The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 36 1 personal feelings

"Hahaha!" With a burst of joyful laughter, Zhu Chengxian subdued the coercion and energy fluctuations on his body, and flew non-stop in the sky like a child, making some people below envious.

Returning to the sea, this time I got a blessing in disguise because of you, wait for my revenge, Zhu Chengxian thought of the tragedy of his sister, and the whole person became a little restless again, the unsteady fluctuations in his body stirred up the situation again, now Zhu Chengxian looks like He is even more heroic, and the faint aura of unity with heaven and earth on his body sets off his kingly posture, and the unruly arrogance and nobility between his brows are extraordinary.

Soon there was a lot of discussion here, and the whole scene became a bit noisy. Many people wanted to come to congratulate, but they dared not, but Chen Xiaolei had the most people around, that was the real version of David.

Zhu Chengxian looked around for a week, and flew directly into the time-honored brand in Yunnan. Seeing that his sister on the bed was safe and sound, his hanging heart gradually relaxed, and the red light flashed in his hand. Return to the original owner.

Looking at the jade pendant, Zhu Chengxian was very complicated. It was the only relic of his mother, but this time he saved his life, and he kept it in his heart again. He looked at his sister again, and his eyes flashed softly , but in a blink of an eye, he returned to his sternness.

Then he remembered something and strode out the door.

After Zhu Chengxian left, Doctor Yang quietly stood at the door, glanced at Zhu Yan'er, then at Zhu Chengxian, his eyes flashed with remorse, but then there were crazy mood swings.

"It's out, take a look."

"So handsome, when can I marry him."

"He's so fucking handsome, I'm so swollen, I don't know if I can be his girlfriend."


Zhu Chengxian walked in the direction of the crowd, ignoring other people's eyes. Zhang Yinuo was at a loss, and turned around slightly, not daring to look at Chen Xiaolei. The shyness in his eyes and the flash of peerless elegance made all the men around him tremble instantly. Absent.

Zhu Chengxian looked at the naked Chen Xiaolei lying "comfortably" on the ground, frowned, waved his hand, a fiery red Yuanli wrapped him, and rushed into the shop in a flash, while Zhang Yinuo tidied up without being caught by the thunder. With the destroyed sachet and a scroll of letters, he returned to the time-honored store with a blushing face.

The others dispersed one after another, and it won't be long before the news that someone here has become a prefecture-level person will break out.

After all, Zhang Yinuo was still an innocent girl, she was a little cautious, and it was the first time she had seen such a big thing, so now she was extremely nervous.

Chen Xiaolei no longer has lightning and lightning on his body, but he is still unable to move as if under anesthesia, but he can still feel the changes in his body. His physical body is a little stronger than before, and his mental power has also spread from the previous one-meter range to Three meters range.

But the meridian is still like a dead thing, becoming motionless.

"I know you can hear me. I'm the one who says one is one. You saved my sister, and I owe you my life. If you have anything to do, feel free to come to Suzaku Academy to find me." Zhu Chengxian still stayed at the place where Chen Xiaolei rescued his sister. A memory, because the later Enlightenment was directly blocked by Doctor Yang, so he didn't know what happened later.

Chen Xiaolei wanted to explain, but he couldn't move his mouth muscles.

In desperation, since the other party misunderstood, it's okay to misunderstand. There is a favor from a prefecture-level master.

After Zhu Chengxian finished speaking, he hugged his sister and left. Since the fire poison was removed and his life was saved, there is no need for healing here, and he has a lot of medicinal materials in his hand.

The entire time-honored brand has returned to normal again, but the surrounding buildings are all damaged, and it is unknown when it will be rebuilt.

Zhang Yinuo couldn't stand Chen Xiaolei's radiant white body, so he found a white doctor's coat from Doctor Yang and put it on for Chen Xiaolei, looking like a real doctor.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Dr. Chen is not feeling well today. Come back tomorrow, and make a diagnosis as usual tomorrow." Looking at the people in the store who needed to see a doctor, Zhang Yinuo politely declined.

The others have no complaints, although a day's delay is better than Dr. Yang not seeing a doctor for a month.

Soon there were only Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yinuo left, but Chen Xiaolei felt that the white coat on his body could not cover his main body, and he always felt something swaying in the wind.

While Zhang Yinuo was thinking about it, a few people came in from Yunnan Time-honored Brand.

"Damn it, you're actually a doctor? Isn't this well-dressed and looks good?" Wei Shu was a little stunned, and at the same time looked around Chen Xiaolei with a very interested look.

"Yeah, where did the hair go? It can't be a special request to play some game." Chuang Jiuzhou also walked over with a smile, and at the same time glanced at Zhang Yinuo with meaningful eyes.

Zhang Yinuo stared at him, he was an adult, how could he not understand that meaning, he was a little annoyed and wanted to beat him up.

People from several other dormitories also came in one after another. When Zhang Yinuo came out, Chen Xiaolei had already greeted them.

But they all surrounded Chen Xiaolei and looked at him non-stop. His appearance is really too individual, clean, white and tender.

Chen Xiaolei felt like a monkey, constantly being thrown bananas into Kyushu.

"By the way, I heard that someone here has advanced to the prefecture level?" Jiang Xiaorou teased Chen Xiaolei for a while before looking at Zhang Yinuo, and at the same time, she also showed an inquiring meaning about Chen Xiaolei's state.

"Yeah, I even hacked this guy, just now..." Zhang Yinuo explained the previous crossing robbery in detail.

"Hey, I think Wei Shuo is also a genius. Why is Lei Jie still a kilometer away from me?" Wei Shu was a little depressed after hearing this, and looked at the sky of Jieyun with a bit of resentment.

The other people couldn't help laughing, but after looking around, Jiang Xiaorou's face suddenly changed, and the whole body seemed to be locked by a wild beast, and a cold sweat suddenly broke out.

At this time, Doctor Yang walked over slowly, his eyes pointed straight at Jiang Xiaorou like a sharp sword.

The temperature of the space instantly became extremely cold, the air flow stopped flowing, and Doctor Yang's eyes flickered, as if he could see through everything.

"Foreign race?" After a long time, Doctor Yang highlighted two words, which were cold and without temperature. Not only Chen Xiaolei, but also the few people present were a little dazed and did not understand what Doctor Yang meant.

Jiang Xiaorou's pupils shrank, but she showed no other expression. Her face was a little stiff, but she still pretended to be natural and said:

"You're always joking. How could I be a foreigner?"

Doctor Yang still looked at him coldly, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling, even Chen Xiaolei was not used to it, the current Doctor Yang is even more terrifying than the madness of the money.

"It's just transformed, and there are other auras, which are not pure." Doctor Yang said a few inexplicable words, and Jiang Xiaorou's back was soaked, and her aura was a little unstable.

Chuang Kyushu was shocked, and said under great pressure:

"Senior, show mercy, Xiao Rou is not what you think, he is just a transformed monster."

A few other people also came forward one after another. Jiang Xiaorou was their big brother, protecting them for so long, they would not let a strange old man misunderstand anything casually.

This was the first time I encountered this situation, even the old monsters in the school didn't notice it, but this doctor Yang was able to guess something based on his feeling, which shocked Jiang Xiaorou.

Could it be that this old monster is a master of the Hidden Realm?How can there be such a person in the secular world?Jiang Xiaorou didn't dare to show her anger, for fear of offending the other party's demon defense.

But thinking about the things in her body, Jiang Xiaorou felt a little relieved.

"If you can't control it, I will destroy you with my own hands." Doctor Yang didn't look at them, only Jiang Xiaorou was in his eyes.

After speaking, the whole person disappeared, and the space slowly recovered calm.

Jiang Xiaorou smiled wryly, his whole clothes were soaked through, and he didn't know how to explain to the inquiring eyes of his partners, but he took a deep breath and said with a straight expression:

"I know you have a lot of doubts, but please believe me, no matter now or in the future, we are good brothers."

Jiang Xiaorou's face was sincere, her voice was loud, and everything she said was from the bottom of her heart.

"Haha, we believe in you, you are our boss." Chuang Kyushu came over first and patted him on the shoulder to show his position, and the others also showed relaxed smiles, everyone has a secret, right?But as long as it doesn't endanger everyone.

Even Chen Xiaolei showed an encouraging look, Jiang Xiaorou was slightly moved, and secretly made up his mind.

Zhang Yinuo watched from the side in a cloud of mist, a little confused about the relationship between their men, but everyone trusted Jiang Xiaorou.She was tactful about the question just now and didn't ask much.

"Xiao Lei, there is teacher Ouyang's class tomorrow, you must come." Wei Shu blinked at the side, and conveyed a secret signal that only the two of them understood.

A few people came to see Chen Xiaolei first, and the people who crossed the catastrophe second. They chatted for a while and went back separately. The cultivation was urgent and they could not be wasted.

Finally, in the evening, Chen Xiaolei finally regained consciousness.

"My mother, Tianlei is really unpalatable today, my elbow, my Boling Gai." After recovering, Chen Xiaolei sighed for a while, feeling a little sleepy, and the feeling of body stiffness was really deadly.

"Whoever made you so handsome, Lei will pursue you." Zhang Yinuo stood by for a day, afraid that Chen Xiaolei would have any accidents.

Chen Xiaolei saw it all, and was slightly moved in his heart and said:

"Since I'm so handsome, then you pursue me. I guarantee you will catch me. You can force me." Chen Xiaolei moved a little bit, wearing a white coat like a cheongsam, with hairy tender hair faintly showing in the middle. Meat.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, this is for you." Zhang Yinuo looked at his indecent appearance, stuffed the sachet and letter to him, and left in a hurry, but the red cloud at the base of the ear cast Chen Xiaolei's glance.

This girl is getting more and more skilled now, Chen Xiaolei took a breath in infatuation, and looked at her background with some reluctance.

Looking at his own image, he couldn't help but feel a little proud, it was worthy of his status as a doctor.

Chen Xiaolei saw that it was getting late, and hurried into a clothing store.

"What, no Chinese tunic suits? Why don't you sell clothes?" Chen Xiaolei found out that his equipment was still a limited edition, and it couldn't be bought in this poor place.

"Sir, we really don't have the Chinese tunic suits from 82, why don't you try your luck at an antique store?" The waiter was about to close the door, but the bald man asked her for some strange clothes, so he couldn't help but get annoyed, and the other party was completely hairless. The provocative look made her want to take the broom directly.

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