Early in the morning of the second day, Chen Xiaolei couldn't wait to get up, wanting to see how Xiaoyue was doing.

In the bed, it was a family, and Chen Xiaolei finally found Xiaoyue's room.

Walking into the room, I found that Xiaoyue was still sound asleep on the bed.As if hearing the movement at the door, Xiaoyue opened her sleepy eyes, got up and stretched, and saw Chen Xiaolei as soon as she looked up.

Xiaoyue's eyes lit up immediately, and she ran to Chen Xiaolei and hugged his waist, but with Xiaoyue's current height, it was still difficult to hug Chen Xiaolei's waist.

"Big brother, didn't you say that you will teach me how to be a fairy after you come here? When will we start." As soon as I hugged here, I started to feel tired and wanted Chen Xiaolei to teach her.

Chen Xiaolei chuckled, and then asked tentatively, "Xiaoyue, do you still remember how the two of us met?"

Xiaoyue said cheerfully: "Of course I remember... the two of us..."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyue suddenly froze for a moment, then looked up at Chen Xiaolei blankly: "Big brother, I... I don't remember how the two of us met..."

Chen Xiaolei finally heaved a sigh of relief. In order to divert Xiaoyue's attention, Chen Xiaolei patted Xiaoyue's shoulder: "Let's go, I'll give you the fairy art from today, as long as you learn to fly around in the sky, Like me."

"Okay!" Xiaoyue smiled happily and followed Chen Xiaolei out of this place.

Seeing the back of the two people leave, Chuang Kyushu finally breathed a sigh of relief. For him, seeing a child for two days is more uncomfortable than letting him fight a tough battle for three consecutive days.He really couldn't figure out the emotions of a species like a child, but now it seemed that he was finally not needed.

Let's not talk about Chen Xiaolei's side. In the secret room of the Gu family, everyone is actively cultivating. I don't know if it is because they are happy to hear that the young master Gu Feng has entered Shenyinjing. outbreak period.

Basically, more than half of these ancient disciples have been promoted by one level, and some disciples with extraordinary talents have even been promoted by two levels.

This is equivalent to an overall strengthening of the entire ancient family's power.But today, it is still the same as usual, everyone is busy with their own affairs.Only Gu Feng's second uncle sat cross-legged in the place where Gu Feng disappeared, waiting for Gu Feng to return.

In the secret room of the Gu family, Gu Feng was sitting cross-legged. He was sitting in the center of a huge spirit-gathering formation. Countless vitality was transformed into his own vitality through the spirit-gathering formation and stored in his body.

And the radiance of this magic circle seemed a bit dim, and it seemed that it couldn't last long.

At this moment, Gu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a cloud of air in his body. Gu Feng took a deep breath, and then punched the air, which hit the wall next to him fiercely.

The power of this punch poured heavily into the wall like mountains and seas, but the punch hit the wall, but it didn't cause any sensation.I saw a layer of ripples on the wall, absorbing Gu Feng's fist wind, and then, a line of words gradually appeared on the wall: "Name Gu Feng, the 12th generation direct descendant of the Gu family. Strength, the peak of the hidden world. "

At this moment, the light and shadow of an old man gradually appeared in the wall. I saw the old man staring straight at Gu Feng, and then a hint of satisfaction appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Not bad, I didn't expect another young talent to appear in the stock price." hansome."

Gu Feng slowly opened his eyes. After seeing the old man, Gu Feng's expression suddenly became unstable.She hurriedly stood up from the spirit gathering formation, walked towards the old man in front of her, and made a bow to the old man: "Gu Feng, the 12th generation direct descendant of the Gu family, see Mrs. Mrs. Grandpa."

However, the old man on the wall didn't seem to have heard this sentence, and just continued to talk on his own. It turned out that what appeared on the wall was just an image.

After understanding this, Gu Feng's expression showed a hint of disappointment, but he still watched quietly, looking at the phantom in front of him and preparing to say something to him.

I saw the phantom on the wall and said to Gu Feng: "Since you have come to the secret room of family inheritance, you must be a new generation of Gu family heirs. There is a mechanism on the wall behind you. Go over and turn around." That agency."

Gu Feng came to the wall behind him according to his words, and then searched for it. Sure enough, he saw a mechanism on the stone wall. He turned his hand slightly, and a crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the wall, and then split into two from the middle. , there is nothing hidden behind that wall.

Gu Feng came to the inside of the wall, and the phantom of the old man appeared in the secret room again, but this time he was no longer an image, but stood beside Gu Feng like this, of course, Gu Feng had no way to touch him .

Directly turned towards the old man in the secret room of the ancient family, and then sighed heavily, as if he was feeling something: "My ancient family can go to this step now, to the position of the leader of the world's forces. The most important point is the secret of our ancient family's tactics. Now I will pass it on to you, kneel down and close your eyes."

Gu Feng knelt on the ground slowly, with his eyes closed tightly, he only felt a sudden coldness between his brows, as if an ice cube had been placed between his brows.

Immediately afterwards, several pieces of information appeared in his mind. At first, this information only slowly appeared in his mind, but in the next second, these information suddenly poured into his mind, making Gu Feng's head Suddenly a pain.

In just two or three seconds, the betel nut feeling disappeared, and the voice of the old man came from the front again: "My ancient family's combat method is called Zhan Tian Jue, and this method lives up to its name. To fight is to fight against the sky, and those who fight against the sky will go against the sky."

"This method is left over from the first generation ancestor of my ancient family when he ascended to the immortal world. He ascended to the immortal world by virtue of this method of warfare. That is to say, this method of our ancient family is an immortal-level method. The reason why you have to go to the peak of the God Realm to let you in is because the peak of the God Hidden Realm is to learn the entry requirements for this fairy-level warfare. Well, that's all we can leave for you, you go out Well, I hope you can lead our ancient family forward and make our ancient family flourish."

Battle Heaven Art?Gu Feng slowly closed his eyes, and went through Zhan Tian Jue in his mind, but he could only understand one part, which was the very first part.

The following parts, Gu Feng only felt that they were extremely difficult to understand. After a brief review, Gu Feng gave up the idea of ​​reading through the latter part, and instead concentrated on studying the first paragraph.

Using this tactic, Gu Feng consciously guided the energy in his body, and the next moment, Gu Feng suddenly felt a mysterious feeling.

A light blue light, centered on Gu Feng, radiated towards the side to form a strange space. In this space, Gu Feng could only feel the endless energy flowing in his body.

This is... the domain?Gu Feng was secretly startled, he didn't expect that the first paragraph of the Zhan Tian Jue would allow Gu Feng to directly comprehend the domain.

Gu Feng was overjoyed immediately, but now he didn't care about continuing to study Zhan Tian Jue. After all, studying Zhan Tian Jue was a very time-consuming thing, and all the disciples of his Gu family were still waiting for him outside.

Gu Feng strode to the gate of the sect, but at this moment, the stone wall in front of the gate suddenly shattered, and a spear about two meters long appeared in front of Gu Feng.

This sudden change made Gu Feng back away in fright, thinking that something had happened.

But when he saw the spear, Gu Feng couldn't move his eyes away.

I saw a lifelike dragon engraved on the body of the long spear. This dragon was entrenched from the bottom of the body to near the head of the spear.

There was a sharp cold light shining on the tip of the spear, and Gu Feng felt the cold light piercing directly into his heart just by looking at it.

Under the gun head is a bunch of purple tassels. Gu Feng held the gun body with one hand, and only heard a clang, and there was a crisp sound from the gun head.

The long spear was held by Gu Feng in his hand, and a small thorn suddenly appeared on the body of the gun, cutting a wound in Gu Feng's palm.

Gu Feng only felt a pain in the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood had already left on the spear.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Feng felt an inexplicable connection with the spear in front of him, but the spear also shrank from a length of two meters to only the size of a palm in an instant, and then stuck to Gu Feng's chest, slowly disappearing.

The talisman?Gu Feng touched his heart with his hand, as if a different space had been directly opened up by the spear from his body, the spear stayed in this space, lying there quietly.

At this moment, Gu Feng also knew the name of the long spear, the Coiling Dragon Demon Devouring Spear.

In the ancient secret realm, everyone can feel the majestic aura emanating from the family inheritance room.

Everyone put down what they were doing and came outside the family inheritance room. At that time, the door opened slowly, and a figure walked out from inside.

Seeing Gu Feng coming out of it, Gu Feng's second uncle not only rubbed his eyes, but is the person in front of him really Gu Feng?

I saw that Gu Feng was exuding a power all over his body. This power came from the aura of the superior. Before Gu Feng entered the family inheritance room, he didn't know that he had been sealed for too long and had been smoothed out. The vigor on his body is still due to too many troubles on weekdays. Although he has been designated as the patriarch of the family by default, he does not have this momentum at all.

But now, as soon as Gu Feng came out, there was an unconcealable excitement in the hearts of the people in the Gu family, and an idea rose in their hearts. The person in front of them is their patriarch, not inherited, but They approved it from the bottom of their hearts, Patriarch.

A year has passed since the incident in Linhai City at that time, and Chen Xiaolei has been staying in Jiangnan University during this year.

In a year's time, his injuries recovered and he entered the peak of the Hidden God Realm.

All the sects that participated in the Battle of Linhai City back then are still in a closed environment, and no one knows what is going on.

While Chen Xiaolei was still practicing, the situation between the sky and the earth changed color, a black light broke through the sky, and the monstrous devilish energy came along with the black bow.

Chen Xiaolei knew something was wrong, judging by the signs, it might be that the great monster had come into the world.

Chen Xiaolei hurried to the scene of the accident.

I saw a guy who looked like a man but not a man, a beast but not a beast, and a ghost but not a ghost, standing in the black mist amid the surging black air. In his hands, a corpse of a god was torn into two by her. half, and the big demon was devouring the man's flesh and blood.

Chen Xiaolei took a closer look, isn't this person Ouyang Zhenxuan?Seeing the miserable situation of the senior, Chen Xiaolei's heart was agitated, the senior still failed to stop the big demon from breaking through the seal.

But when he noticed someone coming on the field, he muttered: "Meng Wushuang Wuying and those wastes can let humans come in and disturb me from eating?"

But soon, the big demon's eyes drifted to Chen Xiaolei, and then he threw the corpse in his hand aside: "Boy, you look familiar to me..."

Chen Xiaolei said coldly: "That's right, do you remember the person who sealed you 21 years ago? I am his son."

The big demon suddenly sneered: "Hehe, father and son in battle? Your father can't do anything to me, what do you think you can do?"

Immediately afterwards, the big demon didn't give Chen Xiaolei time to react, mixed with this mighty power, he was able to press towards Chen Xiaolei.

The Xiaolei sword was held in Chen Xiaolei's hand, and with a flick of the palm, he silently recited the strongest secret in his heart, the nine-turn reincarnation sword.

This life was evolved by Chen Xiaolei during this year with the help of the one left to him by Ouyang Zhenxuan, and its power is stronger than that.

When the two collided together, dust flew up for a while, and the energy exploded in the sky and the earth. This huge amount of energy instantly swallowed the two of them at the same time, and the figures of the two disappeared from the sky and the earth without a trace.

"Have you heard about the birth of the big demon 20 years ago?"

On the road, a group of pedestrians gathered together, chirping and chatting.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know how it happened. After the big monster was born, he disappeared without a trace after just one day. No one knows where he went, and those ghosts and monsters under him , retreated steadily under Zheng Zheng's siege, and was finally beheaded."

At this moment, a young man who seemed to be in his 20s squeezed into the crowd: "You don't know about this. The one who killed the big demon at that time was a hero named Chen Xiaolei. At that time, the two of them were The sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dark!"

When the young man said this, there was a burst of laughter from the crowd: "Chen Xiaolei, are you shameless? You even said your own name... Why are you free today? Are you not at home to serve the four sisters-in-law at home?"

Chen Xiaolei scratched his head helplessly: "Don't mention it, I was kicked out..."

"Chen Xiaolei! Look at what you've done!" Behind Chen Xiaolei, there was a sudden coquettish sound, which made Chen Xiaolei tremble.

Chen Xiaolei's alliance turned around: "My wife, I was wrong. I was wrong about today's matter. Forgive me, okay?"

How could a woman forgive Chen Xiaolei so easily?Shout out, you're done!Then he walked towards Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei gave a helpless wry smile, stood up from the ground, turned around and ran, but how could he outrun a woman?Under the setting sun, screams and begging for mercy came from Chen Xiaolei's mouth.

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