiaolei's tone was very anxious, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Yinuo's protruding place to admire He kept on talking, and made a comparison with Chen Ruyi's yesterday.

Zhang Yinuo thought it would scare him, and waited to see even a little fear or panic in his eyes, but she found that this guy still looked like a bastard, as if he didn't know how many eyes Lord Ma had, so she couldn't help feeling a little angry .

"Forget it, since you are not afraid, I don't care about you. This is the Zhu family's storage sachet, which is about ten square meters in size. Give it to you, I dare not take it." Zhang Yinuo put the incense back The pouch was stuffed back.

"Storage sachet? What is this stuff?" Chen Xiaolei had never seen this thing on the mountain, maybe he didn't need to pay attention to it, this was the first time he had heard of it.

"Literally, the function of Sumina mustard seeds can hold ten square meters of things inside, but only dead things." Zhang Yinuo's words made Chen Xiaolei's eyes widen suddenly. He had never heard of a storage sachet. , but I have heard of Xumina mustard, the universe in my sleeves can be filled with mountains and seas, and the space is infinite.

But the universe in the sleeve can hold living things. Obviously, this storage sachet is a low-end version, but it can be said to be a treasure to Chen Xiaolei now.

There is no energy in the sleeve and the function of storage cannot be developed, but this sachet seems to be usable?

"Quickly tell me, how do you use this?" Chen Xiaolei looked eager, eager to break open the sachet and have a look.

Zhang Yinuo has already been defeated by him. It seems that this guy never thinks about not showing his wealth and getting into trouble, and he doesn't know what is going on in his head?

"This requires mental power to use, but I don't know if you can use it. You focused your eyes on it, thinking...hey you?" Zhang Yinuo hadn't finished speaking, but was already dumbfounded.

In front of Chen Xiaolei, a bunch of pink underwear, urban beauties, lustful angels and a series of colorful things appeared.

Zhang Yinuo blushed pretty, looking at the things these women were using was a little unnatural, but Chen Xiaolei didn't care about that much, he just picked up one and looked at it carefully, and even smelled it, his face full of intoxication .

"Strange, there is no Yuanli. Where did you get your thought power? Generally, you will have thought power after you have cultivated Yuanli and developed your brain." Zhang Yinuo was a little strange, and kept walking around Chen Xiaolei, as if looking at him Like a freak.

Chen Xiaolei kept silent, thinking that it seemed that Nianli touched Teacher Ouyang's part at school before, could it have been there at that time?But Chen Xiaolei didn't delve into that much, as long as it can be used, anyway, he has a lot of weirdness.

Chen Xiaolei scanned the contents of the sachet with his mind, and it was indeed as big as ten square meters, and this guy contained a lot of treasures. In addition to women's underwear, there are also many panaceas, and some ancient books and letters. .

Chen Xiaolei was also illiterate, so his hair burst from reading.

However, after pondering for a while, he felt the efficacy of this storage sachet clearly, and it can be retracted freely.

Chen Xiaolei was overjoyed for a while, this is so convenient, the old ginseng that can't be eaten in the future can be filled much better.

"Daughter-in-law, can I give you a piece of underwear, lace, you will look good in it. Hey, don't go." Chen Xiaolei picked up one to sell in front of Zhang Yinuo, thinking that Zhang Yinuo would wear such a sexy one Lingerie, really beautiful.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang was amused by this special habit. There are not many men's clothes, and all of them are women's.

But this guy's appetite is very good for him, Chen Xiaolei, thinking that in the future, he will not accept old platinum as gifts during the Chinese New Year, but will accept women's underwear, Chen Xiaolei feels very talented about his own ideas.

After collecting all kinds of underwear with a thought, he stuffed the sachet into the underwear casually.

Chen Xiaolei is in a good mood if he needs any luggage when going out in the future, just a sachet.

After a while, Doctor Yang also came out from the inside, his face was expressionless, Chen Xiaolei looked a little uneasy.

"Master, how is it?" Chen Xiaolei quietly walked over and asked in a low voice, while looking at Zhu Chengxian who was still motionless.

"Don't misidentify relatives, did I say it's your master? Why can't you tell the family members?" Doctor Yang squinted at Chen Xiaolei with his eyes blurred, then left without saying a word.

Chen Xiaolei was left in a mess in the wind.

Come on, old man!

Chen Xiaolei ran into that room in a hurry, seeing Zhu Yan'er who was covered in gauze, leaving only the facial features, he breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that his life was saved, but when he thought of a woman being hacked from the high mountain above, It feels a little gross.

Even if she recovers, it will probably be an indelible scar. For a woman, does this mean the end of her life? I don't know if she will die alone under the Valley of Unrequited Love like Little Dragon Girl.

But those have nothing to do with him, otherwise Zhu Chengxian would have to roast himself into a roast suckling pig if he couldn't be cured.

After feeling Zhu Yan'er's pulse, it has stabilized.

Chen Xiaolei heaved a sigh of relief, closed the door and walked out, but looked a little strange at Zhu Chengxian who was still like a wood carving.

What is this guy doing, sleeping standing up with his eyes closed?It's even weirder than Zhang Fei sleeping with his eyes open.

When Chen Xiaolei was about to tell him the good news, Doctor Yang's voice came from nowhere, telling him not to disturb him, only listening to his voice but not seeing him, Chen Xiaolei had a deep understanding of Doctor Yang's strength again learn.

Old monster, Chen Xiaolei muttered that he didn't care.

"Colleagues, young and old, women who have lost their footing, open the door and come to see a doctor." Chen Xiaolei Tianlong Bayin shouted to the noisy people.

Since Doctor Yang's strength is unfathomable, plus he won't be diagnosed for a month, and he has no dissatisfaction with his behavior, Chen Xiaolei decided to promote traditional virtues here. Worship him as a teacher.

But at this moment, there was a strong wind, and there was a black cloud between the sky and the earth. Zhu Chengxian was emitting a dazzling red light, and the flames on his body spread like money, covering the entire time-honored brand inside.

The other mortals showed terrified expressions.

The whole time-honored store in Yunnan was full of flames, and Chen Xiaolei was a little frightened by the scorching heat.

Seeing that it was going to be too late, when these mortals were afraid that they would die in the sea of ​​flames, Doctor Yang coughed, and the whole time-honored shop glowed with white light, and all the ordinary wood seemed to have spirituality from this moment, turning into a jade-like light .

And the other mortals also suddenly became unconscious and fell to the ground.

When Chen Xiaolei was about to do something, Doctor Yang strode out and flicked his sleeves, including Zhu Chengxian and Zhang Yinuo were all transported outside.

Chen Xiaolei also changed, his whole face was a little unbelievable, and at the same time there was a strong jealousy, even Zhang Yinuo flashed a hint of envy, but seeing Tianwei getting stronger and stronger, Zhang Yinuo came over and pulled Chen Xiaolei Immediately withdrew ten miles away, and Doctor Yang cursed after moving them out:

"Damn it, crossing a catastrophe almost destroyed Lao Tzu's territory, alas, what a crime!"

Chen Xiaolei became even more envious and jealous when he heard him say this from ten miles away. What is crossing a catastrophe?

The sky and the earth became even darker, and there was a vortex flowing in the sky above Zhu Chengxian, frantically gathering the energy of the heavens and the earth within ten miles around, and it was still continuously compressed.

Some mortals and cultivators around immediately avoided and looked at the vision in the sky with different expressions, but most of them were envious.

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