The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 38 Love Chapter

Damn, Chen Xiaolei made a big move, and narrowly dodged it, but he lost too much blood, and his whole body was weak.

"Blind man, your mother told you to go to the hospital for a physical examination." Chen Xiaolei was not to be outdone, and angrily angrily approached him before he saw the person coming.

After taking a breath, Chen Xiaolei saw the red Ferrari clearly, but the car stopped.

In the next second, a pair of white and slender legs protruded from the car body, and the red blood-like high heels made a dull sound as if they were stepping on Chen Xiaolei's heart.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes were all straight, long, this was his first feeling, these legs are too long, they are so long that they have no waist.

A short skirt was directly wrapped up to the towering Dabie Mountains, and the small jacket couldn't cover the amazing upper body.That beautiful melon-seeded face is inlaid with a pair of evil eyes, and the short hair that reaches the ears looks so capable.

Heroic and handsome, this is Chen Xiaolei's evaluation of this strange beauty.

"Who are you calling blind?"

Listening to her voice up close, it was as clear and clear as big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, with an echo in the melody, Chen Xiaolei couldn't move it away.

Why are beauties in this world so beautiful.

What a wonderful enjoyment it would be if they carried them all back to the mountains to sleep with them. Even if they never stayed in the mountains, Chen Xiaolei was willing to take care of this mission.

"Are you deaf?" Seeing Chen Xiaolei boldly staring at her parts, the beauty was a little annoyed, and spoke again with disgust on her face.

"Ahem, the beauty is so beautiful. Is there a husband? I think I am fully qualified for this position. I don't need money, but I want you to give birth to a baby for me." Chen Xiaolei's face straightened, and he was discussing seriously, and at the same time He flicked the tail feathers on his hat.

The beauty stared, who would dare to tease her so blatantly, looking at this weirdly dressed, pale guy who looked like a zombie, the small universe exploded.

In an instant, he raised his legs one hundred and eight times, reaching up to the sky and down to the ground. Chen Xiaolei's eyeballs were about to be shot into the volcano in the middle.

"Beauty, even if you are about to marry me, you don't have to be so excited. I'm easy to talk. We don't need this posture. Let's stick to the traditional posture." Chen Xiaolei wouldn't let her kick him, and walked behind her.

"You are really a narcissist, why don't you go and put on some makeup, okay? Do you think you can attract me by pretending to be a zombie?" Disdainful, she is not afraid of any local hooligans at the [-]th dan of Taekwondo.

"You are unreasonable. You not only bumped into me, but also beat me. Tell anyone that it is your fault. You have to compensate me. My request is very simple, only eight times a night..." Chen Xiaolei broke into a cold sweat before he finished speaking. dc out.

A pitch-black hole faced his head, which, if he remembered correctly, was a mundane pistol.

"Boom!" There was a gunshot.

Chen Xiaolei was so frightened that his face turned green, and the other party shot when he disagreed with each other. At least give him time to react.He really thought it was over, but after a while nothing seemed to happen.

"Hehe, just one prop will scare you. Let's see if you dare to moles a woman from a good family in the future." The beauty pursed her lips and smiled, and her flair at that moment really fascinated thousands of boys.

Damn, why do people still use this? Generally, Yuanli masters are not afraid of these guns, but he, Chen Xiaolei, has no Yuanli, so he can't help but feel a little dazed when he is placed on his head so suddenly.

The short-haired beauty dashed away in a luxury car, and the horsepower at that moment definitely exceeded [-].

Summer nights are warm and angry, and it is a good season for men to mate. Chen Xiaolei waited silently in the middle of the road with his legs crossed.

No matter how you look at it, it's weird. A zombie from the Qing Dynasty, Chen Xiaolei, is meditating cross-legged?

However, after waiting for two hours, Chen Xiaolei had almost recovered from the previous exhaustion, got up and moved around, and left, as if he had completely forgotten about the quiet thing just now.

Chen Xiaolei had a consultation at a time-honored Yunnan brand early in the morning, and today he and Wei Shuo are going to listen to Teacher Ouyang's class, so he has to see these patients as soon as possible.

"Doctor Chen is very old-fashioned today, and his complexion is not very good, did it last night..." An amiable aunt smiled at Chen Xiaolei, and at the same time turned the corner of her eyes to Zhang Yinuo.

"Auntie, it's fine if you know it, don't dare to say it... ah..." Chen Xiaolei hadn't finished speaking, but the sharp pain from his waist made him short of breath.

Chen Xiaolei chuckled, and went on to see the doctor for his aunt. Today, he went very fast and saw all the patients in less than an hour, except for Hei Mao who came every day and didn't show him every day.

"Why are you so pale, are you sick?" Zhang Yinuo was also speechless about his outfit today, but seeing his abnormal expression didn't bother him.

"Hey, it's hard to say. I met a female ghost yesterday and absorbed my Yuanyang while I was not paying attention, so..." Chen Xiaolei said the same thing as the truth, shaking his head while talking, the helplessness and grievance in his expression were more than squatting. The black hair in the corner is even worse.

Of course Zhang Yinuo didn't like this nonsense guy anymore.

"You don't have class today? Let's go together." Chen Xiaolei was a little envious when he saw Zhang Yinuo's seemingly relaxed appearance every day.

"I'm not a medical student. I'm a family of profound kung fu, which has nothing to do with the school." Seeing that Zhang Yinuo didn't want to talk, Chen Xiaolei changed the subject and left.

The store was also handed over to Zhang Yinuo to take care of it. Chen Xiaolei felt that this was his own territory, provided that Doctor Yang didn't drive him away, and he took a lot of old people in the store for it. Doctor Yang Open one eye and close one eye.

Now it is convenient to have Zhu Liang's sachet, and I don't need to have a big bag all over my body.

It didn't take long for Chen Xiaolei to return to the campus where he left many footprints. He hasn't been back for a few days, and his ears have become quite clean.

Without further entanglement with her, Chen Xiaolei went all the way to Teacher Ouyang's classroom.

He came a little early today, and there were not many people in the classroom, but the few people were stunned when they saw Chen Xiaolei's attire.

But this is modern after all, and there are no strange eyes, so it's just strange.

Chen Xiaolei lay on the table and waited silently. He didn't sleep well last night. He worked hard all night, and he lost too much essence and blood. Now he looks like he can't wake up.

Slowly he fell asleep, his entire consciousness was in darkness, but the lost essence and blood of that part of his body was replenished by the breath continuously emerging from the meridians without him noticing.

It wasn't until he heard someone calling him that he slowly woke up.

"Student, tell me what I just said?" Teacher Ouyang's sweet and pleasant voice came into Chen Xiaolei's ears without any anger.

"Ah, what? What did you just say?" Chen Xiaolei stood up in a jerk, unable to react when he saw the classroom full of people.

How can it be overcrowded after just sleeping for a while?

"The teacher asked you what is the effect of ambergris?" Wei Shu whispered to the side. He came before, and he didn't disturb Chen Xiaolei when he saw him sleeping soundly.

"Ang, it's simple..." When Chen Xiaolei was about to express his long speech on Chinese medicinal materials, Ouyang Lao exclaimed:

"It turned out to be you. You fell asleep the first time in class, and you fell asleep the second time. Do you think you can sleep soundly if you change your clothes?"

When Teacher Ouyang saw that it was Chen Xiaolei, he couldn't control his emotions, and his attitude towards this bad guy became bad.

"Well, the teacher is right, I seem to sleep better wearing this outfit." Chen Xiaolei thought that his body was warm when he was sleeping just now, and now his body is full of strength as if he had recovered.

But Teacher Ouyang thought that Chen Xiaolei was provocative, especially seeing that he had cut his eyebrows to attend her class this time, and felt that this was provocation and showing off to her.

"Come on, write the efficacy of ambergris on the blackboard." Teacher Ouyang felt that he should take care of this disrespectful guy.

This time Chen Xiaolei was stunned. If he wanted to narrate, it was extremely simple, but if he wanted to write, wouldn't it be fatal?

The classics in the mountain gate were all read to him by his seniors. When had he read the books?

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

Chen Xiaolei glanced at Wei Shu, and found that this guy also shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless.

So, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked up to the podium. The other students also looked like they were watching a joke. There had been no news about Chen Xiaolei for several days, so everyone wanted to have some fun, as if Chen Xiaolei had become an indispensable part of their lives. exists.

"Teacher, I wrote traditional characters, you may not know them." Chen Xiaolei finally thought of a good excuse to defend his illiteracy.

"It's okay, you can write it, some of the classmates know traditional Chinese characters."

Chen Xiaolei saw that there was nothing going on, picked up the chalk and trembled, looked at the big blackboard, gritted his teeth, and scribbled like a ghostly talisman.

"Teacher, don't blame me if you don't know me. I have written all the characters from 500 years ago."

Chen Xiaolei looked at Teacher Ouyang's face full of frost, and quickly explained.

"Teacher, I know." A classmate immediately raised his hand, Chen Xiaolei was stunned by the affirmative expression, this was a random drawing by him, he didn't know it himself, how did that classmate see it.

Teacher Ouyang's face softened, and he motioned to the classmate to explain what he meant.

The classmate nodded affirmatively, took out a folding fan and fanned it slowly, with one hand behind his back, learned to write in the air while watching, and then said unhurriedly:

"Teacher Ouyang, you are the lover of my dreams. There are countless days and nights when I fall asleep thinking of you. In the dream, we are in different positions and keep rolling. We..."

Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened. Could it be that this classmate is using the topic to express his innermost thoughts? Or did he really know that he wrote it indiscriminately? Could it be that what he wrote was a love story?

"Shut up, you, you guys, it's too much, get out." Teacher Ouyang was furious when he heard the deep love words, and he threw out the guy who was about to give a long story with his big hand .

"Teacher, I'm really a royal interpreter. I'm a professional. I've stayed in Tokyo." The male student in the sky roared violently like a pig, but it soon fell silent, and only the water from the fountain at the classroom door could be heard. Voice.

Then Teacher Ouyang looked at Chen Xiaolei with cannibalistic eyes.

"Teacher, that's not what I meant. It's that classmate who has a crush on you." Chen Xiaolei took two steps back and covered his chest with his hands. Even if he looked scared, Teacher Ouyang felt a burst of humiliation. Why did she seem to be bullying a good man? What about the bad woman.

"You, you, you go, go wandering, child, this is not your home." Teacher Oua was really speechless, and he sat on the seat a little weak, with despair in his expression, still With that deep grievance, I almost couldn't help crying, this student is too difficult to teach.

At this time, a man with extremely long legs came to the door of the classroom.

"Excuse me, do you accept beautiful women here?"

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